View Full Version : Slowing down considerably

04-13-07, 07:01 PM
Well, real life has finally caught up with me. And I know that not many people here really care all that much, but my activity on the boards and online will be slowing drastically.

I have a 25 hour job at Aeropostale, and just got another 30 hour job working for an expensive watch and sunglass company. That's on top of my military duties, and going back to being a full time student. As well as moving out of my house (FINALLY, I have enough money to get an apartment), possibly moving down south (to Tampa), and a lot of people trying to make me have a life with drama... lol.

SO! I'll see you peeps when I see you, and I apologize ahead of time for all the threads I may slow down. I'm only going to be dropping one for the time, and I will attempt (at the very least) to post quickly and well in all the others.

That's about it.

Peace peeps.

04-13-07, 07:13 PM
Well the good news is when you move to Tampa you'll live closer to me which is everyone's dream. ;)

Seriously though, good luck with everything and its completely understandable that with such things going on for you that your activity is slowing down. Though two jobs, plus military duties, plus a full time student, dude that's more than I could probably handel right now.

04-13-07, 07:15 PM
Good luck with that. Nice exit by the way ;). But, hope all goes well and see you soon.

Artifex Felicis
04-13-07, 08:08 PM
Wow, you're life sounds busy.

Anyways man, have fun and keep it up. We'll be waiting for you when you get back, so no worries.

04-13-07, 08:15 PM
Take care and don't stress yourself too much. Be sure you remember to eat and such!

04-13-07, 10:34 PM
Ha, I don't eat or sleep, no time for either... lol. Thanks though.

04-13-07, 10:51 PM
If you but post, I could end ours in my next one! Or perhaps, you could end it with your post, but that would hurt the score quite dramatically.

Which ever works, aye.

04-13-07, 11:14 PM
There you go. That's out of the way then...

Demon Song
04-13-07, 11:27 PM
I have that feeling, too. I was recently fined 345 dollars, so I need a job to pay it off.