View Full Version : Tanka Chain!

04-13-07, 01:12 PM
Okay...so, here are the rules to the chain.

First off, the format is nine lines. It doesn't have to follow any particular meter, but the syllable requirements are 5-7, 5-7, 5-7, 5-7-7. (if you absolutely MUST, 5-6-8).

Second, you must incorporate the motif of the stanza above yours. Bonus points if it makes sense.

Third...no attacks on people here. This is an art form, if you need to bash each other, not in the poem.

Right, to start this thing off:

The day has been long,
With an even longer week.
The month has been long,
With an even longer year.
But time still runs fast
Merciless in its rampage.
I have seen the dawn,
But with it there was silence,
A wretched creature weeping.

04-18-07, 03:47 PM
Though Forever is now gone,
I remembered you today,
Walking next to me,
With our hopes and hearts held high.
Your face faded with time,
But your heart still rests with mine.
I kept my promise,
And stayed with you 'til you died.
Wait, love, mine is close behind.

04-18-07, 09:21 PM
We walked together,
With our hopes and hearts held high.
Though you're now alone,
My heart still rests with your heart.
Tarry behind, love,
Wait a little while longer.
An eternity
Is but a short time to me
And I wish you a full life.

04-18-07, 09:47 PM
Seated under stars,
Too old to get up and walk,
My mind was on you,
When you appeared before me.
Open, were you arms,
Knowing to leave life behind.
"Take my hand, my Love,
And to Paradise we climb.
Eternity awaits us."

04-18-07, 09:55 PM
"See the stars with me
Let us dance again with them,
Like when we were young,
World bright and full of beauty.
Come explore with me,
Forever the infinite.
I waited for you,
And now that you are with me,
We will never be apart."


Next person start a new chain!

04-19-07, 01:45 PM
You lie in shadows,
And move as a cat through night.
You are an arms dealer,
Notorius criminal.
Your service I call,
For our King has lived too long.
If you do accept,
Upon the dawn we meet next,
I will be King, or you dead.

04-19-07, 02:15 PM
You're greedy, darling.
Thoughts only to your power,
The world is your toy.
You call me from my bower
Mere pawn, accomplice,
As though his blood can help you.
Impatient darling,
I am a deadly flower,
And for a price, your weapon.