View Full Version : Slowly drowning...

05-21-07, 07:58 PM
In schoolwork. I'll try to get active soon, finals this week, graduation soon. It's keeping me rather busy.

Sorry for anything I'm holding up, that goes for Aryr de Morte as well.

05-21-07, 08:00 PM
Sure thing. We'll hold up the fort at Bounty of the Baroness. Good luck with finals!

05-21-07, 08:02 PM
Enjoy. As much as such things can be enjoyed.

But yeah. Good luck with everything - it will end, despite overwhelming contradictory evidence - and I hope to see you back as soon as possible.

05-21-07, 08:18 PM
Good luck, chicka, like I said.

Finals week for me, too, so I know how it goes.


Oh yeah...this is Karu. I just forgot to switch accounts.

05-21-07, 08:46 PM
Ick. Finals. I hate Finals Week.

Unless it involves Biology or Philosophy. Yummers.

Good luck to you, Emma. May you pass with flying colors. :)

Cyrus the virus
05-22-07, 12:46 AM
Good luck, Emmaface. Soon you will be in art school! Learning about art! And drawing art! Then scanning the ones that are scannable so we can all admire and shower you with lovely, delicious praise. Mm, praise.

05-22-07, 07:17 AM
Oh, how I hated that week of finals...

Good luck. ^^ Don't stress out too much and don't study too hard or your brain might turn to mush. :p

05-22-07, 08:41 AM
yeah good luck with Finals and Witchy's right study but not too hard^^

Nothings worse than shorting out the brain before a test. You should do well though finals tend to be easier than the midterms.

05-22-07, 02:38 PM
Are we thinking of the same finals? Because mine's include things 3 chapters ahead of whatever text book I have!

Aaaanyways, I have finals this week too, good luck to you though!

P.S.:Seriously, don't study too hard, I did for the first test, and my brain just went *rasberry* when i was given it!

05-22-07, 03:10 PM
I hated that about high school finals. Always seemed to happen in English, for some reason - the test would cover shit that we'd never even heard of before. Good times.