View Full Version : Spider-Man 3

05-04-07, 08:03 AM
I went to the midnight screening of this last name and am now totally exhausted and running on only a few hours of sleep, and it was not really worth it.

I'm not a huge fan of Spider-Man but I watched the cartoon growing up and I've been watching the movies as they come out.

This movie is nothing to run to the theatre for. Even my cousin who's a hardcore Spider-Man fan didn't even like it that much. The story started off rather fast in the beginning of the movie, slowed down a lot in the middle and then sped up again at the end. The middle section is filled with this--what I'll call--'dance scene' that's about 10-15 minutes long and a little over the top. You understand why it's there, but it's a little ridiculous all the same. The action scenes were nicely done, but like always the CG is very evident against just a man in a costume, too bad there really isn't much of a way to stop using it so much. The story has too much of a tendency to 'nicely' wrap itself up in this movie, where all the little things tend to just fall into place rather easily. Then there's acting. The guy who played Sandman is mediocre at best and downright terrible at worst and there were certain parts between the other actors that just didn't feel right. Of course, that's probably the script to blame as well, not all the lines were that great.

I give this movie a two out of five.

05-04-07, 09:41 AM

Aww.. a little harsh. It wasn't quite that bad.
It's main issue was too many subplots going on all over the place between the different characters. The main plot wasn't even really all that stand outish over the rest which probably didn't help.
I will say I spent most of the movie wondering how they were going to connect this and that bit, but that was also me just wanting to see Venom finall as well. That and wanting to get past alot of the PP/MJ parts that were mehish.
PP being a completely uptight full of himself git was utterly adorable though! Him strutting down the street was sooo cute. And I liked the little hair change for the venomised PP and the normal PP.

The CG was better than the previous two movies. It looked good in the scenes they were in, you don't really notice it that much. Well I didn't anyway. Helped along by all those fast cuts during the actions scenes (damn I wish they didn't do that so much in action movies now ><).

They did wrap everything up 'nicely' as you said except I wanted more of Venom dangit! Even just like a little tidbit at the end of the piece left with the professor dude. We already know there's another Spiderman movie to be made, they signed a three movie deal after the success of the first one. It leaves you wondering what they're gonna do for the fourth one. Still, Venom's ending sucked.
Not nearly so much as Sandman's though. Sure, the moment between him and Spidey was good, but once that was over and he was gone it just left too many questions hanging in the air. Like really.. that was it?
His acting wasn't -that- bad. He just wasn't really much of a character. He kinda just glowered and such. Then again I can't tell bad acting unless it's really dang bad.

I'm glad I saw the movie. It was okay, just tooo busy with too many threads to tie together. I think I need to see it again just so I can sit back and enjoy it and not worry about how things will add up, and seeing as I know now I can!
At least the ending wasn't as bloody stupid as the second one where they dumped a giant friggin magnet thingy in the middle of a bay that couldn't be more than a couple of hundred meters deep and just made out like it was a hole to the center of the earth. Like seriously, it was pulling metal bits from land while above the water, why would it be any weaker under the water? And what about all the port buisness? Wouldn't that ruin any boating infrastructure for like waaay far around the spot? >> *end rant* Sorry, that bit just pissed me off in that movie.

Oh and I have to add. Only one scene stood out as utterly redundant to me and that was uh, the young goblin dude shouting at the butler for food. There was seriously no need for those two minutes and it stuck in mind. Other scenes possibly could of been shortend but meh. Brock needed more scenes! Like seriously. His hatred of Peter just wasn't explored enough for why. Like seriously, he got spurned twice and he wants him dead? >> Bit over the top, even for the hot head he was made out to be.

The literal flag waving moment was beyond corny. Like reeeeally really cheesey and they couldn't of made it more blantantly obvious. Sorry, as a non-american that part was just dumb. Though admittedly expected with the similar kinda bits in the other movies >>

Yeah.. okay. That's my two cents. Not really all that coherent but it's not an essay so yes!

I liked the movie. I'd suggest seeing it as a popcorn thing when you just wanna waste some time or you like spidey. The opening credits were nice! Very nifty.

Riiight.. that was the other thing. The new movie doesn't have any big song this time does it? Haven listened to the radio much lately but there doesn't seem to be anything like Hero or that other one out for it. Not a good strong movie song. I missed that at the end credits. All the songs were just meh with no good hooks or anything.

Right. That's twice I've tried ending it n started again, bother.
Good movie! 3 stars! Three and a half really.. Out of five n all. It's not that bad to be out of ten. Could of been better, but wasn so bad.

Now just to wait for Transformers! Weee!
Ooo.. Actually. Fantastic Four:Raise of the Silver Surfer! ..I saw Jessica Alba today n got an autograph.. she's pretty.
Anyway, right.
*hums Michael Bouble's(sp?) Spiderman Theme cover n wanders off*

Max Dirks
05-04-07, 10:25 AM

Shadow Reaper
05-04-07, 10:54 AM
I'm sure there's an a or an o or something else in there somewhere. Needa find one the cd's and look.

05-04-07, 06:38 PM
Blackwhisker, you're not supposed to give so much about the movie away, otherwise everyone who hasn't seen it just discovered 90% of what happens/goes on in very simple detail, but still...

05-04-07, 06:49 PM
I enjoyed it.

4 out of 5 stars. Only because I thought the second one wasn't so great. This one was better. :)

Except perhaps, the twisted team-ish duos. Weird.

05-04-07, 07:12 PM
Are people seeing something in this movie I'm not?

Even some critics are giving it better reviews than I am. o.O

I suppose in the end we can always put our trust in CSI Butler.

05-04-07, 07:34 PM
I edited Blackwhisker's post to warn people of possible spoilers.

Also, I'm not a Spiderman fan. I'll wait for it to come out on DVD.

05-04-07, 07:52 PM
Woops, sorry about that. I thought I was being vague enough >>;

Sorry to anyone who read that n had anything spoilt ^^;
I'll remember that for next time.

The Writing Writer
05-06-07, 01:07 AM
I enjoyed it very much actually. I was pretty much just in awe of Venom the whole time, being that im a HUGE nerd. The way they took him out was pretty cool too. the whole tuning fork outta poles thing was pretty awesome.

from a Web Head's stand point, it was pretty gnarly. (excluding Pete's emo look. the attitude was good, but the appearance wasnt so much)

Max Dirks
05-06-07, 02:22 AM
Great flick.

Most badass scene EVER was when Spiderman caught the goblin grenade and threw it back at Harry Osborne.

No spoilers though, as that was from the trailer. Fools.

The Emerald Hind
05-06-07, 06:47 AM
The movie was far better than the second had been (I nearly fell asleep to it at the theatre), but beyond a couple good fight scenes and the more apparent humor in this one, I wasn't impressed. I just think they tried to cram far too much into one movie, and it just comes off as rushed and, well, cheesy. That, and I didn't see quite as much of Venom as I would have liked. :/ And did anyone else cringe during that entire Peter Parker macho/emo thing? I actually had to turn my head away a few times I was so embarrassed for him... o.O;

05-06-07, 07:46 AM
I was left wondering how he could do that scene over and over again, because they always shoot scenes numerous times, and continue to keep a straight face. All he really needed was a little black eyeliner and he would have totally been emo.

05-06-07, 09:01 AM
I didn't like it that much, to be frank. I was expecting so much but it made me feel really disappointed at the end. Venom was cool but as some people have said, Topher Grace's lines got really old after the first hour or so.

It just seemed as though they crammed too much into the movie.

05-06-07, 09:18 AM
I think I should point out that during the time when Parker was being emo...that wasn't Parker. That was Venom. He, or it maybe, was doing that, not Parker. Parker just went with it because he thought it was cool and different, he could have stopped had he wanted too, but he didn't. He did, eventually, but he didn't a that point. He thought it was cool. If you've ever read the comics, or know someone who knows what they're talking about with the comics, they'd tell you the same thing or close to it.

I wonder who they're going to show in the fourth one. Perhaps the Hob-Goblin...or maybe Carnage, Venom's most illustrious and freaking insane son. Perhaps Goblin again...cause he's not dead! Yay! Maybe the One-Armed professor who becomes a wicked alligator...O.o

The Emerald Hind
05-06-07, 09:35 AM
They're making a fourth...? o_O; The only way I'll see it is if Carnage is in it, otherwise, I'm not wasting the money.

Shadow Reaper
05-06-07, 09:54 AM
Carnage'd make sense as either a remnant thing of Venom or as another metorite thingy falling for space.. Or even just another thingy from the same rock.

N why's everyone saying he's emo? >> Is it just the look?
Or maybe I just don't know what emo really is. I thought he came off rather too full of himself and happy to be emo. Isn that ment to mostly be depressive sorts of thing? Course, correct me if I'm wrong.
N aww.. No one liked him like that? I thought he was very cute.

05-06-07, 11:34 AM
Carnage'd make sense as either a remnant thing of Venom or as another metorite thingy falling for space.. Or even just another thingy from the same rock.

Carnage comes later, from a different meteorite. Oh, and on a side note...Venom isn't dead!

He comes back and eventually, to get rid of his son (who is absolutely insane), teams up with the one person he perhaps hates more than...well, whatever it is he hates right after him, Spiderman! Twas a rather funny episode when they teamed up...

05-06-07, 11:57 AM
Neither of the stars was interested in continuing, so this might be the last Spidey for a while.

05-06-07, 12:30 PM

05-06-07, 05:53 PM
I'm pretty sure most people who know anything about Spider-Man know it was Venom making him do those things in the 'horrible dance sequence' as I keep calling it. That was the whole point of that ridiculously long 15 minutes. To show the audience how Venom was changing him as a person.

If they are going to make another Spider-Man movie, they better stop killing off the bad guys because Spider-Man is starting to fall into the Batman trap where bad guys keep dying and eventually there's no one left to fight. Though I do believe Spider-Man has the most prolific amount of bad guys, no other comic book superhero has as many as him. Then again, he gets bad guys like Rhino. Watch out or I'll run at you... >.>

05-06-07, 07:28 PM
Carnage doesn't come from another meteorite, he comes when the Venom Symbiote reproduces.

And I'm pretty sure that it wasn't the Venom Symbiote doing all those things as Pete, more like the symbiote making him more prone to anger and flamboyancy than before.

05-06-07, 08:41 PM
Cause, and effect. Either way, Venom comes back...and Pete...well, Pete, he pretty much stays the same. :)

05-06-07, 09:23 PM
It was... alright. Lol. Though I'm not a huge fan of the stupid melodramatic scenes and the long ass pointlessness of any of the movies.

I think that a lot could have been cut, easily... and it could have been shorter.

However, I did love the guy that played the Sand guy... and the way they made Venom look.

Baron Reinhart
05-08-07, 10:04 PM
I wonder who they're going to show in the fourth one. Perhaps the Hob-Goblin...or maybe Carnage, Venom's most illustrious and freaking insane son. Perhaps Goblin again...cause he's not dead! Yay! Maybe the One-Armed professor who becomes a wicked alligator...O.o

Uh..If you read the comics like you said you did..You'd know that Harry - was - The Hobgoblin. The Green Goblin was Norman Osbourne and he died much earlier (obviously) but the Hobgoblin (now, anyways) has been dead for a really long time.

Just thought I'd point that out.

Also two differing points, in the show Carnage came on the same shuttle as Venom and was his symbiotic offspring, and just disappeared when Venom took over Spiderman, but in the comics it's said that Carnage was reproduced from Venom after his stint with Spiderman, so I dunno which the movies would take, since Marvel owned rights to both the show and the comics.

And the other is there aren't many smart enemies in Spiderman, and so far all the enemies have been fairly bright (excluding Sandman..?), so they're kind of running low on the ones that are movie material..Rhino, Shocker, the Vulture, I wouldn't want to see a two hour live reproduction of any of them.

05-08-07, 11:58 PM
Uh..If you read the comics like you said you did..You'd know that Harry - was - The Hobgoblin. The Green Goblin was Norman Osbourne and he died much earlier (obviously) but the Hobgoblin (now, anyways) has been dead for a really long time.

Just thought I'd point that out.

If you've ever read the comics, or know someone who knows what they're talking about with the comics, they'd tell you the same thing or close to it.

Underline: If this came across as me implying that I've read them, I never have and I apologize. I distaste them, much too short and they end up making a huge mess on your floor.

Bold: Implies that I've spoken to people who have read them however, which in turns backs my implication that I hadn't read them! :p

Those people, who have read them, told me that Osborn was the Goblin, Harry was the Green Goblin, and the Hobgoblin was some blok who found the secret layer, stole a few things and then later fought against Harry (who is/was the Green Goblin).

I'd always remembered there being three goblin characters anywho...so.


The Writing Writer
05-09-07, 01:28 PM
I believe his professor is the most likely villian for the next one. He's getting mroe and more screen time with each movie he's been in.

I could see Rhino being a part of the whole grand scheme. Maybe being hired muscle for one of the smarter villians. Theres always that weird Mysterio guy. But I wouldn't put money on him being in the next movie.

05-10-07, 09:46 AM
I liked spider-man three. It had comedy, drama and VIOLENCE. Like..everything else. It was funnier than the others though, that's why I liked it. My favorite part was when he was wearing eye liner, and he put his hair in his face.. THEN DID THE EMO FLIP. I mean..who would have thought?! Peter Parker, going from nerd, to spider man, to EMO. It's hilarious. x3

05-14-07, 03:37 PM
Speculation is Venom will be in for the next one, so carnage might be making the next appearance if they follow comic book sequence at least. And the professor yeah he looks like he will probably be in it, Ive been itching to see the Lizard anyways.