View Full Version : Help?

04-07-07, 05:27 PM
I've a quest that's gone inactive, and both posters have been absent from Althanas for over two months time. Do I let the thread fall into the The Unresolveds or have it judged and claim any EXP possible while I can?

04-07-07, 06:06 PM
Its really up to you which path you take, though unless the thread is closed to finished I wouldn't submit it. However another option is to write them out the thread some how and continue it solo. If you pick the third option then getting the permission of the other two writers, if possible, is a good idea though not completely neccessary.

04-07-07, 06:50 PM
Got a link?

04-07-07, 07:28 PM

Aial, the quests main motivator, is gone.

04-07-07, 08:40 PM
something might have just come up? I dunno... I'd personally give it a little more time, but your call in the end.

04-07-07, 09:31 PM
I really hate when that happens, and it happens to me all the time. I've joined at least fifteen quests between my two characters - no exaggeration - but have only ever had one finish that wasn't solo.

Sad story, cry for me.

04-07-07, 09:57 PM
Have you tried to get a hold of your quest mates via IM or email?

Demon Song
04-07-07, 10:00 PM
If you aren't the starter, it is hard to swap out the people. I'd suggest pming both of them.

04-08-07, 07:35 AM
Yeah, this happened from time to time.

Happens a lot especially during the Summer times and close to the End of the Year.

Just ask Yamihara. She's been here for two years and counting but got only 5 or 6 quests done. And she's a dang active thread-joiner. :(

04-08-07, 03:09 PM
Such a waste...

...especially when you're not interested in writing at this moment, which I'm strangely not. If only there were ways to recycle posts and such. Le sigh.