View Full Version : Help (school project)

05-06-07, 07:38 PM
So, after bugging Emma for a bit and finially getting the background of the project done, I need a title. The project is about creating a political party in the US to either influence public concerns or to try and have a canidate elected. I chose the path of influencing public concerns and came up with topics of concern and what my party will try to influence upon the population below. My problem however is with a title of my party. Any suggestions?

Stem Cell Research – Improving funding for stem-cell research, as there are possible cures for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and many others. Also, there is possibility that with increased funding, healthy animals can be “copied” and “grown” to increase lowering supplies of certain animals. This can help increase farm production of scarce animals and also replicas of endangered species may be produced so the animals do not suffer extinction.

Social Security – Terminating this program, or decrease funding drastically and instituting a “cut off date” as to when the last year of citizens can receive a Social Security check. Instead of using the funds from paychecks to be paid into SS, the funds can help fund other government programs and increase spending on other relief programs.

Global Warming – Improving funding for more environmental-friendly fuel sources. Increasing the research and development of reusable energies and implementing these new technologies into the current population. The Government requiring higher, stricter standards of large factories, producing cleaner emissions and possibly finding new solutions to power the factories.

Gas Prices / Public Transportation – Increasing gas prices for private citizen use. Decreasing gas prices for contractors, truckers, construction and related works that in turn increase the need and demand for public transportation. Developing new mass-transit systems that are powered from environmental-friendly fuel sources and also decreasing the use of motorized public transportation that depends on the use of gasoline and diesel fuels.

Hybrid Car Production – Increasing production of Hybrid cars that use more ethanol, solar, and electricity as a fuel source to reduce pollutants that are distributed into the atmosphere. Requiring the conversion of one fifth of production lines in major car factories to adapt and produce cheaper, more reliable hybrid cars. Developing more ethanol fueling stations for ethanol-using vehicles or refitting existing gas stations with a minimum of one ethanol fuel pump to help encourage of the purchase of hybrid cars that run on this fuel type.

Global Environmental-Friendly Fuel Development – In cooperation with other countries, all begin a centralized research of new ways to produce environmental-friendly fuels and alternate development of existing fuels. Establishing a complete cooperation between the participating countries, and exchanging research to further, and more efficiently establish new ways to use these fuels. Also, researching new solutions in the recycling or disposing of trash that could possibly inspire a new fuel source.

05-06-07, 07:48 PM
Call your party "Rith's Posse" and the animal can be a dwarf [I mean why not, the democrats have a donkey]. You know you want to.

05-06-07, 07:48 PM
Call it the Green Party. While you are at it, call yourself Nader.

Erm, in actuality, perhaps something relating to health, as that seems to be a big point for you. Looks like an environmental/health party. Party names are pretty nonsensical. After all, Republicans and Democrats both proclaim that they are part of a democracy (the stem of democrat), but we really have a republic (the stem of republican). There were the know-nothings, the independents, the greens... Tons of times when major parties were split... Really, just about anything should work.

05-06-07, 07:55 PM
Yes, but I don't want to call myself the Green party simply because there are already like 4 of those. If anything, I just need serious and logical suggestions for a name. I honestly can't think of anything. And I'm not really as big on the Enviornment as it seems, I just don't think it should be destroyed like it is by a few money-hungry people. Plus, it would make life easier if people didn't have to pay for cars, waste the rapidly depleting fuels in the ground. Really, what's going to happen when these oil wells start running dry? The world if no action is taken will come to an abrubt stop and all hell will break loose.

05-06-07, 08:00 PM
The People's Republic of America Party

That sounds so dictatorship/communist-like it's awesome. Other than that, I've got nothing. :o

So, after bugging Emma for a bit and finially getting the background of the project done, I need a title.

It wasn't really bugging, by the way.

I'd like to further add how weird it is to ask someone from Austria for help with American political party creation.

05-06-07, 08:07 PM
You know, that actually crossed my mind and I was hesitant at first to ask. But oddly enough, out of the 30 people I IMed, you were the only one to yeild productive results. LOL

The People's Enviormental Republic of American Safety

How's that sound?

05-06-07, 08:09 PM
You need something you can easily make into awesome initials.

Like the USSR (CCCP, in Russian, I'd like to add).

TPERAS = so non-cool

If you insist on lame initials I think "The People's Party for Environmental Reform" is better. :p

TPPER, almost like tipper!

05-06-07, 08:14 PM

Environmental Reform of American Society?

05-06-07, 08:17 PM
Environmental Reform Party of America

ERPA. It's fun to say ERPA out loud. Do it.

Or you could go Environmental and Social Reform Party of America

ESRPA, which is kind of lame.

05-06-07, 08:21 PM
I cant do it. Everytime I want to say "E-RAP". I actually have to slowly think and say it or I'll say RAP lol.

Enviromentalist Reform Party of America.

Okay, after saying it several times, I got the ERPA part down. Enviromentalist seems to make it easier for me to say lol.

05-06-07, 08:22 PM
Go for it.

05-06-07, 08:23 PM
Yay! Emma, you are the bomb lol. Americans suck, Austrians rock.

05-06-07, 09:02 PM
ESRPA, which is kind of lame.

And pronounced, to me at least, as "ass rape-uh" with a creepy accent.

05-06-07, 09:05 PM
Bahahahahahahahahahaha. I didn't even think of that. LMFAO

05-06-07, 09:12 PM
Only you would think of that.

Edit: And Cory.