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05-06-07, 07:03 AM

Done completely in MSPaint!

With a touch pad!

So yes, it is pretty sucksome. But I wanted to show you guys anyway.


Ironically, it's better than most things I sketch out...


As is this one...

Meet Syn, my new character.

05-06-07, 10:24 AM
Lemme guess - Done after I showed you that horribly touched-up screenie a few days back, Nya? :p

I can't do a thing on a notebook touchpad - let alone on Paint. :p

05-06-07, 10:40 AM
Done this morning, heh.

*Feels kinda sad that she is not good enough for the art-whores.*

05-06-07, 02:02 PM
Haha, I can't do anything even half as good as that on my computer. :o

05-06-07, 02:59 PM
Ha! I'm soooooooooooo much (not) better than you!

Cyrus the virus
05-06-07, 11:30 PM
Don't you dare challenge me to a paint-off, beyotch.

05-07-07, 12:23 AM
Why not? I've seen your stuff. I'll pwn you, you Canadian...whatever you are.

Cyrus the virus
05-07-07, 02:07 AM

05-07-07, 02:10 AM
In your dreams.

Cyrus the virus
05-07-07, 02:11 AM
In your bed.

Generally yes, but why point it out?

05-07-07, 02:15 AM
I was pointing out that Manda is sexier than you are.

05-12-07, 12:42 PM
Whee, double post.

Anyway, this is Sara (Seraphima).


She was really hard to do, because she's so pale and her hair is so light...but I think she turned out nicely.

06-07-08, 08:47 PM
Wow, this thing has been neglected. Then again, my art has been craptastic and Paint is not the best medium.

Anyway, I got GIMP last night to see if I could make anything with it, and I have fallen hard core in love with the smudge tool. I was in kind of a beachy mood, seeing as it's summer, and simple landscapes are pretty much the only things possible when you're working with a touchpad.

So, here's my first experiment.


It is REALLY bright f you're looking at it on the Dark screen.

06-08-08, 01:56 AM
I like the sky and the different values you gave it, and the sea too, its really good. I was just waiting for the canvas to pan and show the hand of the person sitting on the beach chair, and the Corona with the little lemon, Haha.

I don't know why people are so fanatically attached to the smudge tool though. I was using it and after ten seconds I was like "f-word this", and decided it was not that great.

I am really glad you got GIMP though, now you and I can share our noobee experiences while exploring this medium.

06-08-08, 02:03 AM
The different values were possible because of the smudge tool. In Paint, I couldn't have done anything NEAR that level, and it would have taken lots of time and careful color adjustments to do anything near that.

I'm glad you like it, though. :)

H'mm...Then again, we have to consider that I work with a touch pad and you probably don't. It's easier for me to smudge and probably more like what really smudging is than it is with a mouse or a tablet.

The Wall
06-08-08, 02:15 AM
I like the smudge for photomanip, but my experiences with GIMP haven't been happy ones. I much prefer Aviary, which is a browser based photo editor in the beta stages right now. I loves it so much. The beach scene is cute, can't wait to see what else you do with GIMP.

06-09-08, 01:26 PM
I'm learning that GIMP does not really give extremely bright colors. Y'know, the ones that POP. That's somewhat annoying, since to make good sunsets, you need those colors. Anyway, I'm not as happy with this as I am the beach scene, but I thought I'd stick it on up anyway.


06-09-08, 04:19 PM
Remember though, even a quiet sunset such as that, has a beauty all it's own. Unfortunatly my own artistic talents are limited to crude stick figures so poor they can't even afford a spot in a hall of shame somewhere. Oh well, maybe next lifetime.

06-09-08, 08:18 PM
If I tried doing anything like that with my touch-pad, I'd just end up crying in the corner out of exasperation. :)

06-09-08, 08:28 PM
I have no skill with pencils, and I hate mice with a firey burning passion. Touchpad is the way to go. :)

I did a good one with marker once, if I ever find it I'll scan it and put it up.

08-28-08, 04:03 PM


Anyway, I was challenged by Ataraxis to make something really cool...but I liked the background so much that I needed to share it.


And the really cool thing I was asked to do.

Crystal Suncrest
08-29-08, 07:57 AM
I like it.

Kially Gaith
08-31-08, 06:22 PM
My first initial reaction is to ask about that phallic pink thing.

My second was to shut the hell up and not ask.

But hell, who am I kidding, just what is it?

Nice work with the reflection by the way.

08-31-08, 07:06 PM
It's a cotton candy house.

08-31-08, 07:55 PM
It is, in fact, a building that features an onion dome, one of the staples of Russian architecture.

And it is made of cotton candy. The picture also depicts one of the greatest fusions of classic games that can be summed up at the end of Clues.

Thanks Karu!

04-09-09, 07:12 AM
So, I made a scribbly last night. With a pencil. On paper. Not my best medium, but four hours of careful work resulted in something that isn't too shabby. He's a bit stockier than I intended, but it's the best thing I have EVER drawn.
