View Full Version : The Bounty of a Baroness (side quest...)

05-17-07, 02:40 PM
Crum watches the the guard in annoyance, having heard them calling him a child, that made him just a little angry. hearing the guard say that they have something else in mind for him caught his attention.

Crum glances suspiciously at the guard as he follows him to another room.

"So what do you have in mind?" Crum glares angerly at the guard, his hand resting easily and lightly on his sword hilt.

"Because if you plan to kill me I will make sure that you and all others in this mansion die also." Crum growls.

05-22-07, 01:16 PM
"Kill us all, will you?" The big man almost smiled. "No need to be petulant and do that sort of thing."
Rothgar's narrow hazel eyes peered at Crum a moment. When he finally spoke, his glance moved between adjusting his glove and the boy's face.

"Killing an entire household takes a certain... flexibility. I wonder if you truly have it."
He began to pace the room a bit, letting his words sink in with every heavy footfall. He glanced sidelong at Crum.
"Tell me. What are your limits? It is good for me to know, as I am the head protector of this house."

05-28-07, 06:05 PM
Crum glares at the annoying guard.

"My limits?" Crum says with a smirk, as he walks toward the man.

"Beyond any foolish human." Crum says with disdain, as he lifts the man off the ground by his shirt.

"Do you need me to show you more?" Crum says with a smirk "Because ill gladly kill you to prove me self." and laughs evilly.

06-25-07, 11:01 PM
OOC: Sorry I got sidetracked, I was trying to time it with the main thread, but everyone's MIA, so what the hey? Might as well post. And take it easy on the bunnying : P


Rothgar didn't react to Crum's hoisting him off the floor, or his outburst of evil laughter. The big man, calmly scratched at a bit of residue on his bracer, while the boy cackled. He hoped it wasn't rust.

"Are you quite finished?" he eventually asked.
"Because if you're going to do what I have planned for you, I need for you to learn how to keep it..."

Rothgar smiled wryly.

"... Slightly, more subtle. Just at first, and then you can indulge in violence to your little heart's delight. That's what you want, correct?"

06-26-07, 07:27 AM
Crum glances at the man in interest.

"So what do you need, that needs me to be subtle?" Crum asks as he puts the man down none to lightly.

"I have other things I'd rather be doing so make this quick human."