View Full Version : Round 3: Raelyse vs. Mage Hunter

04-29-07, 09:57 PM
This round is open until 12:00 AM E.S.T. on May 13th. Good luck! Remember, the earlier you finish, the earlier your battle gets judged!

Mage Hunter
05-09-07, 03:19 AM
Drusilia groaned as she leaned against the wall. Another hunt, another unsatisfying outcome, It was grating to her. She could not kill her prey, and they always seemed to get away from her. Was she truly this weak? Could she truly not destroy her prey? The concept was as foreign to her as the land she stood in, and about as confusing. She had been taught that she had all the skills to be a mage hunter. Could they have lied?

It wasn't beyond them; after all she had been kicked out for political reasons.

As she slumped in the alleyway she closed her eyes as she fought the fatigue that gripped her. Her ribs hurt from where the last abomination had injured her. Even more was the feelings guilt and remorse. She couldn't do her job, it was no wonder she was kicked out, she had been cocksure and headstrong. She had thought herself at the pinnacle of her game, and here she was being taught she was nothing. All she would do would amount to nothing if she could not learn her lessons properly.

As she pushed off the wall she grumbled, "Usstan nauxahuu tlu natha houj, Usstan orn elendar." She refused to give into the self remorse. She would move on, and her next target would be dead by the end of the night. It would be this way, because that’s what she believed. Walking out of the alleyway she moved swiftly down the street trying to keep ahead of the guards who she had narrowly dodged following the fight with the catboy.

Walking down one of the main streets of Radasanth the nights chill bit at her. She ignored it as she had before, knowing how swiftly battle would turn the night from chilly to comfortable. As she moved down the street she scanned through the area trying to find her opponent. It would only be a matter of time before the hunt would begin again.

"Usstan nauxahuu tlu natha houj, Usstan orn elendar."

"I refuse to be a failure, I will endure."

05-14-07, 12:57 AM
Mage Hunter gains 50 EXP and advances to Round 4!

Cyrus the virus
05-14-07, 07:28 AM
EXP added!