View Full Version : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!?

03-25-07, 11:17 PM
Who can resist Teenage Mutant Ninja Turltes? I mean come on, that has got to be one of the oddest combination of words in the English language. :p

I went to saw this today with my friend Liz. I wasn't expecting much but I really enjoyed the movie. As a fan of the cartoon growing up I think they did an awesome job capturing the personalities of each turtle and changing certain aspects to fit new generations. Like April being able to kick some major ass instead of just running around needing to be saved. It's always nice when the girls get to learn martial arts as well. ^^

If you were a fan of the cartoon as a kid--or still are--go see it. There have of course been some changes but that doesn't matter. It's funny, it's light hearted and it has a good storyline behind it. I actually want to go see it again.

If you've not a fan of the cartoon, you still might enjoy it. It has a good introduction to the characters and it doesn't need loads of backstory to know what's been going on.

An overall good movie with some interesting CG work.

Zook Murnig
03-26-07, 12:21 AM
I grew up on TMNT. I really want to see this movie, but I probably won't be able to find the time, just like every other movie I want to see. *cough*threehundred*cough*

Anyway, when they brought the cartoon back I was determined to see a few episodes, and they're okay, but not as good as the originals. LOVED the original movies, though. And the Turtle Rap. Love me some Turtle Rap.

The Writing Writer
03-26-07, 12:49 AM
It wasn't too bad.

I hated that Mikey and Donnie did almost zero fighting. It's pretty much Raph and leo the whole time. This pissed me off even more being that Mikey and Donnie are my favs.


03-26-07, 05:32 AM
Well...those two were the laid back, easy going kinda guys. Only one had a fucked up, almost obsessional work ethic and the other just loved to joke and goof off. (I am so sorry, I just saw the movie today and I've already forgotten which is what >.<) Leo and Raph are the serious fighter types, mainly cause Raph has a serious temperamental problem and Leo is the leader. I loved Raph's costume...that was kick ass.

Personally I think the intro could have been worded a bit better, I think it was to fast and a bit basic, but seeing as this movie was geared toward a modern, younger generation of kids who grew up learning to speak 'L337' instead of proper whatever language they happen to speak normally, I can see how that would be considered a 'proper intro.'

But, other than that, it was actually quite funny and I really enjoyed seeing it. Not as much as 300, but it'll be something I go and purchase on DVD or Bleu-ray...whatever next gen movie thingamikdoohicky is up next in the line up.


Zook Murnig
03-26-07, 07:58 AM
Michaelangelo is the goofball. Donatello is the genius.

03-26-07, 09:53 AM
The story was centered around Leo and Raph a little more than Mikey and Donnie, but that didn't bother me too much since even in the movies and the show a lot of the time Mikey and Donnie never did a heck of a lot of fighting. They were as already stated the more laid back of the four, whereas Raph just jumps head first into things and Leo's the leader.

When I was little and watched the series Leo was my favourite but as I grew up, Raph become my fav, so I didn't mind too much that the story centered a little more around them than the others. And I don't really think they were forgotten or left behind it was just that Leo and Raph always had their personality issues and conflicts.

04-01-07, 04:12 AM
I have the original movie. I loved it. The one that's out now better live up to the standards left by its predecesor...

04-01-07, 10:15 AM
Well, for those who have seen the new one.

Do you think it followed on from the live action movies?

I haven't seen the third one, but watching the new one a second time there were a couple of little things that hinted at things from the live actions movies. Namely at the end with the shelves. There were items on them that could be related to the older ones. (As well as being the more obvious generic things) Namely the ooze container and the big sceptre thing in the case (I was told by someone else that it played a big part in the third movie, having not seen it I don't know.)
And Casey and April being togeter and the whole non-Shredder thing and yeah.

Well, just wondering on other peoples thoughts.

N yes, I did enjoy the movie, evidenced by seeing it twice in two weeks ^^;
N I betcha there's a sequel in like the next two years just because they left it open ended like it was and really, the brand name's big enough to carry a sequel even if it gets crappy reviews. You've got two generations who are likely to fork out money for seeing it n all, those who grew up with the original and those watching the new series they have now.