View Full Version : March Webcomic Review: Misfile

03-03-07, 02:30 PM
Hello, my faithful review-readers! It is I, hamnat(better known as Shen), webcomic reviewer with this month's webcomic review. It seems that the patronage for my reviews has been falling steadily, but there are still those who enjoy reading my reviews. I thank all of you for reading my reviews...even if they aren't very good. :)

This month's webcomic, Misfile (http://www.misfile.com/), is the story of a boy named Ash who lost his identity, a girl named Emily who lost two years of her life, and an angel named Rumisiel who lost his job. I would definently rate this on a PG-13 level because of the more mature content involved...including dirty dreams, thongs, and the occasional fanservice.

Misfile starts out by introducing Ash, a 16 year old auto-expert who finds out he's been turned into a girl. An angel shows up and tells him of how there is a complicated filing system in heaven that rules how the universe exists. Unfortunately for Ash, his file was, ahem...misfiled...into a different drawer than it should have been in. In fact, all of existance has been altered to harmonize with this change. The only reason Ash even remembers that he's really a boy is because his file says he his.

Rumisiel, it turns out, used to work with the filing system. But he was never sober and as a result was fired shortly after the misfile, which luckly for Ash, they haven't found out about yet. Rumisiel then introduces Ash to another girl named Emily, who was also misfiled. She had been 18, a study freak, and was going to go off to college after graduation. She had worked hard for her opportunities, but because of the misfile, two years of here life were erased. She also remembers herself pre-misfile.

As one can imagine, the two girls weren't very happy with him. So he promises to fix everything once he's given back his job. But in order for that to happen, he has to show that he's "reformed" by doing good deeds and not screwing everything up...which is hard for him because he is rarely sober. Through banishing evil spirits and helping the girls through their problems, he slowly works his way to getting his job back,

One of the plot twists involved is that Ash doesn't just know alot about cars, she's an amatuer racer, who's never been beaten before. She teaches Emily how to drive and some know-how about the workings of a car, which after a good deal of practice, she begins to grasp. Also, if you read through the whole thing, you will notice a webcomic's favorite aspect: the shiip!! Yes, it would seem that the two of them are destined to fall in love with each other. But you'll have to read through the story to find out more.

As many, or as few, spoilers as I have given, I will give no more. You must find out for yourself, if you are interested. The story of the Misfile can be found by clicking here (http://www.misfile.com/?page=1) to start from the very beginning. There's some 600 odd number of pages, but hey...you like webcomics, right? :)

03-03-07, 03:39 PM

That's one of my favorite webcomics. :)

03-03-07, 04:31 PM

I must say, this has exceeded all of my expectations. This thing is hilarious... I'm only around the 100th page right now.