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View Full Version : Technology vs. the Manda

02-27-07, 11:52 PM
Okay, first my backlight on my laptop went out and I couldn't see this dark ass layout to save my life. Found out the problem. The built in wifi thing on my computer has decided to go Cruella DeVille on the puppies of my computer system... or something like that. Whenever it's turned on, no light. Still haven't figured out WHY but it's no big deal because I use a high-speed wifi card instead of the built in one.

Well now the wifi card doesn't wanna work either. Too much banging around in the truck, I think. x.x

So anyway, no phone either.. so those of you who just can't stand without my witty conversation will just have to suffer. *hackgag*

This weekend I'll be taking my hometime with an Althanian and maybe I can bend his arm backwards to get him to take me to Wal-Mart where I can replace the card. If so, I'll be back next week. Even if the card did work, I doubt I'd be online this weekend.

More plans than allow for that after all. *winkwink*


02-27-07, 11:59 PM

I will miss my favorite truck-driver so~

Good luck with getting your laptop fixed. From symptoms you've put up here, I think the problem's deeper inside the mainboard... Ugh, then again, let's hope I guessed wrong. >.<;

03-08-07, 03:41 PM
Well, didn't want to make another thread, so here we go again. The wifi fixed itself within a couple of days as many of you know, and things were going great until this weekend. Didn't get to go on my hometime which had me really angry and then the charger on the laptop ceased to charge. I spent the last hour of battery life talking with my Grumblepuss, and now I'm using it as a card table. I can't move the truck, beause of some trite crap with the company so I'm back to using nasty kiosks again until I can get away from this truck stop and to a techhy store for a new charger. Blah!

Anywho, I will try and not be completely inactive. I'll be active with this account since it's easy for me to post with her, since, you know, I know the character so well and all. Hopefully this won't take too long. I've already been shut down for a week. This is killing me. Next paycheck is going to suck more than Lucien does when he's been popping x.

Artifex Felicis
03-08-07, 04:17 PM
Aww crap. I was actually wondering where you were. this explains it.

Still, get back when you can, crazy lady. We miss you. Still ,good luckk getting out of there when you can. We need more Manda.