View Full Version : How Can I Say Goodbye?

03-31-07, 09:39 AM
How Can I Say Goodbye?

One by one they parade inside
With tear filled eyes
They give their hopes and their goodbyes
And one by one they leave
All but three
All by my mother, my brother and me
How can I say goodbye?
I know the word
But it’s a lie
I know I must
But cannot try
Why do the good ones always die?

One by one they parade inside
With eyes gone dry
They gave their hopes and their goodbyes
And one by one they leave
All but three
All but my mother, my uncle and me
I already said my goodbyes
With no hope in tear filled eyes
I knew the end
And the end knew me
Now the good one has lain there and died

For Debbie Laura MacDonald
Sister, Daughter, Wife, Mother, Aunt
She left us on Saturday, March 24th 2007 at 8:30am

Megan Carpenter
Saturday, March 24th 2007 9:54am

I haven't written an actual poem in a long time, but sometimes you just hit an emotional point where you need to write something down. But even then, the words can never fully describe what it is your feeling. The first part of the poem was written when I found out they were going to stop her medication and let her pass. The second part was written the morning of her passing. I got back from the hospital and went upstairs to write it down right away before I forgot. Now I have it memorized in my head, I must repeat to myself five times a day.