View Full Version : Uh.. probably a stupid question.

04-21-07, 07:40 AM
I doubled checked a few times, and I want to know.

You guys have a tournament section, but why don't you have an open exhibition arena?


04-21-07, 07:47 AM
If by "exhibition arena" you mean a place where you can fight that isn't a tournament, then you should check out The Citadel (http://www.althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?f=50), even though you can basically make a battle in any forum. The only difference between the Citadel and the rest of the forum is that in Citadel you are revived by the monks should you die in a fight, whereas in the rest of the Althanas world, if you die, you stay dead. Unless you get revived in some other way, that is.

04-21-07, 03:18 PM
Is it hard to be revived?

Meaning, is there a certain score to be achieved or no?

04-21-07, 08:12 PM
I wouldn't think so. You'd just have to be revived in-thread, in some creative way. Like a passing necromancer. That could add some interest to a character's history, especially if the necromancer kept showing up expecting favors. But anyway. I'm sure no one would object to you finding a way to revive your character if you didn't want him dead, but if you didn't do it convincingly (a random necromancer just happened to pass by and spontaneously decided to resurrect a recently slain wanderer he happened to see on the side of the road), I would think it would kill your score in various places.

Corvus MacCallum
04-21-07, 08:50 PM
Could always quest awhile as a ghost heh.

04-21-07, 09:05 PM
In the Citadel, no you don't need to have a good score or anything to get ressurected, hell you don't even need to mention the ressurection, if you die in the Citadel its automatically assumed you come back to life thanks to the monks.

In any other area, yeah you can come back to life but it's up to you to find a convincing way for it to happen.

04-21-07, 11:59 PM
Idea: Your mother appears, who happens to be a world class healer/necromancer type character, and she resurrects you as an Undead. You gain immortality, a severely negative Charisma score, the ability to regenerate by eating your dead foe, super human strength, and a revolting stench that makes it impossible to sneak around.


Cyrus the virus
04-22-07, 06:08 AM
Basically, no, you don't need a certain score to be revived and it's highly unlikely a judge would deny you it. But I don't think revival should be a common thing outside of the Citadel, or it cheapens Althanas as an 'actually dangerous place'.

So like plz don't die a lot.

04-22-07, 11:04 AM
I... won't listen to that...


Alright, not hard.

I do like the Necro idea, who keeps showing up. It amuses me.

Sighter Tnailog
04-28-07, 05:54 PM
Or you could have your parents killed in a terrible accident and then you could be raised by circus elephants and become a gymnast.

04-28-07, 06:23 PM
That last idea's pretty hott.. I might try that sometime. And I agree with Cyrus, ressurection outside of the Citadel would take the necessary fun out of the world as a whole... and make it seem almost unrealistic.

Aryr de Morte
04-28-07, 08:48 PM
Then you have to ask yourself, are we trying to be realistic with magic and dark elves?

Cyrus the virus
04-28-07, 10:01 PM
A poor point, Emma. Elves are basically another race, magic's another aspect. Coming back from the DEAD is a bit beyond that. I see Althanas as a world equivilent to Earth, just with different inhabitants and characteristics.

Resurrection cheapens it all. I think we should make it against the rules!!!! YEAH ALRIGHT!!

04-28-07, 10:03 PM
Cheap resurrections should be against the rules.

Well thought out and sensical resurrections should still be kosher!

04-28-07, 10:16 PM
well if you read the Vlad Taltos novels by Steven Brust there is a way to have coming back from the dead be common and not cheapen the world. in that universe magic is very capable of bringing a person back but there are ways to prevent it. one if it's a natural death then it was time for the soul to move on, or the killer could sever the spine or if the body sits for too long afterwards. And finally there's magic weapons called morganti weapons that eat souls and that's worse than murder for obvious reasons.

Just an example how it can be done. Wouldn' want anyone stealing mr Brust's idea but no reaon one can't be inspired by it^^