View Full Version : The Gate to Khaia (Closed)

Falcon Darkflight
03-29-07, 06:19 AM
"Before life itself existed in the darkness of space, there was one who existed and controlled all events from beyond reality. Isa created the living world of Nocturnis, and upon it the Khaians, and created the paradise world of Memelria to act as a sanctuary to all those whose lives had come to an end on Khaia. Eventually the return of souls to Memelria would empower Isa to create new souls upon Khaia and therefore continue a "circle of life" that would see Khaia and Memelria both prosper."

The young, pale skinned man closed his eyes, lamenting over his words as they rolled from the tip of his black tongue. He recited to the horde of Haicheyanne demons kneeling ahead of him from memory, and their pointed black helmets and faceless visors bowed in acknowledgement of their master's presence. For he, who sat atop the ill gotten throne of Khaia, was the ultimate power now. Not Asmodeus, and certaintly not any other Khaian, alive or dead.

"Isa's reasoning for creating both worlds was never explained in early texts." He continued, leaning on the gold and silver crested throne "As the Khaian Civilisation grew quickly under the guidance and influence of several leaders, the tribe discovered road building, map making, irrigation, farming and agriculture and ironworking. It wasn't long before the first marketplaces traded goods and the first forms of currency exchanged palms."

A loud collective sneer ereupted from beneath the dark visors of the Haicheyanne, each one in mocking for the traditional story and history of the Khaian race they had obliterated so many decades ago. They had heard the story before, the night before they laid waste to Sael. That in itself had been a glorious night for Mortisa.

"As Khaia and its people began to prosper, Isa decided to create a counterpart to deal with those that would seek to cause unrest within Khaian society. Isa created the Messenger Abeldeus and ordered it to abode in the realm of Moritsa, the underworld, where it would have the power to judge over all souls that passed through the gates of death."

A loud, roaring whistling shreiked through the ruined palace of Khaia. The sheer mention of their predecessor was enough to enrage them, their memories cast to a time where they had all been soulless golems, tools of warfare with no purpose other than to remain in unholy servitude. Now, under the almighty guide of Icarus Pentagathon, they could live and fight at least as individuals.

Icarus continued. "Abeldeus, unreceptive of its new role and determined not to be outspoken, declined and instead proposed to Isa that he instead helped to streamline society so that there would never be evil to condemn. Isa refused to accept this offer and once again stated Abeldeus's duties to him. Abeldeus tried to destroy the god in vain by using powerful black magic, but Isa cast a powerful spell named Maelstrom and tore off Abeldeus's wings, casting him to the depths of Mortisa to judge over the dead forever. Abeldeus became the demon Asmodeus and at this point in Khaian mythology was said to have turned nothing more than a nihilistic spirit."

At this point, Icarus Pentagathon rose to his feet, throwing back a scarlet cloak that had, until now, shrouded his blackened feathered wings from the demons. They roared in delight as he descended a flight of beige steps to address his delightfully chaotic horde, who were now raising their scythes and spears into the air, shaking them violently in rythm with the noise. His dark red eyes scoured the lines of black faces ahead of him, and with a smirk he gestured methodically to his audience, his voice changing from one of narration to an arrogant, spiteful tone.

"...Asmodeus was a fool. He created me to be nothing more than a knight in his little game of chess with the Khaians. His promises of freedom and power could never be kept, and when he spared Canen's life I realised his intentions. So, I silenced him. We didn't need weaklings to lead us to glory. And for any of you who were in doubt, look around you. We are the gatekeepers and we are holding ALL the keys. Soon, our long since decided victory in Khaia will be dwarfed by the fall of a nation with much more blood to offer. The heavens will rain blood, and the citizens of Althanas shall be washed away in a tsunami of pain and suffering. Canen is there. Let us, in this new Covenant of Shadow, bring to him the extinction of the Khaian race and the end of his pitiful life."

There was a certain dark charm to Asmodeus's Messenger, an underlying intellect bonded together by a bitter tint of insanity, and it somehow kept the demons in line. Maybe it was the fear of facing such great a power that made the Haicheyanne follow Icarus's every command, or perhaps there was a real hunger for continental domination underneath that plated armour and torn sinew that acted as a driving gear for them. In either case, the Mortisan army was great and powerful, and with Icarus at the helm, there was little they couldn't accomplish.

Falcon Darkflight
03-29-07, 06:22 AM
In the dead of night he came, phasing in and out of the fir trees like a ghost. Canen's quick footsteps pressed heavily into the snow that blanketed every uneven surface for miles around, the crunch of the broken ice on the surface and the pounding of his breath upon the cold air the only un-natural sounds of an otherwise silent forest. He had seen the demon with his own eyes, the unmistakable, gutwrenching stench of rotting flesh had drifted past his nose on the bitter night air, and there was no error to be made. A Haicheyanne was here.

As he continued his blurry nightmare sprint through the pencil branches and across the tundra, the smooth and polished blade of The Valiance gleaming in the beautiful silver glow of the moon overhead, Canen's mind raced. He tried to calculate the possibilities of how one of Asmodeus's servants could have strayed so far into outlandish territories from the portals of Khaia. It could not have been an easy feat, and certaintly was no accident, of that he was sure. But whatever the reason or however the method, it was irrelevant for now. Any Haicheyanne that crossed the threshold between his lost homeland Khaia and Althanas had to die, for the sake of the living.

The treeline began to recede quickly, and before long the firs reclined and broke into a smooth, snow blanketed clearing filled with what appeared to be a limestone pedestal jutting from the middle. Canen slowed to a light jog and dug his heels into the floor, finding shelter behing a cluster of thick trunks. The branches were just high enough so he could see clearly into the centre of the clearing.

"And on the day of judgement that awaits us all, I will stand atop the pedestal of Memelria and shout "it's time now, give me my wings.". Isa shall bear down forgiveness from the heavens, and I will ascend to the new Khaia to rejoin my brothers and sisters alike. On that day, I will be reborn." Canen whispered to himself in prayer, kissing the hilt of his broadsword for faith. As the cold steel pressed against his lips, his emerald eyes caught a flash of a dark shape lumbering through the clearing, a dark blot pressed against the blinding white of the terrain.

"Gideon, give me the strength to destroy the demons that threaten our loved ones, our children and our people, and the courage to bring hope to those who have none. In my power, I grant you a call to arms, for without you my fight is meaningless and my struggle is truely lost."

The homage to his brother had scarcely rolled off the curves of Canen's lips before he leapt forward, swinging The Valiance under his right arm and looping it into a one handed grip. His legs hammered the floor, kicking up clouds of powder and followed his body through to the attack as he rushed the demon from the left side, his eyes wincing as the cold air stung his face. The Haicheyanne reacted straight away, and despite its heavy armour turned and swung for the black clad Khaian with the butt of its oak Scythe. The edge of the handle cracked against Canen's ribs, extracting a painful groan from the man as he crashed to the floor in agony, his sword loosened from his grip. The resulting pain was like a thunderbolt tearing through his flesh, searing his chest and scolding the bones. Canen gasped for air as his pale hand reached out for the hilt of his blade in desperation, only to be kicked away from him by the armour clad demon with a snarl. His anger and hatred for his oppressor finally kicked in.

"You're quicker than the others..." he gasped, an expression of rage locked upon his face "...but you won't leave here. I'll bury your corpse where you die. And then i'll find your brothers. I'll make every single one of you pay...you'll all come through those portals, and I'll murder you all where you stand. Then, once i'm done with you..." He hesitated as the demon swung a poorly aimed punch at his face, missing completely as Canen rolled out of the way.

"...I'm going to Khaia to free it!"