View Full Version : Sleek

04-12-06, 11:24 PM
I managed to find my old level 2 profile cached on google, I'm presuming this is what I should do to get reinstated...

Name: Sleek
Race: Stilkink
Height: 4’ 2’’
Weight: 80 lbs
Gender: Male
Hair: None
Eyes: Pale Yellow
Age: Unknown (For ooc purposes just under 300 years)
Race: Stilkink
Occupation: Gadgeteer

Appearance: A deceptively malnourished body, wrapped in tight stony gray skin, clings to the wall from two long bony arms and two long bony legs. Dangling from in-between the scrawny shoulders is a large bulbous head devoid of hair except for two gray tufts sprouting from the cheek bones like simple whiskers. The jaw ends smoothly just under the two small holes that make the nostrils. Where the mouth should be, there is nothing but skin. Instead the mouth makes it’s home under the chin in the gap in the jaw bone. The most predominant features are the soft glowing eyes, and the prehensile tail that protrudes from the rear and ends in a devil like hook. From that hook, cackling electricity sometimes manifests itself, further illuminating the somewhat grotesque figure.

Sleek's head now sports two small nubs of flesh and bone that look like the begginnings of horns. They are about two inches long and each is just above each of his eyes.

Clothing: Sleek is clad in a dirty stinky cloth wrapped around his pelvis like a diaper, whether or not it functions as one is an issue most would not venture to ask.

Skills and abilities:

Tinkerer – Sleek uses his long thin fingers to work and fine tune complex devices. Clockwork gadgets and traps are his specialty. He uses his electric tail to solder his creations.

Sleek's tinkering skill has improved thanks to many hours of practice. He is now begining to toy with larger, more complex gadgets like Sleek-sized insectoid objects. Sleek has also begun to discover steam power, and has been playing with it, though he probably won't be able to make anything of it until a large amount of "research" has taken place.

Upon the completion of This Quest, Sleek will have obtained the ability to animate specifically designed gadgets by using the energy from his tail. Animating his gadgets through this method grants Sleek an almost magical control over the object. The gadget almost becomes a part of him. He cannot move the object through thought alone, he still requires specific controls. However, his reaction time and piloting efficiency are increased dramatically as if the machine were infact part of his body.

In order for a machine to be animatable, it must have special wires made of a conductive material running throughout it. While maintaining the connection with the machine, Sleek's tail becomes useless for anything other than powering the machine.

Wall Climb – Sleek’s lightweight body, large hands, and upper body strength enables him to scale vertical walls of at least the surface texture of well worked and flush brick with ease. He often hides at the top of a wall waiting for prey or enemies to walk by. He can’t cling to the ceiling or smooth walls.

Darkvision – Due to the subterranean nature of the Stilkink, they have also developed a sort of darkvision. They can see in pitch black, as they use a combination of heat sensory via the nostrils and ultraviolet sight via the eyes. Stilkinks can function in daylight only with their heat sensory which only functions to minimal efficiency. The lit world appears as a bright white blur to their eyes.

Sleek's heat sensory has become more refined. He's had to rely on it on numerous occasions, and has started to become more sensitive to heat. Where he would only sense a blob of heat, Sleek can now somewhat pinpoint vital areas. However, since Sleek's heat sensory is supported by sensitive nasal passages, the efficiency of this sense is still at the mercy of the wind. If there is a strong breeze, Sleek will have to move closer to refine his "view".

Upon the completion of This Quest, Sleek's heat sensory ability will have been replaced with the sensory abilities granted by the new horns that have sprout from his forhead. "Horns" is a bit of a misnomer since the growths are more like antennae that allow Sleek to sense energy. Specifically heat and electricity. This effectivly allows Sleek to see any living thing with nervous impulses or body heat even in perfect darkness.


Tools - The only real possession of Sleek’s is a small set of three metal working tools wrapped in a dirty leather cloth and fastened to the waist. Sleek uses these tools when he tinkers with gadgets. He made them from shards of metal stolen from various places, thus they appear makeshift and hardly worth the metal they are made of, yet Sleek uses them with amazing proficiency.


Electric Tail - The Stilkink have naturally evolved a tail that emits a small amount of electricity at will. Most of the Stilkink’s use the tail as a form of communication, but Sleek uses it as a tool and a weapon, though not very damaging, the shock from his tail is enough to annoy human size creatures so that they either want to leave or kill sleek. The pain from Sleek’s tail is about as painful as a bee sting and about as damaging.

Due to a considerable amount of usage on Sleek's part, his body has begun to produce a larger, more powerful, amount of electricity. The heat generated from this energy is hot enough to cut through Plynt with little difficulty. An attack from Sleeks tail would leave a second to third degree burn, albeit a small one. Further, due to the heat produced, an attack from Sleek's tail has a good chance of setting combustible materials like paper and dry cloth on fire (before only highly flammable substances would catch)

Sleek's tail is now capable of discharging energy creating the effect of a ranged attack, albeit a short ranged attack. Sleek can send an arc of electricty into a target up to five feet away. Since electricity is fickle in nature, there is no gurantee the arc will hit it's intended target as there is a good chance it will choose to hit a more conductive material. However since most enemies wield metal weapons, the most likely thing to happen is for the energy to strike the weapon. This makes the ranged attack very usefull for disarming an enemy.

The ranged energy attack is a bit weaker than the normal electric attack and cannot actually burn through metals. It can however catch combustable materials on fire.

History: Sleek is a member of the subterranean species of humanoid creatures that call themselves the Stilkink; a simple minded group of creatures that live on fungus, small rodents, and insects. They live in a single tight community in a large spherical cave. Timid and hardly aggressive is the nature of most the Stilkink, Sleek is an exception. Loud and rambunctious, Sleek ran amuck through the mushroom patches, ruining them on several occasions. The only reason the other Stilkink put up with it was because of his superior intellect. Sleek was much more intelligent than any of the smartest of the Stilkink. He most likely would have become the next leader of the group had he not lost his temper at a fellow Stilkink and used his tail as a weapon. No Stilkink had ever used his tail as a weapon, it wasn’t forbidden, it was unthinkable. Sleek was labeled as a danger to the group and cast out into the dark caverns.

Sleek quickly adapted to the kill or be killed nature of the outside world, using his natural prowess to sneak up on possible prey and his tail to drive it off ledges onto the jagged rocks he ensures await the hapless creature. He eventually developed a taste for meat and has mostly stopped eating mushrooms, though he doesn’t fight the urge should a particularly delicious mushroom present itself. He taught himself how to create the intricate devices merely as an occupier of his time, a hobby of sorts. Though now he is finding that people actually value these devices and is beginning to make them for people in exchange for meat.

EDIT: I realized that I was replacing my darkvision ability with the new energy sensory. I only meant to replace his heat vision. I made the change.

Cyrus the virus
04-12-06, 11:26 PM
Classic, baby.
