View Full Version : MY does the time fly...

03-13-07, 03:02 PM
Whoops! I looked at my calendar today and realized that little old Ian hadn't posted anything in two weeks. Amazing how these things can happen...

Anyways, I have a whole slew of excuses. I realized I had a D in both AP US History and Precalculus, so I had to step up the whole doing work thing from nothing to a lot, which takes more effort than you might believe. I had an orchestra concert last week (Ian plays the violin) and had a bunch of extra rehearsals for that. I also had my left leg amputated.

Anyways, I seem to be getting things under control, even though my soul has been completely consumed by Tales of Phantasia and my junior research paper. If you missed me, thats nice. If you didn't, I probably didn't miss you either. For the few people it affects, I'll probably get to posting sometime later tonight, or tomorrow, or whenever I get around to it. If you poke me I move faster.

That will be all. Just letting you know I haven't died yet, if you care.

The Writing Writer
03-13-07, 03:11 PM
While i dont really know you, i will take note of our User title, which is a quote from one of the funniest songs ever written. Well done.

and welcome back and all that jazz

03-13-07, 03:18 PM
Bout time, good for you for comin' back and shite! Hopefully your school work picks up too.

03-13-07, 03:21 PM
I'll be your shark, if you'll be my manatee.

03-13-07, 03:38 PM
OH SNAP! That was bad...

03-13-07, 05:26 PM
Get our thread moving, you.

This is an official *POKE*

03-13-07, 05:51 PM
Heh...If I don't get to it tonight, which is a distinct possibility, I have an hour and a half of computer class tomorrow and my teacher will be out.
