View Full Version : At least I had this character sheet saved

03-25-06, 04:49 PM
((I had just created this character so I had no exp and only the starting gold))

Operative Name: Casha Via

Alias: Cash

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Job: Spy, Intel Gatherer

Siblings: Jill “Night Striker” Via (killed for treason)

Mental Status (personality): Casha is a very strong willed individual, and likes to focus on the job at hand. She is surprisingly smart and tends to be capable of figuring out the unobvious solutions. She is a little untrusting but she can be surprisingly friendly. It is also a well-known fact that at times she can be a bit of a flirt, especially after one or two drinks. Oddly enough she has not suffered any of the mental illnesses that most operatives face such as night terrors, depression, schizophrenia, or mood swings. After the death of her sister she started to exhibit mild depression and hatred towards forward operative Tarry Whealer, but our psychiatrist say that she is quickly getting over such feelings though (understandably) she still feels a bit of ill will towards Whealer. She tends to prefer to work alone, usually trying to get missions that don’t involve working with a team of other operatives.

Physical Description (Apperance): Casha has been described and quite pretty. She is about 5’11” and weighs a meager 145lbs. Her hair is dull red in color and mixed with strands of blond, and her eyes are brown. She has a decent sized chest, though its not overly large. Her hair is generally kept at about shoulder length and her skin is mostly pretty smooth and slightly tan.

History: Casha and her sister were born into a military family and from birth that’s what she wanted to do. Their father was the famous general Boraver Via and her mother was a high-ranking medic named Maria Samara. Casha never got to know her father too well because he was always busy but she grew real close to her mother. They both went to a private military school and were taught first aid by her mother in addition to a variety of other things

When the aliens invaded, when Casha was 17, it was actually her father who founded the resistance. At the beginning of the war she helped her mother serve as a medic but it was soon discovered that she had great potential as a spy. She had been out in the field helping to get wounded soldiers off the field and back to the base that she discovered her calling. Apparently the invaders had expected a unit to try and help the defeated squadron of soldiers and had set up an ambush. When they attacked the medical unit was taken by complete surprise and quickly captured. Casha and her crew were taken to an execution plant where they were to be killed and harvested for their blood and organs, but Casha managed to escape. The rest of her crew, including her mother, who was their leader, was not so lucky. It is believed that the crew were all harvested liked the invaders had intended. Casha managed to completely avoid detection and return to the base. She had been the first operative escape an execution plant alive and the information she had gathered played a vital role in the defeat of the alien menace. Her father would latter be killed during the final battle of the war.

After the war Casha along with several other top operatives, including her sister, were selected for a top-secret government program. Casha was enlisted as a spy and intel gatherer and her sister became an assassin. That was the last time the two girls saw each other. Casha’s sister would latter become guilty of treason and thus assassinated by fellow operative Tarry Whealer.

Since then Casha has worked as one of our most valuable and loyal spies and the information she has gathered played a key role in capturing and stoping numerous terrorist and criminals not to mention helping us discover some incredible technology. In fact it was Casha managed to secure the top-secret information from the terrorist her sister had been working for and allowed us to discover one of our biggest secrets yet, another primitive planet called Althanas.

Skills: Casha has exhibited a wider variety of helpful skills

Basic First Aid: Though Casha has not forgotten all of what she has learned and knows basic first aid. She can mend and clean most basic wounds and knows CPR. Even wounds that she cannot cure she can help secure so that they don’t become any more serious until proper medical help can be gained.

Linguistics: Casha has exhibited extraordinary skill with language. She can learn a new fluently in under a month just from being exposed to it and can usually pick up the basics of that language in a matter of days. She has also proven that if given time to concentrate and work at it, she can usually decipher odd written languages or code.

Stealth: Casha is fairly skilled at moving quietly and your average grunt or civilian likely won’t detect unless they know she’s there. Somebody trained to detect the unusual could likely detect her. She is also skilled at finding a good hiding spot and how to utilize said spot.

Basic close quarters combat: Casha has received basic training in basic CQC (close quarters combat, she has not pursued further training because her job usually requires her to avoid as much contact as possible and to move around stealthily. When she is confronted she knows a few basic defensive and offensive moves either using her bare hands or her standard issue combat knife, her training is just enough to allow her to subdue her assailant long enough for her to escape and hide.

Trickery: Casha is not above using her girlish looks, her crafty tounge or any thing else she can find to get trick/convince people to give up information or other such things she that she needs from them. Her methods generally rely on tricky her target and as such don't usually result in any physical harm to the target. While she is good enough to trick your standard person or somebody with major exploitable personality problems anybody with any skill what so ever and recognizing and/or resisting such trickery will have little to no problem at all at avoiding giving up any information to Casha that she is not supposed to have.

Mission Briefing: As you know we have been researching Althanas heavily via robotic probes that we sent using teleporter technology. Using our probes we have learned a lot about the landscape of the planet as well as several basic things about the culture and capabilities of its inhabitants and we are quite intrigued to say the least. We have decided to send an operative to gather intelligence from them. You are not, under any circumstances, to introduce new technologies to them or to inform them of our planet. You are to act merely as an observer. We will be teleporting you to Althanas and though we don’t know the exact location, we can tell you that you will likely end up somewhere in what the natives refer to as “The Red Forest”.

Equipment: You will be given the following equipment.

1 standard issue, double edged, stainless steel combat knife and leather sheath.

1 map of Althanas

1 electronic recorder for sending recording information, this device has a built in extra feature that will allow us to maintain communications with you at all times. This is the one piece of high-tech gear you will be given, you are not to lose it to any Althanas native under any circumstances, and you should try to keep it hidden from them when you can.

1 standard issue reconnaissance suit, this suit is built out of special fibers that are as flexible and comfortable as silk but provide the same protection as leather, it is also designed to resist rainwater and provide very basic protection from cold weather.

1 standard issue portable first aid kit, included one role of bandages, 6 sterilized rubbing pads, and two syringes of morphine.

1 basic leather pouch containing 100 gold pieces, the currency used by Althanas natives.

03-25-06, 05:36 PM
Approve it once, same on me.
Approve it twice, same on an Althanas Crash.
