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04-12-06, 05:18 PM
The sound of bells rang through his mind as he stood, white wings contracted and the iron claws on his wrist detracted. They were bells that he had heard only once before. Before those nightmares began to haunt his sleep. It had only started three days ago. But it had continued on for those three days, each night, keeping him awake yet dreaming at the same time. It was a living nightmare. A living nightmare was something he did not want to go through right now. Not at this point in time, when he needed things to get done.

He was weak. He needed strength. He was slow, which meant he needed speed. And he was vulnerable, meaning he needed vitality. But these things didn’t come wrapped up in a package, and he knew this well. This small piece of land known as Scara Brae didn’t exactly fit his needs, but it did fit his limits. After all, going any further would result in attack by creatures and people alike, ones that were most probably far above his own fighting level. And that would mean death, something he would definitely not prefer in the first stages of his journey. This was the only reason why he was still here, though.

The bells continued to ring. They were like signals that he needed to get in gear and get some training done. This wasn’t as easy as it seemed, though. There wasn’t much space in the territory of this land that was unoccupied. In fact, he only knew of one or two places that were usually unoccupied, and those were near unfit for training in the first place. That meant he’d probably be doing partner, maybe even group training most of the time, while he was here, at least.

The wind blew heavily in the area that he was in. It was a rocky area, and there were various creatures stalking around and making little fuss, but eying their visitor warily. His composure was calm, even though he was surrounded by bloodthirsty animals with vicious fangs and claws. His own iron claws extended from his wrist cuff, and his hand moved up in front of his face. He was ready for anything that would be thrown at him.

And thrown at him it was. A bipedal creature rushed forwards. It seemed to be a mix between a hawk and a human, but not like the harpy this man was. No, it was simply a hawk that stood on two legs.

Yes, Aurelious Cadori was known as a harpy. This was a human-like creature that had bird-like characteristics. The only characteristics, though, were wings, sharp teeth, and extended fingers and nails. He was born into a tribe who tried to be nice, but he just didn’t like people. Or so it seemed, at this rate.

He threw forwards his right hand, the one with the iron claws extended. It clashed with the hawk’s own hand, which had claws as well. However, iron is stronger than the subtle material of normal animal claws, and Aurel’s claws sheared straight threw the hawk’s hand. It pulled back in pain, and glared evilly at it’s opponent. For some reason, it charged again. This time, it utilized it’s wings, making it extremely fast. When he tried to dodge, he managed to get away from any serious injury, but for a gash on the arm. The left hand grasped it, feeling the blood beginning to trickle out, but there was little pain to endure.

The hawk charged again, getting even faster. With one swift move, from pure reflex, he pulled himself backwards, making his hands hit the ground as his legs went up. His boots made contact with the chest of the hawk, sending it into the air. It quickly suspended itself, although it was bruised.

“Geez, this guy won’t give up. I’ll have to speed up as well....”

His speed suddenly increased as he took flight, going straight towards the hawk which was coming down towards him. Knowing that gravity was pulling it down, helping it speed up, he dodged out of the way before he collided with his opponent. It couldn’t stop itself in time to pull up, and made a head-on collision with the ground.

When he landed, Aurelious found his opponent dead. Just for good measure, he bent down and dug his normal claws into it’s back, all the way through it’s body until it came out the front. It was a fierce battle. Like previously stated, he was here because he couldn’t fend for himself in the thicker wilderness. This just proved his thoughts to be correct.

[[ Open ]]

06-29-06, 12:53 PM
Closed and moved due to inactivity for over two months. PM me if you wish for this to be reopened and moved back, but only if you are going to actively complete the thread. Thank you.
