View Full Version : The Unlikely Apprentice

04-14-06, 03:17 PM

When people thought of Corone, usually thought of Radasanth, the Citadel, the Bazaar, or occasionally the great forest of Concordia. That was a mistake. Those places had been skimmed over by all sorts of types of people by all sorts of races from all sorts of different backgrounds for all sorts of different reasons. With the possible exception of Concordia, any secrets, any wonders those areas may have once had were by now likely discovered, there was no mystery left in them, not new area to check out, no new treasure to uncover and no new beast to try and conquer. Yet that didn’t mean that the nation of was entirely devoid of new and interesting things to discover and challenges to over come, it simply meant that one had to look harder to find such things.

Nestled in the various nooks and crannies of the great nation were all sorts of less developed cities and villages. It among these that an adventurer looking for new and exciting experiences could have a field day. In these villages whose in habitants, culture and laws, were so vastly different from everywhere else that it could be hard for a new comer to them to believe that those places even existed outside of the strangest, most extravagant books and bard tales.

In fact if an somebody wanted such adventure in one of these small, unknown towns they would have to look no further than beyond the blind vampire Tarry Whealer. The blind vampire was standing in the middle of an ancient Egyptian style town and on a hot and dry, yet violently windy day with a note in his hand that had been written by one of the vampire generals themselves. The note was written in the ancient vampire langue with silver ink, and the instructions it gave were simple. Find the vampire Irael’Rar, who had somehow tricked some apparently exceptionally stupid mortals into thinking he was god, and kill him for his crimes, then redeem or kill his apprentice. That was all there was to the note.

With a sigh Tarry threw the note to the wind and headed deeper into the village. He Ireal'Rar had already gone through the judge and jury stage of the vampire's court system (which was none existent) all that was left was for the blind vampire to fulfill his role as the executioner.

04-17-06, 04:50 PM
Rumors were all I had heard in Radasanth. Whispers and gossip about a man, draped in all black, who had fought within the citadel arena. His description fit that of my brother's perfectly. The piercing gray eyes, the long brown hair, I could not help but picture Vincent as he was, and not what he had become. Surely, whatever visions my former master had shown me could not be completely true. He was a master of lies, and no matter what I could never believe Vincent a demon.

Still, the thought continued to persist, and it was not helping me. Sad as I was, I continued to trek through the countryside, hot on the track of a new tale I had heard. It seemed someone had spotted Vincent in a nearby village. I had been walking for hours, the moon had waned and the sun had risen as I journeyed. It was now a bright day, a scorching breeze came by now and again to make me feel even more uncomfortable. The heat was unbearable, and at least three times I had almost collapsed. Still, I was more than thankful for my scarf, which now worked as a make-shift hood, keeping out the blistering light.

I soon found myself in the middle of a rustic village. An oxen passed right by me, it's smell nearly taking the very air from my lungs. When I regained composure, I could see the mud huts and cloth stands around me. Clearly, this town was far from advanced, many of the people in dull colored rags. But if this was the only town for miles, it would have to do. I needed directions to a certain part of the countryside, near a set of old ruin stones. Perhaps a guide could give me some direction, even if I could not pay him.

04-24-06, 05:07 PM
“Can I help you young one?” asked a monk who was completely clad in dark black robes with golden trim.

“Yeah, I’m looking for your god, Irael’Rar,” responded the blind vampire. He was standing at top of a large granite staircase that led to the entrance of a massive temple.

“Irael’Rar lives with in all our hearts, to find him one merely has to look there.”

The monk’s reply annoyed the livelike vampire. Had it not been for the fact that after several minutes of asking around the village for Irael’Rar, on a day that was so hot it almost made the deserts of Raiaera seem like the cold mountain ranges of Salvar, the bitter vampire probably would have found it amusing. Unfortunately for the monk, the harsh weather combined with the general stupidity and rudeness of the village inhabitants had already taken their toll on the already naturally short patients of Tarry Whealer. The worst part was that after having to deal with all that the best answer the vampiric assassin got was something along the lines of ‘go visit the temple’.

“Spare me the philosophical and religious bullshit, I’ll find this guy myself,” responded Tarry as he shoved his way passed a monk who was now clearly puzzled with the seemingly sudden and unprovoked shift in the vampire’s mood.

“God damn monks here aren’t any better than the ones at the Citadel. Can’t even give me a goddamn straight answer to my question. I swear the more types of people I meet the dumber they get,” thought the vampire angrily.

Still all was not lost Tarry could sense the presence of another vampire in the temple. Though the presence was faint (likely the result of some strange magical artifact in the temple) it was definitely there. There was no way for the assassin of the vampires to tell if it was the creature he was looking for or if it was just some other vampire, but that mattered not. The blind vampire would soon find out.

09-24-06, 10:49 AM
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