View Full Version : "This really isn't my scene..."

05-18-07, 11:14 PM
Elijah came to a stop outside of his destination. He had been wandering around Underwood for the better part of the day, frequently asking random strangers if they could direct him towards The Peaceful Promenade. Most of the people ignored him, while a select few would respond with a dirty look. One elven blood mage was kind enough to curse at him in some foreign tounge he didn't quite understand.

He took a couple seconds to eye the tavern. It appeared to him like any respectable establishment of it's kind should, from the windows tinted by ages of smoking patrons right down to the sign that looked like it would break off it's hinges if there was a decent gust of wind. Even as he stood outside the tavern, Elijah could hear the mix of laughter, boasting, storytelling, and the occasional lonely guy trying his best pick-up lines on an elven sorceress. As he surveyed the tavern a second time, somebody lightly shoved him aside.

"Move it or lose it, pal."

The gruff voice snapped Elijah out of his trance. In the pale moonlight, he could make out that the voice came from a dwarf.

"Uh, excuse me, this is The Peaceful Promenade, right?"

The little guy paused and turned around. "What're ya', stupid or something? Cant'cha read the sign?" Somewheres underneath the dwarf's bushy, red beard was a scowl that could be translated as a few dozen insults and explitives.

"I'm just double-checking," Elijah quietly responded.

The dwarf shook his head and grumbled as he walked through the door. The sounds and smells of the tavern flooded into the street. The denim-clad adventurer was overwhelmed by them, but at the same time, his curiosity was piqued even further. Along his travels, someone had told him that this particular tavern was a good place to meet some people, and it was beginning to look like they were right. Collecting his wits, he made the five step trek inside.

Elijah liked to think of himself as a knowledgable person. In the two years since he left Salvar, he has seen a lot of places and a lot of people--but not quite as much adventure as he'd hoped for. The most exciting thing that happened to him was when a thief stole his wallet as soon as he arrived at a Coronian port. Even so, all it took was a well-thrown ball of ice to the back of the offender's head, and he was able to retrieve his money. So, it comes to no surprise that, despite how prepared Elijah thought he was, the sheer diversity of the inhabitants of the tavern left him in a bit of awe.

Although it seemed like a good tip--there sure were a lot of people here he could possibly trade stories with--he began to have second thoughts. This really isn't my scene, he told himself. He looked around for a place to sit, finding that all of the good, isolated corners had already been claimed. He slowly made his way to an open seat by the bar, being careful not to brush up against anyone who had their weapons showing.

About three minutes after he took his seat, the bartender made his way over. "What can I get for you, chief?"

Elijah, not that much of a drinker, took a look down the bar. He pointed a random elf, who appeared just as alone as he was. "I'll have whatever that guy's having."

"Coming right up."

It was only about ten seconds, but to Elijah it seemed like forever. When he got his drink, he flashed a weak smile, and took a sip. The drink tasted quite bitter, and it was warm. Oblivious to the foam moustache he was now sporting, he recalled his first lesson from his former Icecrafting master, Gilliam Ornoft, and created a couple of small ice cubes from what little moisture in the tavern air he could gather. He dropped the cubes into the drink and took another look around the tavern.

"This totally isn't my scene..."

05-28-07, 12:48 AM
If it wasn’t for the dryness creeping up the roof of her mouth Momo would never have even considered wandering into that tavern. It was no matter of naivety that brought Momo to the Promenade, but the need for the fuel which all living things shared. Water. Her little flask had been empty for quite some time now, and it seemed no matter which store she went into they all had the same answer “ Go the Promenade.” Defeated, Momo finally heeded their advice and turned her direction towards the tavern.

Like a mouse sneaking into a pantry at night Momo crept quietly through the front door, wincing as it squeaked. Really, it was highly unlikely anyone even hear the squeak of the door over the roar of chatter and laughter, but to Momo it was like a fog horn announcing her entrance. She just reminded herself not to make eye contact with anyone who had more than four scars on their face or was missing a limb.

She weaved her way through the crowded bar floor, turning and ducking to avoid puffs of tobacco smoke. A few times she caught a whiff in the face and held back her urge to gag and cough. The rest of the way to the bar she decided to hold her breath, it would keep the smoke out of her lungs and the odor of unbathed men out of her nose.

Like a marathon runner crossing the finish line Momo gasped in a breath and dropped herself into a seat at the bar plopping her head down onto the table top, both hands outstretched before her. The combination of thirst and air made Momo wonder if this is what dying felt like. Gathering up some breath Momo said. “ Water please.”

The bar tender quirked a heavy brow and tipped his head a little wondering what the girl was doing there. Never the less, she was a customer. She watched with her chin propped on the bar as the tender poured the precious water into a mug. Greedily she took it in both hands as soon as he set it down. She put the lip of the mug to her mouth and tasted the wonderful, yet room temperature, water.

“ Just water?” said a gruff voice to Momo’s right. It came from a rough looking man who sported an eye patch over his left eye. “ I could treat you to something much better.”

Momo choked on her water a little and set the mug down coughing. Hurriedly she shook her head, “No. I mean, no thank you. I’m fine with water.” an awkwardly forced smile overtook Momo’s face as she tried to shrink into herself. The man’s one brown eye was giving her a chill. With a nervous smile she stole a glance at the man. He had fours scars, one on his chin another on his cheek and two over his left eyebrow. At leasthe had all his limbs.

“ A little thing like you shouldn’t be in a place like this,” he said scooting closer, placing his heavily tattooed arm on the back of Momo’s bar stool.

“ Hehehe,” Momo chuckled nervously and shifted towards her left, mug still in hand. “ Just gonna finish my water, and be on my way, heh” Her eyes darted back and forth from her mug to the advancing man. He continued moving closer and Momo continued moving backwards, until…

“ Oof!” The stool under Momo tipped too far, toppling the monk over backwards with water still in tow. As she fell backwards into Elijah, who had been on her left, her arms flailed sending the water out of the cup and onto the head of the bothersome man.

“ …,” Momo’s wide eyes looked from her now empty to cup to the now wet man then over her shoulder at Elijah who she had just crashed into, then back to the cup, then the man, then Elijah.

“….,” Momo thought this might be the end of everything, all over a glass of water. She smiled nervously, but received no smile in return from the angry man. It was definitely over….

( feel free to take control over the eye patch guy if you want. )

05-28-07, 03:23 PM
The sudden collision had been enough to snap Elijah out of his alcohol-induced trance. Upon returning to the real world, he looked to his right and saw the person who bumped into him, a short girl with pigtails, and one really pissed off guy, who's head and shirt were drenched by the girl's drink. He could see the fire in the man's one good eye. Trouble was brewing, and Elijah had a front row seat.

"Uh, excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice that she said 'no' to whatever it was you were offering her. So please, just leave her alone so I can enjoy the rest of my night, okay?"

The man bellowed in anger, "And just who do you think you are? You this girl's boyfriend or something?"

Elijah looked down at the girl, who appeared frightened at the events that were unfolding. "No. But she's kinda cute, so I wouldn't really mind."

The brute, who was almost twice Elijah's size, growled. Elijah turned to take another sip of his drink, when suddenly he felt the impact of flesh and bone connecting with his jaw. The force of the punch sent him flying off his stool, and leaving him sprawled on the floor of the bar. The girl let out a muffled shriek, forcing the patrons to take notice of the three.

After several seconds of lying on the floor, waiting for the little stars and spaceships to stop circling his head, he sat up. His jaw was hurting like hell, and he could taste blood.

"Keep out of this, you scrawny little fuckstick!"

Elijah rose to his feet, furiously rubbing his jaw. Yep, his buzz was definitely gone now. He held up his free hand as a peace offering/plea for no more physicality. "Okay, you're right, it's none of my business, but I think that--"

The guy sent another fist his way, but this time he was prepared. Elijah quickly sidestepped the blow, and in a swift motion he grabbed the guys arm, twisted it behind his back, and forced him face-down onto the bar, spilling his own drink in the process.

"Look. I didn't come here for a fight, and I'm pretty sure you didn't either."

The brute, who's face was red with fury after being tricked by this lightweight, muttered obscenities about Elijah's mother.

"Yeah, yeah, I've heard that one a million times. Here's the deal. I'm going to let you up, you're going to apologize to this poor girl, then you're going to leave us alone for the rest of the night. That cool with you?" The man quietly muttered a 'yes'. Elijah licked his finger, and twisted it into the man's ear. "Good. Here's one for the road." The man squirmed violently, until Elijah let him off the bar. If looks could kill, then he'd be in the dungeons for the next 400 years. As he stormed off to the opposite end of the bar to brood about his humiliation in front of the Promenade's patrons, he shot a rough apology at the monk girl, who was still on the floor trying to digest what happened these last 40 seconds.

Elijah looked at the girl, flashed a weak, pained smile, and offered a hand to help her up. "Sorry about all that. My name's Elijah. What's yours?"

05-28-07, 04:15 PM
Momo’s bottom hit the Promenade’s wooden floor in a thud and she winced. But before she could spend too much time fussing over it the sound of fist of flesh grabbed her ears in time for her to look up and see the young man she’d crashed into fly off his stool and onto the floor. Oh what a mess she’d made. The eye patch man made another swing and Momo held her breath and closed her eyes. The next few moments were filled with more wincing and some eye squinting. Not until the bothersome man had been successfully dispelled to the other side of the bar did Momo let the breath she was holding go.

“ T-thanks,” Momo stuttered, still coming to terms with what had just happened. She took Elijah’s hand to help herself up from the floor. “ Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to get you involved,” with an apologetic furrow of her brows Momo bowed her head, something common for apology at the monastery. Momo thought to herself that if she continued to get into messes like these she would be a useless monk. Oh well, the least she could do was offer to pay for this gentleman’s drink, since it was spilled on her account.

“ I’m sorry about your drink too, “ she kept her head bowed, trying her best to make amends for the trouble she caused. “ I’ll get you another one. And-” she dared to lift her head and saw that his jaw was red from the man’s fist. As professionally as she’d been taught in the monastery Momo said, “ Please, allow me to mend your wound, it is my duty as a monk and it is the least I can do for all your trouble.”

In all honesty, this was the first time she’d ever been able to use her healing magic on a person outside of training. In training everything was pre scripted and easy to follow, but this was entirely different. Momo made a small clear of her throat and without giving Elijah the chance to accept or refuse she reached a small hand up towards his jaw.

“ Please remain still for just a few moments.” Momo’s hand hovered just beside his jaw, but not in contact. In concentration her eye brows furrowed until a warmness emitted from her hand. For onlookers a faint lavender light glowing from Momo’s palm could be seen. Within ten seconds the red mark disappeared from Elijah’s jaw, and any cut inside his mouth would be healed.

The young monk grinned in delight, seeing that her healing had worked. Momo pulled her hand back to her side and said cheerfully. “ There you go, all better!” If Momo remembered what she was supposed to say after she’d aided someone she probably would have, but she drew a blank. “ Err… sorry, again,” she pressed her palms together in front of her and focused on some spot on the ground. She didn’t know if she wanted to look the guy in the face quite yet, she’d caused a lot of trouble, so it may have been best for her to just get going. However, she hadn’t even introduced herself yet, and maybe he wouldn’t be as scary as the other guy, he didn’t seem to be anyways.

“ I’m Momo, by the way,” she smiled nervously, testing the water. If he didn’t smile back it was time to get going.

06-03-07, 08:51 PM
Ever since the young lady had pulled her hand away from his face, he had been feeling his the inside of his cheek with his tounge, mystified by what had just happened. Several inquiries into the matter all turned out the same results: The cut inside his mouth from the one-eyed guy's punch had disappeared! What the crap just happened? He couldn't help but grin at the girl, who appeared, even if just for a second, very pleased with what she had just done.

"Wow, Momo, whatever you just did, that was completely awesome!" Elijah did a terrible job at hiding his enthusiasm towards the kind-hearted actions of the girl. He felt he should do something in return, even though she had healed his jaw as thanks for taking care of the big guy. He looked around for a couple seconds, and called the bartender over.

"Another water for the girl, please. Put it on my tab."

The bartender shook his head. "Water's free, pal."

Elijah blushed and ran his hand through his thick, black hair. "Duh... Stupid me..." He was never good with talking to the fairer sex--he always was very shy around the girls back in Salvar, but that's why he came here to the Promenade, right? To meet some new faces?

The two sat in silence for several seconds, afraid to look at each other. The bartender came back with Momo's water, but before she had a chance to even reach for it, Elijah took it, dipping the tip of his finger into the liquid.

"Hmm, room temperature." He paused, looking at the girl. With a small smirk, he said, "Here, let me fix that for you. You aren't the only one around here that knows a trick or two..." He immediately crafted four more ice cubes and dropped them into the glass, causing a few drops of water to escape and splash onto the bar. He set the glass down in front of Momo, then proceeded to lean on the bar, supporting his head with his left hand.

"That was a pretty cool thing you did to me... Where'd you learn that?"

06-05-07, 12:12 AM
Watching as the punk left, Harbringer made note to make sure he was watched, very bad punk, in need of a tone down. Harbringer made his way over to the two.

"Greetings you two," said Harbringer, "Sir Lord Harbringer Estaros, last of the fallen angels of heaven, from the war that divided heaven, now a member of the extermination squad going around to wipe out the darkness they have caused. I hope that youse two are alright, that guy I've seen elsewhere, think he's a pirate or worse, but he doesn't have what it takes, unless he's drunk and he'll have a crew back with him later, he wanted you probably becase you were a pretty trinket elfin one, oh and I am bound to the Elf Lords, all of them, if you require my service, I am at your command."

06-06-07, 11:28 PM
Despite her resistance a small grin stretched its way across Momo’s face as the bar tender reminded Elijah water was free. Regardless, it was a kind gesture. Before she could even wrap her hands around her new mug of water Elijah was dunking his finger into the cup. Baffled, Momo’s eyes grew slightly wider as her brows raised. Was he so curious about the water temperature that he ad to test it?

He mentioned tricks, and before her very eyes materialized ice in the palm of his hand. As he plopped the cubes into her room temperature water Momo let out a small ‘waaahh’ in amazement. Partially in disbelief Momo snatched the cup and peered down into it, expecting to see the water unchanged, but saw the four ice cubes bobbing happily in the water. “ That’s amazing, ” Momo said, already feeling the outside of the mug begin to chill. Healing was one thing, but creating ice, now that was magic.

Before taking a drink from the mug she opted to pick up the over turned bar stool laying at her feet. While using her little muscles to lift the stool back onto it’s three legs Momo shook her head and replied, “ What I did isn’t that neat…,” she dusted the seat off with her hand before she hoped back onto it, her feet very obviously dangling above the ground. “ It’s my job,” she said with much pride and a little bit of cheer in her voice. “ I’m a Monk.. Err.. Well a trainee monk. I specialize in healing.” Momo folded her hands around the mug of water and smiled. “ I learned all the basics at the Monastery. It’s kinda like a school for monks.”

"Greetings you two.”

Momo turned to her right, and where the troublesome man once sat was now a new man, who looked far less troublesome. He introduced himself as Sir Lord Harbringer Estaros, last of the fallen angels of heaven. Momo felt a bit overwhelmed by the title and settled to remember him as Harbringer. He didn’t seem much older that Momo, or Elijah for that matter. In fact, he seemed quite young. His blue eyes and crimson hair stuck out like a sore thumb there in the promenade, but gave him an exotic aura. Listening to his extravagant way of speaking Momo felt lulled into a sort of trance, like she was listening to a bard.

He mentioned the creep who Elijah had taken care of, and Momo instinctively reached up to her ears and felt the rounded tips as he mentioned her being an elf. Were her ears pointy? Suddenly, the very human monk became very self conscious of her ears and brushed some hair over them.

Very suddenly offered his allegiance to the two of them and Momo felt at a loss of what to say. She glanced back at Elijah then back to Harbringer. “ I- I’m not an elf… at least… I don’t think I am. But, it’s nice to meet you anyways. I’m Momo,” she bowed her head then turned so that she could motion to Elijah with her hand. “ And this is Elijah..”

06-07-07, 12:23 AM
Harbringer smiled, someone had noticed the hair. Well far be it from most mortals to have crimson hair and blue eyes, especially eyes that can see magic.

"I appologize," said Harbringer, "You humans all look the same to me, I've been on the earth since the fall from heaven, and after a couple hundred years, you all start to look the same to me, its a wonder to me that you don't look like that to yourselves, maybe because of my nature I just am way to critiquing."

Harbringer looked around surveying the area, and then looked back to the two, Momo and Elijah.

"I hope that you two are not hurt," said Harbringer, "That man looked rough, and as I said, I believe he may be after you, since he showed an interest in you Ms. Momo."

Harbringer looked at Elijah.

"Not many mages I know, unless they're journyman level or chonin/ronin level can maniuplate water like that, and you are very young for your age, both of you are, I'm eons old, and yet I look young, the price for the fall, none of us ever aged, none will ever do much, I'm one of the few demons left on this realm of existance, but I'm now fighting to destroy evil, and bring about peace and relaxation and whatnot."

Looking back to Momo, he sighed, the girl had elf blood in her, but she didn't need to know that...yet.

"You're a healer Ms. Momo," said Harbringer, "That's a great art that you have chosen to weild, the power to save, do not let others try and take that from you and use it to their own ends, chaos is everywhere, and your powers of healing with who you are, make them even greater potential for threats of usurpation."

06-07-07, 09:39 AM
Elijah felt that this was the perfect time to wedge himself back into the conversation; he had been too busy trying to study Momo's ears. No, those are definitely normal human ears... Either that, or she found one damn fine plastic surgeon...

"Uh, excuse me, Estaros--you don't mind if I call you that, right? I'd like to point out that I'm not a mage. I am, in fact, an icecrafter." He took pride in that title, even though he was still inexperienced in the art.

He turned back to what remained of his drink. Something didn't sit well with him about this Estaros fellow. Who friggin' walks into a bar and starts talking about how he's a fallen angel, sent here to destroy all evil things as part of some holy extermination squad? Geez, I bet he couldn't even name any of the Elven lords--not that I'd be able to call him on his bluff there. ...Are they even called the Elven lords?

He was just jealous that the redhead stole Momo's attention from him...

06-07-07, 05:34 PM
Harbringer glared at the male human, Estaros? No one called him Estaros, less he wanted to find himself at the point end of Excalibur.

"You may call me Harbringer, Sir Harbringer, or Delcorian," said Harbringer, "In turn I will adress you with civility as well."

Harbringer wanted to laugh, from the looks of it, the male, what was his name....Elijah, looked jealous, he wanted Momo. Well she was pretty for a human female, even by Harbringer, who didn't really care, he did occasionally sleep with females for the fun of it, and he always left them substantially richer, but none of them meant anything to him.

"Forgive me Elijah," said Harbringer, "Again as I said a few minutes ago, humans look the same to me, as do those with magic powers, so you'll have to forgive me calling you a mage."

Hmmm, it wasn't a slip of the tongue though, the kid had an ego, and Harbringer wanted to keep it in check, this kid might be useful.

Emptying his bag on the table, two blades, armor arm bands and various food stuffs, plus a large traveling stick which the bag had been attached to unraveled. Harbringer smiled, the two blades were his best weapons, besides Excalibur, twin blades, stolen from a demon. He put the arm bands on, and then attached the blades to them, and put the foodstuff back in the bag and tied it up on the pole.

"Alright," said Harbringer, adressing the barkeep, "Get me a drink and make it strong."

06-08-07, 04:50 AM
Harbringer’s words reminded her of her grandpa, who said to her as often as he could between naps, “ Healing is a great art, Momo.” And Momo knew without a doubt in her cheerful mind that healing was one of the greatest gifts of all, for she could give the gift to others. However, saving people was far from what she could do at this level. If healing a bruised jaw from a bar fight meant saving a life, then she was in better shape than she thought.

Lost in her own thought Momo’s eyes found their way to a spot on the counter. She’d tuned out the chatter around them in the bar, but her round human ears perked up when she heard the tone in Elijah’s voice grow bitter like a grapefruit without a good tablespoon of sugar. Icecrafter, he said. And icy his voice sounded. Mentally Momo made it a point to never venture to Elijah’s bad side.

Was Harbringer really and angel like he’d said? He kept calling Elijah and Momo humans, and remarking that he couldn’t tell them apart. Momo was quite sure humans looked very different from on another, and to be sure she glanced at Elijah’s head of raven hair and stunning sapphire eyes. They definitely did not look like Momo’s chocolate pigtails and almond eyes. She was sure that Elijah was at least nine inches taller than her too. Humans did not all look alike. Squirrels, now they looked all alike.

Startled by the thud of metal on wood Momo snapped out of her analysis of the human race and took immediate notice to the wide array of ’things’ Harbringer was plopping onto the bar like a baby would line up his toys. Momo was silent and unblinking as she watched the man gear up like there would be a battle for him in the very near future. She had half the mind to ask him why he was suiting up, but decided it was better to just to accept the fact that he was.


“ Well, mage or ice crafter,” Momo said and turned in her chair so she could face forward at the bar with mug now in hand. “ if it weren’t for Elijah I wouldn’t be enjoying this wonderful cup of chilled water,” she smiled and took a swallow. After she set the cup down she added. “ And either way, it’s an amazing talent to have.” Momo smiled fondly at the cup then to Elijah. Though she was small and so seemingly fragile her smile carried the energy and power of the sun itself. Her smile was genuine, not only from the lips but from the eyes, and perhaps that was why this girl was so fitted to be a healer. Sometimes the best healing magic was a reassuring and sincere smile.

“ So, if you’re an angel,” Momo pondered aloud tapping her chin with her index finger. “ Can you fly?” she tried to peer over Harbringer’s shoulder for a set of wings.

06-08-07, 06:10 PM
Elijah had heard the numerous items being dropped onto the table. He interrupted his brooding long enough to glance over at what caused the noise. He saw a couple wristbands and two steel blades, with Harbringer lovingly smiling at them. He watched as the redhead equipped the items, then neatly reassembled his travel pack and attached it to his walking stick.

Elijah cocked an eyebrow at him. Now who in their right mind shows his weapons at a place like this? He's either a dolt, cocky as hell, or he's trying to say "Don't mess with me, son." Elijah reached for his drink, but suddenly realized that it was still strewn about the table, a result of his confrontation with the one-eyed guy a few minutes earlier.

"Bartender, a glass of water for me as well, please."

Elijah considered taking out his own dagger and doing his own posturing, but he decided against it. He hadn't come to the Promenade to start a fight, let alone two in a matter of minutes. He shook his head. May as well make the best of the situation, Elijah. What's another friend, even if he does look like a pompous, lying jerkface of an asshole?

He turned to face Harbringer, prepared to show false interest in the redhead's answer to the question of whether or not he was capable of flight.

06-09-07, 01:52 AM
Harbringer looked at Momo with a look that was almost of pure venom and if he could spit, he would of spit at her with all the venom, he had, so instead he answered her.

"That is a personal matter for me that I do not like discussing," said Harbringer, "A personal matter, the same way a human woman feels like after a human male has used her sexually, if you get mine inference."

Harbringer had slept with plenty of human females, but he didn't really have any ties to any families, he wasn't a family being, and would never be. Maybe after the finalities and trivalities of the exterminations were finished, but for now, a singular purposehood was what he wanted.

Finally Harbringer realized that they'd think he was some weirdo, but the truth had to be told.

"You asked about my wings," said Harbringer, with disgust as the broadshouldered cape he was wearing was removed. The Cape was designed to cover wings, some of the Elven kind had wings, small, but the capes were used for covering of a different nature. The cloak revealed two stumps where the wings had been cut off, and one could tell it hadn't been a clean cut, because of the jagged edges left on the wing tracks and the scars that if Harbringer had his shirt off, would be seen.

"I lost my wings in a fight against a stronger opponent," said Harbringer, "He was using a cleaver sword, you know, the curved type, this was back after The fall, and after I began my role as Exterminator."

Harbringer looked outwards as if a memory was coming, he could still remember that day, he spun to face his opponent who had been augmented by his wish to become powerful, the wish had been granted by a demon, and the human had come down on one wing, and then another. Down, intead of across. Harbringer had killed the man, and then fallen himself, he had lost a lot of blood, his healing factor kicked in, but by the time it did, he had lost too much that the nomads who found him, thought he was dead. It took him a week to fully recover his strength, and at least two weeks more to get over the loss of his wings.

"To this day," said Harbringer, "I don't like that memory, there are others that I remind myself to make myself stronger, but the memory of wings....that was a defeat for me, even if I won, because by cutting off the wings of an Angel, there abilities are inhibited to the point of where they are only earth strength, but because I am a fallen, and an Agent of Heaven, I didn't die."

Putting the cloak back on, Harbringer sighed, and then drank the heavy wiskey that the barkeep had put out for him.

"Wiskey for the memories," said Harbringer sadly, not shedding a tear, and at the same time holding a gruff countenance.

06-10-07, 12:18 AM
For once in Elijah's life, words failed him. He couldn't find a proper way to describe to himself what he had just seen. It's not every day that you see two horrific stumps of flesh and bone protruding from someone's back. He had taken off his glasses and rubbed his eyes to make sure that what he saw was real. He stared at Harbringer for a few seconds, then decided to clean his glasses for good measure. He felt his mouth open slightly and his eyebrows rise up his forehead.

Yep. Those are real.

As Harbringer put his cape back over his shoulders, concealing the amputated stubs, Elijah turned back towards his glass of water, shaking his head to bring him back to his senses. He could hear his conscience kick in. That is some crazy stuff right there. I bet you feel like an idiot right now, don't you, chief? That'll learn you a thing or two about assuming someone based on a first impression. We all know what assuming does...

"Shut up," he quietly mumbled to himself as he took a sip of water. He stared blankly at the wall behind the bar for a few minutes, not saying anything to Momo or Harbringer. I've seen enough weird shit for one night. Time to go.

He threw some gold onto the bar, and turned to Momo. "Hey, it was nice meeting you, Momo. Thanks again for fixing my jaw." He flashed her a kind smile, and turned to leave the Promenade, completely depriving Harbringer any sort of farewell. Leaving the noise of the tavern behind, he wandered the streets of Underwood for a while. He had nothing better to do with his time: He wasn't sleepy, and he found a bit of solace in the isolation that the nighttime brought. With no sound except for his footsteps, he could feel his innocent grin return.

After several minutes, he noticed a collection of "wanted" posters illuminated by a dull torchlight. He stopped long enough to glance, when one of the faces had caught his eye. There was a hint of familiarity about this particular mug sketch. In fact, when you meet someone who only has one eye and four scars running across his head, you tend to remember that person.

Wanted: Tybalt Ciero, dead or alive. Wanted for pirating and trafficking illegal goods. Reward to be discussed on capture.

Once again, he felt his grin shrivel up into a disappointed frown. He recalled what Harbringer had said about the guy, how he was possibly a pirate or an outlaw of a different manner. The son of a gun was right. Elijah could hear his conscience chuckling inside of his head.

He thought things over for a second. He decided on returning to the Peaceful Promenade. He should warn Momo about the guy... And apologize to Harbringer while he was at it. He felt himself break out into a sprint in the direction that he had come.

06-10-07, 02:08 AM
Momo, and probably everyone within a 1 mile radius could sense the animosity radiating off of Harbringer after she’d asked her silly question. Feeling like she’d shouted the wrong answer in math class made her shrink down onto her stool and nervously tuck some hair behind her rounded ear. She thought it had been an innocent question, but apparently not. He made some crude comparison Momo couldn’t relate to but tried to understand. Touchy issue, she knew that now. Yet, with a sort of disgust with himself, Harbringer pulled back his cloak revealing two stumps of what Momo could only guess were once wings. On her own back she felt a twinge of pain as she looked at his. She wasn’t disgusted, in fact, if anything she was sad. Sad for Harbringer. An angel with no wings… she understood why he was so sensitive about it now. She felt like she wanted to reach out and touch the stumps like she could heal them, but she knew she was no where near that level of skill yet.

Her sorrowful eyes blinked and became distracted by Elijah who muttered something under his breath. She glanced back towards the young man as Harbringer pulled his cloak back over himself and said something about whiskey. Both men seemed drawn into themselves now, leaving Momo out. She let out a sigh at the awkwardness at the bar though it was cut short by the clatter of a few gold coins from Elijah onto the bar top.

"Hey, it was nice meeting you, Momo. Thanks again for fixing my jaw."

He smiled a fleeting smile, not even long enough for Momo to stutter out ‘ you’re welcome’. He was gone. With her lips still slightly parted, stuck on ‘ you’re’, Momo watched Elijah shift his way out of the tavern into the dimly lit street. She didn’t even get to say thank you for the ice cubes. Well, he couldn’t have gotten very far, she could just follow him out.

“ I’ll be right back, Mr. Harbringer. I just have to go tell him thanks for the ice cubes,” Momo said, dropping down from her stool. Through the smoky tavern Momo bounded towards the door with her usual chipper energy. With both hands she pushed on the heavy wooden door until it creaked open wafting fresh air against her baby soft cheeks. Her lungs welcomed the change from the tobacco stink in the bar.

“ He couldn’t have gone very far,” Momo repeated to herself aloud and looked both ways. Right or left? Which way would have Elijah gone? She chose left since she came from the right. Her feet made a pitter patter noise against he cobblestone as she sprinted, pigtails bobbing along.

Out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of a familiar pair of pigtails he’d seen recently, within the hour to be precise. That girl, the one from the promenade. But what was she doing running about the streets alone at night? Where was that brat looking out for her? The girl interested him earlier, but now he was far more concerned with the boy he’d made a fool of him. Tybalt planned to thoroughly pay him back for earlier, and perhaps the girl would help.

With a nod of his head Tybalt commanded his lackeys to follow.


Momo felt her little heart pounding in her chest, which made her think she was out of shape, she’d only run barely a block. Finally, with her lungs practically on fire, Momo slowed down into normal walking pace, putting on hand to her chest, feeling her heart on overdrive. With cheeks ablaze from running Momo continued to walk on, hoping to come across Elijah, although she was beginning to doubt he came this way.

“ Ah!” Momo suddenly stopped and perked up. Just when she had almost given up and turned around there he was. With a chipper smile Momo jogged to meet him, despite her sore lungs. She was a little winded but managed to squeak out a “ thank you.” But before she could add ‘for the ice.’ a voice echoed behind her.

“ No, Thank you, young lady.” his voice was chilly now that he was sober. Heavy footsteps followed behind him , totaling three men now standing before Momo and Elijah. “ I was heading back to the Promenade to teach this kid a lesson but you saved me the trouble of having to go to look for him. So I thank you.”

Momo recoiled in disgust and fear, clearly remembering this ugly mug from before. Elijah had handled him back when he was drunk in the promenade but now he seemed much more to his senses and he brought two friends, two big friends.

“ It was all a misunderstanding,” Momo insisted, holding up her palms innocently. “ There’s no need to be upset, everyone, heh!”

“… You’re right… this is pointless,” Tybalt said with a smirk. He looked to his buddies and shrugged. “ guys, you heard the girl it was just a misunderstanding. Forget about it.” He folded his hands over each other in front of him and tilted his head so that his single braid hung down to his left.

Momo wasn’t entirely naïve, she knew his tone of voice and the tension she felt was for a reason. There was very little time to think about it all for Tybalt’s friends were already advancing on them. Fear gripped her and she felt her knees go weak. Was this the end? Surely they would overwhelm Elijah, and it was her fault. IF it was her fault shouldn’t she do something besides stand there like a deer in the headlights? Right.

Still shaking Momo reached behind her and pulled out her oak staff, holding it defensively before her. She knew she would be no match against the two men but she wouldn’t just give up. However, to her surprise the men passed her right by and continued towards Elijah. Confused, Momo turned to watch them advance on the young man. She had to help him! She made a move to aide Elijah but she felt two strong hands wrap themselves around her. She struggled with her staff to knock them away, but instead her staff was easily thrown out of her hands. Tybalt securely fastened an arm around hers behind her back while the other unsheathed a blade which he held close to her neck. Momo struggled a little more but found it futile, she wasn’t strong enough.

“ Elijah!” she shouted, desperate to help the person who had saved her once and was now going to be punished for it.

“ Do whatever to the boy,” Tybalt said to his buddies. “ The girl might be pretty useful.” the one eyed man tugged Momo along, leaving her staff in the street where the other two were dealing with Elijah. She dug her feet in the ground to slow him, but he merely tugged her harder until she had no choice but to move as he said. Casting a tearful glance over her and Tybalt’s shoulder Momo prayed that no one would be hurt because of her.

(Okay so tybalt has momo, and they are no longer at the scene, so they can’t be attacked right now, just to clarify)

06-10-07, 10:27 AM
Harbringer sat at the bar for a few minutes, Momo didn't return when she said. He wasn't worried, but then again, if the pirate was about, then things were bad. Downing the rest of the whiskey, Harbringer put down three gold coins and watched as the barkeeps eyes bugged out.

"I want information," said Harbringer, his eyes glowing menacingly, "On the pirate."

The barkeep shuddered, then collapsed in a dead faint.

"Well," muttered Harbringer as he unsheathed Excalibur, "That was informative."

Walking outside, Harbringer saw the wanted sign, Tybalt Ciero, wanted for pirating.

"So he has Momo," muttered Hark, "and the Elijah probably went looking for him as well."

Unpacking his cloth bag, he ate a piece of food, then chucked it into a very nice hidden bush, and brought out the staff. Harbringer may not have his wings, but he still has his powers, including earthen ware, which the stick was.

Concentrating, he saw the pathes that people had taken, and then one path, it went red, the path that the captured lead by the capturer had taken. He went that way.

06-10-07, 11:33 PM
Going further on, Harbringer lost the trail he'd been searching....literally. The lines all reconverged and the red stopped. Not many humans could do that, cause a trail to disapper, even if they walked over it, several and several more times, the main trail would still be there.

"I'm going to need to find Elijah," muttered Harbringer, "He may be an Icecrafter, but an IceCrafter and an ex angel, especially one of earthen powers together would be useful."

Harbringer thought for a few more minutes, this cold, literally gone trail reminded him of his early days when he'd started his quest. Three times he'd lost a hostage because the lay lines had been lost, there were two things that could do that, magix and demons. Harbringer guessed that the later would be ideal, since Tybalt didn't seem the magix type. The demon option left open, meant one thing. The only demon who was as much as a pain as Polo, was Desterius Masimux, one of the dark 3.

The Dark three were the three most wanted demon criminals, both in heaven and in hell. Dracox Zaragon and Neferti Jion were all level 5 dragon lords, and they were also deadly spellcasters. The demon world feared them as much as heaven feared them, so anyone with time on his hands went looking for them, anyone who was foolish or brave went, and most of the time it was fools. A lot of mercs and bounty hunters went after them, none came back. the few who did come back, were institutionalized by their own request for the horrors they'd seen. D.M. was the most wanted, there was a kill on sight for D.M. as for his cohorts, there was the same thing, but if one could be brought to justice, they'd have a trial then be killed.

So.....if D.M was behind this weirdness, it meant that Harbringer would need help, even if it was a mortal icecrafter. Harbringer wished he could have his half brother Lord Astros Harkonis Delcouth of the Fallen First House with him.

Hark De as he went by, was as most accounts put it, raving mad, and the only fallen to have died more times then could be remembered and still pop up later. Hark was a fallen, and he rejoiced in it, using his powers to bring light and dark out in the world. He was reckless and he was dead, which was a shame. Hark was powerful, and he had his wings still, which combined with his powers and his demon combined shifting strength would have been useful.

Standing up from his sitting position, Harbringer called out in a magix infused voice.

"Elijah," he called, "If thou can hear me, I require your help!"

Harbringer then waited for an answer.

06-10-07, 11:56 PM
Chapter 26, Section 8 of the unwritten code of the adventurer goes something like this: When you encounter somebody who is in need of help, you must do your best to assist them at all costs. Skip ahead to Chapter 26, Section 10, Paragraph 2, and it elaborates a little bit more on the subject: When you witness a girl being taken against her will by a group of thugs, it is your sworn duty to rescue her, even if there isn't a reward. Nothing can match the gratitude of saving the life of another being.

It wasn't bad enough that the poor girl was being kidnapped because of his actions earlier in the tavern, but Elijah had just witnessed Momo being dragged away with something that looked sharp and deadly being pressed into her throat. He had heard her cry out to him, but Tybalt's two friends blocked any chance of him getting to her before they disappeared. He could feel the rage quell inside of him. She's innocent... This is all my fault... He's only doing this to get back at me... That son of a bitch...! He felt his right hand grow cold, his guilt and anger manifesting as a fist-sized ball of ice.

The thugs were chuckling at the thought of what kind of pain they planned on putting this denim-clad guy through. As they drew their daggers out of their sheathes, Elijah spoke. Softly, yet in as much of a menacing tone as he could muster. "If I were you, I'd back the hell off."

The thugs stopped dead in their tracks, faced each other, and after a brief second of silence, broke out in a terrible fit of laughter. Apparently, the empty threat didn't do it's trick. The laughter was ended abruptly when Elijah pitched the ball of ice at the thug on the left, effectively shattering his nose with a sickening crunch. He reeled back, screaming in pain, trying to hold in the blood while his buddy stared at him in sudden shock.

Elijah's conscience thought that this was the perfect opportunity to offer its two cents. Okay, chief, now you've probably pissed them off even further. They're going to kill you know, unless you do something, and fast. Elijah felt his hand growing cold again. I would suggest that you make a nice little ice dagger. Who, knows, you might mess up and accidentally kill them first. That way, the ice'll melt, and there goes any evidence that you committed murder.

"Good idea."

Murder. The idea didn't sit well with him, but he may have no other choice. The other thug screamed, charging at him with his dagger aimed at his throat. Elijah took a defensive stance and brought his icy weapon up quick enough to deflect the criminal's attempt. The offender took a couple more swings, all of which Elijah was able to deftly dodge. The thug attempted to lunge at him, but Elijah ducked. Before he knew it, he brought his hand up, and felt the thug stop dead in his tracks. He could hear a surprised groan of pain, then the sound of the thug's body collapsing onto the cobblestoned street.

Elijah stared in disbelief. He had just impaled his ice dagger into the chest of another human being. Just think of it as self defense, chief. The dude tried to kill you, remember? He had taken a couple steps away from the body, which was trickling blood on the streets. To make matters worse, Elijah noticed out of the corner of his eye that the thug who had taken the ball of ice to the face was back up and ready to fight.

As another dagger came flying at his face, Elijah screamed at the top of his lungs, "Oh shit!"

06-11-07, 07:16 PM
The dagger never met Elijah's face, instead it hit a large pole coming out of nowhere, as Harbringer, his face afire with rage, appeared on the spot. Why he'd sent out a psychic summons, he didn't know, but then again, Harbringer wasn't exactly the smart one. He was clever.

Excalibur out, and pointed, Harbringer smiled at the thug.

"Your buddy got murdered," Harbringer said, "But I'm nicer, I'm going to kill you, piece by piece, if you don't leave, that's me being merciful."

Harbringers unsworded hand, was still gloved, but there was immense power in it, and his rage was growing, feeding his power.

"Me not being merciful," grinned Harbringer, "Would be to let my anger consume you and kill you, but I want information on Tybalt, give it to me, and I'll let you live."

Turning his head to the left a bit, Harbringer grinned at Elijah, "I figure you could use some help kid, two against one isn't the best, even if you managed to kill one of them, I'd still think it's better with help."

Harbringer turned around, his eyes glowing red, and Excalibur glowing with that power, "You have a choice yah punk," said Harbringer to the thug, "Surrender and life, or fight and I kill you....painfully."

06-11-07, 07:26 PM
This thread will be continued right here. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=5562)

06-02-09, 03:53 PM
This thread has been sitting since before the beginning of this year (2009). Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to the Peaceful Promenade.