View Full Version : a warm day's evening (open)

Kod Ak
03-29-07, 05:16 PM
It had been a warm day. So warm that some even called it hot. During this day the young Kod had found himself lucky. The young wanderer had been almost constantly in shadows. His brown eyes never were blinded by the burning rays of the sun, at least not during this day. The reason of it was that the young man had been walking through a forrest from early in the morning, when it was that time between darkness and the first real rays of light, minutes before the sun rose above the land. The forrest Kod was travelling in had the same green surrounding he had been walking through for the last days. The yong man was in this civilisationless area because of his job. Kod hoped to find some animals in this emerald bush.

He had reached this goal today.When the sun was at its highest point in its travel through the cloudless sky, the young man had caught trace of some rabbits. He had easily killed the little things using his staff to bash them between the ears once he had cornered them. This was the best way to kill an animal. If Kod had used his bow, he would have ruined the rabbits skin. As a hunter, Kod didn’t care about it, but since the man was also trying to make a living out of skinning, he knew the value of undamaged furs were much higher than those that were pierced or even worse: ripped to pieces.

Later, when the sun began to descent and the amount of light began to drop in the forrest, the young man started to look out for a good place to stay the night. It didn’t take him long to find one. Kod didn’t care much about comfort, as long as the ground was dry and relatively flat, it was ok for him and since the skinner was alone, there was no-one else he had to take into account.

This particular place however had some other advantages though. It was an open, almost round, clearing in the middle of the wood. It was a field of grass. In the middle of the treeless area, there was a well. The only manmade thing Kod had seen all day,apart from his own gear. An other thing that gave away that men came here was the circle of stones five metres away from the well. The circle was filled with ashes, giving away the purpose: fire, dangerous, but usable when it was controled.

On finding this spot, Kod had immediately turned around and started collecting wood. The man only took it from the ground, never breaking it from one of the many trees. Once he had taken everything he could, the brown haired man returned to the camp. He dropped the wood next to the fireplace and wandered back into the bush. After tree more trips, the young man decided he had enough wood and quickly got a fire going. Then the man refilled his water sacks with the pure liquid from the well.

Once he was done preparing from the night, Kod made himself as confortable as possible. He sat down near the fire. His weapons next to him. He took one of the rabbits and his gear, skinning equipment. It was time for work.

04-06-07, 08:28 AM
Shenjara was traveling alone. She, Kishurin, and Mac had become seperated during a small conflict, and now she was looking for her new friends. She had been on the way towards the capital of the island nation, the city of Scara Brae, which the island had been named after.

But since the confusion when they had been separated, she had lost her bearing and was wandering aimlessly through the rather lifeless fields and plains. She was surrounded by a sea of green, a beautiful light green color, not like her forest-dark green robe. The ground was warm to her bare feet and the tall grass tickled them as she walked. It was a warm day, not hot nor cold, with a light breeze from the east and the sun gently shining in it's late-afternoon glow. The sky was empty and as far as the eye could see, with the exception of a few fluffy white clouds here and there.

As she walked, she felt lonely. With the exception of Joran and her parents, she had never been around people much. But since he had died, she was lonely. Kishurin and Mac had lifted her spirits again, but now, they might as well be half-way across the world. She had a solemn face that showed a degree of apathy for the world, which despite its natural beauty, held nothing for her. She didn't notice the lovely color of the grass, nor that of the sky of the setting sun. She didn't care about the light breeze that flowed through her hair, making it seem to dance like a flame, nor the trees to which she was walking towards.

The trees weren't very dense in this small wood, and the orange glow lit the area with little resistance. She passed oak trees, willow trees, and a couple of the rather rare dursen trees, which were very useful for making potions with magical properties. But not once did she stop to gather any reagents for infusions or elixers or other kinds of complex but useful solutions.

Twilight came upon the wood, and Shenjara decided it was time to find somewhere to set camp. She looked around with the same apathy as before, if to a lesser degree of it, but couldn't find any place that seemed suitable. In the corner of her eye, she saw something flare up. She looked towards it, and saw the light that could only come from a campfire. She decided to join this person, rather than continueing to look for somewhere else to settle down for the night. The person might not mind her joining them, but if they did...well she would deal with that when it came.

Kod Ak
04-12-07, 04:12 PM
Kod thrusted his knive forward with a wide, teeth-showing grin on his unshaven, scarred face.The shortbladed skinning equipment sliced through the rabbit’s furr and soft skin before finally taking a stop deep into the lower body of the captured beast. The young man turned his wrist and pulled the knive in an upward motion until the blade hit the animal’s lower ribs. Moments before the knive left it’s body, the first slimmy intestins started to slip out of the new cut. What followed was messy, the first few times Kod had done it, he had thrown-up, but that was history now. The young man still didn’t like it, but he didn’t have to throw up anymore.

The young man layed down the cutting gear next to him. He didn’t see the blood on the blade. Not that there wasn’t enough light: the open flames of the camp fire provided enough of it. Kod just didn’t look at it. His eyes were focussed on the rabbit in front of him. Once the knive rested in the grass, the skinner got up and walked away from the fire. He stopped at the point where he could barely see what he was doing. He grabbed the dead animal’s ears in his right hand and raised it. Meanwhile, the man’s left hand found its way through the cut. Everything that was insede the animal had to get out and Kod believed this was the best way to do it.

Once the animal was empty and a bloody pile rested between the grass, Kod walked back to the well. He laid the bunny on it, save from most unwelcome guests. Here the carcas could dripp out. The young man did make sure that nothing got into the drinkingwater.

Suddenly a loud howling sound vibrated its way over the skinner’s camp. At the sound of it, Kod turned. He thaught it was a wolve’s howl, animals which hunted in packs. Animals he couldn’t handle on his own if they decided to attack. The skinner realised that this camp was about the last place he would like to be with those hunters around. When he ran back to the fire, every animal’s fear, he saw a shade closing in on the other side. It looked like a human, but there wasn’t enough light yet to see more distinguished features.

He or she must had heard the howling too, so Kod believed she came to seek a companion. The skinner would have done the same if he had known there was someone else around. Afterall, two could do more than one.


Kod screamed to the stranger.


Meanwhile Kod himself got closer to the fire too.

04-13-07, 02:11 PM
Shenjara's ears pricked up at the sound of the wolves' howling. There were several of them, as she could tell, and they had her and the camp surrounded. The elf-girl had never fought a wolf before, but she had a sure-fire defense against them.(pardon the pun)

Suddenly, whoever it was in the camp spoke out to her, beckoning her to the inner camp and the heat of the blaze. She ran through her training in the small academy in her village, searching for the best course of action. Then, she found one of the lessons she had recieved in the beastiary.

"Remember. When fighting wolves and other such creatures, it is likely they will be in packs. You cannot take them on, alone, not without great skill and reflexes, not even a powerful pyromancer such as Miss Flamespire.

However, if you have a friend, or multiple friends, you may have a chance to beat them off. Also, if a fire is available, and not one of your Torches, Miss Flamespire, stand as close to it as you can. Wolves are afraid of fire and the pack will fight less effectively as they move closer to fire."

That was the proper course of action. She dashed through the tree line and saw the first person she had seen, and the last she would see, for a week. Deciding to worry about that later, she continued towards the fire, stopping a few feet from its flames. The fire seemed excited by the situation, roaring up greater than it normally would. As for the man who had called out to her, she could see him on the other side of the blaze. But she figured now wasn't the time for introductions. First, the problem at hand...

Kod Ak
04-13-07, 04:43 PM
As the person ran towards the fire, which alluminated her body and face, it became obvious that the stranger was a woman. Her red, long hair were in a total contrast with her pale skintone. But all in all, Kod found that the young woman looked ok. If they weren’t in the trouble they were in, the young man might have enjoyed looking at the woman. However: the skinner realised that her natural beauty wasn’t going to help them against the wolves. The young man had secretly hoped that the stranger who had been coming to his fire was a warrior. A muscular man who could kill some wolves if they chose to attack the couple.

Now with his hopes (the ones of a strong warrior at his side) in smithereens, the young skinner knew that he was going to be the one who was supposed to fight against the wolves. But now he didn’t only have to protect himself, he would need to protect the young girl too.

While realising this, Kod stood still, trembling like a leaf, in the grass.
I can’t do this.
The thought crawled through his mental defence as an other howl sounded over the forrest.
If the wolves attack we’re death.
The young man started to panic.
What can I do.
Kod’s eyes shifted quickly from left to right and up and down, trying to find a safe spot.
We need to get out of here.

The skinner crouched and grabbed his gear. The yew bow ended on his back, close to the quiver full of arrows. Everything the young man did now practicly screamed panic. As Kod got back up, with his staff in his hand, ready to run, he realised that it was to late.

Behind the woman, death had appeared. Its form was that of wild dogs. Three of them. They all had the same color of furr, being grey and brown. Moisture dripped down their great, sharp fangs as they calmly walked closure. Kod had heard stories about wild animals sensing fear. He had always laughed with it, but now the young skinner was sure that the tales were true.He now even believed those beasts enjoyed it.


The skinner was surprised when he heard his own loud warning. He hadn’t even realised that he had stood, almost patrified, until he reached his scream. Kod knew that the chance of outrunning these beasts were over.
We’re already death. I can’t fight these beasts on my own.
It was a cold fact and it suddenly calmed the skinner down. The panic was over. What was left was perseverance.
I’m not going down without a fight.
As the young man ran around the fire, ready to take a stand against the little wolfpack, there suddenly appeared a weird smile on his face. His eyes has shifted over the woman he was about to protect at that time.
At least I’m going down with a beautiful woman at my side.

04-15-07, 12:57 AM
She felt the wolves’ presence before the man even spoke. She whipped around as the man ran to her…probably thinking her helpless. This man thinks I’m just some girl who needs saving. Well…at first look, I AM rather helpless. I guess I can forgive him for it. But, once again, back to the matter at hand.

As her quick turn finished, she saw the wolves. Their golden eyes glistened in the twilight and their silver coats shone orange in the firelight as they charged towards the two. Lucky for her, wolves burn especially well, and with the fire behind her, the energy of the Eternal Flame was more concentrated here than normal. She was most certainly not helpless.

She turned her head to the man, shouting her warning, “Stay behind me, human! This will be rather explosive.” She looked back at the wolves, and began to concentrate everything on fire. The heat of the campfire behind her, the orange glow it cast on the surrounding trees, the wild flicker and sparks of an open blaze, the smell of the smoke. Fire.

She spoke with practiced haste, incanting the Torch quickly, yet with complete accuracy.

"Bremnoytricgo nmertocit ailutishca reckña.
Shmeriche amni trescquio maishce."

Fire. The flame’s power ignited and the ball of flame appeared around her hand, an all to familiar sight for her. Not bothering to aim, she tossed the ball towards the wolves. If they wanted to play, why not play a little catch?

05-22-07, 02:29 PM
Banda walked through the forest, and he scowled, Why do I always seem to be in a forest? It's never an island paradise with women, always a damp, humid, forest with no civilization... He sighed, life wasn't so good nowadays, he couldn't find any work, so he found himself wandering back, and forth between countries, hoping that some good person needed help. He didn't care much about money at the time, he just wanted to feel needed. Banda walked deeper into the forest.

Banda saw I light up ahead, A fire? Someone's here? "Hey! Mind if I join you?" He shouted, but it was drowned out by the howling of wolves. It was a little off his trail, so he dismissed it. They've probably found a doe or something. Banda was nearing the campfire, and could almost see the fire clearly. It had reminded him of his last time in a forest. Last time he was in a forest, it was burning, thanks to a young half-elf that he had to rescue out of it. Shenjara was her name, and she was clumsy. Her fire spell almost cost her her life, and Banda's, and yet, he had left her a note, stating that if she ever needed his help, to just send a messenger.

"I'm just glad that she doesn't like to get herself in trouble!" As Banda began to laugh, he immediately stopped when he heard a crackle, now he could see that there were two flames ahead of him, one was the campfire, and the other was coming from a familiar pale-looking hand. "You gotta be kidding me." The flame left the hand, and Banda ran towards the campsite, like a child running to a christmas tree.

As he soon as he entered the open area in the wood, the ball of flame hit the ground, and Banda saw the wolves scatter, he cursed himself, he could have been attacked, and killed by those wolves, by ignoring their howls. One wolf had completely caught fire, it was howling, and running around the forest clearing. "As entertaining as it is, best not to let the thing die a slow death." Banda pulled out his boomerang from the sling around his waist, and threw it at the poor creature, it struck it in the head, and its body went limp, Banda patted the fire out with his foot. He then looked at Shenjara and smiled, "Hi long time, no see!" The half-elf's hair was still a red as Banda remembered, and she still carried a staff, "Well, you haven't changed a bit it seems!"

He saw that Shenjara was not alone, there was a man, he had a scar over his left eye, he seemed a little pale, as if he was shaking a moment ago, whatever his ailment was, it had already passed. The man looked as if he had been in this forest a long time, "Is he a friend of yours Shen? Nice to meet you, the name's Banda Utako, mercenary extraordinary!" Banda held up the body of the wolf, and plucked out his boomerang from its head, "Know how to cook?"

05-22-07, 04:42 PM
Shenjara was bewildered at this sudden re-introduction. She hadn't seen Banda since he'd rescued her from her own forest-fire. Still, she figured it was nice to see her rescuer once again. "Well met, Banda. I see you still don't know how to avoid trouble," she said, referring to herself, "I've just joined this fellow here, and don't even know his name. Who are y-." She stopped as soon as she saw his awestruck face. He seemed to have been hit by lightning, as he stood there stunned, staring at her.

Her face took on an annoyed look as she said, "It's not THAT surprising. I'm carrying a staff and wearing a robe, for goodness' sake. At least close that planar portal you call a mouth." Having someone staring at her like that was disconcerting.

06-13-09, 02:14 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.