View Full Version : Unlikely alliance

04-13-06, 07:34 PM
Vistire was strolling down the path. He thought to himself about what the fortune teller had told him,
"you will be in danger a knight of unkown origin will come to your aid."

"A knight of unknown origin, what could that possibly mean?"
Vistire then thought
forget the knight what about me being in danger.
"That's the problem with fortune tellers they are always very very vague. Well I have traveled alot today so I'll stop at the next place I come across."

Vistire had walked about another hour before finally came across a pub. Vistire walked up to the window and peered in. He could see that it was a very busy tavern. So Vistire walked up to the big oak doors and pushed them open. When he stepped in he noticed that it was silent, as though there was a funeral in there just two seconds ago. Vistire could feel the hundreds of eyes staring at him so he walked up to the bar as calmly as he could. When he reached the bar everything was back to normal as though they were only seeing who was coming in.
"Can I have an ale please?"
"Sure that'll be 10 gold" The bartender said with a sort eriee calm. So Vistire pulled out his sack of gold and handed 10 gold to the bartender. Vistire scanned the room and found a shaded table in the corner. So he walked over to it and sat down. He had just realized the horrible smell the pub was emmiting, and that how dirty the floor was, with both puke and trash scattered everywhere.
Vistire had just started drinking his ale when he noticed that dreaded silence again. So he looked up and saw who the newcomer was. The man that walked in was a tall and man with a muscular chest area, he carried a steel long sword that hanged by his side. The man strolled over to the bartender, but couldn't hear anything they were saying.

Teutonic Knight
04-13-06, 08:00 PM
"Ale please." Godfrey said scraching his beard.

Godfrey did not like the smell and was not ready to leave because of it. He looked around and saw that this was a raggedy old shack and needed alot of fixing up to do the place was covered in dust and cobwebs. Its obvious the bartender did not take much care of the place nor did he take care of him self the bartender looked like a bum no offensive but his shirt had stains and stiching all round it that looked like he weared it every day for everything.

"Here is your ale sir." The bartender said looking up at him with his scruffy grey hair hanging down over his eyes and smiling.

"Thank you" Godfrey said returning a smile and then grabbing the ale and walking over to a seat in the corner of the tavern. Godfrey sat down in the chair and it made a squeeking noise with every motion you made in the chair.

"hmmm this is a nice time for a good smoke." Godfrey said while pulling out a pipe and lighting it. The smoked flowed out of his mouth in big, small, and medium sized rings. He smiled while doing this it was every know and then when Godfrey would smoke sort of a little break between what he would do just to pass the time.

Godfrey looked over and saw a younger slim man seatting in a chair quietly drinking his ale so Godfrey decided to walk over and take a seat across from him.

"Hey whats your name? Not that you have to tell me but you looked a little bored so I thought we could exchange some good conversing." Godfrey explained to him while taking a sip of the sour tasting ale.

04-13-06, 08:06 PM
Vistire saw the man light a pipe and grab a drink. Then the walked over and sat across from Vistire.
"Hey whats your name? Not that you have to tell me but you looked a little bored so I thought we could exchange some good conversing." the man asked.

Vistire, Vistire Ragnothaine. And I wouldn't conversing with you. For starters what's your name, because I like to know who I'm talking to."

Vistire leaned back in his chair and sipped his ale patiently.

05-11-06, 01:55 PM
Jazwind sat uneasy an a stool in the corner. The table she sat at had a large crack in it. The smell dident bother her much, she was used to it. Her long white hair hung in a lose pony tail. Atop her head sat two tanish fox ears. Her long tanish tail dangled off the stool. She sat sipping on cider. She was too young for alcohol. The light was dim around her. She wore a large over coat that dwarfed her body. She sighed and looked around the room. The random silences cought her attention. Her ears twitched and fell back to her head. She was curious, but....maybe she shouldent stick her nose where it dident belong. Now all she had to think about was her job.

Teutonic Knight
06-02-06, 08:08 PM
The stranger had asked Godfrey a question then sat backed and relaxed in the old nosiey chair.
"My name is Godfrey" He replied clearing his throat then observing the room once more he took a double take at the door to see a new stranger had entered the room only they were younger and different from a normal human. Taking his eye off the figure to look back over at the other stranger and seeing him sipping on his ale Godfrey had asked him the same question ion return.
"What may your name be?" He said taking a large gulp of the chilled ale that cooled his throat. Godfrey get taking quick glances of the stranger that had arrived he kept wondering why some one so young would arrive at an old smelly and dangerous place such as this alone. Godfrey always thought about others and never really about himself at times it was a habit he took up after taking care of others during his time of helping the sick.

06-06-06, 06:32 PM
Jazwind glanced around the room. Nothing cought her intrest yet. She noticed a man lookingat her. She quickly turned away. Then she saw it. A glimmer of something shinny. She moved quickly and with the grace of a fox to a man behind the counter then quickly back to her chair unaware she was still being watched. She sat with a big smile across her face and two gold coins between her teeth. Her tail flickered with excitement.

The Bard
06-17-06, 09:14 PM
Amoroth had heard an saw all that went on and gave a big chuckle when the halfbreed had stolen the coins. Thoe Amoroth had dispised theifs and bandits this one was amusing to watch. Since she stated what her job was Amoroth would do the same, pulling out his lute and beginning to play

Is it a bard or a real song-mangler,
A golden voice or a music-strangler?
A song sung well is well worth a crown
But a tuneless troubadour should be drowned.
If the cards have turned and you fear you are stuck,
A crown for the crooner is sure to bring luck.
If the dice run cold, warm them up with a gift
To a gleeman's purse and your fortunes will shift.
If you have no crowns, that's a shame, not a sin,
For the tune-smith knows the condition you're in.
He'll never be rich, but his songs feed the soul,
And a smile in your heart is his primary goal.
So listen to the music and give if you're able
So the singer won't spend tonight in the stable.

After that note he looked to the halfbreed and smiled.

06-19-06, 09:41 PM
Jazwind turned to the singing man. She loved music. Her uncle used to sing to her every morning, before he left. She pocketed the coins and moved closer to him, hopeing he dident notice. She wasent well with words so she dident have many friends. She was uneasy about meeting new people and she was tought to despise humans, although she dident know why. She had never knew her father but the way her mother had talked about him before she died made him sound human. Her tail wrapped around the stool she sat at and her mind began to relax. She began to day dream about a farm and a family.

Korel Koren
07-11-06, 12:14 PM
The pain in his leg flared as Korel pushed the large doors open. He winced but quickly composed himself. Keep yourself together, old man. Heh. Old man. He only looked thirty.

With the opening of the doors came the swift stench of alcohol, sweat, and plain body odor. He winced more at the pain than the smell. He entered, limping. Not quite used to it. His cloak hid the leg brace, and more importantly, his weapon. One rule, always conceal.

The smell was displeasing, but he had fought wars that produced blood that smelled worse. As he walked toward the bar, avoiding eyes and letting his wonder, he glanced around at a few interesting characters. One was singing to a small girl with a tail. Two more men were talking to each other at the bar. The larger one looked to be a knight, but both seemed to be rather good swordsmen.

Korel, the only known Saint in the world, besides his missing friend Botta, sat at the bar, mingled with all of these rabble. He frowned and ordered a water. He was depressed. He had fought wars, killed many, while these people sat here unknowing about the world he left. Many has probably never killed before. Maybe they won't have to. What a carefree existance they enjoy.

07-11-06, 06:54 PM
Jazwind's left ear twitched and her nose pointed her in a new direction. The smell in this place was bad before but this smell was different. It smelled of distance. She turned to look a lone man. She could tell he was in pain by the glint of his eyes. No matter her haterid for humans she started to fell bad for the man. He went to the bar and ordered water so that told her he wasent wounded doing something stupid. Maybe protecting one of his own. This thought brought her back to her family. Her father..... The brown leather collor felt heavy from her neck. A rather large claw dangled from it. She had earings to match, but they were fangs. The periceing prosess was quite painful. Her ears are sinsative. With slight intrest she watched the human. He had a build like a warrior. She wondered if she was right.

08-16-06, 02:00 PM
Elirod entered through the swinging doors to see the room of people as well as teh few sitting at the bar. The urge to leap on one of them and maul them to death was suppressed by the urge to get a stiff drink.

Elirod sat at the end of the bar in a dark secluded spot.

"What'll it be?" asked the bartender.

"Just give me a shot of Jack, acctually, four shots of jack." Elirod said.

"Alright, but you dont look like you need to be drinkin', maybe you should get some rest."

Elirod stood suddenly and grabed the bartender "Just give me the wiskey and ill leave when im done ok? No need to call attention to my looks!"

"Allright! Allright! just sit tight ill be right back" The Bartender said. The bartender walked to the frezzer, grabbed a bottle of jack daniels, and poured four shots for Elirod. He took the shots to Elirod and said, "Here you go mate, I hope theres no hard feelings, and just cuz im nice, ill let you have these shots for free. Sound good? And if you do feel like resting up a bit, ill let you lie down in the back for a while."

"Thank you, but I wont be needing your sevices much longer, just let me be."

With that the Bartender went back to serving other customers and Elirod drank a shot and looked arround again.

11-03-06, 06:57 PM
BAM! The doors flew open and I walked in. Everyone stopped what they were doing to try and get a good look at me. I walked to the bar and told him to get me 3 pints of ale.

"Sir, three pints is a bit much but if its what you want its what you will get. Will you be staying here tonight?" the bartender asked.

"I don't know if I will be here tonight. If I end up staying the night in this town I will stay here. Hows that sound?" I told the bartender.

"Fine sir. I will be right out with that ale."

I noticed a vampire sitting in the chair. I didn't know if anyone else knew what he was but me. I wondered why he hadn't attacked anyone yet. He looked at me with the look of what the hell are you looking at. I looked at him for a bit then broke focus when the bartender came out.

I gulped down my three pints of ale and looked around. I saw what looked like a human cat. It was wierd. I went to an empty corner of the room and sat down. I waited for something to happen. Just waited.

06-02-09, 03:44 PM
This thread has been siting for over a month and a half. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to the Peaceful Promenade.