View Full Version : Erm, Uhh, Sorry...

04-05-07, 08:08 PM
I didnt really know where to post this so uhh...

For everyone I was involved in threads with, sorry about just diappearing. I got sick the night I was supposed to come back home to my moms house from my dads. My dad has no internet/computer access but I intened to post Sunday the day I was to come home. Turns out, Sunday night I started feeling back and it just got worse as the night went on. I got back asap, and will try to catch up in the threads I was inolved with. Sorry, for that everyone, things were beond my control

Aryr de Morte
04-05-07, 08:21 PM
Welcome back, hope you feel better. :)

04-05-07, 08:36 PM
These usually go into the intro/outro subforum.

And welcome back.

04-08-07, 08:49 AM
And good to have you back with us, Rith. :)

So, was it the Nightly Special Mystery Dish or the Cookie Crumb Combo Ice Cream?


04-08-07, 01:05 PM
Kitchen or Parlour?

Poison or bone fragments?

04-08-07, 07:23 PM
A bit of both I believe there Advent lol. And Karuka, you just lost me...

04-08-07, 07:28 PM
Clue, lol.

It was the Cookie Crumb Combo Ice Cream in the Parlor with Poison.

04-08-07, 07:42 PM
Why not in the Bathroom's Kitchen with the Pickle I was threatened a beating with?

04-09-07, 01:14 AM
Haven't I told you not to mix outrageously delicious dishes together in hoping they come out stellar? It's like eating deep-fried bananas and then eating a whole slice of icing-laden birthday cake.

...Oh, wait. I haven't told you that, haven't I? :p

Well, I guess you should be careful about that. Some food don't mix well together. :p

Hey, whoa, wait. There's a Kitchen in the Bathroom?! O_o

...Cookie Crumb Combo Ice Cream in the Dining Room with a side of Chocolate Cake. ;)

04-09-07, 01:24 AM
Dude, that sounds AMAZING.

But all I have is Pork loin (garlic and herb) in the Dorm Room with a side of Easy Mac.

04-09-07, 01:47 AM
Are you kidding? Eight out of Nine people can get really sick from that combo. Not me, though. :p Stomach of steel. :D

But I had a box of diluted milk and two crumbly cookies for dinner.

After finishing my Chicken Pasta. :p Yummy.

04-09-07, 01:57 AM
Dude, I just need to mail you a box of applesauce.

Artifex Felicis
04-09-07, 07:58 AM
I have yet to find two solid foods that I like and do NOT taste well together. Bacon and Marshmallows for example, is an excellent food fi you're willing to ignore the silent scream of frustration for eating something so unhealthy. The only rule is that the food must be able to hold it's shape for a long time at room tempature. So Peanut butter and drippy sauces don't really count. Same with Ice Creams and Jell-os.

Jerk Salmon and Mac'n'cheese.

Sausage and gramcrackers.

Chesse, Triscits, Sausage, and a small garnish

Oh yeah, welcome back Rith!

04-09-07, 08:08 AM
It's not the taste that gets people sick, Arty. It's what happens when they mix in the stomach. >.<;

Artifex Felicis
04-09-07, 08:16 AM
Maybe, but sometimes it's worth the taste for the after-effects. Then again, I don't really get sick from food too often or easily. So that's good. Still, it's amazing how much food opens up when you don't care about the consequences.

04-09-07, 02:59 PM
Rather large bathroom :D

What about Melted Cheese and Sour Dill pickles (the cheese holds it's melted state as long as you eat it before it molds)

Or, how about Green Beans and Fruit Cocktail?

04-09-07, 05:56 PM
I could put fresh green beans in with a fruit salad. Those canned things, though...nope.



*Shakes head*

04-09-07, 07:36 PM
Artifex, sour dough tortilla + peanut butter + marshmellows = one hell of a wrap. You should try it. Also welcome back Rith.

I've discovered that egg rolls go well with just about everything.

The Archer
04-09-07, 07:43 PM
I dunno...the Artifex part makes it hard to handle.

He's a wiggly bugger.

04-09-07, 07:45 PM
While the peanut butter doesn't really count, you got it Grim!

The thing to remember is, it's not the same with everyone. Chocolate and Strawberries taste good to some people, not to others. Some people like fish, but not bacon. It's a simple Equation

XY = Z

X is a solid food you like
Y is a different SOLID food you enjoy
Z is awesomeness in your mouth.

You know its right because I used SCIENCE!

04-09-07, 07:50 PM
Tuna and a block of Cheddar Cheese
Apples (not cooked) with Beanee Weenees

Sounds to me like those equtions of XY=Zyuck!

Someone should try these and tell me what they think!

The Archer
04-09-07, 07:50 PM
I would never put chocolate and olives together. Just...no.

04-09-07, 07:51 PM
While the peanut butter doesn't really count, you got it Grim!

The thing to remember is, it's not the same with everyone. Chocolate and Strawberries taste good to some people, not to others. Some people like fish, but not bacon. It's a simple Equation

XY = Z

X is a solid food you like
Y is a different SOLID food you enjoy
Z is awesomeness in your mouth.

You know its right because I used SCIENCE!

You actually used math. With variables.

04-09-07, 07:57 PM
I have tried Tuna and Cheddar cheese. Tastes better if you have a vehicle counting the mess it can make. As for apples and the tiny hot dogs, I happen to like both, have HAD both together, and it tasted pretty good. I actually have it reasonibly often. Amazing what an inability to cook ral food can do for you. One of the real tricks is to make sure to have about even amounts of both. A little bit of cheddar in tuna isn't so good, but when mixed right quite good. If I had a video camera I would prove this more easily.

Course, another problem is actually TRYING the stuff. Most of the time it is good though. Also, you suck Lucien.

Yes, I will defend my equation of MATH! forever.

04-09-07, 08:04 PM
I'd like to see you try this on camera. Facial expressions would be amusing :D lol.

How about:
Fresh Pineapple and Green Beans
Canteloupe and Lima Beans
Chocolate and Bacon
Vanilla and Tomatoes
Chocolate and Oranges

The Archer
04-09-07, 08:06 PM
Pinapple and green-beans are okay.

Lima beans just suck.

Chocolate and bacon...EWW.

Vanilla and tomatoes...vanilla ice cream and tomatoes? They actually used to have a tomato ice cream, so it could be good...

And chocolate-covered oranges rock this planet.

04-09-07, 08:12 PM
Keep in mind that the drink you use could make all the difference as well. To prove my point we will go back to Sonata's theory of food

XY = Z

X is a solid food you like
Y is a different SOLID food you enjoy
Z is awesomeness in your mouth.

Now suppose we make F(x) = Z making the theory F(x) = XY. Since drink is the inverse, or in this case the derivative, of food. Thus F'(X) = X'Y + XY'. Or in other words Z(dy/dx) = X'Y + XY'. Therefore since Z can be equal to either infinity or zero then Z=Z(dy/dx) since it is currently the only numerical variable that equals the derivative of itself. Thus since Z = XY and Z(dy/dx) X'Y + XY' then it stands to reason that XY = X'Y + XY' or in english, the combination of mixed foods equals the combinations of mixed drinks. Thus by changing XY (the foods) you by law of derivatives change their derivatives X' and Y' (which are the drinks) and visa versa, proving that drinks do make a difference to the combination of foods that you use.

04-09-07, 08:16 PM
I ne'er understood th' wee language tha' 'tis ay math.

So y've managed t' confuse me but good, Grim.

04-09-07, 08:21 PM
I edited my theory since I found a way to explain it using only derivatives (no integrals). Also anybody whose not in calculus will not understand my theory, of course considering the fact that I'm almost postive I broke some major theories and/or laws of calculous I probably confused most people who do know calculus.

04-09-07, 08:29 PM
Okay...let me put this in MY version of English, and you can tell me if I've got it correct.

Certain foods have certain flavors. Other foods have different flavors. Some flavors of foods are complimentary. Ergo, you have steak and potatoes, and hot dogs and sauerkraut (or at least you do in Pennsylvania). You do not have chocolate and sauerkraut, though.

Likewise, certain drinks go well together. You can mix orange juice and vodka. You can mix vodka (flavorless...I dunno anything about alcohol, so eh) with mint julep. You do not mix orange juice with mint julep, however.

Since both food and drink count as consumables, and each has unique flavors, there are going to be certain food and drink combinations that go well together, such as Filet Mignon and red wine, but not Parmesan Chicken and orange juice.

04-09-07, 08:31 PM
Taking in the drink part,then there's an entirely different ballgame. We would also have to qualify having NO drink be considered 1 in the equation in that particular instance. We ought to add an entirely different thing into it with the inclusion of food. If it would be alright, the I'm now referring Z as A. So using th efunctions, F(x 1) = A, and F(x 1) = XY. But, using drinks as a seprate equation, it would be F(x 2) = B, and F(x 2) = X'Y'. But the combination of mixed drinks does not always equal, but I will say it does to make it easy enough. So A+B = A or B. And to make it better, then we would have to use C as the final variable to make the final quantity of tastefullness. Since they also increase rather quickly, I believe AB = C would be the best final solution. As for quantifying the drinks, it will take more research to see if my original theory holds out.

EDIT: Taking into account Karuka's statement, I need a few minutes to reason why my theory holds out against it.


04-09-07, 08:35 PM
The only problem in your theory is your mathematical theory is some of the wording since F(x1) is the same as saying F(1x) which is the same as saying F(x) since that essentially means the function of one times x. If the other stuff does make sense. However if you wanted X to equal one in your equations then the proper notation would be F(1).

04-10-07, 08:23 AM
I'd like to throw in my knowledge of Calculus in to battle both Grim and Sonata, alas what Grim said really does make sense. :p

But~ Like Karu said: Certain things just go together while others are best left to people with guts of steel to experiment with. :p

Also, Chocolate + Orange = Heaven in my Mouth. :D