View Full Version : Hi, I'm Whistle...

04-30-07, 03:01 PM
Yes, I am Whistle, otherwise known as Whistle322. But mostly known as Whistle. So... Yeah. Hi. :)

04-30-07, 03:04 PM
Well I shall grant you a large "Ello!" from the little people of Althanas. Welcome, have fun, like the picture... it's shiny.

Cyrus the virus
04-30-07, 03:08 PM
Hello, Whistle!

Welcome to Althanas and nice to see you! Let me know if you have any questions, and make sure you enjoy yourself.

04-30-07, 03:09 PM
Yes, that is a very shiny picture... My only question is, why are the posts so big if there is no text to fill the blank spaces?

Cyrus the virus
04-30-07, 03:18 PM
Keeps small to medium posts even, I suppose, so the template isn't constantly bending and looking gross-like. Plus we need the room for the postbit under your avatar!

04-30-07, 03:27 PM
Hi there! This is Althanas' resident sorceress/magess/whatever(just don't call her a witch...). Ok...maybe I'm not the only one...but I am percieved by some as the one who started the magic-caster boom!

Anyways...welcome to Althanas. Enjoy your time here, but avoid the cookies, or you will wake up the next morning with on of Witchblade's collars around your neck. Also, don't touch the red-heads or you will face the wrath of the oh-so-great Letho. But he's a creampuff, so no worries. :P

Anytime you need hints or ideas, or just want to recruit someone, take a quick trip to the Role-Player's Corner, and wise up.(^_^) Also, be aware that the judging system is not to say, "You rock" or "You suck," but to let you know where you need improvement, and how you're doing with your writing. Just make sure you have fun with it. As long as you're doing that, then you're fine.

Hope I get a chance to write with ya, sometime. Good luck, and Happy Hunting! (^_^)

04-30-07, 03:37 PM
Uh... Thanks, Hamnat, but I won't have to worry about the cookies, seeing as I'm a black belt. :) But thanks for the warning.

I didn't think of that, Cyrus... Hm...

Cyrus the virus
04-30-07, 03:50 PM
PS: I can beat you up.

...On a related note, I have no reason to prove it. So I won't (lucky you!)!

04-30-07, 04:04 PM
Meh... The greatest battle is the one never fought...

04-30-07, 04:07 PM
Or the one involving a imp riding a duck. Those are pretty good ones too

04-30-07, 04:20 PM
Yes! I'll have to agree with that one.

04-30-07, 05:43 PM
Don't blow your whistle in my ear and we'll be fine. Welcome! Rith may just go Dwarf-shit on your ass.

04-30-07, 08:05 PM
hihi and welcome

*brings a burnt plate of cookies*^^

hope you have fun and all. watch out for crazy antiheroes that want the nonexistent bounty on your head. Also enjoy the many regions that Althanas has to offer but don't be afraid to favor one that works best for you. And Cyrus' bark is worse than his bite, I've seen toothless kittens with meaner bite.

Cyrus the virus
04-30-07, 08:07 PM

I keel u raaaar.

Artifex Felicis
04-30-07, 08:11 PM
Let's not forget it's hard for anyone to really survive cookies laced with so much "stuff" that they make elephants drowsy.

Also, further proof punlik scool ded Sighrus gud!


Welcome to althanas. The insanity rubs off after a couple days.

04-30-07, 08:19 PM
And then you just find more under it...

Artifex Felicis
04-30-07, 08:20 PM
Shush. Don't scare the new person just yet. We need the syrum to take full effect before revealing all of Althanas.

04-30-07, 08:26 PM
He has seen too much!!!

He must never be allowed to leave, now!!! It is here he shall stay. Never again shall you see your home on Terra. You are now, and forevermore, an Althanian! (^_^)

Welcome to Althanas, again. But this time with a lot more cheese.

04-30-07, 08:38 PM
And that's hamnut, it's alright... don't be scared of her either. Well... you probably should. Whichever you feel like works best.

<.< >.>

-whispers- I opted for the first -/whispers-

Aryr de Morte
04-30-07, 08:46 PM
And I'll simply state;

Welcome to Althanas. Hope to see you writing soon.

05-01-07, 04:58 AM
Yeppers, welcome to the insanity. ;)

OK, then. If you have questions at all, hit us mods with a PM or an IM and we can chat a bit.

Don't worry, we've all had our rabies shot. :p


05-01-07, 02:18 PM
Meh... Thanks, everyone... I freq

05-01-07, 02:22 PM
Thanks, everyone. :) Although I am dissapointed that you have no ninja smilie, I'm sure I'll like it here. I'm okay with being around non-sane people, I frequent the Silver Asylum, which is another RPing website. None of you will know about it. You shouldn't go there. It doesn't help you with your problems. It amplifies them.

My foot itches. But I'm ticklish, so itching it tickles me. Not only that, but despite the fact that I don't have a bug bite, the itch keeps coming back. Just a sec... No, biting it didn't work either... :(

05-01-07, 02:37 PM
Try having a dog bite it. They say it helps with foot-itches like that.

Well, even if it only gets your mind off the itch and onto the possible case of rabies that could come from it...

And, yeah. Welcome to the Insanity. And Internet Crack.

05-01-07, 02:52 PM
At least e-crack doesn't have as many side effects.

05-01-07, 03:42 PM
HA! You'd be surprised. Prolonged (as in multiple years) of using it has had some killer side-affects for me... Garwockets the simplest and least troublesome of them so far...

05-01-07, 03:48 PM
Sleep deprovation, hunger, extreme gain (loss) of weight, ignorance of RL things. Well I see your point, but at least it's free! Well for the most part LOL.

05-01-07, 03:56 PM
Yeah, try buying the computer/laptop and then paying for the monthly internet. I could be free... technically, if you go to the library, but I can't post in the library.

Oh, and whistle, whatcha got planned for your character? Seem like someone who'd like to fight/quest...

05-02-07, 04:58 PM
Yes. That pretty much hit the nail on the head. He quests and fights, but without any real meaning or purpose. Working on a solo quest right now... Might take a while, I'm kind of lazy... ;P

05-02-07, 07:08 PM
Yes. That pretty much hit the nail on the head. He quests and fights, but without any real meaning or purpose. Working on a solo quest right now... Might take a while, I'm kind of lazy... ;P





05-04-07, 02:20 PM




