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05-09-07, 04:11 PM
Name: Osato Lysser
Age: 23
Race: Soulless
Gender: Asexual (male) (see race description)
Height: 6’
Weight: 195 lbs.
Hair: mostly brown with an almost white/brown crown
Eyes: Deep blue

Guild: N/A
Personal Alignment: Neutral Lawful
General Description: (http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/300W/large/indyart/indymisc/ordinary_knight.jpg)
What is there to say about Osato? First and foremost is what everyone sees whenever he enters a room, his face. He is a pretty boy, to say the least about his zeal in the appearance realm. He is always clean shaven, always freshly bathed, and his hair is always freshly brushed. His nose and mouth are small and unobtrusive, his eyes are high-set and normally wide, and he sports a high cheekbone (giving him the look of royalty at some times). His hair, long and uncontrolled, is as smooth as silk and as vibrant as the midnight moon. It is unparted and jagged, with a of his hair pointed out over his forehead, giving him a rather dramatic flair.

His body is of a small but heavy build, muscular but and becoming impressively so. Most of his power, and as such his bulk, is found in his legs and is quickly building in his upper chest. He has a finely sculpted chest and abdomen, both of which he is pretty proud of and always working on. With his months of training and fighting under the Yerrian Order he has almost ‘fallen in love’ with his body, as the girls back home would undoubtedly.

His clothes have changed quite a bit from when he joined, though the original set was traded in when he graduated from the training. The general colors of his under clothing is a stolid, unimpressive stone gray. Then worn proudly, and meant to show off the warriors physique, the top is a tight silverish shirt that is tight across his body. Around his neck he wears a common black collar, made of thick leather, which is no more than a fashion statement. His pants are rather tight as well, but made of a light but resilient fiber allowing them to stretch and accommodate Osato during fights. Both hands are wrapped in fine black gloves that come from his fingers to his wrists, made of a thick, leather. And finally he wears a thick and heavy leather boot, the most beloved part of the soldier’s wardrobe. The boots are made to withstand heat up to 150 degrees to anything below that without taking damage from the temperatures.

Belts and straps meet in random places across the uniform, holding down certain parts while allowing other to be exposed. The most obvious belts are three that cross over his waist. The first is a simple belt with a thick leather scabbard on it. The second is covered with pockets, and has two hooks to hold his crossbows. The third is simply covered in pockets, and tight. The third is not enough to be a significant factor, but there are areas that could serve as good places to store smaller weapons if the need arose. Osato has rid himself of his former uniform, and just as the Yerrian Order and would never let the clothing be dirty if he has a way to clean them, the tradition had continue on with the man.

Class: ~+~Warrior—
The warrior is a class that holds more possibilities than any other, and also the most people. There is an almost unlimited amount of adaptations of the warrior class, and the subclasses are always expanding with new additions. To pick the warrior class is to enter into something far bigger than most people even realize. The warrior class extends throughout all of Althanas, making up the spine of civilization from the common troop of an army to the High General of Haidi.

Sub-class: -----Mercenary-----
A mercenary is almost always no more than a simple wandering warrior, just a sell-sword. They are almost always money hungry, power hungry, and blood-thirsty, looking for nothing more than a challenge. Most are cowardly when it comes to fighting opponents much stronger, or when they don’t outnumber the opponent by at least two to one. Though it is rare to find one who is loyal to those that are paying, it isn’t unheard of to find one that will put up with high odds. They have a strange way of working across battlefields and the skilled and experienced mercenaries are often looked up to with their abilities to think faster in a battle than any other warriors.

Armor: (See pic)

**Leather Gauntlets – dark leather gauntlets that cover from the tips of his fingers to his wrists in length, common armor for a grunt soldier. They are common and simple gloves with no spectacular appearance or powers.

**Pauldrons – his pauldrons are simple steel, and raised. The raised portion covers the left, right, and back sides of his neck, protecting from horizontal slashes to his neck. It is not raised to cover the front of his neck. The pauldrons continue downwards towards his wrist. As they move downwards they are rounded and shifted, so that a direct slash will most likely bound off of the armor and deflect it away from causing any serious harm.

**Chest Plate – the chest plate is the center of the armor. It is a thick piece of heavy steel, meant to defend his heart and lungs. It continues around his body, covering his back and protecting his spine and any entrance to his organs from behind. The particular chest plate he uses does not cover his abdomen, but the back extends to his belts.

((The armor is banded, looks like a random array of different pieces just forced together into a makeshift suit of armor. However, the way the armor is made and situated makes it specifically designed to receive and shield off certain blows.))

Weapons: (See pic)

**Steel longsword – a unique, new longsword. It is an estimated three feet long, with a six inch handle wrapped in thick black leather straps. It is of a unique design. Just past the handle is a point where the blade is three inches wide, and three inches thick. It is shaped like a diamond. The intricate design allows for the blade to be used like a small kite shield, allowing it to be used to counter and deflect attacks. The sheath for the blade is made of thick leather, and the sword can only be housed within its unique and different shape. The sheath is always worn diagonally across the back of his belts, covering the back of his legs, but doesn’t interfere with his movement.

**Medium Crossbow [x2] – the crossbows are common weapons, used for distance and as last resort. Both crossbows are made of oak. Each bolt thrower has a relatively common pull of 120 lbs. And each can cast a bolt up to 75 yards, within a point of 5” from the target. However, accurately, it can hit a point within 2” at 25 yards. Each weighs six pounds, and is twenty three inches long.

**Gift of Am’aleh – a charm that hangs from around his neck, it signifies the symbol of the Coronian god of the sea. Osato has a minute belief in gods, even though he is a direct creation of them. It is made of thick steel cord and winds around a second time to make two necklaces. The second is used to hold ‘favors’, small rings granted upon completing a mission or task in the duty or in respect of the god. These are bestowed by the High Priest of the different religions, all gods represented by a separate ‘parish’ on Yerria.

**Oak Bolts [x20] – the bolts are each only five inches long, headed with simple steel. The shaft is common oak.

Class Bonuses:
40% {above average} proficiency with all sword-like weapons of common craft (No martial (kamas) or unique (race specific) weapons)

40% {above average} proficiency with all armor, though anything of the heavier medium (scale mail) to any heavy armor presents difficulties with a flowing fighting style that Osato prefers.

Racial Bonus:
25% Immune to spec. magic – Osato, as a Soulless, is immune to most things that would affect the soul. Spells and magic that are directly inflicted on a person/being/creatures emotion or threatens their eternal soul being stolen (enter cliché devil-soul trade here) he is immune to it.

((Because I don’t want to be putting all empathy/emotional mages at a major disadvantage this skill much rise just as any other. Spells of an ‘emo’ like nature will affect him if they are above that 25% mark, but instead of attacking his soul they will mess with his mind and body instead…))

35% {Above average} proficiency in hand to hand combat – Osato has trained his skills with his hands and feet only minimally. His greatest strength, and only strength, lies in his sword, but when the time calls for it he is able to fight without the weapon. Unfortunately most of his style revolves around a fluid motion and his strength in his legs, which is proven to be 2.5 times stronger than his fists. Most times the area is limited and when he is on the ground grappling he is easily overtaken.

Pretty boy – The man cannot help but look good. He is resistant to bruises, wounds hardly ever scar, once closed a wound will normally heal quickly, and his hair always seems to fall the way it’s supposed to. Osato just cannot help it, but then again… he really doesn’t mind that much either.

Magic Sense – Osato has been pushed and bullied by magic to the slightest degree. As such, he is quickly becoming accustomed to ‘sensing’ when magic is being used or is around him. This skill has no government over any ability to get away or stop magic, but just sense it around him.


Osato was spawned on the island of Yerria, off the coast of Corone. It is a large island when compared to the others around it (small though when compared to even Scara Brae), alone holding only a city that takes up nearly all of it and a port for which it is known. But over many years the island’s defense was transformed into a machine, working across other islands. In ten years of island hopping the Yerrian Order came to bear upon thirty other islands off the Southern coast, all the way up to the middle of Corone.

The larger island nation seems to pay no attention to the smaller feuds off their shores, but instead watches with a sharp eye.

Osato, being raised on the host island, where all the power of the Yerrian Order rested, was quickly adopted into the militia. From the age of 15 found himself training with his weapon, the long sword. He was no more than a common soldier though, and though most could sense his skills growing none truly understood him. In his deep eyes people would often find themselves transfixed and lost.

As time progressed the people that he had grown up with, people that he had found himself looking at as both friends and family, began to look at him with a different eye. No longer did he feel so comfortable, no longer did he feel safe. He slowly began venturing into the port more and more, plotting and pondering solutions to his problems.

At the age of 20 the man ventured away from Yerria. As a deserter (though it was expected by the Order) he began a new life, one where the ‘soulless’ are rarely known or seen. Althanas’ understanding of the soulless beings may not be as well known as in Yerria, nor as well accepted. But Osato is willing to be a sell-sword and work for his earnings as a mercenary.

{Level 1 update}

Osato has changed a lot over time. A year has passed since he has left Yerria and ventured to Scara Brae. At first he played the role of a mercenary well, working across the small island. Small jobs and various tasks brought him nothing more than enough to scrap by on. Despite it all, he kept his head up and a continued working hard at whatever task he was given.

Over time, and a few months is quite a time for a soulless person, he was noticed by the Knight of Scara Brae. These elite troops of the small island quickly followed him and brought him into their ranks. The mercenary, as he always considered himself, joined reluctantly. He did not want to be forced into the ranks of yet another militia, but obligation took hold of him.

It was like being trapped in an endless cycle. Despite having given up on his homeland’s marine force, he was once again forced into another military.

He quit that as soon as he was given the chance, fleeing their wrath to the island of Corone. There he picked up a few more odd jobs, worked more on his personal skills, and gained very little. The large island paid a good deal more than the small island of Scara Brae, and with his earnings he bought himself a new set of armor and weapon… more so that he would not be noticed if he traveled back to Scara Brae.

During his travels on Corone the young sell-sword ran across a sickeningly curious group. The mages of Radasanth have quickly taken interest in his abilities and his promise. They have begun tampering with the young man; sometimes just sending spells to toy with him… at other times actually outright fighting him. Because of their bothersome tendencies he has grown to dislike magic users, and has slowly begun to assume an almost sixth sense when around magic.

Now the young man, quickly growing used to the economics of Althanas, is venturing more and more. He is planning to explore the mainland, grow more prominent with his weapons, and become famous. His most recent endeavor is in a veritable ‘tournament of legends’. He has joined not for the prize money, but for being out in the open and being known. So far, however, he had gotten nothing more than petty rivalries and has yet to be pitted against the greatest of Althanas.

Armor and weapons bought here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=3849). Crossbows granted as reward here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=36471&postcount=44) Most of this is update is superficial, hardly any of it has anything to do with actual skills... Heh.

05-09-07, 05:08 PM
The "skilled" that stands under the sword and armor proficiency is kind of stabbing me in the eyes. Skilled by definition is somewhere above "above average" in my book and that's a bit too much for level zero. Please change it to above average for now.

05-09-07, 05:56 PM
Agreed. And changed.

05-09-07, 06:46 PM
And therefore approved! Go forth and multiply levels.