View Full Version : The Arrival

03-21-07, 04:11 PM
Yes, that's right, I'm a newcomer, newbie, n00B, whatever you might call us. Thank Karaka Tida for bringing me here (damn, that sounds weird reading that... I'm so used to calling them by another name)

In any case, this is the first time I've been on a forum of this massive, gigantic and various other adjectives that mean 'big' in more than two syllables, sort of scale. I mean, yeah, I've done such things before, but to be honest, I've only been registered a few hours, and I feel overwhelmed. So much to do, so much to learn... gah, and given I see some people are addicted, six weeks before my final exams of school are due is probably not the best time to join. But what the hell, I'm here anyway!

Anyway, beyond my online RP'ing, I enjoy my cadets (Nationals this week, got to win it!) and other such pursuits. However, my time is mainly divided between school and related school work, actual paid work (although the rate is pretty poor), and being online, with other things inbetween such as physical exercise (a few miles a day). On top of that, I love stand-up comedy - Jimmy Carr, Eddie Izzard, Ross Noble, Russell Howard and Frankie Boyle being among the best I've seen.

That's about all I've got for now. Hello to you all.

Cyrus the virus
03-21-07, 04:17 PM
Welcome to... the others!

That... That doesn't really mean anything. But nice to meet you! It's not so hard to get used to things here, I think. I hope >.> You'll probably have fun!

03-21-07, 04:28 PM
In any event, you're not the first one who has joined within a month before finals are due. :]

03-21-07, 04:29 PM
*Hugs Xeraph*

This is my favorite person in the world, everybody.

So be nice to him like you were to me when I was new.

On a side note...you're finally here! *happy dance*

03-21-07, 04:37 PM
Well Karuka, you did keep mentioning it, I had to find out what the fuss was about!

*looks around... then happy dance*

03-21-07, 04:43 PM
Replica of one of our Althanas conversations:

Me: "Join Althanaaaaaaaas"
Him: "No."
Me: "Do iiiiiiiiit."
Him: "It's too much work!"
Me: "But it's fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun."
Him: "No."
Me: "Yes."

And it continued that way for about six weeks until he finally caved in, lol. His options were a) join, or b) be driven insane.

03-21-07, 04:52 PM
Welcome to Althanas ^^

03-21-07, 04:58 PM
Replica of one of our Althanas conversations:

Me: "Join Althanaaaaaaaas"
Him: "No."
Me: "Do iiiiiiiiit."
Him: "It's too much work!"
Me: "But it's fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun."
Him: "No."
Me: "Yes."

And it continued that way for about six weeks until he finally caved in, lol. His options were a) join, or b) be driven insane.
Oh, I wouldn't say b)'s entirely out of the question around here. ^_^ Even if it does happen, though, it'll be the good kinda crazy.

So, make yourself at home, and let me be the... fifth to welcome you to Althanas.

Slayer of the Rot
03-21-07, 05:06 PM
Welcome to Althanas. I am incredibly violent.[/publicserviceannouncement]

03-21-07, 05:12 PM
Welcome! =D We all love each other here so no worries about anything!

03-21-07, 05:16 PM
Welcome! =D We all love each other here so no worries about anything!

Hmmm, thanks for the reassurance. Still nervous though.

03-21-07, 05:56 PM
Welcome! =D We all love each other here so no worries about anything!And if they're redheads, we love them more then once. At least I do. :D

Welcome to Althanas.

03-21-07, 07:07 PM
Oh joy, my first new recruit! *cracks knuckles, clears throat*

Welcome to Althanas, please keep your arms and legs inside the forum at all times or they may be removed by rabid, zombified characters. Do not feed the following people; Letho, Cyrus the Virus, Slayer of the Rot, Atzar Kellon, Serilliant, Santhalas, Lucien and Max Dirks for they may become dependant on you afterwards and are hard to get rid of. Any screams you may now be experiencing are the sounds of dying character. Do not be alarmed for they shall be revived in new and inventive ways the following thread. Have a nice day.

*gives you a plate of cookies, which is good! but some of them are poisonous, which is bad.*


03-21-07, 07:12 PM
*Taps Elrundir on the shoulder*

He's already been warned against the cookies.

*Takes cookie plate away and throws cookies out.*

After all...he's my recruit, and I've gotta look out for him.

03-21-07, 07:13 PM
....And that's Elrundir, taking Witchy's greeting services while she's away. XD Trust me, even the poisonous ones are good, at least you'll die with a smile on your face.


03-21-07, 08:22 PM
*stares at the cookies that have been thrown away, and then at Karuka*

Oh no you did not.

*burns off her hair, then freezes her to a pole for Witchy to have her way with when she returns.* And I'm going to perform false readings to sully the name of runes all over the world while you're incapacitated. Just because.

03-21-07, 08:53 PM
Oy. And this is the kind of insanity happening 24-7 right here on Althanas.

Welcome to your new Internet Crack, Nya~! ^_^

Do take a while to look around and check out the different events happening about. Oh, and don't mind Letho. He may sound like he's tough and all, but he's a pushover. Believe me. Murakama told me that.


Anyways~ If you have any questions at all, you may address them in the Your Word forum or, if it's a more personal one that you would not rather indulge to the general public, us moderators are only a PM away. (I'm about 12 hours from your time, so pardon my untimeliness at times. ^_^; )

03-21-07, 08:55 PM
Elrundir...the Manda will be angry with you for defiling my hair. And for defiling the runes. As will Moonlit Raven, since she's a fellow RL runemancer.

03-21-07, 09:21 PM
Oh, I'm banking on it. An angry Manda = a good stalkage, and maybe even a murder-rape without the murder! Kirby and I approve! (b")b

03-21-07, 09:26 PM
*Slaps Elrundir in the head with a giant Tuna*

Rated PG-13, mister! :p

But now that you mention it, that is kinda... *Glances warily over his shoulder*

...You didn't hear anything.

03-22-07, 03:11 AM

03-22-07, 04:55 AM
Like I said. You didn't hear any of that. :p

Anyways, take your time getting into the swing of things and hang out with us sometimes. Althanas also has an IRC chatroom if you don't use Messenger or AIM. The link is between the link to the Members List and the Donate button. :)

And don't worry. This type of insanity is not contagious through saliva. :p Or is it via something else...?

The Writing Writer
03-22-07, 05:02 AM
my crazy ass character welcomes u. as do i. im crazy too. but not that crazy. im funny crazy. he scary crazy. kinda cool crazy tho.......crazy huh?

03-22-07, 07:07 AM
And don't worry. This type of insanity is not contagious through saliva. :p Or is it via something else...?
No, but it is contagious through chat rooms. Seriously, we're like 10 times as ridiculous there as we are here. Embrace it now join the fold. But we're really not that bad. ^^

Aryr de Morte
03-22-07, 07:42 AM

That's about all I've got to say unless you have specific questions. >_>

03-22-07, 08:59 AM
I think you guys are scaring him, lol.

Don't worry, guy, it only takes about a week to get used to us.

Artifex Felicis
03-22-07, 11:16 AM
For the love of GOD get the hell out of here while you still can!


For the love of BUDDHA get the hell out of here while you still can!


For the love of SCIENCE get the hell out of here while you still can!

It's scary in here. And it gets addicting. Like being willfully strapped to a chair and being forced to write. *shudder*

In serious matters, welcome to Althanas. You'll love it here.

03-22-07, 01:01 PM
Karuka, you could be right. In the same vein of course, you could be wrong.

And I now understand what you meant by avoid the cookies.

03-22-07, 01:07 PM
I meant it.

Then again, Elrundir shouldn't have done that. The Manda will abuse him when she gets back.

03-22-07, 02:12 PM
hihi and welcome hope you have fun and all.

thank you Karu for brining someone new here.

Anyways I'm sure you'll have lots of fun since that's what this place is for. And Don't worry about scores, JCs don't make great members and great members don't need to make JCs to be great. Be nice to furries for we're people too.

Oh and don't forget to eat fruits and vegies^^