View Full Version : Anything not bolted down around here?

05-17-07, 04:31 AM
Hey, guys!

You got some room for a freelancing thief here, yeah?

Call me Kenshin! Nice ta meetcha!

Artifex Felicis
05-17-07, 05:51 AM
I'm pretty sure the queen of Scara Brae isn't...

Welcome thief, make sure to steal everything you can, and stay the hell away from cookies. Cookies are not their tasty selves on this board, and are closer to evil monsters then anything.

05-17-07, 09:54 AM
And the evil monsters look strikingly similar to Artifex's avatar.

Just kidding. Welcome to Althanas!

05-17-07, 09:59 AM
Awesome new character^^

It's nice to have another thief types. I don't know why but I have a thing for Rogues.

05-17-07, 10:04 AM
Welcome to Althanas!

Please keep your arms and legs inside the forum at all times or they may be removed by rabid, zombified characters. Do not feed the following people; Cyrus the virus, Artifex Felicis, Slayer of the Rot, Dissinger, Serilliant, Lucien, Reiko and Letho for they may become attached to you afterwards and are hard to get rid of. Any screams you may now be experiencing are the sounds of dying characters. Do not be alarmed for they shall be revived in new and inventive ways the following quest. Have a nice day ^^

*Offers you a plate of cookies, which is good! But some of them are poisonous, which is bad...*

Cyrus the virus
05-17-07, 05:09 PM
You steal from me and I throw a tornado at you!

Nice to have you aboard. Feel free to join our psychotic family. Don't mind the rape/murder jokes.

05-17-07, 07:07 PM
Oh, and why's that, Cyrus? I won't mind the rape jokes if they involve red-head girls, ya know. ;)

And the evil monsters look strikingly similar to Artifex's avatar.

No way! I have that monster at home! Ahhh!!! I'm not safe!!! *Runs for cover*

As for stealing your stuff... *glances at your gold amount* ...I don't steal from the poor. :p

*Sees Witchy's gold*

...But I do steal from the rich! Pass the wealth around, peeps!

*Steals one of Witchy's cookies, but hesitates to eat it*

...It's not really poisoned, is it?

Artifex Felicis
05-17-07, 07:10 PM

Our other resident red-head lover.

Also, my kitty is not an evil monster. Just a destructive ball of fur and claw that's cute and wants to eat you.

05-17-07, 07:17 PM
As for stealing your stuff... *glances at your gold amount* ...I don't steal from the poor. :p

aww I really feel poor now T_T

heh I never really had all that much money. But I'm rich in other things ;p

*brings you burnt cookies* you know my cookies are good^^

05-17-07, 07:22 PM
Yum... Burnt cookies are always good. Nice and crunchy. :) *Chews on Reiko's cookies*

Letho? As in that guy who approved my character?

...Notice to Letho: STAY AWAY FROM MY KOHAKU!!! *Glare*

05-17-07, 07:46 PM
Meheh...I know who he is!

But I'm not saaaaaaaaaaying.

05-17-07, 10:15 PM

You dare steal from the villainess of Althanas!

*summons an army of crazed, psychotic demons to destroy you*

Artifex Felicis
05-17-07, 10:26 PM
Don't mind Witchy, if you poke her she giggles and cries in a corner for an hour.

Assuming, of course, you have an arm to poke her with by the time you get that close.

*coughs and offers flan*


05-17-07, 10:26 PM
Ahh~!!! Gomennasai! Gomennasai~!!! Yametekudasai~!!!

*Throws back Witchy's cookie and runs away... never to return!*

05-17-07, 10:31 PM

05-17-07, 10:36 PM
There goes my recruit... :(

*Waves good-bye*

05-17-07, 10:47 PM
He'll be back.

05-17-07, 11:06 PM
...Karuka, I owe you one.

Alright, so now I await Troy to tell me if I get to steal a ship with him or not...

Pirate Ninja FTW!

05-17-07, 11:08 PM

Artifex Felicis
05-18-07, 05:51 AM
It was all the drama of a sitcom without the 40 hours of filler!

05-18-07, 07:19 AM
I'd prefer blowing the ship up myself, but I suppose stealing it has some uses.

*glares at Artifex*

Don't make me challenge you to another battle, and don't worry. This time, I'll win. *grins*

Artifex Felicis
05-18-07, 03:11 PM
I remember. I also remember that you tasted like a mix of sushi and bacon. ^_^

And no one took my flan. I'm sad now.

Slayer of the Rot
05-18-07, 03:13 PM
*snatches flan rudely, jams it into his mouth*

I'll eat you next if you keep whining!

Welcome to Althanas, Haru...uhh...rest of the name.

Moonlit Raven
05-18-07, 04:34 PM
*eyes Slayer, waiting for him to choke* ...just how big is your mouth?

Welcome to Althanas Haruzame! If you value your life, sanity and all of your bits and pieces avoid anything that looks cute and innocent.

*holds out a plate of brownies* Have a brownie! :D

05-18-07, 09:34 PM
Avoid the brownies too and honestly, you don't want to know how big his mouth is.

05-19-07, 01:30 AM
Flan? What flan?

...Oh. Thanks! *Snatches Arty's flan and runs*

Welcome to Althanas Haruzame! If you value your life, sanity and all of your bits and pieces avoid anything that looks cute and innocent.

What?! Oh, no! You don't mean my Kohaku's dangerous, right?! *Breaks down and cries*

Oh, well.

*Snatches a brownie and stuffs it into his mouth*

Mmmm! Tastes kinda like the ones Kohaku makes for her master.

EDIT: What you say about the brownie, Witchblade? *cough*

05-19-07, 07:13 AM
Hmm, too late. I hope you don't mind being slowly eaten alive from the inside out by the flesh eating disease she put in those brownies. At least with my cookies all you do is wake up with a collar around your neck and your name in my list of slaves.

05-19-07, 11:46 AM
Witchy's just upset that everyone has been warning newcomers about the cookies for the past 5 or so months.

Moonlit Raven
05-19-07, 11:00 PM
Oi! There's no flesh eatin' disease in the brownies. The crunchy bits are the left over toenails I dug out of a graveyard for my voodoo rituals. :p

.... just kidding. There's only sugar and spice in them, kind of like me. :D

Artifex Felicis
05-19-07, 11:02 PM
There's a severe lack of everything nice though....

And someone ate my flan! wooooo. so what if it's a big bully who kicks sand on other kids in the playground!

05-19-07, 11:02 PM
*runs away crying*

I hate you all!! How am I supposed to collect new slaves if you keep warning them!?

Artifex Felicis
05-19-07, 11:06 PM
I still haven't even gotten a dragon to kill. Most I've gotten is eating you for being your slave. I want my dragon slaying!


05-19-07, 11:12 PM
Don't look at me, that wasn't my quest. He just asked me to start that for him.

Artifex Felicis
05-20-07, 10:51 AM
I will look at you! I have half a mind to turn evil so I can eat you outside of the Citadel.

*thread hijack, so gives Flan in apology*

05-20-07, 10:58 AM
I'm already evil, so I'll just kill you outside the Citadel before you can get a chance.

And if you want to go kill a dragon so badly, go start a quest and slay one.

05-20-07, 01:28 PM

05-20-07, 08:46 PM
*Gags on the brownie*


Oh, nevermind. It was a hairball-

Hairball? *Gags* I should watch what I eat...

Right! Time to get posting!

EDIT: That's the last time I'm letting Kenshin borrow my account to post on here! *Cries*