View Full Version : The Bounty of a Baroness (closed: PM to join quest)

05-07-07, 12:18 PM
A notice in royal looking script on good parchment had been nailed on town boards, placed in the hand of city criers, and displayed on the walls of taverns:

Clear a mine of a scourge, protect my step-daughter and be paid handsomely in gold, weapons or land. Come to the Salvar fiefdom of Baroness Follingworth in a fortnight's time to be tried."

It was a simple enough declaration, but the story it cloaked was a tale of dryad curses, undead creatures and the betrayal of blood. And the Baroness was keen to keep these facts hidden from all who entered her manor.

On the announced day, the Baroness and several selections from her modest retinue waited in the main audience room. All comers would be led to this grand hall hung with new tapestries the colors of an icy midnight forest. The images strayed from the usual heraldic theme and instead showed the progress of wolves and hunters on a moonlit and star bright winter evening. The scenes were beautiful but threatening. As was the woman who sat behind a well-stocked table.
She wore a tight bodiced gown with a bell skirt that whispered whenever she moved. It was in the black of mourning, but its cut spoke of no such thing. It was a square neck that ventured low, allowing her better assets to be seen at best advantage. Her skin was the creamy color of nobility, and her face, while not young maiden's anymore, still bore the cold beauty of her youth.

As the Baroness waited for arrivals, a brown little handmaiden adjusted the black pearls that wound through her pale gold hair. But as she saw a guest enter, the Baroness waved her away with a graceful, ringed hand.

Her voice was like the peal of a silver bell.
"Share something to eat and drink, traveler. And tell me your name and skills."

05-08-07, 08:00 PM
The time was high to make an appearance in Salvar, there was a simple reason for A'rei's sudden arrival in the frozen wasteland.


It had been nearly two full moon cycles of travel before the girl had reached her destination. Knife's Edge was a mottled town, like the hair of a beggar, with the sections of poor and wealthy quickly changing and almost being integrated. It was to extend the arm of the Audeamus and A'rei had been sent to scout the land and make as many friends as possible. It was her specialty that had her chosen to explore and hopefully make a name in the northernmost reaches of Althanas. First however, the girl needed to find an inn, hopefully one with a tavern underneath. Wasting money or charm on anything fancier only meant time and energy, two things she was short of. There was a shabby-looking inn to her right as she walked through the southern gate and smiled at the guards who in return didn't check for indentification of any sort, or any favors.

After A'rei stepped inside the tavern atmosphere her shoulder length black hair stopped blowing in every direction from the wind. It was time to get some weapons and free lodging. There was sure to be a drunk somewhere in the establishment that carried a knife or a longsword, there always was. After walking about for only a minute or two, A'rei saw the perfect victim. He was clearly drunk and had a scabbard at his side with the sword still intact. It looked like a regal and expensive blade, he was careless with money and would be an easy victim.

As the Scara Braen girl approached him, he took notice and his loud voice rang to her even with all the ruckus of the atmosphere in the tavern, "Well d' say 'at ye comin' 'ere lady!"

Shitfaced, too easy.

A'rei threw on a smile and strut to the table where the man was sitting, his companions stared at the beautiful girl in amazement. Her cheek bones were well set, with narrow green eyes and a perfectly proportioned mouth. It was the time to flirt and get her way, "Well hello there fine sir, what'cha drinkin'?"

The man's eyes lit up as she spoke, he was already hooked, "Jus' some booze, lil' lady! C'mere 'n' take a seat!" The man slapped down on the chair that was next to him, apparently empty. A'rei did as she was instructed and scooted in close, making sure he could smell the perfume she had applied for such an occasion. A'rei watched the man's nostrils squiggle in delight as he took a smell. The drunkard put his arm around her, "Wha's ye name?"

"Oh, my name is A'rei, dear," She acted like she saw the sword for the first time at this moment and gasped, "Oh my, you must be very rich, that sword is amazing! Can I hold it?"

This will be easy.

"Sure lassie, bu' be careful wit' th' blade!" The man unhooked his scabbard and handed over the whole sword to A'rei foolishly, his friends didn't say a word as they watched the girl eloquently walk off with it and observe a poster on the wall. It was a regal piece of paper and called for a bodyguard at the fiefdom of Baroness Follingworth. It was a way to get to know the higher-ups of Salvar. A'rei walked out the door without a glance at the man she had hustled for the sword, scabbard and blade in hand. She took the time to really examine the handle and blade, on the end opposite the point there was a large black diamond with a gold base holding it in. Under it lay an oak handle with a gold handguard even further down. The blade had a dull kind of shine, the material was damascus, it was a well balanced blade.

With a new weapon in hand and a long journey, A'rei set out for the fiefdom of Baroness Follingworth.

Artifex Felicis
05-08-07, 10:35 PM
((Might edit this later to fit better. Tired now.))

"Bugger this goddamn cold," were the only words that Leon had been saying for what seemed like hours. He kept repeating it every few minutes, with some variation in severity and eloquance of his words. At one memorable occasion he even roared at Mother Nature for being so cruel to the land of Salvar with the freezing air. Then again, all the bad weather needed to go somewhere, and if Concordia was filled with it, why not make Salvar the dump.

He was considerably more fuzzy then he normally was. Fur covered his limbs in an almost soft and shiny coat that almost glinted in the bright sun that failed to dispel the chill. It also reached up to his neck, ending near where his longer hair touched the base of his neck. His collar was turned up, and he wore a tighter-fitting shirt that he bought to help keep the cold away. Not that any of it helped much, but it made the walk from the inn to the Baroness' Manor that much more bareable.

He had heard of the job when he had first gotten off the ship in Salvar. He needed to get away from Corone for a while, mostly due to his boredom. He needed to visit other nations to learn why he loved his home as much as he did. He saw the poster when he had entered the first inn he found, and spent much of the two weeks traveling to Baroness Follingworth's manor.

He entered, along with several others who were there. The cat boy didn't really spend much time looking at any of them, instead his thoughts were centered in the warmth of his paws. He rubbed them together, breathing in as a servant girl led the smallish group into the manor. It was extravagent, and more then enough for the owner. He heard enough rumors about the Baroness. Supposidly she was cursed, she lived alone with her servants, and also that her mine was cursed. Not only that, but the curse was powerful, and unable to be broken by the most holy of priests. Still, it was the land that interested the cat boy. She offered it for some job, and aquiring his own home would probably be good. Especially since Salvar didn't have the off-chance of a giant spider finding you in a tree like Concordia.

They came to a larger, ball room like area. There were tables set around in the room, each filled with different types of food. Though Leon wasn't as interested in the food so much as the Baroness. She seemed to fit the archetype of an ice queen rather well, beautiful without actually having the slightest bit of warmth in her. It didn't stop the boy from stepping up before the others and replying to her in a loud, brave voice.

"I'm Leon, and I guess you could say I'm handy in a fight."

05-09-07, 12:56 AM
The cat like traveler separated himself from the rest, a good sign to the Baroness. Her elegant hand extended for him to take or kiss, in a manner befitting her station. It was cold to the touch and smelled faintly of lilies.

"Good in a fight, Leon? I'd believe it." She smiled, and it was bewitching. Yet it seemed she was baring her teeth as opposed to her goodwill. "Fortune does favor the bold and you seem bolder than most by rushing to the front."
She began to delicately cut an apple on her plate, shifting her gaze to the bright fruit beneath her white hand.
"I am correct in this summation?" She then looked at him fully, unleashing the chill of her pale eyes. "Brave Leon?"

She waited raptly for his response before gesturing that he choose a seat at the table.

In looking over the crowd the Baroness plucked a few faces of particular interest. The dark haired thing was beautiful, but probably peasant born if she'd allow such a brown complexion. The Baroness was about to dismiss A'rei, but then she saw a snatch of something dangerous in her eyes: hollowness. The Baroness stopped a frown out of sheer practice, she couldn't afford wrinkles or a betrayal of her thoughts.

This one could be treacherous. Watch her.

With fluid poise and a practiced smile the Baroness gestured to a seat near her.

"My dear, we treat ladies with preference in my house. Do come to the front and sit by me."

Hopefully something would come to life in this girl; some emotional attachment or need that could be exploited if necessary. And if not, there were other ways to melt ice. Human beings are still flesh, blood and bone, even when their spirits are dimmed.

(OOC: We'll wait for others to come/ catch up and then I'll move things along. Don't want to keep you waiting too much! :) )

05-10-07, 06:22 AM
After nearly a week and a half of traveling on foot and with a caravan on occasion, A'rei had finally arrived at the fiefdom of Baroness Follingworth. It was fairly large and the house was a sight to see, as she approached she wasn't welcomed by anyone so instead simply walked inside. The foyer itself was a warm and welcoming sight, there were already a few people inside that seemed like the warrior types. One in particular stood out.

Fur.. hmph.

There was a guide leading some of the warriors who had arrived ahead of her, so she followed them into a grand ballroom. There were tables littered throughout the room and again A'rei saw the cat-like creature.

Reminds me of a nicer looking Corvus.

Her previous adventures with Corvus MacCallum had been what eventually brought her to here. It had led to meeting with her father, becoming a slaver, and eventually meeting Dan. Now, she was coming to Salvar to work her way over the hierarchy. As the Baroness told A'rei to sit down she could see the cat-like creature standing up and walking away, he seemed unhappy that he was in Salvar. So the girl sat with the older woman as instructed, she was old, sure, but still held the regal beauty of her youth.

"Greetings to you, my name is A'rei," the girl spoke as she sat down in the chair she was instructed to sit in, "I saw your announcement and thought that I could help you out, I'm good enough with a sword and even better with my head."

The girl's newest outfit, a simple shirt and slacks with a tight black jacket that extended to her leather boots over all of that was now warming up. A'rei took her hood down, letting her hair fall out and lightly brushing the fur on brim of the head covering before putting her hands back into her lap. She would wait for the Baroness to respond.

((Thought I'd get this out real quick since you kind of brought me there already. Didn't' want to rush anything.))

05-15-07, 01:23 AM
Salvar in winter. To some, this weather was abrasive, even somewhat painful. He could see the chattering of teeth as people would enter into the taverns and get behind the well-earned fire. But to him, the intense cold that Salvar was capable of relapsing him into childhood memories of reading the Empyrean Gospel with Simon by the flickering light of a fire. It recalled in him brisk nights of pure calm and a clear night sky with stars dotting the vast black curtain above him. It reminded him of sleds cascading down the hill right behind his family's mansion, and his mother (dead for 15 years) looking after all the bumps and scraps after a particularly difficult run. She never put any medicine on the injuries, but Skylar would squirm and giggle every single time when she would kiss every cut right before she wrapped the scrapped leg in clean cloth. Memories were thick in the Salvic air.

After rumors of weird occurences happening back at the States, particularly one in question, Skylar had decided to make the trip after the Church granted him his temporary leave. This particular state was only a few miles away from the one his father owned. He wasn't ready to go home yet. But, he'd work towards it. Perhaps he could talk to the baroness while he was there, see how Father and Simon were doing. It was a long shot though; the Baroness had rarely kept up with Father. Skylar could remember meeting her a few years back, around his 17th year of age or so, when Skylar was still at home and in line to the lordship. A beautiful, powerful woman, as Skylar remembered her. Her eyes had been very sharp, cold, always watching and very careful with her words, as if she was holding her hand and waiting to play for the right moment.

Snow had just begun to fall as he finally arrived at the doorway of the Baroness's mansion. He catches a flake with his hand, and it melts immediately from the body heat. A storm could be picking up soon.

From Skylar's assumptions, the rumors were not at all exclusive. People were being almost herded into the mansion, men with swords and all sorts of extravagant weaponry. They looked thoroughly impressed with the lavish house and its supremely made artwork arranged neatly on the walls, but this was a life that Skylar had been accustomed to growing up. Follingworth had certainly outdone herself this time, however. Soon they arrived at the grand ballroom, and Skylar knew it was time to make himself known. When he had first met her, he was a bit younger and dressed in elegant nobleman clothing. Now dressed as if a paladin, with breastplate, mace, shield, and flail, would she recognize him? He took a deep breathe and began parting his way through the crowd of burly mercenaries. They gave him mean looks as he did.

"Baroness! Baroness Follingworth!"

As he made it to the front, his silver hair began to swing from the rapid movement. The trademark of the Silverlakes, their hair. That would help. He undid his hair, letting it flow free and messed. He finally caught her attention, he hoped. Her dress was not modest at all, but among nobles it was important to keep up appearances, even if that included appealing to lustful tastes. Another reason he could not live with the kind of life his father wanted for him.

"Baroness. It has been a while. Perhaps you remember Lord Silverlake? His son? We met some years ago. You are having problems with your estate, I hear?

He could already feel himself getting back into that mode of living. His stature stiffened, his chin went up a little, his right arm went behind his back with his elbow pointing outward regally while his left rested gently across his stomach, and his voice became commanding and calculated. Old habits do die hard.

05-15-07, 05:19 PM
A’rei’s answer pleased the Baroness. She tilted her head and appraised the girl with a gentler look.
“Spoken like a true woman. The mind is often better than the sword. It is easier to disarm you of one than the other.”
Skylar’s voice drew the Baroness’s attentions from A’rei, and she regally pivoted in her chair to face him.

Part of what kept the Baroness in high esteem was her uncanny ability with names and faces. Little nobles loved it when you recalled their titles and heritage, and grand nobles expected you to know their pedigrees. Her sharp mind immediately plucked the name and family from her reservoir of nobles both known and unknown.

“Skylar Silverlake. Of course, I recall. Who could miss your family’s signature coloring. It has been what, five years now?” She didn’t need to ask, she knew the date and even what shoes she had worn for the occasion.

“Your father was” she made no pause as she selected an appropriate euphemism, “Quite distracted at your leaving.”
She extended a cool hand for him to grasp, and once he did, she closed over his fingers in a kindly manner.

“My recently departed husband was fond of your family. It is good to see familiar faces in this time of difficulty.” Her beautiful face put on the mask of a maiden in distress. “And difficult it is. My son, if you recall him, has even kept from his studies abroad to stay and console me.” Gracefully her fair hand slipped from his grasp like the snowflakes he had caught earlier.

“But do sit by me and the lovely A’rei, and the brave Leon.” A smile arose replacing the tremor of distress.
“I have always enjoyed noble company.”

With a motion to a guard that flanked her chair, the hall was brought to order. The guard pounded the base of his halberd on the floor bringing the motley group of mercenaries to attention. His bronze voice commanded them roundly to find a seat in the room.

Once the shuffling of chairs and bodies, still thick with furs and leathers to fight the cold, dissipated the noble lady stood.
Her figure was good and her waist kept severely slim. She spread her arms to the crowd in a graceful benediction.

“The house of Follingworth is grateful to have so many in its hall. I am pleased my notice has gathered some attention. Sadly, the mission calls only for a few, and the fine guards and knights of this house shall help me in appraising your skills as there is not time for me to evaluate each.”
Her enchanting, pale eyes scanned the room speaking an apology to all they encountered for her lack of significant attentions.
“But I thank you all for your time and travels. So eat and drink, enjoy my hospitality before you go on your way again with the bread and meat my house shall provide you.”

Her speech paused as she took a neat sip of wine from her goblet. It stained her lips the disconcerting hue of blood.
“The task some of you will face requires persistence and precision. You are not being asked to merely destroy, but to protect. My stepdaughter will be arriving shortly. She is no fighter, but she has specific skills that require her presence.” Her gaze traveled the room, checking for responses.

“The chosen few must protect and aid her as you clear our mines of whatever scourge keeps the workers from their duty. If you are unable to protect and can only attack, I ask that you not recommend yourself for this venture.”

With that cryptic speech the Baroness lowered into her chair and the nest of rich fabric her wide skirt created.

Daintily, she began to cut her food, her eyes hidden behind long lashes, but her velvet purr was directed toward the three adventurers.

“My favor is towards you three as of this moment. I am no warrior, but I have an eye for skill and wit. What do you think of the task, so far, and more importantly, what sort of compensation do you wish?”

She raised her serene face to the trio.
“You will find that I am quite fair.”

05-15-07, 07:00 PM
The girl payed attention to the newest arrival, he reeked of nobility. He let out his silver hair, obviously a native of Salvar. He stood nearly half a foot above A'rei and had a grand feel about him. It was no matter, she wasn't threatened by anyone, only intrigued. To be safe, the Scara Braen native stood at his approach and nodded in recognition at the newest, obviously noble, arrival. As she sat back down the Baroness beckoned for her to sit aside in a regal chair next to her. A'rei did as instructed and smoothed her jacket over and wiggled some leftover moisture from the snow off the fur on her hood.

So that cat man's name is Leon, I need to remember that.

As the Baroness stood, A'rei saw her deathly thin figure. The woman didn't have hips to speak of and her overall figure was as thin as newly formed icicles. With her announcement the feast commenced, there was plenty to go around but A'rei took only what she felt would impress the Baroness; not too much, not too little. When she was done she simply sat with her hands in her lap observing everyone else. Most of the them were brutish-style warriors, housing axes, clubs, and large swords on their backs. A'rei's newly acquired longsword rest limply at her side, the belt which connected to the sheath itself was tied snugly around her waist. She ran her fingers over the black jewel on top, wondering if it had any significance, it could be dangerous to carry around the wrong sword.

A'rei simply sat and watched as the rest of the warriors who showed their faces shoved the food down their large throats and used hands instead of the silverware that had been placed for them. Only a select few actually used their forks, knives, and spoons to eat the plentiful food. It seemed to A'rei that the Baroness liked to flex her wealth and be showy like most nobles. She was easily readable, there was something she wasn't telling everyone.

Artifex Felicis
05-15-07, 10:16 PM
The cat boy nodded towards the ice queen, the same cheshire smile staying on his face. The ice queen before him intrigued him. He wasn't looking at the gathering like the social event that it was, but as a hunting grounds. One that the Baroness was no doubt an expert at. Every movement and word that left her lips seemed to be as precise, calculated and cold as if she wasn't human at all. She followed all the formalities though, and was more then gracious to her guests.

He didn't pay much attention to them, instead focusing mostly on his competition. Some seemed to be hardy warriors, but the cat boy couldn't put a single one of them as skilled enough to be a danger to him. Still, some were scary, and others brutish, and even one or two looked like they were halfway competent. Arrogance aside, Leon wondered for a moment whether or not the whole thing was a sham, but decided against it when he sat down. Free food and drink would be worth it. Still, what the cat boy didn't know were of the rather horrible rumors surronding the baroness, and that scared away quite a few of the more sane and skilled blades.

the cat boy took his seat where the Baroness instructed him to do so. Along him were two others of appeared to be of some renown. One was a pretty girl with a good blade, and the other looked to be a knight in shining armor. The cat boy laughed at little, his tail swishing happily from side to side for a moment as he took a seat. He was the most obvious of the four that he wasn't royalty. His hair was mussed, he wore cloths that could survive weather but not making him terribly handsome, he moved with more grace then any of them without any of the manners and his fur was dirty.

The fighter sat down, grasping the knife and fork a little uncertainly at first, but cut quickly and effectivly. He finished his meal quickly, only taking enough care to social graces to not offend people of higher middle class. It seemed as though there was an entirely different set of rules when you were at the Baroness's level. Still, he gave him the chance to listen to his host's plea, and to actually pay attention to it. Still, he took one of the bread pieces, mopping up some of the meat sauces before swallowing the small morsel, cleaning off most of his plate except for the greens and fruits. They didn't sit well with him.

"If I get what I want, then the task will be worth it Madame,," Leon said to her. "Though I am curious to know what is plaguing your mines. But what I want for this task is simple. As you might be able to guess, I am not one of high living standards, so I only ask one thing. I want a place I can call home and be my own master. Give me that, and I may even carry your stepdaughter down the mine to do her task."

05-16-07, 01:48 AM
Quite distracted.

Skylar took the Baronesses's hand. She had to mention his father. Of course she would, why wouldn't she? And it wasn't like it was much to be surprised about: Skylar had basically left his father without an heir. A healthy heir, as Skylar thought of his brother. As much as he tried to put it out of his mind, there was a degree of sympathy for his father's position. There had always been, ever since the day he had told Simon he was leaving. But, until now he hadn't thought about the prospect as much. He was living the life for his Lord, the Hidden One. He did not have control over his life anymore. It was in His gentle Hands now, and Skylar wanted it that way. However, earthly attachments were hard to let go. He worried for Simon, and his heart felt out for his father's plight. Surely they would be fine. His Shrouds would protect them.

Skylar takes his seat when offered to him, all in accordance to the game of nobility, finding his seat next to the girl deemed A'rei. She was beautifully shaped for one who seemed so young, and fragile too. Leather covered most of her body. A sword was placed on her hip, an instrument she seemed to covet, Skylar guessed, since she seemed to run her hand on it alot. In the green eyes she bore, there lay that same ability to watch and plot, much like the Baroness and her icy blue gaze, however less refined. Age would help with such skills, although in those green eyes there lay a story that Skylar doubt would ever be told.

Once situated, Skylar looked at the meal laid out before him. A lovely meal of roasted beef, rye bread, a garden salad, and slices of apples probably grown in the Baroness's own orchard. A meal only offered at the houses of Lords and Baronesses. Skylar knew this game all too well. He watched the mercenaries and thuggish men stumble with their numerous silverware, not at all familiar with the various forks and spoons appropriate for each type of food. Some picked up the miniature silverware and pondered them closedly with a scratch of their heads. Every noble that let commoners eat at their table did this. They would allow themselves the private satisfaction of seeing the normal people stumble over the foreign objects, as if to prove their superiority. Baroness Follingworth was no exception.

However, by force of habit, Skylar picks up the fork designated for the salad and begins his food with that. He takes a look at the cat-like man, who was filing through his food quickly. He was dressed the most ragged of the three who had been invited to Follingworth's table, but it wasn't much to note in Skylar's eyes. He was no noble anymore. Clothes did not make the man. Fur, however, does, and he had plenty of that it seems. He puts his salad fork down, about to move onto the meat, but decides to voice himself before he does.

"Baroness, I second the idea that we should be told more about these scourge who have been plaguing your mines. I will most certainly help you and your step-daughter."

He stopped to think of the idea of an award. It hadn't occured to him to recieve a bounty for such a thing. He had no want for gold, for it was clear to him that the more gold one had, the more empty inside one became. However, he was sure he could bolster his arsenal more to better help his pursuits. He thought for a second, then spoke up again.

"As for a reward? I could use a new set of armor. This breastplate of mine is certainly sturdy, but I feel I could allow myself better protection. My work with the Hidden One is never-ending, and I certainly could not afford myself to die early in his service."

Suddenly an idea came to him. Had the Baroness always had a step-daughter? It had been a few years since his last visit, and it wasn't one of much note. He had briefly encountered her son, but that was the only other person he had encountered other than herself. He didn't much remember any other female presence other than her and her servants. Skylar had to wonder how important this step-daughter was to all this.

05-16-07, 03:09 AM
At Leon’s offer to carry her stepdaughter, the Baroness gave a sweet laugh. It was pleasant to the ears but more like the music of a flute than an expression of human feeling.
“It will not be as onerous as that, brave Leon.”
As he spoke of land and the freedom it brings the Baroness nodded knowingly.
“It is a wise request. Land is the ability to carve your name on a piece of the earth. And I will grant you a fine parcel of it. But I do warn you that no plot is free from the whim of the king.”

Skylar’s request was met with a careful quirk of her brow, not too much, a furrowed brow was unbecoming.
“Armor? That can be arranged, and it will be laced with metal beyond what you could expect.”
The Baroness did not expound further on the rewards but shifted to answering the rest of their questions.
“What plagues the mines? I am not quite sure, but the miners say one day that it is a spirit, the other day a magic and another day a beast. It is no flesh and blood to be attacked outright. It asks a binding. Your swords will be helpful for whatever else has lurked into the mine during this lull in activity.”
Her eyes strayed from the trio as she continued.
“Strange things prefer the deep and dark.”

05-16-07, 03:10 AM
It seemed a little lark had fluttered into the room to escape the thickening cold of a Salvic winter. Probably a scullery maid coming in to help keep the hall clean from whatever mess the visitors might make. She was dressed less finely than the handmaidens in a cloak the color of pine boughs and fawn colored boots. Beneath the lightly snow dusted cloak she wore a simple cranberry colored dress.
But she did not glance around the hall like one who knew its corners and secrets. Her deep green eyes were concerned and her brow pinched ever so slightly. When her gaze wandered to the tapestries, her petite frame shivered, and she pulled her cloak tighter around herself.

“Excuse me.”
She tapped on a guard’s shoulder who was patrolling the room, but he could not feel her touch through his leather armor.
Another visitor passed, not noticing her and then another guard. This one she snatched around his arm with a surprisingly solid grip.
The guard looked her over and raised an eyebrow, “Yes, lass? What do you want? Because I doubt you are here for the bounty.”
She made no response to his jibe, but asked, “Is this the house of the Follingworths?”
“That it is, but I sugg-“
Her light voice gently cut him off.
“That’s all I needed to know, thank you.”

It didn’t take much for her to ascertain which was the Baroness. The activities of the room were positioned so as to revolve around the lady in black. Plus she looked the richest woman out of the lot.

When she looked at her stepmother and all that was once her father’s, sensations began to creep into her chest and fly franticly about like caged birds.

Strange, I thought I had come to terms with being forgotten. Perhaps it will always, at least, puzzle me.

“Baroness Follingworth?”
The lady regarded the girl with only mild interest.
“I’m Fia, your husband’s daughter.”

“Oh? I thought your name was Abrienda? Am I mistaken?”

A quick blush spread beneath the girl’s freckles, “Yes. Abrienda Orinda. My dryad mother named me that, but I don’t go by it much anymore.”

This admittance was enough proof for the Baroness, as was the familiar shape of the girl's eyes and the strawberry blonde of her hair. Both uncannily like her father’s, at least in his youth.

The Baronness extended her hand, but instead of kissing it like a lady, Fia gave it a friendly squeeze. The noblewoman almost recoiled at her rough fingers and lightly scarred hands. The sparks from the smithy’s bellows and the hammering of metal had lightly kissed Fia all up and down her arms, leaving faint welts.

“Please have a seat anywhere you like, dear. I’m sure you must be hungry,” replied the Baroness with a close mouthed smile.

The offer seemed generous, but Fia noted that most the seats were taken, unless she wanted to wedge herself between an especially armor clad and aggressive looking faction by the door.

05-16-07, 10:29 AM
(yo sorry for posting so late :)...)

Sherin enters the dining hall just as the Baroness announces that there will be free food. This puts a huge smile on Sherin's face, he was starving, but as hungry as he was he knew that it was impolite to feast without thanking the hostess, so he quickly approaches the baroness and gives a quick thanks to her for the wonderful feast, and then speed walks to the food to eat.

while picking the food he wanted he was looking over the others in the hall seeing them as the ruffians that they are and dis concerning most of them, but one of the people really caught his eye, he had CAT ears, Sherin having never seen the like really wanted to see if the ears where real or not. Approaching him from behind makes a quick tug at his ears, a smile of intense interest crosses his face.

"Whow those are real? That is so COOL!" Sherin says in glee, a big slightly goofy smile on his face.

"How could i get ears like those?" Sherin asks

'Sherin...your an absolute idiot...' Shensho says in annoyance inside Sherin's head.

'...I am NOT an idiot...' Sherin thinks back, knowing that talking to Shensho out loud right now would make him look insane.

'Sherin...I'm just saying theres some people in here that i would rather not tangle with...' Shensho responds, with a slightly shaky voice. Hearing Shensho shaken put Sherin slightly on edge, not much could shake Shensho, and what ever is bothering him is something to look out for.

05-16-07, 10:43 AM
Crum having arrived before many of these fools heard the entire speech the Baroness had made and didn't really put much interest into the fool who seemed to know the Baroness, the only reason Crum was even here was because he had been ordered to come by his commander.

Crum was standing by himself off in a corner, throughly annoyed by what was proceeding, he just wanted to go and finish the job right now, because he had heard about a battle going on and he wanted to have his fun.

One part of the Baronesses speech had caught his interest, the proving of skill, Crum grins as he imagines what is to come, ah...death, the most beautiful of all arts, Crum thinks as he inspects his rivals.

Looks like this will be more fun than he expected, Crum thinks, as he watches as a new person enters the hall, she has a noble air about her, but not at the same time, interesting...Crum keeps an eye on her keenly interested as to why she smells the way she does...

Crum grins as he waits for the fun to begin.

05-16-07, 12:06 PM
In a corner of the room four guards gathered around the highest ranked of their number, Rothgar. He was a tower of a man, broad and deep, with only mail as armor and a black tunic over it. His dark brown hair and beard was almost overwhelmed by peppers of gray.
Their conversation was low and in a strange Salvic dialect to avoid detection. They spoke over each other, offering their opinions to the thoughtful commander.
“No, Holt, not that one, his weapons are all wrong for him. He won’t know his arse from a hole in the ground.”

“Well they all look tougher than you, Uri. How can you judge?”

One guard interrupted the squabbling, “What about the little one with the red eyes.”

“Too small.” Uri interjected.

“Well that’s probably not how old he really is. What sort of thing has red eyes? He looks hungry to kill something.”

Rothgar finally spoke up. “Does he now?”

“They all look hungry to kill something.” Holt responded scornfully.

The soldier kept on. “Yes and no. They’re just violent, but a red-eyed little boy with a sword that looks almost too big for him. There’s something altogether wrong with that.”

Rothgar nodded.

“But we still need four more,” Holt complained.

“No, just one. It seems the Baroness has chosen the rest.” Rothgar answered with mild amusement.
They were fine choices for the mission at hand, he thought. Her cunning never ceased to please him.

“My vote is for the one with the mace that still has blood on it,” said Holt.

“That shows he's too lazy to care for his weapons. I want the one in all black.”

All but Rothgar almost growled at this, and one responded, “You dolt, they almost ALL wear all black. Never seen a mercenary in pink. It’d be shameful.”

“That one. Tell me about him,” Rothgar said, his narrow hazel eyes fixed on the man with a katana hovering near the Baroness.

Uri made a gesture that implied he was crazy, and Holt answered:
“That one. A few sheep short of a flock if you ask me. A little twitchy. Pulled on the cat man’s ears.”

“Genu-ine id-iot.” Uri chimed in.

“We might need one of those.” Rothgar said mysteriously. “Move him towards the head table, but not too near the Baroness. Her patience is deep, but it has limits.”
The soldiers began to disband, but Rothgar stopped one with his voice.
“Bring me the red-eyed one.”

When the soldier returned with Crum, Rothgar looked him over a moment.

“We may have something in mind for you. If you are so inclined. Follow me to the other room.”

(OOC: Crum, please start a separate private thread on this board, so I don’t clutter this one up any further. Thanks.)


At the table the Baroness was mildly irritated. The boy had no decorum, pulling on ears and bounding towards her table without a single formality.
Her voice was still controlled but it turned icy enough to chill marrow.

“Do remember your manners. Sit over there, please.”

She gestured to where the guard had moved Sherin’s previous seat.

05-16-07, 12:44 PM
And with only the passing of a few minute's time, it seemed the room had become a tad more busy than it was. The first being some sort of odd warrior-type forsaking any thought of humbleness and walking straight up to the Baroness's table to fumble with the cat-boy's ears. As much of a controversy as such actions might bring about, Skylar's attention wasn't hel by it. What caught his eye more was the appearance of a slim figure wrapped in a cloak, dotted with snowflakes. The step-daughter. Her words were direct but not obtrusive, her voice refreshingly lacking the careful precision of a knife like her step-mother's had. As the two took hands, Skylar could see two worlds just by looking at their faces, as if two constrasting worlds were meeting.

One world was that of the Baronesses. The skin, pale and clean. Not just clean, but sterilized would be the better word. Tans were for those who labored, and in the world of a noble there was no such thing. Skylar had met plenty of noble girls started his 16th year of age, all prospects his father wanted him to think about for an arranged marriage. His father had given him a choice, at least, that was for sure, but in reality there was really only one choice, for each of them were much like the other. Each were cut, skulpted, polished, primed, and finished with the proper etiquette and beauty fit of a noble girl. No variety, save maybe the hair color and the dress of the day.

The other world, however, was mostly unknown to Skylar. This Fia embodied the part of the world which Skylar had just started to experience. He just knew that she was more earthly. There was no facade in her deep green eyes. Her grace did not come from manipulated movements of the hand or the whispering tongue which tickled the ear, but rather from the lack of all that; the ability to show herself exactly how she is. She was certainly no noble, but Skylar wasn't complaining.

Skylar, now finished with his meal, immediately takes to his feet and stands behind his chair. He looks at the girl, her strawberry blonde hair peeking out through the dusted cloak, and gives her a warm, polite smile.

"Please, allow me. It would not do for the step-daughter of the Baroness to be left standing while an absolute stranger takes her place."

With a slight tug he pulls the chair back, making the seat easily accessible to the freckled maiden, and he waits to push the chair in for her to sit her down. Skylar motions for one of the servants to take his plate and replace it with a new one for Fia. Once he sits, Skylar gives a slight declining of the head to the Baroness, a gesture that he would be taking his leave of the table. With that, he finds one of the only seats available to him, between a certainly scary individual with blood still flaked on his armor and another with no hair, no eyebrows, and a nearly toothless smile. He sighs a bit. Thus were the way of things, being a polite man.

05-16-07, 06:04 PM
At the newest entrance, A'rei looked, her eyes squinting slightly at the odd angle of approach. The girl had shook the Baroness's hand, something not done with royalty, obviously this girl didn't care. However as she announced that she was the step-daughter, A'rei became more interested. After the Baroness had told her to sit down, the girl looked confused and looked around at all the seats. The girl rose from her seat and stepped around the back of it, pulling it out for the newer arrived people to sit, "Someone may take my seat, I'm done anyhow."

She vaguely noticed the new arrival who had pulled upon Leon’s ears and made a lot of commotion, seeming jittery and jumpy. Either way, it didn't matter much. There were more important matters at hand. A'rei turned to the Baroness and knelt to whisper into her ear, "All I ask is your friendship and a small piece of land here in Salvar after all is done and through, assuming we meet success. Please excuse me though; I need to go outside for some fresh air. These warriors smell terrible."

With that, the girl walked to the other side of the Baroness Follingworth and tapped Leon on the shoulder while leaning down to whisper to him, "I'd like a moment, if you would be willing to get away from this commotion. I'll be outside the front door." The girl left the cat man's side and strode out to the front of the mansion for a breath of fresh air or two. The crisp air made her nostrils flutter for a moment and she let out a deep breath.

Hopefully Leon would come out to discuss things with her.

Artifex Felicis
05-16-07, 09:11 PM
((I think we should go Fia, Massacre, Artifex, Skyler, Sherin(?) for the thread. Also, Fia, you post so we can just start it off on the next post. Just delete the OOC post above mine and everything'll be good.))

Leon did his best to keep still and look acceptable at the Baroness' table. though, he also began to feel more and more uncomfortable as time seemed to slow to a crawl. He was to used to keeping himself entertained and busy. Sitting around and watching people eat without so much as a fork to play with was not high on Leon's list of fun stuff. His tail swished from side to side behind him, marveling at how many of the servants were as obedient as worker ants, never even thinking of betraying their cold, thin queen.

He drummed his large hands on the edge of the table, making sure not to disturb the glasses or to make any sound. He was perfectly fine for now. He knew that he would be chosen for the protection of the Baroness' step-daughter, and he would receive his land. There wasn't much more that he would need to take care of. He grinned a little, looking at his drink then took a sip from it. He wasn't a big fan of wine, especially since he often drank much more "common" drinks and mixers. Still, it wasn't bad and he put the glass down. A moment later and his fine white fur might have been stained by the red wine of his glass as his head was pulled sharply back.

Leon did not mind being petted. If anything, he enjoyed it throurghily so long as a cute girl was doing it. Yanking on his fuzzy ears was not petting however, and hurt as much as anything else that could have happened. The cat boy was pulled back a little by rough hands, and let out a hiss of annoyance at whoever was pulling at him. For a brief moment, wicked claws were visible from his hands, ready to tear the pullers throat before he calmed himself, letting his claws return to their hidden state. He watched the other girl leave for a few minutes, wanting a breath of fresh air. The cat boy sighed, deciding to take her offer to talk. Hopefully so the idiot didn't pull his ears again.

He excused himself from the table as best he could, walking out of the dining room with some dignity. His frizzy and bushy tail betrayed his annoyance though. It, along with pulling on his tail, was one of the few things that really seemed to tick the cat boy off. He made it through the manor without much incident, only explaining to the gaurds that he wasn't running off, but only going outside to cool his nerves. The brisk air seemed to cut into him the second he left the warm manor however, but it was comfertable after spending so long in the manor. His fur wasn't making the building that nice for him.

He breathed, managing to smile for a moment again. He looked from side to side before catching sight of the girl. A'rei if he remembered her name right. "Well?" He asked. He grinned at her, putting paws in pocket as he looked at her. "What did you need?"

05-17-07, 05:48 PM
(OOC: Alright. But Crum will post instead of Sherin. Crum will be absent from this thread for a little though.)

Outside the manor's high walls and graceful parapets, quite near to where Leon and A'rei conferred, a couple in drab cloaks pushed a wheelbarrow. It contained a shapeless mass covered in a wool blanket that bore great dark stains.
The man and woman bickered loudly amongst themselves.

"This kind of thing seems to never happen on her fief. The sheep are thriving, even in the cold," said a man's voice.

"Don't be daft, Gregor. It's just an animal," countered the woman's voice.

"A big one, and it's smart. Very smart. Probably one of her fine hunting dogs let loose. And we'd be able to complain to her if they'd let us in."

"Nobles, always having fancy gatherings. What would she care about the flocks anyway? It's not her land."

"Aye, but beasts aren't selective forever. She'll feel it soon enough."


Thankfully the ruckus from the visitors was winding down. Sick with gorging on rich meat and drink, some even stumbled out unable to keep up with the rest. Others were pacified by full bellies and waited as the guards told them whether they were able to stay or leave.

Uri stopped at Skylar's table, the hairless ogre of a man beside Skylar flashed his gummy smile. The guard looked mildly horrified, but managed to answer the man's wordless question.

"Fraid not, Sir. It's a delicate operation I suppose." Uri tried to speak quickly to avoid whatever response of disappointment he might have.
"But you're welcome to a pack of food and drink."

Without waiting for a further response, Uri tried to focus on Skylar.
"The Baroness has a room ready for you, whenever you like. You'll begin in the morning."

Amidst the noise and activity, the Baroness slipped away, quiet as snowfall. Fia had watched as the broad Rothgar lifted her up by her hand, and dutifully followed after her into the maze of the house.
Fia was glad their sparse conversation had come to an end. Every question she asked, be it trivial or sincere was politely fielded and parried. It was more like a fencing match than an attempt to discover more about the Baroness. At this point, all she had was the letter. It was on real vellum and had been written in an artful swirling hand, much like her Aunt's, but the content was cryptic and distant. She should have known by the black ribbon that it bore ill tidings.

She knew the basics. Her father was dead. Her faceless, far-away father; he had been dead towards her for decades, but he had left something for her locked in the mine. The Baroness was recruiting a group to help her find what the mine hid and to clear it of whatever frightened all who entered it.

It was a strange hope that drew Fia here. In her heart of hearts she wished for better tidings in that beautifully sealed letter. Maybe there was something in what he left behind that would give her a reason to believe he was an honorable man, because nothing here evidenced good character. The house was grand and sumptuous, but not warm. His wife was elegant and lovely, but not kind. So far, the only person who'd been especially hospitable towards her was the silver-haired man a guard was chatting with. The Baroness said he'd be accompanying her, as she gave Fia a list of instructions regarding the party selected for her. She almost laughed when the Baroness had asked if she could read.

Fia realized that she was staring as her thoughts had traveled elsewhere. A faint flush crept into her cheeks, but she gave a friendly smile nonetheless. Remembering how grateful she was for the chair.

05-23-07, 07:28 AM
It hadn't taken long for Leon to come out and find her, that was good. There was nothing better than someone who was eager to get away from the crowd and make plans. That was, unless those plans didn't benefit A'rei. Either way, she was glad that the cat-like creature had come in such a timely fashion, the air was bitter on her skin.

"Well, that mine will be dangerous or the Baroness wouldn't 'invite' us to come along with her stepdaughter. "A'rei looked at Leon in the eyes and put on a slight smile, "I was just hoping that maybe if something happens we take care of each other first. The rest of these grungy mercs' and pampered nobles don't know the first thing about what honor is."

That should snag him...

The girl looked around and saw a blur of a person in the distance coming toward the manor, probably a late mercenary of some sort. It seemed like a stagger more than a walk, the girl thought quickly, should she mention it to Leon or should she simply let it pass.

...mercy is for fools...

The lesson had been learned well, she would mention nothing to anyone about it. She looked back at Artifex for a response, but as she glanced back quickly to see the figure, it was gone. The girl shifted her feet and listened to the snow crunch softly under her and leaned against the stone wall of a manor, returning her gaze to the cat-like creature.

My imagination..?

{Sorry for the wait, not much to write at the moment.}

Artifex Felicis
05-23-07, 10:05 PM
The cat boy breathed into his furred hands, warming them for a moment before they cooled in the sharp wind again. There wasn't much of a compromise between the two locations. Outside he was freezing, and inside he would slowly broil. Still, he needed to cool himself down. Not only that, but he needed to give the idiot who pulled his ears some time to get away.

"You don't strike me as the honorable type," Leon said bluntly. He didn't shiver in the cold, though he smiled a little at the smaller girl. He put his hands in his pockets, shielding them from the wind and the cold. "Still, I'll keep good care of you, so long as you don't let anyone stab my back. Deal?"

The cat boy held out his hand, and after a moment of thought A'rei shook it delicatly.The cat boy smiled, not noticing much else beyond that. He gestured for the girl to follow. "Come on, I'm getting cold and I'm sure the idiot is gone by now. Let's head in." The cat boy opened the door for the girl, letting her enter the manor before him. The cold had an interesting way of making conversation quick and simple. He entered after A'rei, and began to move towards the ball room again. They probably would tell him where he could sleep from there.

05-26-07, 02:09 PM
The pair was hard to miss. A curious twist between a man and a cat drifted back into the room with the only female mercenary that chose to come trailing near him. Fia felt a pang of admiration at the girl's evident capability, but it was tempered by the same compassion that caused her pause over injured birds. How could someone so young look so cold?
Childishly, she liked the look of the cat man, and it took quite a bit to not run her fingers through his fur when she came near enough.

A piece of parchment was in her hand as she approached the duo. She glanced at it before speaking.

"Leon and A'rei, I'm assuming. The Baroness left with that big fellow, so she left me with a little list and whatnot."
Her hands ran over a bit of parchment.

"I can't believe the use paper for any old thing here. Awful wasteful."

She gave a friendly smile.

"Oh, I'm Fia and I'm told you're supposed to make sure I don’t break my neck, get eaten or any other unpleasant things in the mines. So, thank you kindly, because none of those situations sound enjoyable."

Inwardly Fia scolded herself for talking too much. When overwhelmed she waxed shy and still, but when jittery her tongue became looser.

"Well, here are your spots for the night in the house."

She delicately tore a strip of the parchment and handed it to Leon.

"We're to start in the morning, I'm told."

(OOC: I think M. is bogged down with finals and whatnot, so we'll try to work around her a bit without leaving her behind :) )

06-12-07, 11:36 PM
A stab from the front is always more surprising..

"We have a deal, then." A'rei said coolly as Leon held out his hand. The girl took it and squeezed, giving the cat a firm grip and shake, hopefully he would know she meant business. She nodded and followed Leon, patting him arm lightly in affirmation as she walked by him through the door and gave a light smile. Putting her hand up her sleeve a bit, the Scara Braen brushed the snow off her coat as best she could, as she leaned over the sight of a woman approaching. It was indeed a woman as A'rei looked up, Fia, she recalled. The girl held the piece of parchment as if it were sacred, a novelty.

A'rei stood and smiled at the girl, quickly darting her eyes to see where Leon was. Good, he's inside. The door lightly shut behind her, further affirming that Leon was inside and listening, "Thanks, Fia. I suppose we haven't been properly introduced, I'm A'rei." A'rei stuck out her hand, "You don't seem like the type to worry about what's proper and what's not."

A'rei took the small piece of paper she was handed and glanced at it, there were slight directions about where she was to go, "Thanks," she added blankly. As she began to walk away, the girl cocked her head slightly to look back at Leon and smiled with a slight nod.

She would sleep tonight and see what would happen in the morning...

{I'm going to edit some extra stuff, this should be just fine for the next post though, nothing major will change. Terribly sorry for the tremendous wait.}