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View Full Version : Jordan Vaneer

03-20-07, 05:31 PM
Name: Jordan Vaneer

Age: 16

Race: Anacore

Hair Color: Reddish Brown w/Strawberry Highlights

Eye Color: Deep Purple

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 128 lbs

Occupation: Editor(she likes to correct people)

Personality: Enthusiastic, has a bit of a bad attitude, independent, solves most problems by either punching them out or blowing them up.

Appearance: Her clothing is generally tomboy, normally a black tank or tube top w/levi jacket, hair very short and usually dissheveled, short skirt w/black leggings, no socks, only hiking boots. She wears 3 earrings in one ear, 4 in the other, gold band around her left bicep. She would appear grouchy and rather uncivilized to someone upon first glance.

History: Jordan was born and raised in the mointains where she trained with her father in the arts of taijutsu and pyrotechnics. She and her father were nomads. He taught her all she knows about fighting and defense. He taught her how to convert her hairtie into a type of smokebomb using gunpowder and the tie itself as a fuse. She devised an escape tactic, throwing the bombs at aggressors. Her father, unfortunately, was captured by a band of raiders that took it upon themselves to raid their cave and steal all of their possessions. Jordan herself was almost taken, but she drove them off using her father's techniques. She broke one man's leg, bloodied two noses, and blacked nearly every raider's eye. She left soon after collecting the only remaining supplies off the floor, she left her cave to seek knowledge and wanting to gain the prowess to someday find her father again and prove her worth. She also seeks to find a companion to prove her father wrong in his theory that affection and companionship was proof of a person's weakness.

Skills: The melee attacks of taijutsu are her specialty. Her only true weapon is her hairtie bombs, which she is able to toss at aggressors. The gold band she has around her left arm allows her to tap into a magic-like power. It is more like alchemy, but does not require equivalent exchange. Her best move, and the first one she learned, was something quite a bit like the reigun. First, she summons a tiny fireball from her palm. Then, she aims her finger like a pistol and cries out "BANG!" The "bullet" anihilates most non-complex objects. It is the most basic of the alchemic magic that she knows.

Equipment: Bombs that she takes everywhere, usually wearing it as a hairtie or bracelet; nifty gold Elf-forged armlet; formal dress for VERY special occasions(wouldn't be caught dead in it otherwise)

Familiar: Her traveling companion Eliot Roschat(humanoid)

03-20-07, 07:32 PM
Alright, there is some editing that needs to be done before I can approve this.

First, even though taijutsu is her specialty, she can only be average in this skill at this point.

The nifty gold elven amulet can never be sold.

Her "bullet" technique cannot annihilate stuff at this point. The most I can allow is that it can cause moderate burns just like most garden variety fireballs and that it moves at the speed of a throw.

Also, one last thing. Sentient beings such as humans can't be familiars. Instead, you can list her traveling companion as an NPC.

Make those edits and you'll be all set to go.