View Full Version : I have nothing to do with 300!!!

04-02-07, 06:56 PM
although my character is a Greek hoplite I was not inspired to make one from the movies my character is more so based off history than a movie although 300 and Alexander were great movies, I will have all my info by tomorrow and a head up warning I prolly wont be active during spring break because...well its spring break!!!! spring break 07 WHOOO-HOOOOO

Aryr de Morte
04-02-07, 07:03 PM
Woot, first.

Welcome :)

04-02-07, 07:04 PM
lol, well that's some odd little introduction.

Anyway, welcome to Althanas!

Please keep your arms and legs inside the forum at all times or they may be removed by rabid, zombified characters. Do not feed the following people; Cyrus the Virus, Slayer of the Rot, Letho, Dissinger, Serilliant, Atzar Kellon, hamnat, AdventWings and Lucien for they may become dependant on you and are hard to get rid of. Any screams you may now be experiencing are the sounds of dying characters, do not be alarmed for they shall be revived in new and inventive ways the following quest. Have a nice day.

*offers you a plate full of cookies, which is good! But some of them are poisonous, which is bad...*

04-02-07, 07:21 PM
Ah, you make me remember the good old days of my Spring Break. What was it . . . three weeks ago? How time flies.

Welcome! I like your character, it's nice to see a non-dwarf male who isn't over six feet tall. out of curiosity, does he have a nickname? (Short attention span, I can't remember anything longer than . . . 10 letters.;~)

Kod Ak
04-02-07, 07:43 PM
it's nice to see a non-dwarf male who isn't over six feet tall.

Haha, I win: Kod's male, human and only 5 feet 9

anyway: welcome sir hoplite. I hope you enjoy your stay on Althanas.

post scriptum: Did your char get a Spartan education, or is he more of a thinker?

04-02-07, 09:08 PM
'Tis nice to see a fellow Greek...as in I'm Greek, not my character. Though, you might not be Greek IRL...anyways...

Oh, stay away from the cookies..unless you want to wake up with one of Witchblade's collars around your neck. Speaking of, the antidote for her poisoned cookies is nearing its completion, so you won't have to worry to much longer, those of you whom she has enslaved.

And welcome to Althanas! Enjoy your daily cup of crazy(^_^)!

Pst...Kishurin beats you both at 5'4"(^_^)

Demon Song
04-02-07, 10:47 PM

Sorry, it had to be said. Welcome to Althanas.

04-02-07, 11:40 PM
Oh! Here's where the introduction thread is, which I missed, which is blindingly in hindsight's view right now. I'm also new so this is like the blind greeting the blind here. *sticks out her fingers in shakeable manner somewhere towards what she hopes is your stomach*

Too bad you're not one of the men from 300. I was having some preliminary drool happen there. *wipes chin* Oh well, nevermind then, carry on. Have a good times at the boards and don't worry about Witch's cookies. There's brownies behind the floorboards here.

At least, I think/hope/pray they are brownies.

04-02-07, 11:40 PM
I've always wanted to make characters that were modeled off ancient Greece (The Ptolemaioi ((Successor state of Alexander, future Egypt)) Arche Seleukia ((Successor state of Alexander)) Makedonia ((Alexanders homeland)) and Koinon Hellenon ((Formal name of the alliance between Sparta, Athens and Rhodes in the early 3rd century BC) as well as ancient Imperial Rome.

Those characters would be very fun to play with (mainly they come with kick ass shields and weapons!!!) and would make great war-time characters. Specially the Spartan and Imperial Roman versions of the characters, cause that's practically all the do! :)

Anywho, have fun and all that jazz. And when you get the chance, shake my hand.

04-03-07, 09:12 AM
Oh, stay away from the cookies..unless you want to wake up with one of Witchblade's collars around your neck. Speaking of, the antidote for her poisoned cookies is nearing its completion, so you won't have to worry to much longer, those of you whom she has enslaved.

Witchy, just say the word and Hamnat will have a "lab accident" that destroys the antidote and everybody involved in its creation.

Anyways, welcome, surprisingly I think you're the first spartan based character.

04-03-07, 09:38 AM
Valk...brownies (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brownie_%28elf%29) don't much like being eaten. In fact...they get cranky if you try. So leave the brownies behind the floorboards alone.

HERE is a brownie (http://www.cornichon.org/archives/Grappa%20brownie.JPG) for eating!

Welcome, person.

04-03-07, 11:07 AM
And I, have everything to do with the Roman Empire! >.>

Told you I'd make one. :D

Welcome, from yet another alt character of mine.

04-03-07, 01:06 PM
A Hoplite and a Centurion? Now we need a Persian footsoldier and maybe even an Egyptian. :p

Hey, nice. I wondered how they'll do on Althanas, though? I guess I'll have to wait and see. :D

Antigonus the One-Eyed
04-03-07, 02:48 PM
Anyways, welcome, surprisingly I think you're the first spartan based character.

Not anymore I'am also a Spartan based character and Hephaestion is my brother we will have inter woven storylines that will all make sense as soon as we finish these guys. But his character is more based off of a Macedonion mine a Spartan. Anyway This is Kinda my introduction as well and glad to see you all giving us a warm welcome.

04-03-07, 02:56 PM
Hahaha, interesting duo.

Hello, another Spartan! Welcome to your new Internet Nuthouse!

For any questions not found in the FAQ and various forums, you can PM or IM us mods and Admins with your questions. Or post them up in the Your Word forum if you want mulitple input on the issue.

Also, feel free to browse around and look into the different affairs going on now! Travel the world and see the adventures lying in waiting for your story to unfold! :D

04-03-07, 02:57 PM
accutally I was judging my height which is 5'11 and figured that 5' 8 was a bit to small so I changed sorry for the short people but kod ak gets to keep his title as 2nd shortest human being and thank you all for the welcomes I would be glad to shake your hands but im afraid I will pass on the cookies....and brownies

04-03-07, 03:00 PM
No one passes on my cookies!


You shall pay for you insolence!

*storms off to plot Hep's demise*

04-03-07, 03:10 PM
No one passes on my cookies!


You shall pay for you insolence!

*storms off to plot Hep's demise*

Hell, I'll take em if he doesn't want em.

Welcome to Althanas. :D

Antigonus the One-Eyed
04-03-07, 03:10 PM
Quickly brother make haste don't let the foul witch get you!!!

*Stuff's mouth full of cookies*

04-03-07, 03:13 PM
Whoa, is it just me or Witchy just got three new... items... on her list. ;)

04-03-07, 03:23 PM
*gives Zero cookies*


Technically only two, Hep wouldn't eat any of the cookies, but he'll pay. Oh yes, he'll pay. I will crush him with my mighty crushing abilities and maybe set him on fire for fun.

04-03-07, 03:39 PM
Damn, you somehow got two people in one introduction thread. You truly are the master!

Antigonus the One-Eyed
04-03-07, 03:43 PM
Well I guess its safe to say were in for one wild night.

04-03-07, 04:03 PM
Thanks, Elrundir. I try. ^^

*watches her slave army grow with every introduction thread*

Soon, I shall take over all of Corone and then...Althanas!

*stares off into space as she imagines commanding an army big enough to sweep across Althanas and destroy anything in her way*

Yes, my plan will come to fruition.

04-03-07, 05:30 PM
Perhaps I should raise an Athanian Legion...>.> I wouldn't mind our characters egaging in a fight. Antigonus the One-Eyed, Hephaestion, would you care to engage?

2 on 1 or a FFA, it does not matter. It'll still be interesting all the same.

Antigonus the One-Eyed
04-03-07, 06:47 PM
Yes I will engage it sounds interesting and a good way to start me off me and my brother and I were planning on having an army as well but split up to where he controls some troops and I control some troops and to make it more exciting we have our one battle tactics and views on a war.

04-03-07, 06:58 PM
I uhhh...have my one guy.

I was thinking along the lines of an arena battle in the citadel, without the armies. :)

04-03-07, 07:05 PM
Erm... a... welcome to Althanas? ^^

04-03-07, 08:06 PM
Anyways, welcome to the insane-asylum we call a community. I'm a tad bit of an ancient history buff (albeit not much of one), and so I suspect these Greco-Roman characters will be interesting to read. The closest thing I have to one... Erm, my character wears a Greek chiton...

I can't believe you, Witchblade, corrupting multiple people in one thread. I must stop this!

Googlyeyesultra quietly grabs one of Witchblade's cookies and attempts to shove it down his/her throat.

IF(success=1, "Hah! Now you, and therefore all of your subordinates, are mine!")

IF(success=0, "Damnit. I think I'll go away now. *googlyeyesultra sneaks away*")

04-03-07, 08:10 PM
Pfft, good like next time, Googly.

I shall be slave to no one and I am immune to the poison of my own cookies, so hah!

Antigonus the One-Eyed
04-03-07, 08:26 PM
I uhhh...have my one guy.

I was thinking along the lines of an arena battle in the citadel, without the armies. :)

Sure why not a little arena battle sounds fun.

04-03-07, 08:38 PM
KK, do you want to create?

Aryr de Morte
04-03-07, 08:46 PM
Although I don't like to barge in (haha, yeah right) I've never even been offered Witchblade's cookies, so ha! *runs*

04-03-07, 08:46 PM
KK, do you want to create?

I will join as well and for creation I will have mine done by tomorrow but I cant say the same for my brother

Aryr de Morte
04-03-07, 08:47 PM
Any of you sexy Greeks interested in a PG?

The Wraeththu (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=4824)

Read it!

04-03-07, 09:39 PM
I will join as well and for creation I will have mine done by tomorrow but I cant say the same for my brother

Do you mean you character profile?

Antigonus the One-Eyed
04-05-07, 03:01 PM
Do you mean you character profile?

Indeed he is but about starting the arena battle I think I'll leave that up to you since were the new guys I think it would make make more since of me going after you so I can get an idea ya know what I mean.

04-05-07, 06:19 PM
Good good. Just post here when you character profile and stuff has been approved and when you're ready to battle.