View Full Version : Let's Talk Anime!!

03-02-07, 12:36 PM
Here I am in my red silk kimono...just kidding. I don't have a kimono...though I want one...

Anyways, I've been watching alot of anime lately, and I decided I wanted to see what kinds of anime everyone else was into. That and I've run out of anime that I think is worth watching...

So how bout it? What anime have you watched that you truly could not stop watching till EVERY episode was over? What did you like about it...in other words: Let's talk anime!!!

Zook Murnig
03-02-07, 01:26 PM
FLCL, Furi Kuri, Fooly Cooly, Furry Curry, Fowly Cowly, Fully Cully, Fownzy Cownzy, and whatever else you decide to call it. It will always be FLCL in my heart.

03-02-07, 01:46 PM
wee! this is already starting to get off the ground!

In the last two months, I have watched every episode, including the OVAs of:
Cardcaptor Sakura, Fushigi Yuugi, Kyou Kara Maou, and Inukami. All of which rocked! Although...I never did see the last two Inukami episodes...

Any ways, of all the anime I've ever watched, CCS, FY, and KKM are winners of Shenjara's Merteru Gold Animated Story Award! That award(even if an unofficial one) classifies them as top-of-the-line anime...the kind that you can't wait to see how it ends, yet when it does, you can't help but not believe that it's over.

03-03-07, 04:54 AM
Hehehe... *Breaks out his fanboy sketchbooks and notebooks*

Hmm... Let's see...

*Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex + Ghost in the Shell: Innocence

*R.O.D. the TV

*Black Cat (Though I love the manga way more)


*Neon Genesis Evangelion

*Some more to be added later when I have time.

Myao~ I prefer hard-core philosophy Anime. :D

Corvus MacCallum
03-03-07, 06:21 AM
Lets see...

Sorcerous Stabber Orphen 1st series

08th MS Team

0080: War in the pocket


Shin Getter: Armageddon

Neo Getter VS Shin Getter

Mazinkaiser OVA

Mazinkaiser VS The Dark General

Dragon Drive

Berserk (though the mangas much more fun)

Super Robot Wars Original Generation OVA

Kyo Kara Ore Wa (only one episode translated)

Gundam X

Jojos Bizarre Adventure OVA (looking forward to the Phantom Blood movie)

Gaiking: Legend of Daiku Mayru

Outlaw Star

Macross Plus



Brain Powerd(not great)

Love Hina

Gundam F91


Dragonball Z

... I'll think of the rest

03-03-07, 08:22 AM
Many to mention. P: Seriously.

03-03-07, 08:59 AM
Many to mention. P: Seriously.

Same. ):

03-04-07, 10:26 AM
Let's see if I can't remember all the anime I've ever watched...

Mobile Suit Gundam

Gundam Wing

08th MS Team

DBZ(who hasn't:))


Outlaw Star

Cowboy Bebop

Pilot Candidate

Zoids: New Century Zero


Hamtaro(what...they're cute)

Code Lyoko

Cardcaptor Sakura

Fushigi Yuugi

Ranma 1/2



Lupin III(I think that's an anime)


Amazing Nurse Nanako

Full Metal Alchemist

Neon Genesis Evangeleon

Tenchi Muyo!

Tenchi Universe(my fav of the three)

Tenchi in Tokyo

the list goes on, I'm sure, but these are all I can remember.

03-04-07, 05:07 PM
No. Let's not talk...

lol, anyway... I watch Adult Swim mostly, though the newer shows are not even anime anymore. Shows that I love and have seen:

Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Ruroni Kenshin, Naruto, Bleach, and a few others.

Zook Murnig
03-04-07, 07:54 PM
No one even deigns to mention FLCL in its infinite glory as a six-episode series.

I also loved Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Champloo, Naruto, S-cry-ed, Paranoia Agent (CREE-HEE-PEE), Cowboy Bebop (only saw a few episodes), and a few others that I can't remember at the moment.

03-04-07, 08:05 PM
That's probably because FLCL has neither a point or plot that almost anyone could deign to follow... lol

Zook Murnig
03-04-07, 08:15 PM
FLCL is, in its essence, a story of a boy becoming a man. A coming of age tale. The rest of it is the hilarity, awkward situations, and sci-fi references that ensue along the way.

To understand it, you have to watch the episodes back to back. Only takes about two hours without the commercials, same as a movie. Watch it a couple times and pay attention to what the hell is being said the second time, not what's going on. If you still don't understand completely, watch one last time matching the words to the action.

If you want me to spell it out, just shoot me a message on AIM sometime and I'll be happy to explain it as far as I have come to understand it.

03-04-07, 10:10 PM
Dude. Don't.

Trying to figure what the hell is happening in FLCL is the ESSENSE of its hilarity. XD

Well, I've got another Anime here that's an underdog in the Modern Anime Ring

Higurashi no Naku koro ni.

Four Episodes per arc. Three Question Arcs. One Interlude Arc (two episodes). Three Answer Arcs.

Not for the Faint of heart, even though the visual quality is a bit sub-par. :p

03-17-07, 08:42 AM
Three of the best Anime shows ever on Cartoon Network are, in no particular order, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Camploo, and Trinity Blood.

Trinity Blood: To get this out of the way, Trinity Blood is the most goth Anime ever invented. Everyone wears black trench coats, there are vampires, the catholic church, tons of cross, and people actually fucking wear cravats. It just screams goth, and not that hot topic shit. I mean the type of freaks that dress up like Lestat or Edgar Allan Poe and run around town masturbating their vocabularies in people's faces whilst their frilled shirts and waist costs flap in the breeze. /rant

Now, what first got me into Trinity Blood was the first episode. I remember IMing Ashiakin, talking to him for a bit, and this new show came on. I can't find the transcript of what I said, but I remember it clearly enough.
Me: Dude, this show is fucked up. There are Vampire terrorists trying to crash a plane into the Vatican.
Ashiakin: Haha, that sounds kind of cool.

And from then on, I loved it. I mean, Vampire fucking terrorists!

Cowboy Bebop: Everyone always raved about this anime so much I just had to get into it. Let that be a lesson to you kids, always give into peer pressure.

The music's great, the characters are complex, the fight scenes are exciting. It's depressing half the time, funny the other half. You really can't hate this show. Well, except that episode with that fat guy with the bullet reflecting shield around him. That episode made me freak out. He was crushed by a Disney-like attraction while screaming mommy. I mean, Jesus...

Samurai Champloo: I hate Hip-hop. I hate samurai. Yet, I love this show. The action is exciting and fast, the music isn't mainstream, the artwork if magnificent. It's not an accurate historical retelling of this error and damn if I don't like it for that.

Those are the ones I'll get in depth with. But some ones I've seen here and there have been, non-Cartoon Network wise:

Gun Smith Cats

And some others whose names I can't recall. But there were demons and gore and psychic powers, so it was pretty awesome.

03-20-07, 04:13 PM
Ouran High School Host Club, Gakouen Heaven, DN Angel, Death Note, Bleach, Naruto, Samurai 7, FMA, NGE, GetBackers, Wolfs Rain, Samurai Deeper Kyo, GunGrave, Vision of Escaflowne, One Piece, Hikaru no Go, Trigun, Ghost in Shell, Hellsing, King of Bandits: Jing, Prince of Tennis

There's probably more I missed. Wow I have no life.

03-20-07, 05:16 PM
Higurashi no Naku koro ni.

Four Episodes per arc. Three Question Arcs. One Interlude Arc (two episodes). Three Answer Arcs.

Not for the Faint of heart, even though the visual quality is a bit sub-par. :p
I want to watch this simply because I got this anime as my term when my club was playing Anime Pictionary the other week. It's surprisingly difficult when all you can really draw is a cicada crying. =\

03-21-07, 01:33 AM
Well, I don't know about that... It's so scary... *Whimpers*

Murakama: Only because you can't handle all that blood, ya sissy.

Yamihara: Am not~! *Sticks out her tongue at Murakama*

Raven: *Ahem* Well, please allow me to interject.

If you can handle blood and some extreme psychological trauma, then go for it. Promise me that you'll watch the Question Arcs first (there's three in all) and stop there before watching the Interlude and Answer Arcs. Try to figure out what the hell is happening and stuff and see if you're right when the Answer Arcs come around.

Oh, yeah. If you really want good visual detail, read the Manga. :)

Yamihara: You didn't need to tell him that. :p