View Full Version : 'Til Next We Meet..

05-19-07, 07:58 AM
Hey all. I just wanna say that my time on Althanas has been fun. But there's too many factors mucking up the equation right now. My computer is about to die on me. I'm about to graduate in 2 weeks and start college. I'm going to be working. And to top it all off, I've got a girlfriend. :X Overkill, I know.

So I want to take a few moments to recognize a few standout figures in my career here at Althanas:

Letho: You judged my very first quest, albeit it was unfinished, but I still hold an immense respect for you. I'm so sorry I had to depart like this and leave our quest unfinished. I promise to you, if and when I return, we will finish it. XD

Cyrus: You and me had a great battle together. I'll always remember our chats over AIM and I will keep those nuggets of knowledge close to my heart.

Lucien: Always quick to be witty and smartassey (is that a word?), you kept most of the contraversial conversations from becoming too heated. And you always had a unique perspective on every situation.

Dissinger: We didn't really speak much, but hey, that didn't keep me from respecting you. The fact that you got your character to such a high lvl was definitely enough to earn my respect. To have that amount of dedication to one character is very commendable. Oh, and I liked our AIM chat about Hex magicks. ^^

Elrundir: Hmm, what can I not say? XD You're writing, wow, is among the very best Althanas has to offer. The flow is seamless, the dialogue liflike and the setting realistic. Plus you're an awesome guy. I was so entranced by your writing that I held you up on a pedestal and used you as guideline as to how I want to write. Your impact on me will last an eternity.

Reiko: Althanas' only Nine-tailed samurai! And we love you more because of that fact. Always willing to greet a new recruit with a wide smile and warm personality, everyone could use a lesson from you on niceities.

AdventWings: Somewhat of an enigmatic, yet epic, figure to me. I always enjoyed reading your judgings, even if I had no clue what the thread was about XD. Not only because you do it with the grace of an elf, but because no matter how bad the thread is, you always add just a couple bonus points and some light encouragement to get them through.

Witchblade: The only way I can describe Ol' Witchy is with one of my favorite phrases: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. And that phrase becomes blaringly obvious when I read your writing. Who couldn't love someone that tries to poison the new recuits with toxic cookies?

Osato: The only one brave enough to actually respond to my 'Painful Love' thread. You have my thanks. *bows*

The Valkyrie: You have a caliber of writing the likes of which I have never seen. Which would be the reason why you have a JC. ^^ Your undying faith in the mystic desert land of Fallien showed in the way you valiantly fought for it's survival. And I think I could use some of that faith right now.

Storm Veritas: You, like me, adopted Althanas as a second home, GUA being the first. And when I compare your writing now to your writing at GUA, I saw such a shift in skill that I was inspired to do same. To improve my writing so when I made a return to GUA, as a fellow inhabitant of Althanas, I could shock the Battle Arena's "best" with how much I had grown.

Raelyse: My, oh my, what to say, what to say? Well...you were very entertaining. Both in OC and IC posts. You play the patronizing sexist well, which lead me to believe that's actually how you were. XD

Artifex Felicis: Your imaginitive and refreshing outlook on being a furry made me very respectful of you. I mean, who thinks of a cat-boy that uses string as a weapon?

Zieg dil' Tulfried: The Demon General of the new Haide nation. Although I regret not finishing the quest to help build and trasition the demon nation, I do not regret at least being apart of the move in some small way. You, along with Max Dirks, seemed like the fathers of Althanas. So that, in itself, gave you my respect.

Max Dirks: Another seregate father of Althanas, I always liked the way you tried to freshen things up and give people more opportunities to explore their creative side, i.e. the creation of Athylia's Verse.

There are many, many more. Just too many to talk about I'm afraid. XD

But one last thing;
To the newbies: Never lose sight of why you're here and why you write. Encourage yourself to get better, even when it seems like no one else will. And don't be scared to ask the vets for help, or to participate in a quest with you. They don't bite...much (Watch out for Witchy though, once them chompers get ahold of you, you're a gonner XD).

From being an innocent elf with a fairy companion, a sturdy dwarf who was irregularly tall, to now, the Farmboy forced into a life and fight he never wanted thought he'd have to experience. I've been many things and many people on Althanas, but one truth stands out among all the faces: Althanas is my second home, and I will never forget the people, the places, or the fact that I love you all so much.

-- Vampiric Angel, Bearded Gnome, Farmboy

Cyrus the virus
05-19-07, 09:10 AM
Dramatic, as you'll be back. :) Sillyface.

05-19-07, 09:41 AM
It's far too addicting to give up, but good luck with all that.

05-19-07, 11:03 AM
it's sad to see you go. I hope things go well and life is enjoyable. have fun and thanks for mentioning me^^

05-19-07, 11:07 AM
May the road rise before you,
May the wind always be at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And the rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

Good bye (for now), and good luck.

05-19-07, 12:26 PM
I think, sooner or later, we will all wave goodbye to Althanas, but it always sucks to see people go. Have health, fun and success in life. In that order. :cool:

05-19-07, 01:54 PM
thats not fair dude! Right when i get my spark going again you leave....oh well....you'll be back....I know I have :)

05-19-07, 06:09 PM
Hahaha! Hell doth hath no fury like a woman scorned. ^_~

I'll be seeing you around, no matter how much we try we can never truly escape the clutches of Althanas. As someone who has returned three times now, I know this well. Once the time is there, it will begin to seep into your mind, an under current that will bring you back to us. Until then, good luck my friend.

05-20-07, 09:13 PM
Wow, I feel very honored. It's been a great pleasure having you here, VA. If you find time to stop by and stuff, don't forget to visit us. :)

May the Winds be Fair and the Spirits Guide you.

07-21-07, 10:19 PM
Status Report, STATUS REPORT!!!

Hey all, I thought I'd stop by to see everyone while I have internet capabilities.

Okay, to get you caught up:
No girlfriend, a sucky job that pays well (lol awesome oximoron), but to top it off, I'm happy...relatively speaking.

The only thing that keeps me going through my job is the fact that it's mindless manual labor and I get hours of thinking time. SO! Once I make my official return I will have many solo and other quest ideas, sadly this means I will be making a new character. I will be finishing Into The Fray with Letho then retiring Braden for a short while, which reminds me, I need to force myself to outline the said quests before I forget their awesomeness.

But yeah all goes swell.

And I've noticed the new PG developments, Raiding and Clan Wars?! HELL YES! Very WoW if you ask me. So how goes it?

07-22-07, 04:58 AM
One's going on right now, in fact. But not on the other PGs. *Me wipes a sweat*

Anyways, glad to have you back with us. And I think I can say it here for comical purposes:

"Mindless Manual Labor brings out the Creative Genius in us all."

If you know what I mean. ;)

Too bad about your girlfriend. I'm not gonna ask you about that, unless you want to take it over AIM? *Readies his Messenger*

Cyrus the virus
07-23-07, 06:23 PM
I told you :o