View Full Version : Thicker Than Water

Feed The Machine
05-05-07, 03:30 PM
((Solo Quest))

"Ya-huh. And you want us to do what?" General Tári Oronrá had been filling out paperwork while half-listening to noblemen Elridor Unaralith's diatribe for the last hour. Several days ago, he had been present in Trenyce, giving a public speech to its citizens at the city square about how efforts on the High Bard Council's part were being made to provide adequate jobs, suitable living conditions, and safer neighborhoods for the people of the city. However, everyone who either personally knew Elridor, or knew of him, understood that his humanitarian behavior and benevolent attitude in the public eye was nothing but a show. He was a wolf in sheep's clothing, doing whatever was necessary to get to the apex of the political mountain, even if that entailed being a hypocrite, cruelly raising the hopes of struggling people without any concrete plan to help them alleviate their problems. Unfortunately for him, a group of individuals who'd heard his speech were quite aware of this as well, and robbed him after he finished. There was no security around at the time since Unaralith refused that any be within the vacinity; as a part of his act, he wanted to show the people of Trenyce that he wasn't afraid to dwell amongst them without the aid of authorities protecting him.

"I've already told you before! I want justice! JUSTICE!" The noblemen screamed, stomping his feet like a child, on the hard wood floor of General Oronrá's office in the Bladesinger's Guild.

"You're extremely lucky that all that DID happen to you was that you were robbed. Trenyce is dangerous. It isn't a place where those who play games should be." The fluid motion of Tári's pen gliding from left to write across his papers had kept a steady pace, despite the indignation that was swelling inside of him. He'd grown tired of dealing with nobles like this, but yet was still obligated to show them the utmost respect, since their financial contributions greatly aided in keeping Raiaera economically stout. Still, the General couldn't help but toss an indirect shot in Elridor's direction.

"How dare you make fun of my plight Oronrá! Don't you know I can have you removed from your position in a matter of days!? Your job as a General amongst the Bladesingers is to protect the citizens of Raiaera when we call you to do so! And especially us nobles! Therefore, I demand that you dispatch your soldiers to find the men who mugged me, and give them the strictest of punishments!" Elridor crossed his arms and sat on the General's table, opting to say no more, but only stare viciously at him. His disrespect toward the General was rapidly increasing, and wearing on Tári's nerves. "I've endured your impudence for far too long," Oronrá had rose to his feet, firmly slamming his pen on a small stack of papers on his desk. "Have you forgotten who you're talking to? You nobles may fill the purses of Raiaera, but we soldiers provide safe environments in which you fools can live! Now granted, there is still much work to be done in ensuring that all of the elven lands become a place of peace, but my men and I are working on that! But by the goddess Aurient, I swear that you will never approach me like this again," His fierce glare penetrated the pompous noble, who was now so terrified, that he couldn't make direct eye contact with Oronrá. "I will make sure to send some of my men to Trenyce to dig up information on your muggers, but in the meantime, you will leave this guild immediately!"
There was not another word spoken between the two, as Elridor quickly walked out of the General's office, and soon after, out of the Bladesinger's Guild. When finally gone, Oronrá was relieved, sighing as his ambiance returned to being peaceful. However, he didn't sit back down; he wanted to take care of this issue and dispatch several men to deal with Unaralith's problem so that he could attend to more pressing matters.

Making his way out to the practice yard, his presence interrupted the clashing of blades, as every eye had looked upon him. Lieutenants ordered their trainees to get back to work, all the while respectfully nodding to Oronrá. The General surveyed the grounds thinking who would be best to send on this mission. Since this was nothing more than finding a bunch of thugs who had robbed Elridor, he figured he'd give some of the newer soldiers a chance to prove themselves. But, the dilemma was that a lot of the newer soldiers were much too caught up in the status of being a Bladesinger. Many of them came from wealthy families, where serving in the Bladesingers, or Tel Aglarim was a way to further increase status, wealth, and fame. Tári was not looking for that, but someone with a backbone, fully committed to the service. It was then that he set his eyes on Galyl Galoriand. Several months ago when the young elf had entered the guild, he was impressed with how he valiantly challenged the legendary Findelfin ap Fingolfin. The match was not a lengthy one at all, but the entire time, he didn't show the least bit of fear.

Galyl was sparring with a fellow student by the name of Glenion AncalÃ*mon, one of the younger sons of Ost'Dagorlin Headmaster Amroth AncalÃ*mon, when Oronrá confronted them. The two young men halted their training and respectfully greeted the General.

"I have a mission for you two. Please come with me to my office so that we may discuss it." The General swiftly turned around and proceeded in walking back to his office. Galyl didn't ask any questions right then and there, but simply followed orders, just as he was used to doing.

Feed The Machine
12-16-07, 08:35 PM
Oronra led the two young soldiers into his office and took his seat behind his messy, cluttered table. There were two additional comfort seats, both being green, soft and velvet, that appeared as if originating from the wealthy domicile of some high-class nobleman. Glenion took the liberty of sitting down, yet the Galoriand bladesinger stood at the arm of one of the chairs, awaiting his superior’s command to sit. Tari looked at him strangely for several moments before he realized what he was waiting for. “Ah, go ahead and be seated Galyl. You didn’t have to wait for me to tell you that.” Immediately, Galyl did as he was instructed. “So, I’m sure you two are familiar with how the relationship between Raiaera’s military and Raiaera’s noblemen works. We protect them, and in turn they provide funding for our equipment, schools, training facilities, and many other things.”

Galyl rolled his eyes as he listened. “So, what trinket do we have to recover for some noble today?”

The General burst out in laughter, amused at how perceptive the Galoriand was. Glenion seemed puzzled, not sure what Oronra found so funny. However, this was clearly due to the fact that the youngest son of Sir AncalÃ*mon was a noble himself, having grown up in a household understanding that the current relationship between nobles and warriors was best for the nation of Raiaera.

“Well, it’s not a trinket Galyl. It’s actually worse than that,” Tari, expelled the last of his laughter before getting serious and speaking about the details of the mission. “You two are being assigned to Treynce in order to retrieve gold that was stolen from nobleman Elridor Unaralith.” Hearing the name, an apathetic, solemn-faced Glenion showed feelings of disgust as he spit on the office floor. Galyl’s eyes widened in surprise and immediately he shot up from his seat.

“What are you doing!? Have you no respect!? You don’t just spit on the General’s floor like that! This is not the outdoors!!” The AncalÃ*mon looked up at the Galoriand, not altering his expression of repugnance in the least bit. “This room became filthier than the Obsidian Spire the instant that low-class Elridor cursed us with his presence.” Glenion casually slid his foot over the area where he spat, smearing the bubbling and viscous saliva across the floor and into the cracks of the wood. Carrying the pompous air of a noble, the son of the Ost’Dagorlin Headmaster crossed his legs and smirked. He knew that Galyl was raised in the Spire and thus intentionally insulted him. Yet his dislike for the Galoriand ran deeper than just having ill feelings toward someone from the same place that the evil Xem’zund once resided in.

Glenion was a prodigy. A young bladesinger who was just a year older than Galyl, yet was quite advanced for his age. Arrogance trailed his early success but was brought to a screeching halt not too long after Galyl’s arrival. When the Galoriand challenged Findelfin bravely and showed sparks of talent, so much so that the legendary elf made him his personal student, the attention was quickly taken off of Glenion. Never having been one who wasn’t in the spotlight, the noble challenged the newcomer to a duel and lost terribly, thus showing his inadequacy to Galyl. The lost was hard to take since he’d believed the Galoriand to be much weaker than he actually was due to observing him battle the great Findelfin. During many nights, Glenion replayed the duel over in his head, wondering how he’d lost. The young noble though, came to the frustrating realization that Galyl was a fellow prodigy with an intellect well on genius level. Still, his arrogance and nobility prevented him from treating Findelfin’s student as an equal.

Oronra could feel the indignation that was stirring up inside of the Galoriand. He knew that the Obsidian Spire native wasn’t one to let his emotions get the best of him, but he also knew that during the rare occasions in which it did, Galyl was a force to be reckoned with, even for experience soldiers. “I don’t understand how you can sit there with that imperious attitude of yours, Glenion,” The anger that was festering in the Galoriand had faded as his superior addressed his sparring partner. “For someone who isn’t quite as skilled as Galyl is, you should learn to keep your mouth shut and just work on getting better.”

The solemn eyes of the General locked onto his young student. Glenion attempted to keep his cool, nonchalant demeanor in tact, but his constant fidgeting showed just how uncomfortable he was. Still, the Ost’Dagorlin Headmaster’s son said nothing.

“This should be a simple mission for both of you. Find the theft and capture him. I expect great res----”

“WAIT!!” The sudden intrusion of a soldier caused Oronra to curtail his statement. “Don’t send them off without me!!!”

Feed The Machine
01-02-08, 12:50 AM
Sweat dripped off the tan face of the newcomer as he panted heavily with both hands on his knees. The young human soldier had a great sword strapped to his back, which caused him to belly over even more due to its heftiness. Glenion glanced upon the intruder from his peripheral vision, snickering. “Oh, it’s him again.” The new soldier heard the noble elf, and clenched his jaw in anger.

“You always have something to say, don’t you Glenion,” The hands of the human quickly migrated from his knees to the hilt of his blade. Yanking it from its sheath, the massive blade slammed down on the floor and cut through the hardwood crudely as this brash and severely quick-tempered young man cried while readying to seriously strike the arrogant Ancalimon down. Yet the slow swing of the great sword was met and halted.

“If you don’t learn to get your anger under control, it will certainly be your downfall, Mr. Royal Halberd.” The General held a small dagger effortlessly against the weight and sharpness of the human’s weapon. Pushing it aside with his free hand, Oronra sent Royal down to the ground with the momentum of his large blade. Tears of frustration welled in Halberd’s eyes as he stared at his superior.

“I’ve been working so hard for all this time General! I feel that I’m ready to embark on my first mission!!” Oronra couldn’t help but sigh since this wasn’t the first time that Royal had approached him with such fierce, yet misguided emotion. “While it is indeed true that your work ethic is truly top notch, your emotions will end up getting you killed. Once more maturity is shown on your part then maybe I’ll consider sending you out on your first mission.”

Royal rose to his feet and stared at the stoic face of his General. The decision as far as he was concerned was final since he’d received the same response from Oronra every time. Swooping his blade back into his scabbard, the rash human Bladesinger trainee sought to leave the office. But a gentle hand stopped Royal as it tugged him by his canary colored cape. “General, Halberd knows how to exhibit self-control in the heat of battle,” Galyl smiled as he rested his arm on the human’s shoulder. “I can’t go a night without him persistently bugging me to fight! When I was young, my old master Hiomir trained me to always have a competitive edge so I’ve never declined a challenge from Royal. But each time I’ve crossed swords with him, he became more relaxed! Of course he hasn’t beaten me yet, but he came a lot closer than Glenion ever has!”

Galyl grinned at the uptight elf and gleefully watched as he stared at him with eyes of envy and hate. Oronra valued Galyl’s opinion on many matters, despite his age. He was extremely wise and had good insight.

“Is that so Galyl,” Instantly the General withdrew the sword attached to his belt and charged at the young human with great swiftness. Yet much to his surprise his experienced blade was met with Royal’s seemingly unwieldy sword. The look in the youngster’s eyes was fierce, as if having gone through so many life-threatening situations that any bit of danger was trivial to him. Oronra gazed at a still grinning Galyl before setting his eyes back on Royal, who was rock solid in his defense and countenance.
“If you were this skillful, then why am I just seeing it for the first time Royal?”

“Well first you haven't seen me in action in about a month and a half because you're always so busy!! But second, I lose focus when I get angry. And since I really hate that guy,” Halberd pointed rudely toward Glenion. “I become barbaric and undisciplined!”

The General couldn’t help but laugh at how in just several moments both Galyl and Royal had insulted the high and mighty noble elf. “Fine then, I’ll give you permission to accompany Galyl and Glenion. But seeing how you’re still a mere teenager, you are under the authority these two.”

“What!? I’m only three years younger than Galyl!!”

“What’s done is done human,” Glenion got up from his seat and violently pushed Royal in the direction of the office exit. Royal at this moment had been tempted to smash the elf’s face in, but quickly remembered his place. Much like Galyl, he greatly respected the words of the General and wished to follow through on Oronra’s command.

“Galyl wait a second,” Both Glenion and Royal had exited several moments before Oronra called out to the Red Forest native. “I’m trusting you to get those two back safely. But if things go wrong, do not hesitate to flee. I would hate to see a future hero of Raiaera fail to reach greatness.”

The Galoriand didn’t know what to say after receiving such a high compliment from the General. Instead he nodded his head in gratitude and saluted Oronra on the way out.