View Full Version : The Grander Design (Solo)

Falcon Darkflight
04-12-06, 08:24 AM
"Of creation of the Corone island there is no coherent information. The only trace that even resembles a tale of the creation is a mere fable, speaking of the Dragon God that formed and shaped the most beautiful land of all to appease the so called Sky Goddess. But the Goddess was frivolous and wild and untamed, refusing to show her fondness of the new lands and its master. Pondering for an eon on what to do with this new island, the Dragon God finally came to a decision to destroy what he created. But the Sky Goddess steadied his hand and asked him not to do so. She told him that she could never be tamed, never bound to a piece of earth, but that if she ever decided to do so, she would choose his island. So the land remained and thought the two deities parted once again after a palaver, life was allowed to thrive in the new lands."

The rough parchment slowly folded underneath Canen's fingers as he turned the page. His eyes flickered over the scribbled ink lines one by one slowly, carefully taking in the information, absorbing it like a sponge soaking up moisture. He found the history of Corone an intruiging topic, something he had never really bothered or had the time to examine or study in any length before today, before his entrance into Radasanthia's grand library. Having stumbled upon a dusty, chestnut red hide covered book of scriptures whilst looking for something on government structure and officials of The Baronies, the curious Nocturn had begun tapping in to the fountain of Coronian history in a quiet section of the room, undisturbed and focused on the words. He began reading to himself in a ghostly whisper as if hearing the spoken version would aid him further in understanding the text.

"Opposed to the common belief, inspired mostly by the current racial diversity, Corone was originally inhabited exclusively by the human race. However, that is the only fact that is widely accepted amongst the modern day historians, because all other information of the early ages of the Corone continent and its inhabitants is sketchy at best. During the ages when the elves of the north already thrived and warred for thousands of years, Corone history comes only in means of stories that were passed down from one generation to the next, getting distorted every time the storyteller was changed. This comes as no surprise given the fact that the humans that inhabited the continent during those times were nomadic barbarians, gathered in clans and factions that waged meaningless wars amidst themselves. "

So, the story of Corone's past is much like a shattered mirror. Reflective fragments all over the place, some of them no longer able to fit into the larger object that once was... He mused to himself, flicking over the page again between finger and thumb. He jostled his hair away from his face and noticed that the next few pages were illegible after halfway down...it had seemed the ink in this book had aged and perhaps worn away with use. Sighing to himself Canen replaced the small yet thick parchment book into the empty slot which it accomodated in the chestnut bookcase, and continued to finger through the volumes of all sorts in an effort fuelled attempt to find his desired material. Books of folklore, cults, dark arts and medicine filled the shelves to the brim, but sadly, it looked as if no one had ever used them. Some of them still had the binding string uncut.

Such a waste. All of this knowledge for the taking, and the citizens are far more interested in the theatre, or going to watch the gladiators of the realm in The Citadel... He continued to himself as he paced the length of the bookcase once more. It must have been about twelve feet in height and a good six metres across, all the small cabinets crammed to the brim with thousands upon thousands of small books. ...but if that's the case, it makes my task a little easier...

09-24-06, 10:15 AM
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