View Full Version : A bit of an apology

04-23-07, 11:23 PM
I know I've been AWOL the past week or two, and I apologize for that. That goes for my Christina Bredith account too. Well, especially, since that's the only one I'm really using at the moment, but I digress. ^^;;

Anyway, I just want to let those involved in any threads with me that I haven't forgotten about you and yes I'm still totally interested in keeping them going. It's just that this is exam week, so for the past couple of weeks it's been maddening preparation for them all. Most of you have been there, you know how it goes. ^^ Anyway, this week is the worst of it, and although my exams continue for two weeks thereafter, it's only one per week from that point, so I should have enough time to catch up on the threads I'm lagging on.

Anyway, I'm sorry for the unexplained absence. Please bear with me a bit longer. It'll be slow going for a little while but I'll be back.

04-23-07, 11:39 PM
Yuck. I hate exam weeks, Nya~

Good luck and take care, Nya~ Make sure you get plenty of rest before going to the exam room and drink lotsa water~! Oh, yeah. And make sure you let some of that out before you go into the exam room, Nya~ :p

04-24-07, 08:09 AM
No excuses, Elrundir! :p

I'm afraid we just cannot accept such behaviour from you... there will be punuishments for your actions, your betrayal and your leaving for such a long period of time. I hope you are prepared for the consequences.

Heh, just joking. Good luck on your exams, hope to see you back soon.

05-24-07, 09:34 PM
Okay, I think I'm finally caught up on everything that needs catching up on. >< I know it's been longer than I said it would, and I apologize, but... it should be okay now! I had a bit of a writing slump for a while after my exams that I'm over now, and I'm ready and raring to go.

05-24-07, 09:42 PM
It's good to hear that you overcame both the business and the slump. Welcome back to the world of activity. And no, I'm not saying that just because you're in a quest with me. :P

Sighter Tnailog
05-25-07, 04:14 AM
How were exams?

05-25-07, 09:49 AM
Most of them went pretty well. A couple were quite obstinate but the rest of my marks in those courses cushioned the blow. >_> And then, graciously, my Botany exam was ridiculously easy. God bless teachers who recycle the exact same exams year after year and post them online.