View Full Version : What do you like to roleplay with?

Aryr de Morte
04-28-07, 02:06 PM
The first option, Hero, is the kind of character that will go out of his or her way to help another person without promise of reward.

The second option, Villain, is the kind of character that will go far out of his or her way to make someone or many people miserable for their own benefit or pleasure.

The third option, Mercenary, is the kind of character that will do anything if the price is right, good or bad, without a conscience or little conscience.

The fourth option, Apathetic Character, is the kind of character that will think about their actions before doing something but will do something or won't because of the consequence, not the feelings of others. Such as getting thrown into jail.

The fifth option, Can't Decide, is if you're really dumb and don't want to explain yourself! Unless you do explain why you can't decide, then it's cool.



I'll start it off.

I find that I like to play a character who goes on the edge of all those, in none of the extremes, closest to the apathetic mindset. A character that will look out for him or herself but not let someone be killed for no reason.

I think it gives the character a lot more diversity.

04-28-07, 02:20 PM
I prefer heroes. i like playing characters that like to do good and not just do stuff for money, though that can be fun.

It just fits me better and I enjoy characters that do good things and are nice but not too much so of coarse. Ki wouldn't be much fun if she was perfectly selfless.

04-28-07, 02:21 PM
I play more to the shades of grey that CHaotic Neutral affords.


04-28-07, 02:23 PM
I play what I'm not used to playing. Right now it's the hero type, because I feel that it's something I should get used to for future projects! It started with hybrids of the apathetic type, though, who sometimes go against their better judgment to save kittens or kick puppies. Then I give them LSD, and hilarity ensues!

04-28-07, 02:43 PM
I like variety...I have one kinda apathetic, one that would kinda slip into the "hero" category, and one that's going to definitely be a villain once she's got some EXP under her fans. As well as one that just...can't see.

My two favorites to play, Karu and Anila, are vastly different from each other.

Karu's got this "defend the weak and helpless" attitude...forgetting that she's pretty helpless herself at the moment.

Anila'll slice anyone up to see if their blood really color coordinates with their outfit. Or she will in a couple of levels.

04-28-07, 03:51 PM
I put can't decide because I'm stuupard XD

>>... seriously though, um, I put can't decide because I like to play characters that go through major changes or become challenged by things that flip their world upside down >> and then see if they continue being the person they are or do they change sides and such.

04-28-07, 04:09 PM
I have a wide variety of characters, but I voted for Hero anyways because I feel most comfortable with that role. I mean, even when I rp my other characters, their actions tend to lean towards the white side of the spectrum. Except maybe Malagen. He's just bad to the bone. :cool:

04-28-07, 04:33 PM
I feel more comfortable playing the 'lovable villain' that nobody expects to fuck up the mission. Lol. Most of my charries start out good, and then get somewhat twisted (like my storyline for Ranger). The others I have are mostly bad, Modrue/Tainted_Truth/Dirge and others.

I also have the general mercenary/apathetic charry (Osato and Ranger at first) but they normally don't go very far. Os is going to be a hero, Ranger goes from apathetic to hero/apathetic prophet to horrid villain.


Slayer of the Rot
04-28-07, 04:34 PM
I've become fond of the role of the villain.

Originally, it was mercenary, because it was the easiest to play while maintaining my violent streak. Recently though, I've seen the appeal of the villain and begun the easy shift to full time douchebaggery. It's a lot more liberating to think, "You know what? I hate this god damn npc, I'm going to stab it in the throat with my pike." And then, of course, carry out the action.

Jon is more apathetic. He likes to think he can play the part of the hero, and occassionally he comes through, but he's dumb as a brick and likes to drink.

04-28-07, 04:43 PM
I put can't decide, only because you don't have Anti-Hero up there. In other words, someone who doesn't want to help people because he/she doesn't really give a damn, but because of complications in his/her life, he ends up saving those he didn't give a damn about in the first place anyway.

Think Riddick. :)

04-28-07, 04:50 PM
Mmmm I'm curious, what if someone played just a random creature with no ambitions except to survive? o O would that just classify it as apathetic?

04-28-07, 04:56 PM
You should put other, and specify as "Cute"! I think Garwocket would be under this "cute" category as well.

Aryr de Morte
04-28-07, 04:57 PM
Closest thing to that would be apathetic, yes. Thinking of themselves without the intention of doing good or bad.

He's a nasty little thief, isn't he?!

04-28-07, 05:13 PM
Lol. Instead of "Cute!" "Accents!"

And then Garwocket and I rule the category!

04-28-07, 05:18 PM
Yeah we'll go ahead and put Garwocket in the three made up categories so far... "Cute", "Accented", and "Anti-Hero". He's not evil, but he sure as hell isn't a hero. It's not because he doesn't want to do good, but ADD doesn't really get you very far in a heroic/villain sense... lol

04-28-07, 05:21 PM
A cute villain with ADD!! Sweet.... that'd make an epic villain.

Aryr de Morte
04-28-07, 05:23 PM
Try and stay on topic, please. :o

04-28-07, 05:38 PM
Not sure if this is on topic, but I had a random thought. Do your characters alignment choices often take turns towards how you feel in real life?

For instance, Ranger : He started out lost and confused (as I was when I started Althanas, lol.) When i started to figure out how things worked, he started to figure out how the world worked as well. When i was REALLY into religion he started to get really into religion. As I was happy, his alignment was happy and heroic. When I started to doubt religion he did too, and became apathetic. Now, since I'm pretty depressed he is quickly becoming so, and turning into an anti-hero/villain eventually.

Is it just me? Or do your personal feelings change the alignment of your characters over time?

Aryr de Morte
04-28-07, 05:50 PM
Definitely. I find it hard to play the part of a hero because more often than not, I'm not feeling nice or totally happy. Kind of apathetic like my characters. Most of the time, anyhow.

04-28-07, 05:51 PM
H'mm...Anila might reflect me a little...but that's just because she isn't very individualized yet.

Karu...pfft. Chick is an individual all her own.

04-28-07, 05:51 PM

Everything can be done for a price, and it's not always neccessarily money.

I tend to play characters as myself, basing their actions on my own emotions at the time. I'm never quite able to play a purely evil character ( see Fable, or KoToR) but I never quite enjoy playing a purely good character because of limited options.

I don't want to torture puppies, but I want to tell someone off or smack them around if they annoy me. So I figure personal gain is the best option left, and I'll choose that.

Note: I have been looking at the Anti-Hero type though...

04-28-07, 09:41 PM
I'd say my character is rather apathetic, though when it comes to bandits, she holds no small hatred for them, so...I'm not really sure. She could be just apathetic, a hero, or a villain...depends how you look at it.

Kishurin isn't apathetic, but he isn't quite a hero either. Sort of in the middle.

Mac, however, is clearly a hero character. His entire quest is to save his clan, and he's willing to help out anyone in need.

that takes care of all my characters...though I am considering registering yet another character...this one would be my first villain though. Maybe Witchblade could give me tips on being...villain-y...

Cyrus the virus
04-28-07, 09:55 PM
I absolutely love writing villains. It doesn't show, considering my best dude, Izzy, is a good guy. I used to be pretty good at writing a bad guy, but I'm out of practice.

Artifex Felicis
04-29-07, 12:42 PM
I've written one of all.

Maia technically constitutes a hero, but I haven't written with her in forever, and I plan for her to be a bit more moody then "happy/sad" all the time. Still, should be fun when I actially get her going.

Salil, little known bugger, was my villain and I wuved him. Granted I barely did anything with him, he still rocked.

Leon is a combination of Merc and Apathetic, with a dash of hero. He'll do anything for the warm fuzzy feeling he gets when it's done, but he does a lot of crap for other stuff too. And he's self-serving in a way as well. Bah, I need more time to describe these people.

Still, I usually just make 2 rules for a charector in how they react, and if I never break the rules they do well in personality I think.

04-30-07, 11:11 PM
I'm really dumb and don't want to explain myself.


I play some of everything. One of my characters would best be described as a Hero, one is a Mercenary, and the other is Apathetic. So yeah... mine are kinda all over the place.

Perhaps I need a villain to round things out...

05-10-07, 09:33 AM
I like the characters you can't really pin-point. One minute they are good, the next they are at your throat, then back to being good or off skipping through fields singing some happy loon song. They are interesting and fun. ^___^