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03-01-07, 10:00 PM
So...has no one started a birthday thread for Ataraxis? Or have I just missed it? Or is the computer lying when it says you're eighteen today?

Eh. In any case.


Hope you have a fantastic year. Smile! And eat mangoes.

03-01-07, 10:21 PM
happy birthday Ata, you're an adult, hope you have lots of fun on your birthday.

03-01-07, 10:22 PM
Hallo, you're legal now!


You get to sign things in your own name now...yeeeeeeeee-heeeeeeeaaaah.

Artifex Felicis
03-01-07, 10:26 PM
What those two said. I really need sleep now.

Als, Happy birthday and enjoy your responibilities about abilty to Vote! Use it!

03-01-07, 11:25 PM
Yes, vote. Do it.


Happy Birthday, Ataraxis. Hope this year will bring both the joy of responsibility and the dread of independency to your doorsteps. ;)

03-01-07, 11:28 PM
SSSSHHHH! Raven, you'll scare him!

03-01-07, 11:29 PM
Just don't sign things without reading them first, responsibility is annoying...

Anyways... Happy Birthday!

03-01-07, 11:41 PM
Uhh... happy birthday... already PMed you to say it ;)

03-02-07, 12:10 AM
Whoa, thanks everyone! I just noticed this thread >.>

Though you peeps are bumming me out with all this talk about responsibility. Why can't a just lay back on my crazy-quilted beanbag, take hits and listen to oldies until I realize I spazzed out for three days without eating or drinking?

I mean, being an adult is soooo overrated. Now flog me, you obsolete ruins of an era past! <3

Oh sheet, I just zinged myself, didn't I?

On a completely unrelated note, I'll make a dump vote, and go for the Green Party. HAHAHAHAHA! Another mindnumbed youth has thrown the towel in the endless fisticuff of politics, in the hopes that other sots will follow suit and dump their votes in the same party!

It'll happen. One day, we'll be so irrecuperable that it'll happen.

By then, trees will be the third gender and male genitalia will become gnarled canes that can only impregnate furniture.

Oh, yeah. I can legally drink now. >.>

Not that that's such a difference.

03-02-07, 12:26 AM
By then, trees will be the third gender and male genitalia will become gnarled canes that can only impregnate furniture.

Cweepy. I don't think I like this... in fact, I'm pretty sure I hate this idea.

03-02-07, 12:27 AM

Well, I tried. :p

I don't really care much about politics, either way. Taking things slowly is an artform that has been forgotten by the adults of our time, so I would like to keep you here with us young adults instead. :p

Par-Tay~! XD

Oh, yeah. Don't forget to clean up afterwards. The old folks seemed to treat you better that way. :p

03-02-07, 12:32 AM
There's not much to clean up when the house is burned down.

Experience taught me that's the best way of getting out of chores!

That, and growing cannabis in your basement. That way, you burn houses with RAINBOWS and NEURASTHENIC UNICORNS prancing around candy-defecating gingerbread-sextapeds!

03-02-07, 12:51 AM
*Bashes your head in with a 100k sledgehammer before you get any weirder and breach the PG-13 Warning*


But that's a good start, methinks. :p

03-02-07, 01:00 AM
Yay! Happy birthday! It sounds like you're already having too much fun.

Zook Murnig
03-02-07, 08:51 AM
Stop smoking pot and get to work on that drawing you promised me!

And happy birthday, man!

03-02-07, 09:03 AM
But the fun hasn't even started yet ._. I haven't even gone to the, urh, gentlemen's club to... experience exotic dance, yet!

I'm beyond smoking it. My body secretes its own illicit substances! That's why it's so fun when I give blood.

Oh yeah, now THAT would be a breech of PG-13, eh Zook? XD I already have a nice pose for Cade and Ki. <3

Devin Argente
03-02-07, 09:09 AM
Heh, have a good one, bruddah! Or, as they say in the Netherlands: don't eat too much, don't drink too little... :)

03-02-07, 09:13 AM
I sure will! You can count on me going missing for the next, like, five days. I'll either be waking up in a dumpster or like, some dry well down in Zihuatanejo. >.>

That's my life's motto, except that mine's got small print, and a third part that details over thirty-seven things that are illegal in sixty-six countries!

Cyrus the virus
03-02-07, 01:21 PM
If you were indeed a female I'd hit on you even more now!

Happy Birthday buddy :) We miss you, come around and post more than you do!

03-02-07, 02:22 PM
I sure will! You can count on me going missing for the next, like, five days. I'll either be waking up in a dumpster or like, some dry well down in Zihuatanejo. >.>
Oh my. Well, I'll send you a birthday wish that it's a disease-free dumpster at least!