View Full Version : Does the name ring a bell?

05-11-07, 02:29 AM
College classes are over~! Who's ready for some good ol' butt whoopin'?

Gadgeteer Mikami
05-11-07, 02:37 AM

Is that you, Mr. Famous-Assassin-by-the-old-name-of Lyle Ulroke, the Forbidden Nine Tails?

Either that, or I'm completely off. Heehee.

05-11-07, 02:42 AM
Ding ding ding! We have a winner! :D

05-11-07, 02:48 AM
Aww, shoot. Reina beat me to this. :p

And about time you came back, too. Did you know how long I've been stalking you over at DevArt?



You didn't hear that.

Anyways, welcome back. And have some cookies. I'm sure the Platter-bearers should arrive soon. :p

05-11-07, 02:52 AM
zomfg! Deviant stalker! Run! D:

Question tho, bring Lye back? Or bring into play a new anthro I been working on?

Or make both just on diff accounts?

05-11-07, 02:54 AM
BTW, you kids are going to have to remind me who you are by your old screen names. I have a wretched memory. :/

05-11-07, 03:41 AM
Hi~ Mister Ulroke~ Welcome back to the boards!

Don't mind those two, that's just my sister Reina and Master Raven, our writer! :p

You should already know him, since he's visited your page multiples times already.

And I hope you still remember me, sir.

05-11-07, 04:26 AM
My my my you DO exist?

Welcome Back man..

05-11-07, 05:04 AM
Huh, I was wondering if you were still alive. Welcome back man.

*is almost exactly the same as when you left*

Cyrus the virus
05-11-07, 06:25 AM
Izvilvin is going to kill you!

Welcome back, jerkhole who left!

05-11-07, 08:15 AM
hihi and welcome back, hope you have fun again.

I remember Lye made one of my old characters miserable.^^

05-11-07, 04:32 PM
Holy hell... 'bout damn time. Welcome back and such. This is Modrue/Ranger...

05-12-07, 06:12 AM
My my my you DO exist?

Welcome Back man..

Ah yes... good ol Pat, right? Good to be back my rival in character! :D

hihi and welcome back, hope you have fun again.

I remember Lye made one of my old characters miserable.^^

hmm, the one I brutally minced in the citadel, no? Then we met again in a 4v4 which I also did my share of mincing.

Huh, I was wondering if you were still alive. Welcome back man.

*is almost exactly the same as when you left*

Yay! Don't you possess a part of my soul still? D:

Izvilvin is going to kill you!

Welcome back, jerkhole who left!

Uh oh, he's an admin now and is holding my profile in the palm of his hand! Cyrus be praised!

Holy hell... 'bout damn time. Welcome back and such. This is Modrue/Ranger...

Hmmn, not sure I RP'd with you. Were you part of unseen's assassin guild?

05-12-07, 06:33 AM
H'mm...looks like I haven't said hello yet.

So hallo, s' mise Karuka.

You probably don't remember me since I just joined up this January, but you'll get to know me, I'm sure.

05-12-07, 10:06 AM
hmm, the one I brutally minced in the citadel, no? Then we met again in a 4v4 which I also did my share of mincing.

haha yeah^^

though I doubt this one would be easy to mince, might end up getting minced instead.

05-12-07, 01:29 PM
haha yeah^^

though I doubt this one would be easy to mince, might end up getting minced instead.

Level 6, yep, you've been rather busy. I might be able to come back where I left off which was 2/3ish. Even so, it's going to be hard to fit in with all the big kids again. xD

Cyrus the virus
05-12-07, 02:03 PM
Not an admin, nah :P I can do one or two admin-ish things, though, so be fearful!

Nice to have you back, stick around this time! Many of us are in college as well, you know, or similar institutions :)

05-12-07, 02:07 PM
Not an admin, nah :P I can do one or two admin-ish things, though, so be fearful!

Nice to have you back, stick around this time! Many of us are in college as well, you know, or similar institutions :)

Yep yep, still getting my life in order but I plan to stick around. I mean, look at Dissinger! Level 10?!? Someone's got to give that kid a run for his money and it looks like you're slackin' Cyrus! x3 Gonna be a while to work my way up there but heck, that's how you establish a "killer" reputation! (OMG... Worst. Pun. Evhar...)

Cyrus the virus
05-12-07, 02:19 PM
Well, I've slacked with Luc. Izvilvin will be level 7 in a short time, though, and I haven't even had him for a year :p Shift of focus, I guess.

OH SHIT! Join Audeamus! Seriously!

It's an evil PG. We kill things. Check it out.

05-12-07, 02:22 PM
Well, I've slacked with Luc. Izvilvin will be level 7 in a short time, though, and I haven't even had him for a year :p Shift of focus, I guess.

OH SHIT! Join Audeamus! Seriously!

It's an evil PG. We kill things. Check it out.

Is Unseen still around? Last I recall I was one of the upper hands in that PG.

05-12-07, 03:20 PM
Adeamus is a new PG. Basically a bunch of evil, hedonistic people who get off killing people is who's in it. And they don't bath and can't make a good drink to save their lives.

Also, I think I do still have a bit of Lye's soul left. Come and get it if you want it back *mean face*

05-12-07, 03:32 PM
Adeamus is a new PG. Basically a bunch of evil, hedonistic people who get off killing people is who's in it. And they don't bath and can't make a good drink to save their lives.

Also, I think I do still have a bit of Lye's soul left. Come and get it if you want it back *mean face*

D: It's on girly! Just wait 'til they approve the profile!

05-13-07, 12:24 AM
Yeah I got to level ten, I swear people look at that number and cringe in fear...I'm just a big teddy bear, though I think Crimson Thief is a bit...doa now. We never did get to finish that storyline, would have been awsome.

05-13-07, 12:41 AM
Yeah, Modrue was part of The Banishment. And I plan on bringing that back soon... so you'll have a real assassin's thread to chill with. hahaha

05-13-07, 04:42 AM
Yeah I got to level ten, I swear people look at that number and cringe in fear...I'm just a big teddy bear, though I think Crimson Thief is a bit...doa now. We never did get to finish that storyline, would have been awsome.

Yeah, your overall character profile isn't that menacing but I know Seth to be quite the pain in the arse to kill. Seriously, if you die, someone's going with you. Too bad we never finished Crimson thief but once I do some work to beef up Lye, we'll cross paths again.

Yeah, Modrue was part of The Banishment. And I plan on bringing that back soon... so you'll have a real assassin's thread to chill with. hahaha

Looking forward to the return of The Banishment.

05-13-07, 07:34 AM
Also, congrats on getting approved. Now go be a bad guy and do bad stuff like you're supposed to be doing so people can stop you and eat you.

Bah, all this talk of old threads made me remember most of them too. Though we personally only did one or two threads sadly. The 4v4 I think was the biggest. Fun times.

05-13-07, 03:46 PM
Yep, I just have to start thinking of something to do now that I'm approved. Been a while since I worked on Lye's storyline. I've been working on another character named Bleuregaurd. He's an anthro cleric depicted on the right. The one on the left is a girl he meets much later in his development.


05-13-07, 05:54 PM
nice Pic^^ I always liked your art^^ Glad to see you've kept working on it. Can I have a pic?^^

so are you going to bring him over here, be a nice addition to Althanas I think. He definitely looks cool and the girl looks great too. And Clerics rock, never enough of them.

05-13-07, 05:58 PM
I'm thinking about it. He's a battle cleric so not too much of a push over but then again seeing all my friends at level 6 and here Lye is at level 2... I gots alot of work to be done!

05-13-07, 06:04 PM
I've seen him before already, so saying anything here would be redundant. ;)

But good to see you back and so active, Nya~

05-13-07, 06:07 PM
My rival is number 3 on the site! I've got to try and be uber active if I'm going to keep him in check! That's right Pat, I'm comin' for you! D:<

[edit] BTW, Where's Rainee? Last I recall wasn't I supposed to be having Lye and her hook up since she reminded him of a long lost lover? Eh? Eh?

05-13-07, 06:15 PM
[edit] BTW, Where's Rainee? Last I recall wasn't I supposed to be having Lye and her hook up since she reminded him of a long lost lover? Eh? Eh?

Anna's been having computer problems of late. She's been off and on but wasn't able to accomplish much. Hopefully she'll be back soon.

wow Rainee has a thing for bad boys. Corin then Lye, wow she seems too nice for them^^

05-13-07, 06:15 PM
Ah, yeah. Anna's on hiatus but she's around. She's doing some rework on Sivi and thinking about Rainee's storyline a bit more. She'll swing by sooner or later, Nya~ :p

05-13-07, 06:22 PM
Althanas still has it's loyals and that's good to hear. Still, I'm rather concerned about the lack of active people at any give time. I recall there being much much more activity. I've fallen out of communication with my fellow IRL RP'ers so there's not many i can recommend.

I guess once ToW picks up things will be better. We still do that? (Man I've missed so much T-T )

05-13-07, 06:23 PM
Rainee's been way to nice to people who kill for fun and burned down Underwood. :P

Still, here's hoping anna comes back. Only need Taliel and Shyam back and then everyone I remember from my generation of Althanas would be around.

EDIT: The ToW sort of exists, it hasn't been set up again just yet I don't think. t

05-13-07, 06:35 PM
I remember Tails! He was our striker on the the human side! Where is that kid? Other than Pat, you, and myself, everyone has different screen names. Even though I had FNT, people remember Lye much much more.

We also need Unseen (Josh) to come back. He ran The Banishment and i was a lieutenant then. There was also the Black Sails Armada that Mattheimus and Torin used to run. Hey, weren't you a part of that under the Crimson Branch? We were rebuilding a cruiser or whatnot?

05-13-07, 06:41 PM
It was something like that. And I always considered Unseen to be older then us.. Bandit Brother too. Blight Tail/Ran is now Reiko, and is way more dangerous now.

I haven't really seen Torin or Matt around for a while though. The BSA was fun, a pirates' life was too. I think we were building a fast warship though. Bah, too much to do now. I remember that Lye and Maia were either strained friends or something along those lines. Too fuzzy. Still good times.

Cyrus the virus
05-13-07, 06:55 PM
When people leave for college, activity suffers.


05-14-07, 02:21 AM
Well I say we get some parties started up again. Lye's not a party animal but I am! We need tourney's, ToW, the BSA, a list of raids RPer's can go on with a list of rewards, and if anyone remembers that one group of merchants who ran their own bazaar. We need that too! (Which the BSA was supposed to get under way...)

I'll think of some more legit suggestions to draw in more people and throw it in the Your Word.

Yep, we need to fire up this site again!

05-14-07, 03:30 AM
Man Lye, this tournaments starting to wrap up, Hopefully I'll catch ya in the ToW or something with one of my alternate characters...

Maybe Mage Hunter?

Also I'm more than certain you'll get up there in levels, just takes a bit of determination.

Cyrus the virus
05-14-07, 07:22 AM
Well I say we get some parties started up again. Lye's not a party animal but I am! We need tourney's, ToW, the BSA, a list of raids RPer's can go on with a list of rewards, and if anyone remembers that one group of merchants who ran their own bazaar. We need that too! (Which the BSA was supposed to get under way...)

I'll think of some more legit suggestions to draw in more people and throw it in the Your Word.

Yep, we need to fire up this site again!

Calm down there, tiger. We have a tourney going (that is suffering in activity due to some early FAILURES) and some other things planned for the near future. The only thing we're lacking is posts and active members.

05-14-07, 03:55 PM
Heck, point me in the right direction and I'll charge in Leeroy Jenkins style!

05-14-07, 05:49 PM
Welcome back, missed ya.

~Urei (kinda).

Koriku Windgate
05-14-07, 05:54 PM
Wow, reading this topic brought back alot of memories. Good thing I happened to stop in and lurk today. :p

Artifex Felicis
05-14-07, 06:05 PM
That is a name I haven't seen in a long, long time.

Come back! *shameless hope*

Still, umm. Welcome back again Lye. Bone freak.

05-14-07, 09:05 PM
Yay~! Koriku Windate! I remember you!

Do come back soon, Nya~! Don't make me stalk you on dA again! :p

05-14-07, 11:43 PM
Welcome back Lye! I was wondering where you disappeared to and mew your art is still awesome! *Wants a pic herself of Rainee* Nyu..anyway its good to see you back! It seems like people from when I first came here are returning ^_^ Its kewl! Anyway nice to have you back and maybe if I'm here more often I'll be able to do something with ya! I remember our old storyline and it stil lwas interesting! A lot has happened with Rainee though so if you want to know you could read her profile ^_^ she's level 4 now but she isn't that high up yet, but alot has happened with her. Anyway good to see ya back and maybe if I'm here more often I'll catch ya around the boards!

05-15-07, 04:44 PM
Well oddly enough, as easy as I came back I have to be somewhat gone. A fight between my mother and little brother has caused a fit of destructive violence involving the loss of internet in my household. Therefore, I HAVE A PLAN! :D

I'll be continuing my solo in Salvar and any thread I join I'll post in once a week.
I can still get free internet at the college campus.
So I'll type here on word and upload at school.

Lye is back, and I'm not leaving without a fight!

Slayer of the Rot
05-17-07, 03:54 AM
I still remember you kids (Lye, Nekoprincess, Koriku).

Cyrus is right, you should join Audeamus, Lye would be instantly welcomed. Otherwise I'll eat you too when I steamroll this place!

05-17-07, 02:49 PM
Hmm, could be a little hard seeing as how I have to use the library for internet. Lol lame huh? I have to upload threads to my USB and type responses at home, then post them here. Talk about a delayed response! So any thread I join you'll have to bear with me.

Rigor Mortis
06-05-07, 01:39 PM
Lye! Wassup!

I was Poe in Unseen's Assassin PG.

You probably don't remember me. >.> <.<

*slinks away*

06-07-07, 06:46 PM
I do, but we didn't do too much together. I might have that change once I get my internet situation stabilized.

10-07-13, 03:53 PM
I guess, "What's up?" would not be adequate at this point...

So I'm thinking I may start writing again. I found another site that I started posting in (prepares for slander) and I asked myself, "Man, whatever happened to that old site I used to play on? What was it again - Althanas?" A few minutes later and some googling, I found that this place still exists! I'm shocked and slightly upset some of the really old stuff was lost.

All in all, I may just come back to the gang. Might need to do a few threads or so to help my character be less of a rage-infected monster. That being said, I'm willing to brainstorm ideas and get back to RPing again.

Hopefully, I will hang around for the long term, since my life has peaked to a very comfortable norm.

Enigmatic Immortal
10-07-13, 04:19 PM

Aurelianus Drak'shal
10-07-13, 04:32 PM
Never met you before, but glad to have you back, cutter.

10-07-13, 04:37 PM
Nice to meet some new faces. I'm one of the older guys from the vanilla days. I had quite the history with Dissinger back then and made Judge's Choice with one of our battles. Those were good times. Things have changed a lot since then, so there will be a lot of catching up to do. Who would I speak to about making some updates or changes to my existing character sheet? I need to add some form of back-story to stay relevant to some of the vets.

Not needing to be said, but I have plenty of reading to do.

10-07-13, 04:44 PM
Welcome back

Dr. Why
10-07-13, 04:59 PM
I have no idea who you are. But.

Welcome back. Don't take the cookies. So on, so forth.

10-07-13, 05:05 PM
Thank you! And I can assure you, your cookies will be safe from dastardly harm. For now, at least.

10-07-13, 05:17 PM
Holy hell, what rock were you under?

10-07-13, 05:30 PM
I believe it was this infinitely heavy one called "Life", and it was thoroughly whooping my ass.

10-07-13, 05:44 PM
That's when you hit it with a turning sidekick!

Welcome back man.

10-07-13, 07:06 PM
Welcome back to the insanity???

Solar Haven
10-07-13, 07:52 PM
welcome back, your name seems familiar but i just cant be arsed to try and remember.

feel free to hit me up for any thread ideas, i am always down for a thread.

also you should read the cell... well worth the read, should probably start with ella chamber

10-08-13, 11:51 AM
Thanks for the heads up. I don't know if you played back in the vanilla days but I used to play a very angry, relentless assassin. It caused some trouble for certain characters back then. I used to play with Cyrus the Virus, Dissinger, Valentine Snow, Angelous Arcana, and a few others I can't seem to remember. I was slowly trying to make him one of Althanas's Most Wanted. If anything, you would remember the name from that.

I may shoot you a thread idea or two. I'm looking to calm down my character and maybe give him some more dimension for once. I may try to have fun with it since he will have to come to terms with the things he's done. Could prove for a rich read.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
10-08-13, 12:02 PM
Gunning for Althanas Most Wanted, eh?

Well then, we have something in common. :P

Solar Haven
10-08-13, 12:12 PM
i use to write with Cyrus a bit. but then i took a few years hiatus and only recently came back. so welcome back to the forums, and i look forward to writing with you in the future

Silence Sei
10-08-13, 12:19 PM
Welcome back, Lye. My name should strike you as familiar, I hope.

Could I interest you in two of our prominent PGs, Misery Business or the Ixian Knights?

10-08-13, 03:09 PM
I do remember you vaguely when we moved to 2.0. I may be mistaken, but you were just starting out back then? I can clearly see that you've maintained a strong presence. I'm impressed by your list of accomplishments. Perhaps I'll get a crack at writing with you sometime?

I remember when the power groups first started but never paid much mind. I should spend some time learning what they are.

10-08-13, 03:27 PM
Or just ignore Sei as he shamelessly plugs his power groups to every newbie that enters the site and every oldbie that returns.


He'll mind control you to join anyway. Resist the force! Resist!

10-08-13, 07:11 PM
Damn, and here I was, wanting to join the Wetwork group just to haunt Dissinger's Seth Dahlios. The force is strong with that one!

10-08-13, 08:04 PM
Haha, I get to haunt and harass Seth Dahlios all I want, since he's currently mentoring one of my characters. But it pays to be really close to the creator of that account. ;)

That being said, Diss is a thread whore, he'll write with almost anyone. :p

10-08-13, 09:41 PM
That's only half true!

10-09-13, 12:12 AM
So you're half a thread whore? Perhaps more of a thread mistress? A sultry one?

Diss has always been extremely active, and an aggressive writer. If only I had his drive and talent, I may too be at his level. I think after a few threads to give Lye some depth, it would be fun to introduce him back to Seth. Rekindle some old memories for the writers and characters alike.

I have some work to do first, but if I stick around long enough for that to happen, it will pay off.

10-09-13, 12:39 AM
I was more saying I won't write with anyone but I am a thread who're...girls gotta have some standards. ;)

Enigmatic Immortal
10-09-13, 12:50 AM
Well, to be fair I'm the Leader of Wetworks...and I'm his brother. :D

10-09-13, 01:09 AM
Only cause Seth's in hiding, for obvious reasons.

10-09-13, 04:22 AM
I was more saying I won't write with anyone but I am a thread who're...girls gotta have some standards. ;)

I feel special? lol

Hope you stick around, Lye. I'm always looking for fresh vic--I mean, more people to write with.

10-09-13, 11:53 AM
Victim? Oh, very tempting. The old me would have pounced on the challenge, but I'm actually seeking out a player interested in writing a story where Lye is put through a test of heart and brought down from his rampage. Hopefully a strong or vulnerable female lead in a position where they mess with his head, and cause him to remember why he was on this rampage in the first place. The main reason he wants to kill Seth so badly, was that situation on the Onyx Tower with a hint of resemblance to the man who killed his fiance.

I'm looking to challenge Lye's fundamentals so that I can play out a more well-rounded character, instead of a psychopathic rage-monster. He will still be extremely dark, but I want there to be more wisdom in his actions and become a more efficient killer. Perhaps he will even develop some sense of justice, although I would like it to still be a little construed.

Once that has been accomplished, I want to appeal to Enigmatic Immortal to see if I can join Wetworks and help create some interesting plot points for "The Dahlios Group". This time around, it won't be through screaming and trying to kill everything. Maybe something more psychological while still benefiting the overall group. I'm still juggling the details in my mind.

Max Dirks
10-09-13, 04:06 PM
Lye makes me miss Tye :(

10-09-13, 05:25 PM
I see what you did there...

Max, you've been around forever as well. Good to see you sticking to it.

[Edit] Reading over my old character sheet made me cringe a little. I always wondered how I got some of those skills past registration? Anyway, looks to me like I will be ready to start posting again shortly.

Oh, and I pulled a noob-error by posting an updated profile in the wrong area. *facepalm* I attribute that to being gone for so long.

10-09-13, 07:56 PM
Don't sweat it, even as a seasoned member, sometimes I still post stuff in the wrong area by thinking I'm somewhere else when I'm not. I call that Sometimers. I'm getting old, been here too long. XD

Your story point seems rather interesting. I would definitely be interested in writing with you at some point in the future. Right now I have a backlog of people to do threads with, so I think if I took on one out of order I may be shot or something. lol