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The Masquerade
03-24-07, 11:53 PM
Grim slowly drowned the stress from the day as he swallowed his third mug of beer in a single gulp. The liquid splashed down his throat smoothly, and it was only a few moments before he started to feel its effects. Gulping in satisfaction, he slammed the mug back onto the bar, quite a bit harder then he had meant to.

“I’ll be takin’ another!” he spat out at the bartender, slapping several gold coins next to his mug. The bartender was used to such behavior, but still despised it. Looking over Grim smugly, he refilled his tankard reluctantly. Seeing that his booze was ready, Grim pushed his body slightly over the bar, snatching the mug. Smacking down on his stool, Grim began to gulp wearily at the liquid. He grunted as it soothed his throat.

The bar was rather unoccupied on the whole. Two older men sat in the corner, playing a card game and drinking rum. They would exchange comments every few minutes; sometimes about the game, sometimes about life, sometimes about the “cute young things” that walked in the door. A light chuckle croaked out of one of their mouths as the other made a stupid mistake.

Another man entertained himself in the far corner with his pipe. A steady billow of smoke poured from his mouth, only ceasing for the rare instances when he stopped to take a sip from a flask he kept in his coat. His gaze roamed slowly around the bar, taking in the inhabitants and silently judging them. He smiled as one of the old men leapt from his chair, cheering over a victory.

Grim gulped down the remainder of his serving, gasping in satisfaction. Resting his elbows on the table, he belched loudly. The gurgling sound rang throughout the small room, conjuring a few nasty looks. Smiling at his grotesque behavior, Grim looked up at the bartender.

“’nother!” he moaned obnoxiously at him, slapping a hand on the counter. The bartender was about to retort in expulsion when the front door gently creaked open. A look of astonishment lit his face as he watched a woman enter the room. The other men stared in awe at the angelic sight; the beautiful, silky-black hair which shrouded her shoulders and caressed her breasts; the sensual curves, scarcely covered by a dark corset and tight pants; the way she walked, a seductive saunter that made a man’s knees weak; the lightly decorated masquerade mask that clung to her beautiful face, conjuring inquiries to what lay beneath.

“Looket at’un Markus, look at’er!” one of the old men whispered excitedly to the other, poking him with a bony elbow. The woman smiled at the old man’s bickering, her full lips curving into a seductive smirk. She cast a deep look towards the man smoking in the corner, who pretended not to be impressed even though his eyes were taking in every inch of her perfect body. Grim cleared his throat and rapped on the counter again.

“Make’er two!” The bartender reluctantly pulled his eyes from the tightly laced corset that enveloped her breasts, and set to work. Returning a smile to the new customer, Grim stood from the stool, wobbling slightly as he became accustomed to his drunken state. “Well ‘ello there,” he stammered, balancing his unstable form with one hand on the counter, “don’ suppose you’d be interesteded ina drink!?” The woman came to slow halt, licking her lower lip slowly with her tongue.

“I’d like that” she said slowly, squeezing into the stool next to him. Grim smiled proudly to himself as he resituated himself back in his seat. The two men looked on in awe at the plastered man who was wooing the beautiful woman.

“In all me years!”
“I know Markus…can’t’n believe dat one would go fer ‘im!”
“If only me was young agin, den I could give’em a run fer his gold.”
“Quit yer blabbering y’old fool! Now let’en me tell yer…” The old men’s squabbling was drowned out as Grim tried to start a conversation.

“So whatses a pratty gal like you doin’ round thisss place?” Grim bent forward close to her, unaware of his drunken stupor. The bartender watched in amazement as the woman smiled and leaned in closer to him, her beautiful eyes gazing sensually into his half-open ones.

“Well,” she began, her lips opening barely as the words glided out, “I’m looking for someone who could…” she stopped, looking around the bar shyly and back to Grim, placing a hand on his leg. “…I’m looking for a man who might be able to give me what I want.” Grim couldn’t believe his ears. He grinned to himself stupidly, thinking of how much of a handsome devil he would need to be to grasp this woman’s attention.

“Welp, I’d say dat I’mer ther right man fer th’ job!” he stumbled wearily off his stool, knocking it over in the process. Grabbing her hand, he began for the stairs. “Come’on missus, I’ma show you how mucher man I aam!” The woman playfully accepted, following him enthusiastically. The bartender dropped the glass he was holding. It shattered on the floor, but no one noticed.

“I will be damned to hell’s inner chambers! That bastard does nothing all day but sit around and drink, and yet that woman was all over him.” The bartender kicked the counter in frustration. “Where were des beautiful young gals when I was young, eh?” The men gradually returned to their business. It wasn’t until several minutes later that they heard a loud scream.

“Damnit all Barry, can’t you tells those two ta keep it down!? No need ter go rubbin’ it in!” The bartender shrugged his shoulders casually.

“N’much I can do Markus. Paid fer the room fair’un square.” There was another loud scream. “I’ll be damned, that woman sounds right like a man when she’s makin’ love, eh?” This comment caused a murmur of laughs with the customers.

“I would watch out for that’n boys.” The loner who had kept to himself for the whole night stood to his feet. “A spider she is. She’ll trick ya to suck ya in, then when she’s got ya where she likes ya.” He paused dramatically, waving a hand through the air. “She’ll strike!” The bartender laughed to himself at the man’s overly dramatic hand motions. “Thanks for th’ drinks Barry.” With that he quickly departed out the front door.

There had been no sounds from the room upstairs for several minutes. Suddenly the creaking of someone on the stairwell cracked the silence. The woman reappeared next at the bar, looking just as good as she had when she first entered. Throwing a sack of gold on the bar, she smiled at Barry.

“Thanks” she said, almost as a whisper. Barry watched her as she made her way to the door. Turning once more, she blew a kiss at the old men. Love-struck, they stared at her as she disappeared into the night.

She had finished what she came there for. She had been looking for a man. A man who would know the whereabouts of the Renegades. Why not one of them!? It would be several hours before Barry would find the headless body of Grim in his bed. It would be moments later that he realized the screams he heard from the bedroom weren’t hers: they were Grim’s.

Smiling to herself, Valerie made her way to the place where Grim had confessed in his dying moments. It was a prestigious mansion known to some as Wicker Gates.

“One down…”

The Masquerade
03-26-07, 09:52 PM
The night was dark, only permeated by the dim lanterns that clung to each buildings surface. There was a cool breeze that continually swept through town, cooling Valerie’s skin as it raced by. She had made a quick stop to the Brown Pony Inn, where she was had made reservations to sleep. Snatching the red blade she called by name and dropping several coins on the front desk, she set out into the night.

The large blade, Red Masque as she referred to it, swung gently from her left thigh as she strode down the street. I was held in place by a leather strap that wrapped tightly around the base, obstructing further movement because of the hilt. She laid her left hand limply on the tip of the handle, occasionally flexing her fingers to feel the smooth leather that strangled it.

Her boots clunked harshly over the cobblestone, raising a staccato click with every step. She blushed slightly as she thought about how easy it was to seduce men…a few smiles…the right hand placement…a pair of very exposed breasts. They were like little children; show them a cookie, and they’ll do anything for it. She felt a wave of pride wash over her well-proportioned body. It was fun to tease men with her full curves and fake smiles.

The cobblestone suddenly faded into a regimented brick pattern. Looking around at her new environment she realized she was getting close; this was the wealthier part of town. The finely-trimmed lawns were briskly guarded by large steel fences. The ornate designs wrung into each grill denoted the master of the estate. Valerie glared at each of the symbols; a large K with swirling tips; a W that was shaped to look like a bat; an R and a C which curved into one another. Valerie stopped her steady stride and lifted a hand to the gate’s rusty coat. Her perfectly smooth skin contrasted with the crusty texture of the metal.

Shouldn’t be far now

Another several minutes passed before Valerie halted in front of a unique set of gates. The ironwork was curved and bent into the form of vines, a large W wrought into its design. The house that stood behind the gates was magnificent to say the least. Several large pillars flanked the front, indented in a spiraling pattern, around which stood the massive structure. It broke upward toward the sky, capping with a solitary tower. Several buttresses brimmed from the corners of each ledge, supported by thin, skeletal-looking beams. There was a haunting look about it that Valerie couldn’t quite place. Several rooms were lit brightly, and the dim silhouettes of guests bustled about feverously inside.

The front door suddenly snapped open, a dark outline shaped in the doorframe. Valerie’s heart skipped a beat as she dove onto her stomach, the blade clanging loudly against the brick. She cursed herself silently, waiting for the imminent alarm. None came. Instead a drunken laughter filled the air. Slowly, Valerie lifted her head.

A disoriented man, barely kept upright by a fellow comrade, stumbled across the front lawn. Some incoherent words were exchanged as the two tried to find their way to the front gate. Valerie smiled at her luck.

“I’ma been jus’ fine!”
“Sheerup mate, yain’t got nuthin’ in yer buh liquor!” a loud hiccup followed along with the scrapping of feet on stone.
“Now, now, youses lissen’ ta me, me ain’t got er pint o’liquor in me! Cleeen asa fistle me is!”

The other man didn’t bother speaking, clearly finding it a waste of time arguing with his drunken friend. Valerie had used the loud conversation and extraneous noises to silently slip down the street. Hiding the blade carefully in a neat shrubbery that stood against a neighboring fence, she straightened up. She tugged on her corset slightly, revealing another half inch of her already exposed breasts. The front gates of the manor roughly creaked open, followed by a loud voice shouting to “kill dem rats!” That was her cue.

The echoing of her leather footsteps introduced her long before she came into view. The one who was still sober enough to dictate such noises looked up in wonder of who could be out this late. He saw her legs first, perfectly shaped and wrapped tightly in dark leather pants. The leather rubbed together where her thighs met, adding to the effect. His eyes continued further up her body slowly, taking every detail in. Her flawlessly smooth stomach glistened slightly with sweat. Valerie couldn’t help but smile as she saw he mouth drop a little as he gazed at her chest. She knew all the things that were going through his head, and she planned to take advantage of every one of them. She covered close to twenty feet by the time he tore his eyes from her voluptuous friends.

Valerie took in her suspect as she moved ever closer. He seemed like he might be a tough one to break…but she could do it. Playfully, she moved a hand to her breast, tugging at the upper left edge of her corset, as if it wasn’t loose enough. The man gulped deeply, forgetting about his friend who had since collapsed into the fence, unconscious. He tried to be suave, but there was a slight waver as he began to speak.

“’ello there pretty legs,” he began boldly, hiking up his pants in a manly display. Valerie smiled as if surprised to meet someone at such an hour.
“Hey there gorgeous,” she retorted slyly, deciding to be just as bold.
“Now what’s a dame like you doin’ round ‘ere at this hour?”
“Oh, just out on a stroll I guess,” She paused, looking up into his eyes and smiling, “why, you got something in mind?” She could tell this hit him, as he started to become fidgety. She could tell he wanted to give in, but something inside him was holding him back.
“Well, I…” he stammered, not wanting to turn down such tasty-looking company, “I really do need ta be getting’ this’un somewhere ta sleep—” Valerie pushed in closer to him, letting her hand casually touch his.
“Well aren’t there any beds in that old place?” she asked, pointing towards the manor from which he just came.
“I’d be assuming such, but me’an him were jus’ there fer a party. Not really our house, ya see.”
“Well whose is it then?” she questioned innocently, moving even closer and rubbing the leather between her thighs together loudly. He fidgeted again, clearly his mind on things other than the master of the estate.
“’at there is owned by a man we works for.”
“Well I don’t think he would have a problem with it then,” she insisted, continuing before he had a chance to say anything, “and besides, if we can find him a bed, maybe we could find ourselves one as well.” She smiled seductively and gently pushed her breasts against his arm. Valerie could see the beads of sweat running down the side of his face. She was hoping to get some more information about the owner of the mansion, as he was a prestigious client of the Renegades.

Valerie’s mind dosed as she thought about the fire from so long ago; the flames, licking the heavens as everyone she knew and loved screamed in terror. She quickly jolted back into reality to find her victim trying to help his comrade up.

“hum’on mate, we be gettin’ ya inside fer the night.”
“Buhhh, I dun wan’…few mo’ minutess…ugh” After several minutes of drunken stupor, they had pushed and dragged the man back to the front door. It was still open, so the man kicked it wearily with his foot. It creaked open just enough for him to pull his companion in with him. Valerie didn’t want to catch the attention of any other guests, at least not yet, so she waited just outside. The man began to help his friend up the large stairwell that rose just to the right of the doorway. Valerie paused, listening for any voices close by. The only sounds she could hear was the vibrant activity of liquored guests.

She hopped through the door quickly, easing it shut with her foot. She threw a quick glance across the main foyer, looking for signs of anyone. There was no one. She hastily followed the two men as they struggled up the stairs.

Valerie noticed several very large portraits that graced the wall immediately to the right of the stairwell. She gazed suspiciously at each one, memorizing the cold faces in her head, as if creating a hit-list. The stairs flattened into a small platform, branching off into separate directions. The two men veered off to the left; Valerie decided it would be a nice chance to take a quick look around.

Taking the set to her right, she quickly ascended them. She was greeted by a long hallway, dotted with over a dozen doors. Shaking the knob of the first one she came to, she found it to be locked.

Ooh, someone’s keeping secrets

Valerie continued down the hall, testing the next knob. It turned easily, and the door pushed inward. She blushed and immediately and backed from the room at the sight of a nude, vivacious couple bouncing on the large bed in the corner of the room. Closing the door carefully, she smiled to herself. What a fun place!

She moved further down the hall, but stopped at the sound of her male victim’s voice. She quickly reversed her steps and arrived at the stairwell again, where he stood in confusion.

“Ah, there ya are!” he whispered, despite the fact that no one was even nearby. “I got m’mate into a room across the hall.” He smiled broadly at her, expecting a reward of some sort. Valerie cursed her luck, deciding she had to take action before he got suspicious. She grabbed his hand with a smile.

“Well come’on big boy, let’s find us someplace private and dark.” Valerie smiled to herself as she said ‘dark’.

If only you knew pal…you would never want to be in the dark with me

06-13-09, 02:21 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.