View Full Version : MSN Art!

Aryr de Morte
04-07-07, 11:22 PM
The picture is here (http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f219/puffman7/d.jpg)!

Tell me what you think, after all, it's on MSN!

04-08-07, 07:32 AM
Whahaha! Hillarious and well-done.

Coolness. I didn't know you could do that over Messenger.

Then again... I haven't used that ever since I got Trillian... :p

Is that the newest function for MSN Messenger?

Artifex Felicis
04-08-07, 07:53 AM
It's like a doodle thingy for MSN. It's pretty fun to mess around with but it begins to hurt a LOT with the constant *click click click* of the mouse.

Aryr de Morte
04-08-07, 08:43 AM
Yeah, it's from like 1 or 2 versions ago I think.

04-08-07, 08:47 AM
Oh, I see...

Maybe I should go back to using MSN Messenger to wreak havoc upon my friends...


Aryr de Morte
04-08-07, 08:48 AM
MSN art is where it's at! :p