View Full Version : New MSN address.

Aryr de Morte
04-29-07, 03:22 PM
Due to a stalker-ish 16 year old that tells me he loves me all the time, I have changed my email address and MSN contact address.


I think I added everyone I had before, but if I missed you or you want to add me now, go ahead.

04-29-07, 04:09 PM
Stalkers suck. That's why you rip out their spines and beat them to death with 'em.

04-29-07, 04:22 PM
I thought I was in trouble when you said stalker, but then you said 16 year old, and I was all: "Phew! I'm still in the clear!"

Your email is nice. I bet your phone number sounds even better.

Please don't call the police.

Aryr de Morte
04-29-07, 04:42 PM
I'm reaching for my phone now, see that? Wait, is that you outside the window?! *runs*

04-29-07, 05:06 PM
Here's a thought. If you want to minimize the chances of having a stalker, don't post your new MSN address on an open forum. ;)

04-29-07, 05:32 PM
o o.... I want a stalker, I've been feeling hungry.

04-29-07, 05:34 PM
I never ate mine. I don't think stalker would taste very good. They're too...sticky.

04-29-07, 05:55 PM
I never ate mine. I don't think stalker would taste very good. They're too...sticky.

Normally yes, though if you cook em just right they taste just like infant.

Aryr de Morte
04-29-07, 06:48 PM
Well, Letho, it wasn't anyone from Althanas and if they did I'd tell them to "bugger off!" :)

04-29-07, 06:50 PM
Normally yes, though if you cook em just right they taste just like infant.

Infant is sweet, but mushy. You need them to be seven or eight...got a little tanginess to them and a much firmer texture.

Besides, I have never found a recipe for cooking stalker that got rid of that "clingy" aftertaste.


Cyrus the virus
04-29-07, 06:53 PM
I thought I was in trouble when you said stalker, but then you said 16 year old, and I was all: "Phew! I'm still in the clear!"

Your email is nice. I bet your phone number sounds even better.

Please don't call the police.

She's mine!!!! In my imagination!!!!

Besides, you're a girl anyway.

04-29-07, 07:03 PM
Since we're in you're imagination, Cy, I don't think my alleged female gender gets in the way of something hot and sizzling.

Shh... you'll break the spell.

Cyrus the virus
04-29-07, 07:07 PM
Stop arousing me!


04-29-07, 07:12 PM
You'd be more convincing if you weren't whipping it out and poking at my window with it ALL THE LIVELONG DAY!

04-29-07, 08:01 PM
(O_o).....this is the weirdest...most perverted thing I've ever seen on Althanas...

04-29-07, 08:45 PM
Well, Letho, it wasn't anyone from Althanas and if they did I'd tell them to "bugger off!" :)Oh, so it's not Cyrus? :confused:

Cyrus the virus
04-29-07, 08:56 PM
Cyrus is an attractive, sweet male who is charming and humorous. Any woman would be lucky to be stalked by him!

And if Emma's opinion changes, let me know immediately... *stalker gaze*

04-29-07, 09:02 PM
Cyrus is only sweet because there's so much maple syrup in Quebec. :p

Don't worry, Cyrus, it'll wash off.

Aryr de Morte
04-29-07, 09:04 PM
No no, it was some other kid named Alex. No one from Althanas, as mentioned before.

04-29-07, 09:44 PM
Alex? I know one from the Stalker Seminar in Toronto! What a small world!

And Though Cy is sweet, he's also greasy and sweaty, like bacon and hockey.

04-29-07, 09:45 PM

Grease, sugar, and sweat are an icky combination.

Cyrus the virus
04-29-07, 09:49 PM
Some women like a sweaty man, you know. It's manly and such.

04-29-07, 09:51 PM
Bleh. Icky.

04-29-07, 10:02 PM
(O_o).....this is the weirdest...most perverted thing I've ever seen on Althanas...

Then you clearly haven't been on Althanas very long, dear.

Also, sweaty men are usually a turn-off. You know, with the stink and all.

04-29-07, 10:40 PM
Hmm, hmm...

Next time you have a stalker problem, just call me Number XIII. ;)


Artifex Felicis
04-29-07, 11:27 PM


I'm too tired to type coherently. Blah.

Cyrus the virus
04-30-07, 01:42 AM
Seriously, girls go nuts when a guy's all sweaty from playing drums. U no it!!!

04-30-07, 01:44 AM
Only if he was good at the drums...like phenomenally good...and the lead vocalist and guitarist were only half as hot as he is.

Otherwise...poor drummer's out of luck.

Cyrus the virus
04-30-07, 01:47 AM
Besides the singer (or if you have an amazing guitarist also), drummers get all the chicks. And some ladies prefer drummers to singers anyway, since most singers suck a lot of anus.

I think I have enough first hand experience to know, ha. Go me.

04-30-07, 01:50 AM
That sounds kinda backwards.

Then again...*glances northwards* Yeah, 'nuff said.


Drummers aside...

Why is the only chivalrous guy on this board in THAILAND!?

Cyrus the virus
04-30-07, 02:02 AM
You guage chivalry based on how people act on a message board?

The fact that you don't mention Duro shows me your ignorance! I'll forgive you for not thinking I'm chivalrous, because well, what reason have I given you to think so?

On the topic of new MSN addresses, aren't they awesome? Totally.

04-30-07, 02:06 AM
I don't know Duro that well yet. Only spoken to the guy ONCE. About which Star Trek captain was the best.

But Raven was the only one to offer to open up a can of PAIN on Emma's next stalker.

I'll open a can of pain on him/her/it, too...but only because I think opening cans of pain on people who deserve it is really funny.

And MSN addresses are awesome.

They even let you use your yahoo email address, instead of making you get a hotmail one.

Artifex Felicis
04-30-07, 05:54 AM
Wouldn't offering to beat him/it/tentacle monster up just be equally stalker-ery? It's like one or two steps below it at last. Maybe three at best. Chivelous, but still. Close to stalker level.

On an interesting note, pencils taste reasonably good with sugar and stuff on them. They make msn sn's awesome. That and the doodle thingy for the screen name. Fun times.

Cyrus the virus
04-30-07, 06:02 AM
On this note, Emma knows I'd thrash the kid if he wasn't 16 and, well, did anything particularly wrong. He apparently lives in my province.

My province sucks except for poutine. Mmm, poutine.

04-30-07, 07:35 AM
Master Raven is not a stalker, Mister Artifex!

At least I hope he's not.

Anyways, he just offers to lend a hand if Emmachan ever needs it. If he can make it to beat a kid up, of course.

I guess we'll just have to ask Mister Cyrus to do the beating up, then. ;)

Artifex Felicis
04-30-07, 09:30 AM
I figure if I have a target painted on my chest big enough, then it's pretty hard for people to actually hit it. I mean really. Leon uses YARN as a weapon. *snicker*

That would work out well. Course, questions might be asked if you showed up at the kids house one day and beat him up. the law tends to not like that where I'm from.

((Get him after school by the flag pole))

04-30-07, 03:16 PM
Then you clearly haven't been on Althanas very long, dear.

Also, sweaty men are usually a turn-off. You know, with the stink and all.

Been a resident for a good, solid year.(^_^) Though Karuka still leveled before me...*sniff* I wanna get to level 1 already!!!

And Sisko is the best!!(I think I spelled that right...)

04-30-07, 06:05 PM
Arti, I was thinking of getting an avatar of Old-Man Man! Your intellectual dishonesty is no match for my ALZHEIMER!

And I'd have offered to force-feed the stalker my beer-distended liver if I hadn't already left it under her pillow. With a rainbow bong!

LIES! Raven's just trying to get rid of all contenders for the damsel's heart! He's fooling all of you! Damnit, people, the man's like the whole cast of Identity!

Aryr de Morte
04-30-07, 06:37 PM
I can't believe this is already 4 pages.

04-30-07, 06:40 PM
Popular people get popular threads.

And hamnat:

I'm a big admirer of Sisko's...but Picard. Totally totally Picard.

Do we have any Janeway fans? Because Letho's a Kirk man.

Goth Culture Reference
04-30-07, 07:04 PM
Captain Kirk was, is, and will always be the best captain from Star Trek.

Hands down.

04-30-07, 07:20 PM
And hamnat:

I'm a big admirer of Sisko's...but Picard. Totally totally Picard.

Do we have any Janeway fans? Because Letho's a Kirk man.

Hey, I'm not saying Picard's not great, he totally is. But I like Sisko just a little bit more.

Anyways....can we get back on topic now, and stop spamming this poor guy's(or girl's) thread with perversion!?

Aryr de Morte
04-30-07, 07:28 PM
Popular people get popular threads.

Final Edit: Ick.

05-01-07, 04:21 AM
Captain Kirk was, is, and will always be the best captain from Star Trek.

Hands down.Hear, hear. I was trying to explain the same to Karuka, but some people just don't listen. :P

05-01-07, 04:25 AM
You can like Kirk. He's just not the best, in my opinion.

It's like....some people prefer watching "professional" wrestling, and other people find the grace and style of figure skating more to their liking.

I prefer the cerebral elegance and power of Picard, as compared to the "hit the bad guy in the nose, sleep with the girl, and blow up the Enterprise" of Kirk.

Khan Noonien Soong (sp?) was the most awesome bad guy EVER, though.

05-01-07, 04:32 AM
It's like....some people prefer watching "professional" wrestling, and other people find the grace and style of figure skating more to their liking.Very true. Kirk = wrestler, Picard = a figure skater. The sissy looking one in tights. :P

But yeah, seriously, to each his/hers own captain.

Slayer of the Rot
05-01-07, 04:37 AM
Urgh. We already post on a role playing forum pretending to be knights and princesses. Let's not sink more into the nerd cesspool by striking up a random Star Trek argument.

05-01-07, 04:39 AM
*does the Vulcan grip on Slayer's shoulder which renders him unconscious, then lets Cory has his way with him*

05-01-07, 04:43 AM
^_^ <3 Vulcans.

Anyway, Slayer...come on. If we can't be knights and princesses (and mercs and mages and bad guys and antiheros and "zomg, I'm an Earthling, y'all") in the RP forums, and discuss Sci-Fi in the OOC forums, what good are we to anyone?

05-01-07, 09:04 AM
I'm with you Karu^^ I'm All for Picard. He felt like a real captain, he had leadership and charisma that would befit a captain on one of the top ships in the federation and was just plain cool. Original Star Trek was all about Spock^^ And a little Scotty=^^= No one could match Spock and Scotty.

05-02-07, 05:10 AM
I love you, you little Austrian pretty thing you.

Cyrus the virus
05-02-07, 10:12 AM

05-02-07, 10:15 AM
Don't make me use this steel baseball bat, you two. *Swings it around in a menacing manner*

Is it just me, or most of the people involved here are all moderators? :p

05-02-07, 10:17 AM
Dont forget Letho the Admin!

Cyrus the virus
05-02-07, 01:08 PM
Emma has hypnotized us in order to get preferential treatment!!!

*gives Emma 2,000 EXP*! Like me best!!! LIKE ME BEST!!! *gives more*

05-02-07, 03:58 PM
*Hands Raven a firehose*

Forget the baseball bat, Raven. I think they just need to cool down.

Aryr de Morte
05-02-07, 04:03 PM
I have more than just moderators on my friend list(s).

I don't even want preferential treatment. O_o

05-02-07, 04:09 PM
Ohhhh Althy Pet!!!

Cyrus the virus
05-02-07, 05:20 PM
Emma, I am clearly playing!

*gives more EXP* *approved with 5,000 EXP bonus*