View Full Version : An attempt to return to Althanas

Kade Underbough
05-09-07, 10:44 PM
Its been a LONG time since i was here, but I used to be an active member of Althanas under the names Hildraft Dunhan, Amaril Torrun, Kade Underbough, Cameron Dower and various other less used characters.

It seemed like everytime I would take a small break from the site, it would be reconstructed and my characters would be deleted.

Well just letting any of you hardcore Althanians that I might have known that I'm back. :)

05-09-07, 10:51 PM
hihi welcome back

*Brings cookies, though they're burnt*

hope you have fun again, yay another bow user, archers rock^^

Sighter Tnailog
05-09-07, 11:12 PM
Welcome back! We're a bit more stable now as a site, I think you'll have less worries of our crashing anytime soon.

05-09-07, 11:35 PM
Hello and welcome back, sir~

Reiko's cookies are good! Except they're a little burnt... But, well, somewhat better than another person's cookies, if you know what I mean. ;)

05-10-07, 10:04 AM
*Waves* Hi. *Grabs cookies, runs*

05-10-07, 10:56 AM
Stop warning people about my cookies, Yamihara!

Welcome back to Althanas!

*offers you a plate of cookies, which is good! but some of them are poisonous... which is bad*

05-10-07, 11:25 AM
Hey, I remember you. :) It's awesome to see you returning. Have fun!

05-10-07, 12:07 PM
*Brings a plate of brownies to offer to the mix of baked goods. Made purely of chocolate and distilled awesome.*

Hallo, s' mise Karuka, ciamar a tha thu?
(Hi, I'm called Karu 'round these parts, how are ya?)

05-23-07, 09:04 PM
*Brings tray of 'funny' brownies. Not burnt.*

I know the feeling of not being able to return for a while. I've been gone for months, leaving poor Yamihara untrained. Anywho, welcome back.