View Full Version : A Tale Of Fish (open to two others)

03-17-07, 12:13 PM
“Youuu what?” hissed a familiar voice in Underwood. Those strolling past the orphanage in Underwood couldn’t help but snicker slightly at Old Jacob’s predicament. Armed with a murderous glare that could send shivers down the most hardened of men and fuming in a towering rage, the kindly lady prodded a single finger towards Old Jacob’s nose. Needless to say, the sight of a rather large burly man cowering from a dainty woman with graying hairs was more than amusing to most of the people who continued to watch.

“B-but I swear I thought she came back herself!” he blubbered back in defense. To his alarm, the kindly lady quickly raised her broom in an aggressive manner. Not to be outdone, Old Jacob bolted to the other side of his cart with the agility befitting a thief. “Be reasonable! Can’t we talk about this?” The kindly woman swung and Old Jacob ducked in haste. With a slight sneer, he taunted back, “Yaw missed!” He triumph was short lived before deftly receiving a mouthful of dirty bristles.


Somewhere in the streets of Radasanth Azza ran about in blind excitement. Not only were there so many different kinds of people of all shapes and sizes, but the buildings were soooo tall! Old Jacob had told her to stay in the back of the cart while he picked up supplies and advanced medicines for the lumberjacks and townsfolk. Doing well with staying still for less than thirty seconds, it was much to the misfortune of Old Jacob that she caught sight of a pearl white kitten some distance away in the square. Hopping off the cart and chasing after the kitten which had disappeared in the crowd by now, it left a perplexed Old Jacob as he came out of the store to see a missing Azza. In obvious panic he searched for her to no avail. An hour had passed, then two, and before long it was noon. Figuring (pray rather) that perhaps Azza had went on ahead back to Underwood, Old Jacob began his own trip back.

Back in Radasanth…

It wasn’t long before Azza caught up with the kitten near a fish merchant. The critter was small enough to be considered a runt of a specimen but to Azza, it was cuddly and it was all that mattered. With the kitten in her arms she began to wander the streets aimlessly and seemed to have forgotten all that she was supposed to stay in the cart. There was so much to see that it boggled her mind how so many people were gathered in one place. Men and women strode about in armor with swords, street performers wore funny looking masks, smells of all kinds assailed the senses, and merchants advertising their wares.

Around noon time Azza had done enough exploring and a growl from her tummy reminded her it was time to eat. Taking out the small piece of bread she had saved from morning breakfast she offered some to the kitten while happily munching on some herself. Sniffing at the piece of baked wheat it averted its head away as in disgust at being given something so vile. Eating the bread the kitten refused, she remembered seeing the blacksmith’s cat being fed fish, and so with that she returned to the fish merchant.

“Azza want fish for kitty.” As if to prove her statement, she raised the kitten up onto her head so that the merchant could see for himself.

Leaning forward, the merchant wrinkled his nose at the beast before giving a grin full of rotten teeth. “Five coins for the smallest fish to feed your fur ball.”

“Azza doesn’t have five coin. Azza have one and herbs.” Rocking back and forth on the soles of her sandals, she looked up at the man pleadingly while the kitten pawed at a fish.

“Well, that’s too bad, I don’t need herbs! Now get!” the man ejected at her. Looking somewhat crestfallen, she stubbornly stood her ground with the kitten still upon her head.

Control of the fish merchant can be done by whoever. His personality is greedy, loud, rude and just plain nasty but not violent and quite the coward to anyone he percieves stronger than him or when threatened. :P

03-17-07, 01:00 PM
This place was huge, a city far bigger than home with buildings as tall as trees and much wider. So many people were walking around and ignoring me as I tried to figure out where to go. Most that did gave looks and comments that would stand my tail fur on end. How could I find anything about a book here.

Worse my belly was constantly whining for food. I had brought some nice food when I set out on my journey but when I was lost i needed a spirit guide and it was in the middle of the plains with only shrubs that were too weak to have a spirit so all there were was earth spirits. Greedy beings that alway wanted something. This time it was food and I had to watch in horror as the short swarf like being ate every bite of sandwiches and berries that I brought along.

And he pointed me to this big mess of humanity to get lost once again. I was badly cheated and had nothing to go on. Not to mention the humans had such loud voices and yelled at each other often in angry tones, there was no way I could ask them.

Well when in doubt follow your nose. I decided to try that bit of advice that grandpa gave me and sniffed at the air, one that the place stank of smoke and sweat but there was a hint of salt water of the sea. The coast should be cleaner and maybe I might have been able to catch a fish.

I practically ran out of the sticky streets into the docks, which weren't nice smelling like the docks of home but the saline air was stronger and offered some relief from the smell. Also more importantly there was food there, a stall with all kinds of Fish. I dashed to the merchant and gazed at all the succulent bounties of the sea. "Meow! I couldn't believe there's such nice fish here. How much for that one." My tail swished as I wiped off a little drool with my hand.

"Ten gold for such a lovely young miss." A merchant with poor teeth and assaulting vile breath that gave my the urge to sit down and clean myself right there.

"But that's highway robbery!" I whined when I looked down to see a little girl with an ancestor, both looking sad and hungry probably they couldn't afford the fish either. "Nyou, I think this one's worth only three gold." I tired to haggle but his glare sent tingles down my spine. "Please I'm starving and don't have the gold to afford paying that much." I pawed at a fish absently but his glare at my hands caused him to scream.

"Be happy I will even sell to a flea bitten mongrel like you! it's 20 gold or get out of my sights and take that little girl with you! I won't let you steal my fish!"

"B, But I just wanted some fish." I held my ears that were ringing from his yelling.

03-17-07, 02:05 PM
Fish, fish, fish… why was fish so important? Everyone wanted it, for some reason or another, and the little imp could not figure it out. Back on Earth, fish was easy to get. If your host wanted fish, they would normally just get a long pole, some thin string, and a wicked hook to catch one with. It never seemed so difficult to Garwocket, but then again, nothing seemed difficult when your existence consisted of sitting on someone’s shoulder and suggesting ideas.

New to Radasanth, much less Althanas, Garwocket stumbled through the thick streets. People gave him odd looks, but he ignored them. It was not often that one saw a foot tall imp with a pointy hat and boots, especially not walking through a city without a care in the world. The little imp, however, had nothing on his mind and a whole city to explore. He had already gotten into a bit of trouble, dealing with a lost watch (which he so conveniently found) and an angry chef.

Trouble, however, followed him around everywhere.

It was just past the middle of his second day on Corone, and he had kept relatively out of trouble. A few paltry bumps and brushes, revealing a handful of gold coins, but nothing seriously offensive… that was, until he found the fish market.

The shipyard was a bustle with unloading and preparing the fresh catch of fish. From where the imp was standing, it seemed like they had caught every fish around the damned island. But the gruff workers and sprays of fish heads and guts only lasted as ‘interesting’ for a little bit. Pretty soon the little imp was off again, following the trail of prepared fish till he came to the market district once again.

Towards the end, probably because it was a smell part, was where the fish were sold. All sorts of random people were jovially partaking in the purchasing of the fish. Amongst them were children, and rather hungry animals. Garwocket slipped by everyone, find his way into a small storeroom while the merchant was busy yelling at some child and her oversized pet.

Oh the trouble that came to mind for the little imp. His light brown eyes caught sight of fish by the dozen. Some were laid out on small racks; others were hanging from the ceiling by heavy hooks. The picture made a wicket little smile cross his ugly little face. A movie (one of those moving picture and light affairs, not yet invented on Althanas) back on Earth had instantly come to mind, staring a rough boxer with an ugly mug. The imp had always wanted to try one scene, which was especially humorous to him. So, with the opportunity before him, he quickly assumed the roll of the ugly fighter and began…

“B-b-b,” the angry merchant stuttered, mocking the poor…whatever she was. “But nothing,” he continued after flashing a lackluster smile, “If you don’t have the money, you don’t get the fish! Neither of you get one, now go awa—“ From behind him, somewhere in his little hut he called a stockroom, he was hearing a peculiar noise. It sounded like humming, but from something far smaller than a human. Not one to take chances, the greedy fish merchant turned to his shack to look.

“Da nanana! Da nananu! Da nanana! Da nananuuu…” somewhere, deep within the storeroom, a small voice was humming a silly tune. The merchant took a step in, effectively going half the distance of the shack, and found the culprit. He was instantly confused. The ‘thing’ was only a foot tall, but he wore a long pointy hat atop his head. A huge nose jutted out from his face, taking up most of the picture. Across his little frame was an array of dented and shoddy goods, peculiar little additions to the things already peculiar appearance.

“By the Thayne!” the merchant said as he swooped down. Garwocket stopped punching the side of the hanging fish, just in time to see a meat-paw as big as his head. It was no use; he could neither move nor hide. In a split second the game had finished and all that was left was the little imp squirming for his life against the greedy fish tyrant. “Get out of my storeroom!”

“B’gg’r off mat’!” Garwocket yelled as he was roughly tossed over the stall and the two turned down customers. The imp was flying for only half a second before he crashed roughly to the ground. He had heard the predicament between the small child and her neko companion as a low drum behind his melodious tune. Now that he was tossed out of the stockroom, and needed material to insult the man with, the dilemma was all that came to mind. “Ay, I be’ iffin I’s yer ‘ight you’dda foun’ a way’ta giv’em a f’shertoo! Yer jussa fa’n’sm’lly boyo ‘itha lo’da sm’lly f’sh!”

The imp roughly dusted off his clothes, shaking his head and muttering to himself as the merchant laughed. He seemed to have found his accent funny, a predicament that Garwocket never liked too much. Instead of focusing further on the fat tyrant and his foul fish, he turned towards the two. “C’rius c’mpny yer keepin’ lil’ne, I ‘ope tha’ lil’ne on yer’ed isn’ attach’d,” he said to the child with the cat on her head. He turned to the neko next. “An’ wha’ inna blas’sed blu’ blaz’s ‘re ye!? I th’n’ya gotta lil’ ki’in insi’da ye, wadda probl’m!”

~~Bugger off mate!
~~Hey, I bet if I was your height you would have found a way to give them a fish or two! Your just a fat and smelly man with a load of smell fish!

~~Curious company your keeping little one, I hope that little one on your head isn’t attached.
~~And what in the blasted blue blazes are you?! I think you have a little kitten inside of you, what a problem!

03-18-07, 03:46 PM
When the bulbous mass of a fish merchant turned around to check his storehouse the small girl decided to take her chances. Standing onto her tippytoes, she glanced over the mounds of delicious (and rather smelly) fish to see the man with his back turned and shouting something about “Thayne.” Wasting no time, her frantic eyes picked out a small fish, snatched it with some difficulty and then stuffed it down one of her side pouches. Her other hand quickly placed the only gold coin on her upon the table. The kitten on her noggin was content to stay where it was while pawing still at the same fish but nearly fell off without the support of Azza’s hands.

When the merchant emerged victorious with a tiny man in his meaty fist, the little girl quickly straightened out her dress and held onto the kitten once more with both of her hands. Opening her mouth in excitement, she exclaimed an “Ooooo!” while craning and watching as the tiny person sailed through the air before crashing with a terrific thud. The chitter and chatter that came from the man befuddled her completely but it gave her an excuse to get away from the merchant. Splaying her arms out, she ran over to the side of the imp dusting off his cloth with the kitten hanging onto her head and hair for dear life. Crouching down so that she was somewhat level with him as her hand returned to the kitten, she couldn’t help but lean forward and stare at him. “Smaller than Azza!”

The merchant, on the other hand, was still yammering about something foul of how the fish touched by the “maggot man” couldn’t be sold any longer because of “his filth.” Turning his attention and rancid breath at the remaining victim, Ginx, he leaned forward once more while breathing his vile stench onto her. “I’ll give that dirty fish to a mongrel like you for 9 pieces of gold. Take it or scram!”

03-18-07, 06:51 PM
I had had enough from the fish merchant when he barged back at me, he had thrown a little man out of the back and the little girl took her kitten to go see. I was going to follow but stayed for a moment, that fish would be so tasty once it was cooked and would relieve the rumble in my tummy. Just enough time to have my tail yanked by the fat merchant to spew foul breath and angry words into my poor face.

I felt fire in my head as he offered a 'dirty' fish for 9 coin to a mongrel like me. "You were going to throw it out anyways!" I yelled, grabbing the fish and taking a swing at the merchant. He was actually pretty quick and avoided my attack though he balled his fist and readied for a powerful swing. I was faster and dropped the fish and ran. The fish was definitely now so I wasn't worried about it, just getting away from the fish monger who was now out for blood.

I made it to where the little girl and the tiny man were. The merchant seemed to be happy and just yell out "And stay out!" even though it was practically an open air market. Still I was a little safe with the odd pair.

The small man was rather curious about my kind and having a little cat in me, took me a while to figure that out from his dialect. It was hard to understand him even though he looked like a few spirits I've seen from time to time but he spoke common and appeared before common men so wasn't the kind of spirits that my magic used. "Well I'm a spirit neko. Grandpa told me we're cats that made a bargain with the spirits to walk on two legs and have hands like humans." I swished my tail hoping he liked the description. The small man wasn't the most polite but compared to the fish monger he could address a king. Still he had to return the favor. "You don't seem to be a spirit though you look the part, What are you?" I asked to return the favor.

I also looked at the little girl and her kitten, I didn't see if the merchant did anything to her but I had to ask, "are you alright. That man was pretty scary."

Some how I had the feeling that we weren't done with that man yet.

03-20-07, 03:51 PM
Garwocket rose from the small cloud of dust, easily large enough to surround him. His hands were clenched and his teeth were grinding. To be treated so rudely, tossed out so harshly, it was something that had happened many a time, but was always so unexpected. The imp brushed of his green coat and striped stockings. As he moved his baubles dingled and jingled across him, effectively creating a cacophony of annoying noises.

“Juss ye wai’ sm’lly f’sh guy!” He screamed as he shook a small fist towards the fat fish fiend. But the man was already haggling again, taunting the poor cat-person-thing with outrageous prices for the ruined fish. He watched a little further, laughing as the thing swung the fish, missed, and dropped the bruised carcass in the dusty streets. “Thas’um karma fer’ya!”

“Th’nk ya,” the imp said as he shook his little body and stepped away from the child who roughly brushed his coat. “‘aigh, ‘aigh! Thass pl’ny!” he shook his small hands to shoo the small child and her kitten away, but it only caused her to lean closer and blurt out something in her little kid voice. Endearing, Garwocket thought as he looked into her deep red eyes.

The other, weird creature walked up next. She, or it, had effectively escaped without the meaty paw of the merchant catching her too. She had ruined the fish though, a small victory for an even smaller (albeit pointless) battle. The little imp with the ugly mug looked at the new arrival, taking in her unique appearance. She seemed older, a little more mature than the young ‘Azza’, if that was even her name. However, this new kitten-human-thing was what small children on Earth often had nightmares of.

“W’ll, iffin yer r’lly in’rsted!” Garwocket lowered his head, took two deep inhales of smelly salt air, and looked up at the feline. “Imma trans’mentional tim’n’pla’n travlin’ con’ssiusnesss imp. M’nams’s Garwocket Ellyjowinkle th’mazin’! Bar’n s’mmn’r a craaaaaaazy danj’rus magics’s! B’cr’ful! Imma lib’l ta do ‘nythin’!” The little imp tossed his hands about, flourished his long coat in an asinine manner, and did a little diddle in the process. His little awkward dance made him look all the more ludicrous, but with his long slippers (with the bells at the end) there was little else he could do without tripping.

!Translations ahoy!
~~Just you wait smelly fish guy!
~~That’s some karma for you!

~~Thank you
~~Alright, alright! That’s plenty!

~Well, if your really interested!
~I’m a transdementional time and plane traveling consciousness imp. My names Garwocket Ellyjowinkle the amazing! Bard and summoner of crazy dangerous magics! Be careful! I’m liable to do anything!

03-21-07, 06:00 PM
The big bright eyes of the little girl nearly sparkled as she whipped her sights from the cat girl to the imp and then back again. It was interesting to listen to the little man speak and even though she couldn’t comprehend a word he said, she began to snicker a little. Tilting her head over to the cat girl she studied the features with amazement. Bringing the kitten down from her head, she placed it on the ground so that she could compare the two. Both had similar ears, tail and only fur was missing from the girl. While she continued to compare the two, she answered the question she was asked with a simple, “Azza fine.” Finally coming to a conclusion as she shifted her gaze from the kitten to the cat girl, Azza stated with an utmost certainty, “Family!”

The fish merchant was already picking on a new victim and was apparently brandishing the soiled fish in an almost threatening manner. It flailed about in his hand in a disgusting fashion, splattering bits of sea smelling mud on himself and the now less than likely customer. Before long, the customer was storming off and was narrowly missed by a smelt thrown by the merchant. As if a suddenly brilliant idea dawned upon him, he wasted no time in hurling the dirty fish towards where the “mongrel,” “stupid child,” and “maggot man” were gathered.

Seeing the imp hop about and do his little dance, Azza couldn’t help but reach out and began to pet at it. In fact, Azza had reached out her other hand to stroke the kitten’s head as if to see which would make a better pet. It didn’t take long before Azza picked up the kitten and let it reclaim the spot on her head. “Azza hungry.”

The fish on the other hand was still flying.

03-22-07, 08:58 PM
"Oh yeah I almost forgot, I'm Ginx." I blushed and smiled realizing I was rather rude in telling friend what I was but not who I was. I had fixed it a little late but at least I remembered, for I tended to be a bit awkward around fellow mortals when I was so used to talking to spirits.

Still the pair were very friendly and were going to consider me a friend, something i didn't have many, Grandpa was probably the only person I've really called friend. That feeling gave me a happy swish to my tail and made me smile in a natural way.

But I wasn't paying attention to the merchant and was figuring out how I could help Azza and myself as we were both hungry and then the fish slapped the back of my head and slid down in my robes. The slimy feeling touching me under my dress caused me to dance and squeal as the ugly merchant laughed.

"Why couldn't you leave me alone?" I whined when the fish fell from my robes to the ground, I grabbed my staff and held it ready while approaching. He couldn't stop laughing at my predicament, I could still feel the slime on my skin and he thought it was funny. I soon called forth the water magic in the staff to give him a taste of his own medicine. The blast of water sent him back and fell against his stall of fish. The fish monger stood up soaking wet and with an angry glare in his eye.

"Guards, Guards! This cat girl attacked me. Get her and her friends they attacked a merchant."

My tail and ears lowered and I turned to Azza and Gar. "This is bad, I'm so sorry. We have to run." I really felt bad for losing my temper but I just couldn't let him get away with that.

04-11-07, 07:30 PM
Friends were something that Garwocket rarely considered other people. During his time on Earth, working as a consciousness imp, he did not have friends. He had an opponent, or an opposite, but never had the privilege of having a friend or person just like him. The two before him seemed something like himself, naïve and childish. Azza was definitely childish, and very young. Her idea of friends was undoubtedly a delusion caused by her age. Ginx, however, appeared a bit older. She was probably in no way close to the imp in age, but her idea seemed to be no different than Azza’s.

“Waaa!” Garwocket blundered as the cute little girl decided to PET him! His goofy little dance did little to discourage her, but instead probably made her want to stroke him all the more. Luckily, the kitten atop her hoary hair was much softer and she soon quit. As she let the baby cat sit atop her head once again, the imp let his focus on her pass. His face smoothed from the grimace and his smoldering eyes softened. “Imnodda bl’dy pe’, cu’I out…”

If it was not for the fact that the fat fish man also found it funny, Garwocket probably would have been on the ground rolling in laughter. He had tossed a fish, expertly thrown, which went right down the cat girls back. She too knew quite a funny little dance, gigging and bobbing to remove it from her robes. The imp was not surprised by the speed at which she removed it, but instead by the sudden power that the neko summoned.

“Ha! Iss juss wha’e nees!” Garwocket screamed as he watched the jet of water knock the fat man onto his even fatter rump. He was soaked, scowling, and seriously pissed. His large cheeks puffed up, his face turned a deep crimson, and his clenched fists were shaking. Fury was visible, and it was only half a second before he roared out for the guards. “R’nnin’s s’mthin’ I’m v’rrrry gooda’. Less jet!”

~~I’m not a bloody pet, cut it out…

~~It’s just what he needs!
~~Running is something I’m very good at. Lets jet!

04-12-07, 01:04 PM
The small girl’s eyes popped open in surprise as she watched the jet of water knock the fish merchant into his stall of fish. The stream of water would have done well for his hygiene if not for the fact a few fish then fell and slapped him on his head. The few guards nearby responded to his demands as quickly as their hesitant feet would allow. After all, they had heard and saw how the man harassed his customers and even just passing town folk.

Hearing the other two’s suggestion of running away, she nodded quickly in response. She didn’t know why or what they had done wrong, but the other children of the orphanage had taught her, “Whenever an adult is after you, run away!” Well perhaps it wasn’t exactly the best idea they taught her, but it stuck, unfortunately to the dismay of the kindly lady.

With the guards advancing, it was clear they were reluctant, but the outcome of what would happen if the group was caught was certainly obvious. Azza didn’t need a second invitation and dashed down one of the streets. The crowd, not wanting to get caught in the middle of the mess, parted quickly for the odd looking girl.

Turning about on her heel, Azza quickly shouted back, “Grab the fish, Miss Ginx!” The little man was obviously too small to carry it himself while Azza still had her own hands full with the kitten.

04-19-07, 05:32 PM
I was stupid, The guards were coming now thanks to my impulse. I just had to return the favor with my magic, stupid. Garwocket and Azza were fleeing from the guards and I started to run too, grabbing a fish for Azza and her kitten before continuing the flight.

It wasn't an easy run as I ducked under merchant stalls with fruit, meat, weapons, armor, silverware and all kinds of things while following the pair. The calls of the guards weren't far behind and I wondered if I could ever lose them.

Worse was that a couple of guards had cut us off before we could reach an alleyway or find an escape that they couldn't follow. My friends were even smaller than me so finding a hiding spot shouldn't be too tough.

But my body was burning from the run, Grandpa always called me a lazy kitty and he had good reasons since while I didn't sleep in like my brothers and sisters, I spent most time curled in my room and reading fun stories or rarely study magic but in the end any of my siblings could out run me.

"I-I'm sorry..." I panted and slowed my pace as my lungs started to burn and my tail flicked about in fear before puffing up, I dropped the fish and tried to bolt but the one delay was enough for disaster.

I cried as strong arms wrapped around my chest and I struggled to get free. "Let go! Let Go!" it wouldn't do any good since they wouldn't listen and it seemed like it wasn't over. "I didn't mean any harm." I whined while another guard picked up my staff that I dropped when being apprehended.

"Shut up fish thief. You gave us quite a run but it's over so stop whining or we'll have to be harder."

I whimpered but didn't dare to utter another word, at least my friends might be able to get away.

04-30-07, 10:58 PM
Garwocket did a quick leap, hopped twice, and then rolled. It was completely useless, and meant nothing. He, however, had been very thoroughly engrossed at a time in the chase scenes of movies whatever host he was with had been watching. Now that he finally had the chance to take part in one, he was going to make it far more epic than it deserved or needed to be. As soon as he rolled back onto his funny shoes, the bells frantically rattling, he looked around.

His long nose was dusted with a thin layering of soot and grime from the street. He shook his greasy head, the hair that hung from beneath his hat moved very little. Without waiting for the others he began to look around, searching for the always present threat. What he found were a couple of reluctant guards unsure of their obligations. They looked from the curious group of misfits and back to the soaked and screaming merchant. Technically they knew they were obligated to assist and protect, but who was really at fault and which group was actually the threat?

The condemning eyes of the parting onlookers and the guards found the imp, standing still. Azza had already started flight, Ginx was picking up the recently recovered fish, and he was all alone. Instead of watching and waiting for them to nab him, he turned and took flight as well.

The little mischief maker was following Ginx, running nearly parallel with her. The guards, however, focused on her more than the imp. They caught up to her, their legs far longer than any of the party. But the poor neko was the slowest of them all, unfortunately. Garwocket slowed to a near stop when she dropped the fish, and outright halted when they picked her up.

“Go after the kid,” the guard with the young cat-girl said gruffly. He was obviously not enjoying his job that day. “I’m sure she belongs to someone, and I’m sure they are looking for her. We won’t do anything to her, just hold her…”

The second guard nodded his compliance and agreement, smirking slightly as he turned and took off after the little girl. The distance they had allowed her would make it extremely difficult, however, to find her. Meanwhile, the little bugger of an imp was curiously watching the guard. He had tried one of his spells before on the guards of Radasanth, and it had worked enough to accomplish his grand escape back then… perhaps it would work again?

Garwocket charged towards the man, keeping out of his vision, and stopped behind him. He shrunk to a mere five and a half inches and scaled the man’s armor quickly. When he got to his shoulder he stopped, perched atop him. He leaned in and began to suggest, a power that he had long since perfected as a consciousness imp.

“Deary me,” he began. “This little girl, confused and hungry… what wrong has she really done? Why do I have to play the bad guy today?”

The man began muttering the words, his eyes stolid and lost. His grip loosened a bit, but he still was clutching the small girl. The imp continued anyway…

06-03-07, 07:52 PM
If Azza had been older or a little wiser she might have realized that she was in big trouble. The other older children had taught her that, “When chased by an adult, it’s because they want you to go to bed.” Of course, it was still early in the day and she obviously didn’t want to sleep yet. So she did as she was taught by the children and ran from the clanking guard. The chase didn’t last too long as the guard’s stride was easily her double and then some.

“Gotcha!” the guard exclaimed in triumph after he grabbed and scooped her up around her midsection.

“Azza doesn’t want to go to bed!” the small girl yelled back while kicking and flailing around. Needless to say, this befuddled the guard but he did he best to restrain the child without harming her. Personally he would rather fight a drunken man than face the wrath of an enraged mother because a guard had bruised her child. Mothers could be awfully frightening.

“I’m not putting you to bed missy so stop kicking!” the man cried out finally in frustration.


Returning to where the other guard was, he gave his dazed friend a light kick in the shins before setting the small girl down. “Don’t fall asleep while holding that girl… cat thing. You’ll crush her if you fall on her and I’m not taking the blame this time.”

I know it's kinda bleh :x, gimmie a bit to get back into gear or maybe pm me some suggestions when you two get a chance. Otherwise, have at it!