View Full Version : Lick {closed}

05-19-07, 09:19 PM
This thread will most likely have graphic images and suchlike. If you're offended by sex, violence and came here looking for flowers and puppies, you'll be horribly scarred and dissappointed. Continue reading at your own risk. Thank you.

Nindyn Vel'uss An'yui Erg'lesen had been growing in recent years. What had been three researchers was now seven. The numbers seemed small, far smaller than the armies that were readying for war across the continents, but somehow they were more sinister. Elai had been leading them since the creation, and with the seventh of them inducted, he knew they were ready. For years they had been sequestering their strength, stocking and storing and getting the spells crafted for this moment. This was only a sample, of course, but so important. Some of the younger of their number had begun to complain that there was nothing showing of all their hard work. When Valsharess had fallen, and war was coming, they began to wonder what good it was going to do when the cries of battle would do much the same job as these precious spells.

Now Elai stood before them, holding out his wrinkled hands. He was pleased to note that they didn't shake as they had the last time he'd brought them all together. In fact, all of his stance was belying something far stronger than he'd ever felt before. His spine, once bowed with age and the efforts of poring over tomes, now stood erect with no pain. He lifted his chin, his once deteriorating hearing catching the sound of his silver beard shifting. He took a deep breath, his thin, crooked nose twitching with the effort, and grinned. The Drow sorcerer's white teeth shone in his dark face, only his keen eyes darker than the inky skin. From within the cowl that only half hid his face, he spoke.

"Brothers! Today we shall see our hard work paid off! Today we shall be the ones to see the darkness that hides in the hearts of man!"

On cue, without any response to his speech, all seven bowed their hands, and focused. Under their feet, where no light could reach, sat a cell. There were some that said it was hewn by the same hand that had constructed the fearsome Terrenore prison, and some that said it was a cell of Terrenore, ripped by magic and placed within these Alerian mountains by an evil hand. It had only one point of light, a long, thin window that let in the light of the moon and stars upon the center of the room, leaving the edges in darkness. In that darkness, brittle and rusting shackles were chained to the walls. Within the shadows, the air began to shimmer with intent, power, and years worth of bottled sins.


Evangeline Daniels stood in Raiaera, looking in confusion at a sign posted on a tree. According to the notice before her, she was on the border of Raiaera and Alerar, two places she'd never heard before. Also according to the sign, it was extremely dangerous to continue. She peered beyond, into the darkened trees and snorted. It didn't look so terrible. She'd seen a small smidgeon of danger in Raiaera's Red Forest so far, and she'd come through it alive. Sure, beyond the border it seemed colder somehow, but how could a border change that much of a place?

As she stepped over it, she felt strange. Stopping, she sucked in a breath, holding her stomach. It almost felt as if a hook was tugging at her core. She looked again into the forest, and wondered if perhaps there was something more to the sign than she had first guessed. However, before she could step back into the sanctuary of Raiaeran soil, the tugging grew more insistent and she could feel herself sliding away. A light flashed before her, full of malice and a freezing wind. She thought, for a moment, she'd hit her head, and then, fear took over and everything went black.

When she awoke, she tried to stand. Metal so cold it seared lanced along her wrists, and she was horrified to find that she was lashed with the chains against a wall. She shivered, a stale breeze rustling her blonde locks as it wound it's way around the room. A sound startled her, and she squinted into the corners, sure she'd seen movement.

"Hello?" Eades called out, her voice wavering with fear and confusion. A low tone, chanting, seemed to come down from the ceiling, as if it were melting through the stone. She couldn't make out the Drow words, but suddenly, she felt as if the breeze was penetrating her chest through her clothes and skin. Something came in with the chill, something darker and alien to her. It knocked on the door to her heart, and little fool she was, she let it in. Again, Evangeline turned her head to the figure in the corner, and her gray eyes glowed in the moonlight. In them, the fires of hunger flared.

She called to the figure again, and slid her tongue lightly over her bottom lip.

05-27-07, 11:32 PM

... upon the stale air that velvet voice floated, longing for another to catch it's tune and heed her questioning call. If only in the darkening confines of an unknown cell could it be heard, would she truely wish to know the answer or remain blissfully unaware of the truth hidden amongst the shadows? Silence became a beckoning call to the girl.

"You have dissapointed me...."
In that shrill voice, whatever remained in the darkness shifted uncomfortably; it could not be described any longer as a man, as man by nature was born with an immortal soul.

"You will be punished...."
How it could scream and soothe at the same time was beyond the shadowed beast, though it clearly bothered him. It was his own misfortune that Drenn would cross the Queen of Alerar, failing to eliminate the dwarven resistance that she saw unfit to live free. Though it could never be explained to him how such a woman had the capacity to tear the very soul from a man so easily, how such a woman was able to manipulate without regards to any moral law...


... it screamed again, soothing his every nerve while tearing them from the very flesh of his being. As each muscle tensed in response, so did they glean in the soft rays of the moonlight. Opening his eyes to the shadows about him, the once mercenary peered through strewn locks of dirty onyx hair into the eyes opposite... so lifeless... so alive... so....


Already his rough hand had closed carefully around her neck; so gingerly he squeezed while looking past those golden bangs. As he had forced her against the wall, so did he worship her, turning her cheek to the side and letting his final cold breath pass over her naked skin....

... so she dared him to embrace her.

05-28-07, 10:58 PM
The hand over her neck was the only heat in the room, burning against her flesh as it pushed. She gasped, forcing a breath through the pressure. He did not squeeze so hard as to try and kill her, but she could feel her back pressed against the wall behind her. The chill of the stones and the chains that bound her to it found their way through her clothes. She shivered, squirming beneath the stranger's touch, arching her back to keep it from the icy stones. Struggling, she tried to turn her face to see her attacker.

In the pale moonlight, only a mockery of his form could be made out. Eyes as black as the intentions in his touch stared back at her, the whites glowing. She began to see sharper, the strange grin that graced his face, as the adrenaline came. She struck out, a startled cry ripping from her lips as the chains that held her back cut into her flesh. They'd been sharpened; the more she struggled, the more she would bleed.

Keeping one hand to her side, saving the strength in it for when she would need it, she reached the other hand upwards, ignoring the lancing pain as she placed her small hand over his strong fingers. The rattle of the rusty chains echoed around them, only punctuated by their breathing. His was still soft, controlled. He knew exactly what he was doing to her, and probably what he would do next.

"Please..." she whispered, her breath strained and ragged. This dark god had the upper hand, and she was just a play thing. His breath flowed across her bare neck, tickling the shorter hairs that fell in the curve between her neck and her shoulder. Her fingers tugged at his hand, in futility. There was power in everything about him, in the body and in the darkness. As she twisted her hip to try and move her shoulder from the wall, to slip from his grasp even as she was chained without mercy there, her leg slipped out, rubbing gently against his.

Through the thin material in which she was clothed, she could feel the heat of his body. Like a flower turns to the sun, so she reached out for that warmth. Something low in her abdomen tightened as she rattled against the chains to get to him. Her body was yearning for that warmth, and she wasn't sure if it was the icy room or the sudden clenching of everything within her that was hardening her nipples and flushing her cheeks with frustration.

"Please," she begged, "Let me loose." Even though she was certain that she was his captive, she hoped he would break the chains that bound her. She wanted to be let loose, but had no intentions of going anywhere.