View Full Version : Dance the Night Away...

Dark Temptress
05-11-07, 08:26 AM
((Solo. Contains scenes with explicit sexual content.))

My father smiles at me from the other side of the dinner table. My perfunctory action is to smile back. I hate dealing with fake pleasantries, but he’s my father and I know I should humour him. Allow him to continue to believe I’m his little angel, the perfect woman. He loves me and I pretend to love him as he continues to serve his purpose. Without him I have no money, no freedom and few connections outside of Kings and Shadows. It’s such a pathetic name for a cult. Then again, they had been nothing more than pompous, bored men thinking themselves powerful demon summoners and of great wisdom when it came to the occult until I showed up. At least now they could boast about actually being able to summon things. This knowledge they appeared to have, most of it was utter bullshit, but they didn’t need to know that.

“Are you going out tonight?”

He interrupts my thoughts, but I don’t show my irritation. Instead, I plaster the good little girl look on my face and raise my gae from the intricate border painted on my plate to look into his warm, brown eyes. I place my fork down on the cloth beside my plate and reach for my crystal goblet. The candlelight reflecting through its many surfaces makes the wine look like blood. What an interesting drink t’would be if it were, sadly only wine though.

“Yes, I’m going to see Madam Danforth.”

I bring my glass to my lips, taking a long drink of the wine. He nods his head at me, sipping from his own glass and not even suspecting the lie. Oh, I am going to her house, so I suppose it’s not the greatest lie but I’m not exactly going there to see her. Her husband is the leader of Kings and Shadows and meetings are held in secret chambers in his unused dungeon. The man had them built because he thought they would make a fun game during a party. Men squandered their money on the most ridiculous and trifle things. I know in the end it worked out, the chambers serving well for our purposes, as well as my own.

“Do you know when you’ll be back tonight?”

Another question. Usually he doesn’t ask so many, just politely nods his head and lets me on my way. Strange, I begin to wonder what is brewing behind those eyes of his. I look passed him while I ponder on my answer. The light of the crackling fire, the only other sound in the room, is casting shadows across the paintings and tapestries hung along white walls with deep brown trim. There’s a crack in the wall under one of the paintings, a servant must have hit it in some way.

“I’m not sure, it could be late.”

I force my eyes back to my fathers face, a handsome man. His eyes give away his years for when he smiles and laughs a myriad of cracks radiate outwards. He truly only looks young when there is barely an expression upon him.

He looks away from me and begins pushing around the food on his plate. Agitation. He’s about to say something he doesn’t want to and I feel my curiosity rise. Is he going to forbid me from going tonight? Does he have an inkling into what goes on at Madam Danforth’s, or is it something else?

“I received word from a gentleman interested in courting you.” My curiosity dies a thousand deaths and I feel my fingers involuntarily tighten around the fragile neck of my goblet. I fight hard to bite back the words that are bubbling within me as my father continues to talk unbeknownst to my contempt. “He seems to be a well respected man with the means to take care of you. I believe you should marry soon. Many women are married long before your age, but I have allowed you…” His voice trails off, but I know what would have been said. I was blessed with more freedom than other women of my status. I should be grateful and I should do as my father says. “I believe it is time you took a husband.”

I didn’t. I loved my freedom and have no intentions of being tied down to one man. The ability to fuck whomever I want, when I want is not something I’m willing to lose. Not to mention getting married would mean moving away from Kings and Shadows and our library. No, I had to make sure this didn’t happen…but how?

“I understand, father.” My words say I do, but the mask I use changes making me look diminutive and sad over his decision, scared to speak against him. I don’t look at him either, my face bowing and my eyes staring at the remainders of my roasted foul and vegetables. He responds to this, as I know he will.

“I don’t want to force you into this…” Years of practice is the only reason I can hide the smile I feel.

He sighs and reaches across the tables, his much larger hand covering mine and giving it a gentle squeeze. I feel disgusted, I don’t want him touching me, but I keep my hand where it is. “Meet him for me, if you don’t like him I’ll send him away. But you have to promise me you’ll start considering taking a husband.”

My face rises from its downward position, a somewhat brighter expression lining it, one not entirely fake. Not too much though, if I lay it on too thickly it might seemed forced, fake and manipulative. Which it wasn’t entirely, there was some happiness present within me over this. My father truly was one of the easiest men to manipulate. Then again, it might just be because I’m his daughter and he thinks the world of me.

“I promise.”

He smiles and releases my hand. The next ten minutes are spent in silence with the crackling fire and silverware against plates as we finish eating. I hate perfunctory and obligatory things such as this. Truly the life of a noble is not as grand as the masses seem to think.

Dark Temptress
05-16-07, 05:35 PM
The constant and lulling sound of the horse’s hooves tocking against the cobbled street slowly comes to an end as the carriage I’m in gently rocks to a stop. I can hear the groaning of wood as the drivers moves about on his seat. Reaching my hand out I brush aside the curtain on my window and glance out into the lightly snowing night. Large, fluffy flakes gently fall from the darkened sky above and coat everything in white giving it a pristine and clean look.

If only t'were that easy to wash away the filth.

Beyond the falling snow is the looming structure that Markus calls home. It’s architecture is breathtaking, the high points, large windows and pointed arches give it a wonderful gothic feeling that I can appreciate for a moment. It was nothing new to me. I’ve been here many times in the passed year and know how flippant Markus is with his money when it comes to material possessions. Even his little wife is nothing more than a possession to him. I sometimes wonder if that’s because she appears to have no brain between her ears. Perhaps if he had married someone with a bit of intelligence she would not be a simple trinket. Not my concern anyway, after all, Markus has his uses.

The soft and gentle glow of candle and flame extend passed the drawn drapes and windows and beckon me inside. I begin to wonder what the night holds for us. We usually summon a few succubuses for the enjoyment of the men and I’ve been known to call upon an incubus from time to time myself. They are amazing and attentive bed partners. Of course, I usually do that in private chambers where the eyes of the others cannot see me. The men do not have a great understanding of privacy and don’t really care where they screw these demons, even if others can watch them do so.

The door of my carriage opens and a cool blast of air slaps against my face and cloak, destroying all my thoughts. I shiver and feel the run of goose pimples break out all along my skin, hidden under layers of cloth. A hand reaches inside and as I place mine on top I can feel the cold skin of the driver even through my glove. I make no comment as he helps me down the steps and to the snow covered ground. Why should I? He’s only hired help. He gets paid to help me, he doesn’t need my thanks nor does he deserve it.

I head to the front door, my boots sinking into the peppering of snow and my skirt dragging through it. No point in picking it up, it will dry inside. At the front door I reach for the large, circular ring hanging from the jaws of what must be a winter cat. The bangs of metal on wood that follow echo into the night. With patience most people are surprised I have, I wait for the servant to answer the door. He only leaves me waiting for a bit and once the door swings open I hear my driver leave the front walkway. He’s not really going anywhere, he’ll park and wait for me inside with the other drivers and servant.

“Miss Salaturn, please come in.”

Nodding my head, I slip through the front door as he moves aside. Immediately the heat assails me in a pleasant manner making the shivers stop and the goose pimples vanish from my skin. The gentle glow from dozens of candles lining walls and ceiling makes the place seem inviting and far more peaceful than it should for what we’re doing. Paintings hang slightly above my eye level; suites of armour that have never seen use hold perfect weapons and guard a grand staircase leading upstairs. The black and white marble tiles of the floor are so clean and polished that I can see my exact replica staring back at me.

Undoing the clasp of my cloak, I catch the falling material with my hand only have it quickly snatched away by the servant. I take off my gloves and hand them to him as well. Then I wait, I’m certain he knows of the secret chambers, servants usually know everything, but the smart ones keep their mouths shut. Once he leaves the room I walk over to the grand staircase, my boots making a squeaky sound that echoes in the large space. A trial of wet footprints follows behind me too. Instead of going up the stairs, I head over to the side. One of the wooden panels looks slightly different than the others. Here, I press my hand against the wood, making it cave inwards for a centimetre or two before a very audible click resounds in the room. When I ease off the panel it swings open far enough for my slim fingers to get a grip.

No sliding walls with depression mechanisms here, just a simple latch that opens with enough pressure. The fancy, ridiculous and over the top is yet to come.

Frivolous, feather-brained, empty-headed, pompous males.

Down a winding set of stone steps lit by torches I go. Their flames cast shadows around darkened corners and rough and chipped stone blocks that scrap against my sensitive fingers. The air is damp, and the further down I go the more it smells of mould and water that’s been sitting in one place for too long. At the bottom of the stairs the torches were placed further apart down a long hallway with a low ceiling. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the gents have to bow their heads to properly walk. On both sides of the hall are rooms without bars meant to be used as cells. I guess the bars would be unnecessary as the occupant would be chained to the back wall. However, if these have ever been used I know not and have never cared enough to ask.

The fifth cell down on the right hand side I walk in. At the back of the room I kneel down to a set of shackles nailed into the stones. Seven stones to the left and six stones up I push in. The rock gives and a loud click echoes in the small room. The wall to the left of me slips back and up disappearing from my sight and leaving me with the second and last set of winding stairs. These I move down quickly, wishing to be done with all this nonsense.

The hallway is relatively the same down here as the one above, with some added touches of course. The stonework is much smoother, the torches closer together, providing more light and the floors are littered with carpets. Instead of cells lining either side there are rooms that lead off into various areas. Most are furnished bedrooms, one in a large lounge, one is a library, a few are empty and at the very end of the hall is a large open space where we summon.

I didn’t even make it halfway down the hall when I felt someone grab me from behind. A strong arm wrapping around my stomach and forcing me against someone's front as a hand covered my eyes.

Dark Temptress
05-16-07, 06:27 PM
I didn’t panic. I rarely panic. Emotions are just another thing to control. Instead I wait as the hand on my stomach shifts and begins caressing up along my side and dangerously close to my breasts. I can barely feel it through my layers of clothing, especially my corset, but the touch is enough. I know it’s there and this had better be good or I’m going to be very pissed at whoever this is.

Hot breath fans across my neck and ear, leaving a trail of shivers to run down my spine.

“I’ve been waiting for you…” Whispered words breathed into my ear and followed by a gentle nip at my earlobe.

My lips curl into a smile, “Markus… feeling a little frisky tonight or did you just miss me?” There’s no veil over my personality now. I don't have to hide behind fake smiles. Here, I can be myself.

His hand moves away from my eyes, lightly tracing down my cheek and neck then my shoulder and finally to the deep vee of my chest.

“I haven’t had you in a few weeks, A’rai, what do you think?”

Impatient as always, his lips trail down my neck and I lean my head too the other side, giving him better access. I suppress the moan building within my throat and bite down on my lower lip instead.

“I think you better not start something you can’t finish, Danforth.” The words are a little breathless, but he probably won’t notice.

Markus can be an amazing fuck from time to time. Occasionally, he disappoints me though, and I am not in the mood to be disappointed. Of course, I could always summon an incubus to satisfy me if my little human fuck didn’t.

To bring home the point that he wasn’t just looking for something quick, Markus bites down roughly on my neck. The suddenly sensation of pleasure mixed with pain elicites a gasp and a soft whimper I can't hold in. My back arches slightly, giving his much taller frame better access to my neck but all I can concentrate on is the pleasure of it. He knows how much it drives me crazy to have my neck bitten, or almost any other place nibbled on and he’s using that to his advantage. Spurred on by the whimper I couldn’t control, his mouth begins working down the length of my neck, switching from gentle nibbles to hard bites when I least expect it. I can already feel my excitement begin to grow and the muscles in my legs begin to weaken. My body leaning back against his a little more, using him for support.

“Room…” Somehow, I manage to get the word out between whimpered moans.

He mumbles something under his breath I can’t quite catch, then reluctantly backs off. We only need to walk a few feet before he swings open the first door and leads me inside the beautifully furnished bedroom. A large four posted bed set against the far wall, an intricate carpet decorated mostly in reds on the floor and a nightstand with an already glowing lamp set upon it, the only light in the entire room. Nothing else, not like the room needed anything else.

Before I can turn around, Markus crowds behind me and slams me against the wall, knocking the air from my lungs. Cold stone rubs against the sensitive skin on the tops of my breasts. As I regain my lost breath, he begins untying the strings that hold my dress together. Within seconds, the heavy material is slipping down my arms and body, pooling on the ground by my feet. I’m still wearing my corset and undergarments though and I can tell he’s annoyed with all the layers.

It makes me smile and a slight laugh bubbles up and rumbles through my throat.

This makes Markus growl in my ear, something that could be classified as menacing, something that only excites me further. He quickly dispatches with the thin and mostly see-through layers of clothing left adorning my body, finally leaving him with my corset. One by one he loosens it and raising my arms I help him slip it over my head and off my body, leaving me completely naked. Except for my boots. When I move to lower my arms back to my side he quickly grabs my wrists and pins them against the wall with his one hand. His other begins questing along the smooth surface of my porcelain skin. Starting it my back, it moves down the curve of my spine, causing me to arch. Slowly he works his way down to my butt and lower still, venturing into my inner thighs where he tickles and teases me with the tips of his fingers.

Without warning, his hand comes around my front, roughly cupping my right breast, squeezing and kneading and then tugging and pinching the taunt peak. I’m not used to him being in control, to him teasing me so much and I begin to struggle against his grip, but he pins me with his body. His hips press against my bottom, forcing me against the rough stone, his hand still holding my breast as he grinds against me. I realize then he’s still fully clothed.

I struggle again, not wishing to relinquish control to him so easily. To drive home his dominance over me he bites down on the base of my neck harder than before, teeth digging into flesh and creating a small cry that escapes my parted lips.

When he releases his bite, his nibbles up to my ear and whispers, “Struggling will only cause you pain, unless of course you enjoy this. Then struggle all you want, it’s about time someone controlled you for a change.”

Dark Temptress
05-17-07, 02:11 PM
Hours later I stretch sore muscles. My body hurts in places that only fucking can make it hurt. The kind of stiff, tiredness that runs through muscles after a very satisfying few hours with an attentive male and your wrists tied to bed posts for about half that time. Having control taken away from me for a change was…interesting. It brought with it a new kind of excitement I haven’t felt before; one I will definitely enjoy the feeling of again. There are red marks on the skin and without looking in a mirror I know I have quite a few bruises lining my neck and shoulders. The red marks on my breasts I can see well enough without a mirror. I’ll have to wear something a little on the conservative side for the next week or so; I can’t allow my father to see them after all.

Rolling onto my side, I look over at Markus. He’s lying on his back with his one arm propped behind his head and no sheet covering his naked body. His eyes are closed but I know he’s not sleeping, of course he just might be tired enough to pass out, if I let him. Smiling, I trail my fingernails lightly across his side, moving to his stomach. He may not have the definition of a warrior, but beneath the skin I can still feel muscles flex from my touch.

Growling, he suddenly rolls over and pins me beneath him. Eyelids open and ice blue eyes stare down at him from their sleepy tired expression. I know that teasing him will do me no good, he’s too tired to do much of anything else with me for the night but that’s fine with me. I just didn’t want him to fall asleep, after all it was almost midnight now and the rest of the group should be here. He kisses me, long and slow and as his hand wanders up my stomach I begin to wonder if he is going to start all over again. My question is quickly answered as his mouth trails down to my left breast.


“Johan has a bit of a problem he needs taken care of…”

I stop tying the back of my dress and turn my attention to Markus, who is just now bothering to get out of bed. The sheets and heavy blankets that had covered it were strewn about the floor in a crumpled mess and the ropes that he’d used to hold her wrists were still tied to the posts. He’s still completely naked and I can’t help by allow my eyes to roam across his frame. He’s not skinny, yet nor is he built like a warrior. I know for a fact that he does manual work from time to time around his manor and that must help keep up on his physique. Plus like most men of his stature, he’s into fencing. Even without all that though, I know he would be more than strong enough to pin me down like he did tonight, I just appreciate his more toned body. Most aristocrats are lazy and fat and don’t take care of themselves.

“What kind of problem?”

I have a feeling I know where this is going but I wait until he tells me instead of presuming. It’s always better this way.

“He needs someone taken care of for him. A certain gentleman noticed something about the business he conducts from time to time the other day and Johan is worried he’ll go the church with the information.”

So I was right.

“He was wondering if we could summon a demon to take care of the problem for him.”

Correct there as well.

Sighing, I finish tying me dress and grab Markus’s pants off the floor, throwing them in is direction. He catches the material and stands up, slipping into them and covering most of himself from my view.

“I was wondering what type of demon you think would be best for this.”

Nothing springs to my mind immediately, “I’ll have to browse through the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum…”

It’s a grimoire I found in Markus’s library that has a list of over sixty demons and how to summon them. There were quite a few other finds in Markus’s library that I’ve barely had the time to leaf through, including The Lesser Key of Solomon that has a list of spirits and how to summon and control them. Both of them are very fascinating, but I’ve barely been able to scratch the surface of their knowledge.

“Well, I was hoping we could do it tonight, and so was Johan, so—”

“Don’t worry about it,” I smile at him, it’s not entirely fake but I don’t want to listen to him doubting me right now, “I’ll be able to find a demon that can quickly take care of this…person for him.”

“I knew I could count on you.”

With a smile on his face, Markus turns back to getting dressed. I slip from the room. If I’m to find a demon to summon within the next two or so hours I need to get busy with it. After all summoning is not as easy as Markus seems to think. A lot of preparation needs to go into it, including research into what protective circles will work best, what hours of the day will give you a stronger position over the demon and just how you’re supposed to control them.

Dark Temptress
05-19-07, 08:38 AM
It’s getting close to midnight. The swinging pendulum on the clock in the library reminds me of every second that is dripping by and the less time I have to sit by myself in this room. The others will leave me alone for now, with Markus most likely entertaining them. Whether or not they know or care that I’m researching for the preferred summoned demon tonight doesn’t matter, as long as I’m not disturbed. The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum is listing a lot of powerful demons that would simply be too much for such a task as this. All I want is a simple demon with the strength of about a human, one that can kill this problem that Johan has. The ones in this book are simply too strong for such a thing. We’re not looking for world domination, not yet anyway.

The more I sift through it, the more I begin the think we should just summon a Shadow Demon. They’re demons of lesser power, so much so that their names do not get listed in such books as this. Oh, they have names but they’re easy enough to dominant without it. True strength over a demon lies in knowing their real name. Many of the ones printed in these books were simply what they called themselves, their true demonic names were only known to them, which kept them in control. If I could get my hand on a book like that, there was telling what I could do. I know they’re out there, there might even be one stuffed away in Markus’s library, but I have yet to find it.

Closing the pages on the Pseudomonarchia, I push my chair away from the long table and stand. All around me are shelves stacked high with books; the only place not covered in a bookshelf is the entrance. Lamps line the long table I sit at, all of them are lit and casting a low glow around the area. There are also two candles providing more light. I’m only human after all and as such my night vision isn’t the greatest. I wish I could have a library like this in my house, but as it is, I already have to hide my small collection of demonology books from my father. The ones on spirits I don’t bother, as he was the one who bought half of them for me. Useless information as he considers it, of course he doesn’t realize that some of it is true.

Standing at just an angle so my body doesn’t block the light of the candles, I begin to skim the slightly dusty shelves. Eventually, my finger stops tracing when it reaches Francis Barrett’s classification of demons The Magus. Grabbing it off the shelf I begin to rifle through the pages before I even make my way back to my seat, my eyes straining against the faded words and the low light. I should have brought a few more candles in with me but I don’t have the time to get more right now. After sifting through it for a few minutes I come across the summoning of a Shadow Demon and the necessary circle and chant required. There’s also a warning underneath:

Shadow Demons are lesser demons that always serve a higher being. Once summoned to this world they will do as the summoner asks without much trouble because of their second agenda. While here they will attempt to spell out the name of their master using the bodies of those they kill. Once their master’s name has been written that demon may freely enter this world. The more powerful the demon, the longer it takes to spell out their name. The simplest of names would take about four bodies to spell while the more complicated would take anywhere from thirteen or higher.

Demons names were not spelled out in letters like human names, for this type of thing it was simply a number of dots on a map creating the symbol of their name.

Hmm, now that is a bit of a problem. Of course they would only need the Shadow Demon for this one night. It was a bit of a risk, one they would have to take. After all, every summoning had the potential to go wrong, this one just had the potential to bring an extremely powerful demon into Althanas and perhaps destroy the world. Playing in Demonology was prone to get messy from time to time. Shame I do not have the strength to summon one of these stronger demons. A little on the arrogant side I may be, but I know my limits and the master of a Shadow Demon was most definitely out of my league, at least for now. I might never be able to attain that kind of power, but that won’t stop me from trying.

Grabbing a loose sheet of parchment, I begin recreating the circle in the book, outlining the instructions along the side of it. I’m just beginning to rewrite the necessary words to summon the demon when a soft knock on the library door interrupts me.

“Come in.”

I return the feathered pen to the blot of ink and look up to see Markus quickly slip into the room and close the door behind him.

“I’m kind of busy…”

“I know, A’rai…I came in to see how you were coming along.”

I raise my brow but make no comment about his strange actions. It’s not like him to come in and check up on me. He usually trusts me to do my job and that’s it. There must be something troubling him, something he’s not being forthcoming with.

Pushing the parchment aside, I rest my hands on the table, clasping fingers together. My gaze never wavers from his eyes.

“You’re not telling me something…”

I catch the surprise he quickly tries to hide by shrugging it off, “Of course I’m telling you everything, why wouldn’t I?”

Yes, why wouldn’t you…

“Markus, this is the first time you’ve ever interrupted me while I’ve been researching for the summoned demon. Why are you doing so now? And don’t keep brushing my question off, you may be able to play other people like that but I saw the surprise you quickly masked. What is going on?”

His face took on a grim expression and agitation began to line his eyes as he turned away from me, as if contemplating whether or not to tell me. Then he paces. Up a length of five feet, down a length of five feet. He has an odd way of pacing like that. Grabbing a chair opposite of mine, he sits down, places his hands on the table and looks me square in the face.

“The man Johan needs taken care of is a Priest.”

Dark Temptress
05-19-07, 06:44 PM

I rise from my sitting position, the chair tipping back and nearly crashing to the floor before regaining its footing. Skirting the desk, I cross the few feet of distance within seconds, my much smaller frame staring up at him with disbelief, shock and anger.

“Shh! A’rai, keep your voice down.”

“Why? It’s not like the others can hear us in here, besides it won’t matter when we’re all prosecuted and hung for killing a priest!”

Markus didn’t say anything to me for a time; he just stood there, his eyes piercing mine as if the simplest glare from him could silence me. He doesn’t scare me, he never has and he never will.

“What are we supposed to do?”

“How about not kill him?”

“But he knows about us!”

My mind falters for a moment and the words I was going to say die in my throat. “What do you mean ‘us’?”

“It looks like he’s been investigating Kings and Shadows. We don’t know how much he knows but we need him taken care of him nonetheless. Summoning demons to kill people among other things is not exactly something The Church smiles upon.”

Damn, damn, double damn. How did someone find out about us? Had one of the members accidentally alluded to what we’ve been doing or was it a servant?

“Do we know how?”

“Johan thinks the Priest just got a little too curious and noticed a few things that has led him to start some kind of investigation.”

If the Priest has started an investigation than there’s a very large chance others besides him may know about the group. The information and the suspicion wont just die with him, in fact it might get worse. This is a bad situation quickly getting worse. That is of course if Johan is right, he could be mistaken. The last thing I want to do is kill a Priest and then subsequently bring an investigation of the Church down upon my head. Maybe it’s about time I start rethinking my ties to Kings and Shadows.

“This isn’t good, Markus…”

“What, you think I don’t know that!” He bit the words at me through gritted teeth and cold eyes.

“Don’t you dare raise your voice to me, this isn’t my fault. No, I’m the one back here who’s coming up with a viable solution to fix your problem!”

“Our problem.” He growled at me.

“No, Markus, you’re problem. It’s your house, it’s your library and they’re your friends. I’m just here to visit Alyssa after all.”

The words were laced with a smirk and matched with an angry glare from Markus, as he knew I’m right. I could very easily bluff my way out of this and with all of my father’s connections it would not be a problem for me to come out unscathed at all. Alyssa could of course be persuaded to tell anyone asking questions that we are good friends and I see her regularly. Nothing would be of this miss, and no one would be the wiser.

“You think you’re so smart, but if it comes to that, I’ll be taking you down with me. It wont be that hard after all. You have one of your servants regularly drop off books on the occult at your house and I’m sure a quick search would turn them up. Now finish gathering the information we need for the summoning.”

I can feel my hands curl into a tight ball. Wishing a thousand gruesome deaths upon the man at that very moment, I turn away from him and hurry back over to the desk, my skirts shuffling along in the now heavy silence with my hurried steps. Quickly, I scribble down the last two lines he needs for the chant and then shove the paper into his hands. The ink is still well and the lines smudge a little not to mention the brittle parchment bends and folds.

“Easy with that, I need to read it after all.”

“Yeah, good luck with that.”

Even though I am much smaller than him, I manage to shove him out of my way and move towards the door.

“Where are you going?”

“To get a drink, I have a feeling I’m going to need it. By the way, does anyone else know about this?”

He snorts, something very unbecoming for someone of his status, “You jest, do you honestly think anyone else in that room would have any part of this if they knew what was happening? No, they’d all try to sever their ties with me as quickly as possible and leave me to hang.”

I stop as my hand lands upon the cold metal of the door handle. Turning my head slightly to the side, I throw back at him, “You know, that doesn’t seem like such a bad idea…” Then I swing the door open and slam it shut as hard as my meagre strength will allow. The sound still echoes throughout the enclosed basement. Already I feel the wheels turning and my thoughts spinning through my mind. I have to find a way to come out of this clean and without any kind of suspicion yet nothing jumps upon me.

Dark Temptress
05-19-07, 09:49 PM
The wine isn’t going down as well as I thought it would. Condensation builds along the thin line of glass and drips down the fragile neck. I feel like wrapping my fingers around it so tightly that it will break or even shatter in my grasp, but I do not believe I have the strength and even picturing it as Markus’s neck will not make me feel any better. No solution has come to mind about how I could get out of this without trouble. Any one of the members in Kings and Shadows could drop my name, persuaded by the Priests and whatever methods they employ to tell them of every member that exists within the ranks. The only way to truly save myself would be to get rid of the cult and all it’s members, but even I am not capable of something like that. I am after all and unfortunately just a woman and though I loathe being told that it does come with a few limitation to it. It does have a good side though as many men do not think a woman capable of many things, including murder. Not to mention it makes them a lot more susceptible to my charms and manipulation, especially if they don’t suspect a thing of me.

I have a feeling that would not exactly work on a Priest though. After all they do not marry and they do not engage in sexual activity. At least they’re not supposed to. I have heard otherwise, listening in on a bit of conversation from my father and other gentlemen he has had over to the estate. But that bit of information is not going to do me any good. The Church would not listen to a thing I said if I was accused of any sort of Witchcraft or demon summoning, even if I had proof that a Priest was fornicating, not that I did.

A shadow of movement catches me from the corner of my eye, reluctantly I turn thinking that it’s Markus, wishing to confront me on how I shouldn’t tell anyone else about what’s going on. Instead of Markus, I find myself staring into the warm and greeting smile of Erin, the only other female in this group. I happened to have recruited her myself and as such she tends to look up to me a bit as some sort of guide. She’s smart, and beautiful. Erin doesn’t have the curves that I do, her form more slender and even taller than I am, but she’s not very cunning and very trustworthy of those around her. I like her though, but she shouldn’t look at the world with such naïve eyes, it might come around and bite her one of these days.

“Hey,” she smiles at me, that genuine smile that I love from her, “Markus is in the other room preparing the circle. You’re usually with him helping him but he said you weren’t feeling well, so I came to see how you were…”

Oh, so that’s his excuse. That I’m not feeling well.

“I’m fine, he just worries about me when the slightest affliction crosses my face. You know how men are.” I take a sip from my wine glass so I don’t have to force a smile. I hate being fake around Erin, her loyalty to me means that she’s one of the few people I can truly trust in this place.

“Oh, I definitely know that…”

And that she should. Erin tends to be a bit of a tramp, the woman has slept with half of the members of Kings and Shadows. I’ve only slept with Markus and the occasional incubi. I’m not going to hold that against her though, some women just have strong sexual urges. I happen to be one of them, I can just control them.

The rest of the lounge is empty save for Erin and myself. A large stone fireplace is set against the wall to the right of it, the sound of wood crackling fills the silence, something I had already forgotten and drowned out within my thoughts. Each table is either a set of candles of lamps in the centre of it, casting a gentle glow around the room. It’s peaceful and quiet. The bar is empty and the bottles of liquor behind it shine in the light all around them. Empty tables with empty chairs line the middle and I myself sit in the comfortable padding of a booth. This place looks like a tavern from Knife’s Edge and maybe that’s why I like it so much. But there’s no ruckus behaviour and no drunken men grabbing the tavern wenches. Instead it’s just Erin and me. The others having left to get ready for the summoning.

“Any idea what we’re summoning tonight?”

I wonder how much I should tell her, she’s going to know eventually anyway. “A shadow demon, apparently, Johan has some kind of problem he needs silenced.”

She nods her head. I know this part of what we do is something she doesn’t enjoy at all and would rather not take part in. Death is a natural part of life. Everything that has a beginning must have an ending. Even Immortals will die someday, they just prefer to delude themselves with the knowledge that they will live forever. Erin just seems a little less comfortable with the idea of death than I do and most of the other member of Kings and Shadows. No worry, not everyone can be.

“What kind of problem?”

“I don’t know, Markus didn’t say…”

It’s so natural to lie now that it flies off my tongue without a moment’s thought or worry. Erin doesn’t even suspect it. Lifting my glass from the table, I slowly take another sip. I wish the alcohol would kick it faster, I wish I could feel the beautiful state of bliss where nothing can bother me and everything in the world is perfect.

“Are you going to the summoning?”

I sigh and just speak what is on my mind, “I don’t really feel like it…so I don’t know.”

Dark Temptress
05-28-07, 07:01 PM
“Well, if you don’t want to, we can just stay here. I don’t really feel like it either.”

I could agree with her. I could open my mouth and speak the words, then feel obliged to hold true to them, but I know I shouldn’t. Markus is expecting me to be at the summoning and by all rights I should be there. He might actually start to suspect something with his feeble mind if I don’t show and that is the last thing I need.

“No, I’m afraid I must attend.”


Erin isn’t one to hide her emotions making the disappointment very evident on her face and in that one simple word. There are times when I wish I could look at the world the way she does, talk to someone without wondering how I can control them and just feel the things she feels. But then I wouldn’t be myself anymore. Then again would that really be such a bad thing? It’s not like I’m exactly happy with my life. I pretend to be someone I’m not during a large portion of my waking hours. Where did all my childhood dreams go? They died along with my mother. Though, that’s not entirely true, I helped kill them along the way in my quest for knowledge and power in the supernatural. Knowledge truly is the killer of innocence. Once you know something there is no changing it.

I could never be what Erin is; I destroyed that part of myself years ago. Perhaps though, I could help to make sure the same thing doesn’t happen to her.

“I’ll come with you then.” There’s a slight rise in her voice and her eyes perk up. She’s seeking my approval. I don’t know whether she wants me to tell her to come or to stay here, so I’ll only tell her what I want.

“No, I know how much you abhor this kind of summoning and forcing yourself to go isn’t going to make it any easier, only harder. Stay here, I shall return whence the summoning is over.”

Again that look of disappointment, yet this time some relief and maybe a little frustration overshadow it. Perhaps she only wishes to show me her capabilities. But I am not one to pat others on the back for their accomplishments. If you succeed, you succeed. You don’t need others to tell you that.

“Are you sure?”

“Of course I am.” I plaster a charming smile on my face to seal the deal.

She nods her head and looks away from me. Her grey eyes contemplative, but what she thinks I know not. Silence reigns between us, a comfortable one as I cast my eyes away from her form and instead stare at the crackling fire in the large fireplace. It’s feet from me, yet even here I can feel the warm coming from the flames as they dance and devour the wood. Fire is like a living creature, so different from other elements. It needs food and air to sustain itself, much like any living thing does. It kills, it hurts, but it also gives life and protects. Sometimes, it seemed like fire can even think, as if by some magical means it had a mind of it’s own. However I know that to be false. Unless controlled by another’s hand, fire is only fire.

With nothing else needing to be spoken between us, I slide out from the booth, giving Erin only a small smile and nod of my head before I turn to leave. She says nothing back to me, the silence of my departure broken only by the tapping on my shoes and the shuffle of my skirt.

Outside the lounge is as silence as the grave. Gentle torchlight guides my way further away from the one place I wouldn’t mind being and some place I want to avoid. Killing a Priest is stupid. There are other ways, better ways to prevent any kind of recompense then to murder a Priest. We could shrug off our gatherings and all of our information as simple curiosity. Many of us within Kings and Shadows have connections in various institutions, including my own father. Of course I would have to do some very careful explaining to him. But it would be a much better solution than the one Markus and Johan have come up with. Then again, what do I know; I’m only a woman.

As I continue down the hallway, the sound of voices echoes down the long chamber towards me. A jumbled mix of syllables bounced and stretched off the ways, distorted to the point where I can understand nothing. It’s an eerie noise really. Like wailing ghosts, long forgotten they call. The closer I get to the summoning chamber the less and less they sound like ghosts and the more human they become. Shame, I was actually beginning to enjoy the sound of pain and torment their voices had turned into. It made the hair on the back on my neck stand on end and a tingle of excitement and fear flutter in my stomach.

At the end of the hallway is the summoning chamber, the doors of which is still wide-open meaning that Markus is still preparing and nothing has begun. Though the sound of talking should have given that away to me in the first place. No one talks during a summoning.

Dark Temptress
06-01-07, 07:05 PM
The summoning chamber is a large barren room. Not even a fireplace graces any of its walls, leaving the room cold and slightly uncomfortable. Considering where all of us live though, it’s nothing we’re not used to. Light cascades down grey stone, provided by various torches and seven chandeliers with seven black candles in each. Seven is said to be a powerful number when dealing with the supernatural, including demons. I have yet to see it prove it’s worth. After all, it’s only a number. Then again, a name is only a name, as some people believe; yet names are very powerful things.

My eyes take a quick sweep of the room, passing from one pompous, puffy outfit to the next. Extravagant colours make all of the men stand out grotesquely against all the grey. Their mouths continuously flap open and close, spewing forth unnecessary information. Snippets of conversation about a latest female conquest, their many lucrative businesses and even their servants float to my ears. It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell them all to hold their voices, not to mention I wouldn’t have even let them in the chamber yet if I were preparing the circle. But I’m not. Speaking of that, through the eleven or so members in the chamber, I can easily spot Markus finishing up the circle. His right hand stained white by the chalk he still holds.

Carefully I approach, making sure not to smudge or touch any of the lines. The circle looks perfect from what I can remember of the one I have him. Large, it’s radius somewhere around eight or so feet. It consists of a simple inner circle that is merely an unbroken chalk line. The outer circle contains twelve sigils, only ten of which have been completed. Noticing me, he looks up only to quickly look away, not giving me enough time to decipher his eyes. My first instinct is to storm across the short distance between us and make him look at me and then yell at him some more. But I have self-control and self respect. Never would I make such a spectacle with so many eyes watching my every move. Besides, arguing more will get us nowhere, we’re both stubborn, Markus to the point of stupidity unfortunately.

Ignoring him and all thoughts of him, I turn to the closest group and engage in conversation about the latest rare goods coming in from Dheathain. That eastern continent truly has some amazing things, it would be an interesting place to travel some day. Lost in the conversation, I nearly jump when I feel a hand come down on my shoulder. Quickly regaining my composure, I turn around.


He looks like the proverbial cat caught drinking the cream again.

“A’rai, may I…?”

Nodding my head, I turn to the others, “Excuse me gentlemen. We have some last minute preparations to go over.”

All three men nod their head at me, “Of course Lady A’rai.”

Turning from them, Markus and I make our way to a slightly more secluded area of the chamber. At least no one can hear our whispered words here.

“Look, I…” He stumbles as if trying to find the right thing to say. “I’m sorry about yelling at you before. This is a very tense situation and I shouldn’t have taken my frustration out on you.”

“You’re right, you shouldn’t have.” He face suddenly changes with my words, turning to one I rarely see grace his visage. It’s a look that says he knows I’m right and he’s almost waiting for me to punish him. “But I understand, do not worry so over it. I just… Markus, are you sure there is no other way than… than what you’re doing right now?”

“A’rai, don’t start with me again, please.” He bows his head slightly and begins rubbing his forehead and temples with his fingers, as if trying to massage away an oncoming headache.

“No, Markus. I’m serious. Just tell me there is no other way and I shall trust your judgement.” As if I have ever truly trusted the judgement of a man.

He looks at me for a long and silent moment, my lover, my plaything, a man I can manipulate. He looks at me, as if searching for the answer deep within my green eyes.

“This is the only way. I wish it hadn’t come to this, I wish Johan has been more careful—”

“Maybe you should consider killing Johan as well, after all it’s his fault you’re in this mess.” I keep using words that solely place the problem in his hands and keeping it from my own. If he notices he gives no indication.

“W-what?” The look on his face could be comical, priceless even.

I smirk, “Don’t look so surprised. Might as well take care of him and show the other members what happens when one makes such a grievous mistake.”

He still looks too shocked to say anything.

“Think about it.” Biting down on my lower lip, I run my fingers across his chest before turning and walking away.

Dark Temptress
06-12-07, 10:02 PM
“Shadow and fire intertwine.”

Everyone was in their place. Johan and I stood at the head of the circle with Markus between us, speaking the necessary words to call forth the demon. The other members of Kings and Shadows were spread around the circle, a little further away from the chalk outline than we were.

“Crawl up the vine.”

Placed around the circle were twelve black candles resting on twelve different sigils. By themselves most were useless, yet together they kept the demon at bay until we subdued it.

“Leaves your realm behind.”

The smell of sulphur, a wretched stench that reminds me of rot and decay, begins to permeate the room. Choking the air from our very lungs. I can even hear some of members futilely coughing to clear it away.

“By my command.”

All the candles in the chandeliers blew out and torches along the wall extinguished themselves.

“And by my hand.”

A wind that had no place to come from began swirling through the room, yet leaving the twelve candles around the circle untouched.

“Rise into my land.”

The many layers of my dress begin to shift around me as if being touched by unseen hands. An oppressive feeling filled the room, pounding down against me and the stench of sulphur intensified. I can feel the reflexive response to gage filled my throat and mouth, but fight it off. Some of the other members were beginning to grow uncomfortable. In the pitiful light their eyes search, trying to find the demon, but it wasn’t here yet. In the centre of the circle, a mist was beginning to rise. It was hard to see in the darkness shrouding the room.

All twelve candles along the circle burst into flames larger and brighter than they should be able to. Their wax bodies unable to sustain the influx of heat begin to melt and puddle along the stone floor. The sudden light was blinding to my eyes and when it finally died down to a normal size, I found myself momentarily blind.
It was all very dramatic. Something I can do without, but it did the job. There are simpler and less complicated summons, but they are a little on a risky side. Best done only when one has to.

As my eyes finally begin to adjust to the darkness once again, the form of the demon became clear. Shadows Demons lived up to their names, it appears. Their bodies somewhere between corporeal and mere shadow and mist. This one is like a swirling and billowing cloud that tried to keep a humanoid shape, yet never quite made it. Nearly translucent wings that appeared to be made of nothing more than dark fog, protrude from it’s back. Arms and legs appear and then disappear as quickly as they come into my sight. It is a mass of darkness that can be terrifying to look at, yet barely phased me. I just had a quiet air of respect and awe for its power, but a will to dominate it.

The demon immediately charged at Markus, Johan and myself, but no sign of worry crosses my face. Johan on the other hand looks like he is about to inadvertently relieve himself. The demon never quite reaches us though; instead he hits an invisible wall that sends his body bouncing back a foot or two. He regains himself and quickly begins to claws at the barrier to no avail. Eventually, he gives up like all the demons before him have.

“What do you want human?” The words sounds like metal scraping against stone.
Markus is silent for a moment, leaving me to wonder if he is going to follow through. “I want you to kill Raes Tenoron.”

Red eyes bore through the swirling darkness towards us.

“I need to feed.”

Markus turns and looks at me briefly and I nod my head.

“Fine. Just remember his death needs to look like an accident. Burn his house down, conceal all the evidence you were ever there if you must.”

He turns to Johan and places his hand on the man’s shoulder. “You have served me well ‘til now, friend. But I cannot allow such mistakes like this again.” I smirk and just as Johan is about to reply, Markus shoves him passed the circle.

The Shadow Demon needs no motivation. Before Johan can even muster the effort to scream the demon is upon him. Sharp teeth I can’t see rip into the fresh of the man’s neck. Blood spurts and flows from the gaping wound, hitting the ground with an eerily loud slapping sound. What must be the demon’s mouth finally clamps down on the wound and begins drinking.

Keeping his eyes on the scene before him, Markus raises his voice and addresses his visibly shaken audience. “I will not tolerate mistakes like that again. I suggest everyone be a little more cautious about their actions and how easily they run their mouths off.”

Dark Temptress
06-20-07, 08:29 PM
Erin indeed was still waiting for me after the ceremony. She sat in the same booth, in the empty lounge made to look like a tavern that seems lonely without the voices and bodies of people to fill it. Her slim fingers wrap around the stem of a wine glass set before her. Perspiration lines the glass, making it look frosted. Though she sits a few feet from me she had yet to even notice my presence as the only other person in the room. Her eyes are distant. What she’s thinking about I know not and almost wish I could. Just for a glance into someone else’s mind to see how they think and how they process the things around them. Sadly, I am without that ability.

As I move towards her, the shuffling of my skirt rouses her from whatever demons and dreams had been plaguing her mind. She smiles at me and beckons me to sit opposite of her. So I slide into the same seat I had previously occupied. How long ago, I don’t know. I cannot tell the time from down here, but it must have been an hour or more.

“How did the summoning go?”

The image of the Shadow Demon ripping into the flesh of Johan’s neck immediately flows into my mind. The way his blood had freely flown from the wound. Surprisingly I feel no regret even though I’ve known the man for a while now. He was just a man though. Nothing to bother feeling any ridiculous and useless emotions over.

“It’s good you weren’t there…”

Her face scrunches up in concern as she watches me. “What happened?”
The door to the lounge opens and in walks two of the other members, Damien and Servise. Their faces grim and their words whispered. I know exactly what they’re talking about and I fight to hide the smirk I wish to show. The two of them glance at me briefly but we exchange no words.

When I don’t answer her immediately, Erin prompts me again, “What’s going on? Why do Damien and Servise look like that? I don’t understand…”

I keep my solemn expression even though I want to dance merrily around the room. What happened tonight will go a long way to keep the members in line.

“I…I need a drink.” Erin is starting to look slightly worried now. “What are you drinking?”

“Ah…umm, Two Oceans. I just opened it, the bottle should be in the cold space.”

I nod my head, and move towards the bar, which is the largest wooden structure in the room, against the far stonewall. It’s many shelves glisten with the glass of dozens of bottles and perhaps hundreds of glasses all seeming so precarious balanced upside down. Liquor of all colours dance inside, from the clear to the black, and blue and amber in between. Elaborately carved cupboards depicting never ending rivers of wine line the bottom shelves, hidden from view by the massive counter stained and chipped by hundreds of glasses and drinks having sit, spilled and broken upon it.

Kneeling down behind the bar, I open up one of the many cupboards and look inside at the small row of chilled wine. Only one bottle is open. Grabbing it, I shut the door, carefully slip one wine glass from the row of many and make my way back to Erin.

Her face is nervous and anxious by the time I sit down once again. While I was behind the bar, other members of Kings and Shadows had filtered in, though strangely enough Markus is not one of them. He must be getting sick in one of the many bedrooms. How pathetic.

Quickly filling my glass, I take a sip of the sweetened wine and turn my attention back to Erin knowing she must be dying for my response.

“We were summoning tonight to take care of this huge mess Johan had made. Apparently, someone had seen him with information on demon summoning or worse. I don’t know all the details.” Another blatant lie, but Erin nods her head as she waits for me to continue. “Taking care of the problem wasn’t the only thing on Markus’s agenda though. He wanted to nip the problem at the source as well.” Like so many of the others in the room, I lower my voice into a whisper. After all, it wasn’t wise to talk conspiratorially rather loud in the man’s house. “He told the Shadow Demon to kill Johan. Markus even pushed him into the circle himself!”

Dark Temptress
06-25-07, 06:37 PM
She had the look of complete and utter shock, not to mention terror on her face.

“After the demon was gone, Markus addressed the entire group and said he wouldn’t tolerate such mistakes ever again.”

Her mouth was open but no words came out for a few seconds. I can see her trying to formulate something to say; even her jaw rises and falls a few times before the words begin to flow. If you could call that jumbled mess in the beginning words.

“I…ah…wh--ma…he, Johan is really…he killed Johan!?” The last part comes out as a squeak, above a whisper, and some of the others in the room hear it. From the corner of my eyes I can see them glance our way but I don’t care about them. As she nearly chokes on her words, I wish to laugh, but can’t.

Instead of saying anything I nod and take a drink of my wine. It was really good and would go great with some chocolate or cheese, even some sweet fruit would be nice. Shame there isn’t any here, as I’m starting to feel peckish. Oh, well. I’ll simply get something at home.

As Erin tries to digest what I just told her, I glance around the room at the six or so members quietly talking in groups. They’re all talking about the same thing, what I just told Erin. I don’t need psychic powers to know that. None of them had any idea Markus would go so far to keep this group secret, or really that she would. But then again, none of them could understand how dangerous it was for them to be summoning demons. They still thought this was all a game to play in their past time when fucking their servants wasn’t good enough anymore.

“I just…I…what do the others think of this?”

It was so cute, the way she couldn’t formulate words properly.

“Just take a look around you…”

She did. Her eyes searching the room from one person to the next as she looks from their expressions to their words. They were all relatively the same. Grim and shock, I even notice a few angered faces myself. But most of all there was an undercurrent of fear slowly saturating the room. Most, if not all of them, had probably mentioned the demon summoning or at least their gatherings to one person or another. So now, those who had were wondering if that was going to come around and bite them. Leaving them to turn out like Johan. A few might even be considering leaving Kings and Shadows, but they wouldn’t. After all, it would only cast suspicion on them.

Taking another sip from my wine, I watch as Damien and Servise walk over to the two of us. Handsome men, they were. Damien was the tall, dark and mysterious type. Or that was the look he had anyway, he was in no way mysterious. But his dark brown hair and brown eyes gave him the appearance of one. Servise was good looking as well, but not really my type. He had a softer look to his face, softer angles, with ice blue eyes that carried emotion everywhere they travelled. And it was all topped off with light blonde hair. Truly, they were the opposite in looks and personality, but rather good friends.


“Hmm?” I glance at their stern faces.

Neither of them sat down at the table. Instead they stand at the edge of it, looking down at me. I hate it when people look down on me like me, it makes me uncomfortable. But I’m not about to show it to them.

“You and Markus usually plan the summonings together.” I nod my head. I know exactly where this is going; yet I allow Damien to continue and ask his foolish questions. “You helped him with this one too. I know you did, I saw you head into the library. Did you know…what he was planning to do to Johan?”

I wonder what his face would look like if I said it was my idea. I wonder what he would say then or would he be left speechless that a woman could be so calculating and conniving? Either way, I cannot tell him the truth.

“No…I had no idea.” I turn away from him and give my diminutive downcast eyes expression, knowing it will most likely work on him, but maybe not Servise. “If I had known, I would have tried to stop him. All he told me was that he needed to take care of a problem Johan created.”

“What about the man the demon was sent to kill?” Servise asks rather hastily, jumping into the conversation.

“No, he never said…” I allow myself to trail off and place a look of concern on my face. “Why, do you know him?”

Blue eyes pierce me in my spot and try to bore a cold hole through my flesh and into my soul. In that second I realize Servise knows Markus just sent a demon to kill a priest. Outwardly, my expression doesn’t change. Inwardly, I curse.

Dark Temptress
07-12-07, 02:04 PM
“No, I don’t.” I can see the lie in his eyes. “I thought you might…”

I shake my head.

“I’m sorry, Servise. But Markus didn’t tell me much of anything this time. I tried to pry into it, but he wouldn’t give me anything.”

He looks away from me and I realize for the time how tense he is. Even Damien seems to notice, his face concerned but his voice silent. Whether or not his knowledge is going to be a problem, I don’t know. I’d rather not have to pile more bodies than necessary. But if I think he’s going to jeopardize anything, I will get rid of him. Perhaps I’ll even find a way for Markus to do it for me. For now I’ll keep this information to myself, who knows when it could become useful.

“I’m sorry to have bothered you…”

He turns and begins walking away, leaving a concerned Damien behind. “It’s…no problem.” He probably didn’t even hear me.

Damien turns and nods his head to me, then quickly follows his friend out of the room.

“I wonder what that was all about…” Erin says, drawing my attention back to her.

My mind is too busy wondering if this will complicate things to answer her. Lifting my glass, I take a sip of the sweet, cool liquid, but it does little to ease my musings.

“Something wrong?”

“Huh? No, of course not. I’m just wondering why Servise is acting so strangely. He seemed so tense. There was definitely something bothering him about the summoning.”

“Yeah, you don’t think…he knew the man Markus sent the demon to kill, do you?”
Erin is definitely not stupid, I’ll give her that much.

“I don’t know…it would be horrible if he did.” As I look across the table at her, I notice that she wants to say something else, but she doesn’t.

We continue to drink our wine in silence. I was content not to talk about it anymore and Eric probably didn’t want to hear it. The others in the room were more than happy to continue their discussions though. Their constant talking was a buzz in my ears that never truly went away and I just wished they would close their mouths and enjoy some quiet for a change. I was just finishing my second glass of wine when Markus walked into the room. The moment he took a few steps inside the noise was replaced by an uncomfortable silence. It lasted for only a few seconds before they begin to talk once again, quieter this time as they whisper to one another.

I watch Markus’s face and see his expression hardening. He won’t show guilt or remorse to them, even if he feels it.

“A’rai, may I have a word with you?”

I smile, “Of course.”

I slip from the booth, sparing a moment to look back at Erin. Dismay is clear on her face, she doesn’t even try to hide it even with Markus standing a few feet away. So open are her emotions. I try to reassure her with a comforting expression and a soft smile, but I doubt it works. She’ll worry until I return, I know her that much.

Dark Temptress
07-12-07, 02:09 PM
“What is it?”

He only led me outside the lounge. No further. All that remains between our words and whomever may be listening are a pair of wooden doors. It makes me uncomfortable.

“The demon already returned…”

My eyes flash to his face and his sombre expression. Perhaps he is finally realising the grave imprecations for killing a Priest. Surely he has never looked like this before after sending a demon to kill someone. In fact, I remember him looking quite proud of that the first few times he had accomplished such a thing. It’s very clean after all. He never had to worry about any witnesses or evidence, for it would all only point to some kind of monster and never the hand of any man. It’s all a game in his mind, just like it was a game to everyone else in this room. They would have to see it in order for it to become real. Well not this time, now it’s finally real to him and every other member in this room.

“And…?” I prompt him for more information when he doesn’t willingly give it.

“He’s dead.”

I’m not sure if I should feel relief or a growing sense of distress over that.

“Was there…any evidence?”

Markus shakes his head. His eyes seem so sad. Truly, they had lost that spark they had contained earlier today. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen this side of him. I have seen him upset before, but this is different. It’s almost like he is regretting what he did earlier, but does he regret killing the Priest or Johan? Is it both or is he only worried about getting caught?

“No, the demon said he set fire to the house. There should be nothing left but charred wood and ash by the time the fire dies down.”

“I see…so that’s it then?”

“Yes, that’s it.”

It may be the end for him but I have a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that this was far from over. I can only hope that it will not get as bad as my imagination can picture for me.

“What if they become curious and start another investigation?”

He doesn’t answer me but as I watch the expression on his face rapidly changes. Gone is the depressed look he has been carrying for the passed few minutes of our conversation. In its stead is a hardened expression, something that could even be classified as a little cold. I can tell by that determined look that he would continue to kill every single one of them until there was no one left to investigate him. It was a dangerous ideal to have in his head for it would only cast more suspicion on him and the group.

For a moment or two we stand in silence as his unspoken answer hangs in the air between us. We stand there, until Markus reaches for the door. I stop him, laying my hand on his. His eyes snap to my face, questioning.

“You don’t want to go in there right now…”

“It’s my house!” The words were growled at me as his emotions quickly change to ones of annoyance and anger.

“I know it’s your house, Markus. But right now they’re not exactly very trust worthy of you after what you just did.”

“It was your idea!”

He’s practically snarling the words at me and I can’t remember the last time something so insignificant upset him so much. He pulls his hand away from mine as his blue eyes glare in anger down at me. Yes, it was my idea to kill Johan, but the others don’t know that. Markus is the leader and he’s the one who pushed Johan into the circle. Therefore in their minds it was his idea. He could tell them it was I until he was blue in the face. Even if they believed him, he was the one that sanctioned it and went through with it. There’s no possible way for me to say anything against him right now and not leave him angry and suspicious of me. So I say nothing and he takes that as my consent.

He pushes passed me and enters the lounge. After taking a deep breath, I follow him, though much to Erin’s relief I quickly take my seat across from her once again. Unlike the last time, conversation in the room doesn’t die; it only grows a little quieter. This must be irritating him even more, now that he knows I was right and he shouldn’t have come in.

Dark Temptress
07-12-07, 02:14 PM
“What did he want?”

“Hmmm? Oh, nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

I refill my glass and take a rather large drink from the cup. Thankfully Erin doesn’t push me for answers. I don’t feel like making up excuses or lies at the moment for whatever she may think of to ask me. Besides, come tomorrow everyone was going to be talking about the tragic death of the Priest. How his house caught on fire and he was trapped inside, unable to escape. I feel no sympathy for the man and what befell him. I don’t believe in the teachings of the church and thus know of no God that will strike me down for taking part in the death of one of his own. He got what was coming to him for meddling with us, I just wish there had been another way and that no one had known of his investigation more for myself than the well being of the group.




I turn around to the voice only to find Markus standing a few feet behind me. He isn’t dressed to be outside and even though the cold wind is thrashing against him he takes little heed. He must be freezing in his tunic and pants, for I can feel the coldness digging through my layers and I am wearing an extremely thick and warm cloak.

It’s late now, very late. Two hours since Markus had told me the Priest was dead. My father is probably worried about me if he’s still awake and to keep myself from being reprimanded I should make all haste home. Yet here I stand in the bitter cold of night. The warm and cozy mansion that is Markus’s ahead of me now and behind him and the coach waiting to drive me home at my back. I should end this conversation now and leave.

“I have something for you. With everything that went on tonight I forgot to give it to you.” His mood has improved a little. His words are not as sombre as they had been before yet they still lack that spark he normally carried in his speech.

All night he had drank by himself in the lounge while conversations about him carried on only a few feet away. No one approached him and he hadn’t gone near any one else. It was probably best that way.

He steps towards me, his feet dragging through the snow. At least he’d taken the time to put boots on. “Here.” He hands me a wrapped package and the moment my gloved fingers wrap around it, I know it’s a book. I look at him quizzically. “I found it in my library and thought you would like it.”

“Thank you.”

I don’t remember Markus ever giving me something before, especially a book from his own collection. It surprises me. Nodding his head he turns and heads back towards his house. Giving him one last look, I step into my carriage with the helping hand of my servant. Here the icy wind can’t get to me anymore.

The next day, as I had thought, everyone was talking about the death of the Priest. It was a tragic accident, most unfortunate and very sad. As far as I could tell from the gossip, no one thought it anymore than that. He simply could not escape from his burning house. A few weeks go by and those opinions never change. Kings and Shadows have yet to gather again, unsurprisingly. I know it will be some time before they do, what with everyone still shocked over Markus’s actions and Markus himself wishing to stay out of suspicion.

At this moment I found myself lying in bed. It is late in the evening but I can’t seem to find the elusive thing called sleep. No matter how hard I try, it eludes me. Then I remember the present that Markus had given me. I had tucked it away in the drawer on my nightstand and completely forgotten about it, so worried about what the morning might bring. Reaching into my nightstand, I pull it out and rip open the packaging. An oil lamp on the top of my nightstand provides the necessary light for me to examine the book.

The cover is fairly new. The leather has not yet faded and the words inscribed are still crisp and clear. The title is something I can barely fit my tongue around.

“Death…deatheen, deathine. Hmmm…that’s a rather strange title. Must be in another language.”

I begin to flip through the pages, engrossing myself with the information found therein. Right from the beginning I could tell this was a book on one of the many regions of Althanas. This one in particular located on the Eastern continent. The title must be the name of the region. One chapter catches my attention more so than the others. It’s on something called Synthesizing, a technique that combines magic, skill and luck to make ordinary items into something new and extraordinary. Fascinating.

Skie and Avery
07-25-07, 12:05 AM

Continuity: 8 - Great. Especially for a new character, this was done with the finesse of a pro.

Setting: 4 - This tended to shift a bit, in places. While background detail does tend to shift when it comes to writing, it's use in first person is at it's utter most important. You have to make the reader see through your eyes. Every detail your brain notices, force theirs to. First person is so much harder to pull off because it's not omnipresent. Those sensory details are all you have.

Pacing: 7 - Well done, not too much lagging between scenes of action to lose the reader's interest, but enough build before the climax (no pub intended) that you actually did grab that interest in the first place.


Dialogue: 6 - The actual dialogue was mediocre, but one edge this character has going for her is the ability to lie, and the fact that you know enough to let the first person experience enhance the inner workings of her mind.

Action: 7 - While the character is new, you seem to have a definite grasp on how she would react to certain situations. Her actions all followed the same line, and I felt helped to really bring the more sinister aspects of her personality to surface far better than her lying words do. XD

Persona: 8 - A great character, with great potential.

Writing Style

Mechanics: 6 - There were mistakes here that were hard to ignore, especially from a veteran writer. One that I didn't take points for was the use of "passed" here and there where "past" usually is. Because there were other places where the wording seemed to be determined by the character, and I'd seen other places where the spelling was placed there for antiquity's purpose, I thought I'd let it slide. Still, brush up on double checking for the spelling errors that spell check might not catch, and you'll be fine.

Technique: 4 - It's easy to see that you're unused to this style of writing. While the story was very good, reading it was awkward. You used a lot of simple sentences and words that didn't seem to flow quite right. While sometimes it enhances first person to write with the same quality as the character, as a diary, here it was only hindered. The writing, when not in journal style, should flow like thoughts, pulling through all the senses and the little memories that we as humans so often see flash before our minds eye. Beware of letting those sidewalks lead you away from the main vein of thought, however, as that can only hurt the clarity of the writing.

Clarity: 8 - Very straightforward, very easy to understand.

Wild Card: 7 - I like this character and budding story very much, and am greatly looking forward to seeing her work again. Also, the score is due you, for having the courage to try something new.

Totals: 65

Dark Temptress receives 820 EXP and 200 gold in Salvic notes, tucked within the pages of the book.

07-26-07, 09:12 PM
EXP/GP added!