View Full Version : A Returning member

Amaril Torrun
05-24-07, 11:29 AM
((I’m hoping to return Amaril to Althanas at the point where he left. I know he was in the middle of level 2 but I don’t know exactly how much experience he had. I really hope I did this right because it sure would be a pain to re-quest for his equipment and abilities. Let me know what needs to be changed, but I tried to give an accurate account for everything he has gained in the past.))

Name: Amaril Torrun

Age: 76

Race: Half dragon

Appearance: Amaril stands at 6’7”, weighing 286 lbs. He has long, black, and unkempt hair that reaches below his shoulders. His eyes are a light, almost icy blue where a normal person’s eyes would be white. His iris and pupils are a darker shade of blue, forever swirling in their position. Growing from his back are the two most unusual aspects of his appearance; things that have struck fear into some and cause unnecessary aggression in others. Erupting from his back are two eight foot long, five foot wide dark blue wings. Below this, his backbone stretches beyond his body in the form of a six foot tail with a sharp, arrowhead-like tip (but much larger) that has the same general strength as mythril. The tail is also coated in blue scales made up of the same material as the tip. Amaril clothes himself in nothing but a worn pair of leather pants, with rips in the knees and down the legs. He rarely attempts at covering his torso, as his wings are a significant obstacle. His skin is a dark tan, and almost every inch of his body is toned in muscle. Also, Amaril was born with three inch claws with the strength of steel rather than fingers. This does not include his thumbs, which oddly remained human.

Personality: Amaril seems to have a sullen, yet noble personality. He rarely speaks to strangers and sometimes even friends. He dislikes random acts of violence and needs some form of explanation for why he would act in such a way. Self defense and helping others out of trouble are the normal kinds of explanations he uses.

History: Amaril doesn’t remember how or where he was born. As far back as he can remember, he has been orphaned and had to fend for himself. His odd appearance and structure account for nothing but a mixed relationship between his parents. He has heard that dragons can take the form of a human, and this is the only explanation he has for why he is the way he is.

Amaril raised himself in Raiaera, living off of wild animals. Visiting a few cities in those early years, he learned that people would look at him as a they would a monster for the rest of his life. These ignorant people might run or even attack him for what he was. Because of this, he learned how to fight and defend himself.

He lived for years alone in the wild, waiting to waste away, but discovered that he had an extended lifespan due to his half-dragon blood. Deciding to make something of his life, he traveled to Corone, or more specifically Radasanth, a place he heard to be more accepting of the unnatural and full of opportunity.

Life in Radasanth has shown Amaril that people all over the world will view him differently. Once, while wandering the city streets, he was attacked, knocked unconscious and brought to an arena of some sort. Here he was forced to fight against a man named Madeus Maximus. The two knew they in some sort of illegal gladiator setting and decided to work together on an escape. Faking a fierce battle, they caught the gamblers unaware, killing anyone in their path. They escaped and Amaril learned that he would never be able to feel completely at ease while in a city.

Battling in the citadel as a form of training, Amaril met Kamikaze Zero whom he would adventure with quite a bit. One of these adventures, unplanned and quite unnatural, sent Amaril to the depths of the ocean. Sailing toward their destination with several other adventurers including Madeus Maximus and Kamikaze Zero, the boat ran into a giant whirlpool that sucked them to the ocean floor. They hit the ocean floor, destroying the boat, and they found themselves trapped. The ground was dry and they found a temple of some sort nearby. They agreed that there was no where else to go, and made their way to the temple. Bursting from the swirling walls of water and from the temple itself were mermen guardians, creating a vicious battle. Amaril’s group, victorious, made it into the temple and explored for a while before they had to fight a giant water elemental that brought almost everyone to the brink of death. Upon its death, it’s body disappeared and a small orb replaced it. This orb brought them to a deserted island, where they waited, luckily, for a passing ship to rescue them. During this disaster of a treasure seeking quest, Amaril heard for the first time, a voice that only he could hear and would yell for help at various times.

Growing even stronger, Amaril joined Kamikaze Zero, who seeked to kill a creature that plagued his mind. They met at the mouth of an underground ruin of some sort and battled hordes of creatures. Here, Amaril and Kamikaze Zero fought two separate and equal opponents. Kamikaze Zero fought a creature, who upon death turned out to be his mother and learned a powerful new ability. Amaril fought Kamikaze Zero’s mother’s guardian, a young dragon, slightly larger than the half-dragon and capable of breathing fire. Amaril killed the dragon, and almost died as well, but a scale from the dragon embedded itself in his chest. To this day, he believes the scale is what kept him alive.

The two companions signed up for a 2 vs. 2 tournament together, but Kamikaze Zero didn’t come to the first battle and Amaril never heard from his good friend again. Having created his first few relationships, only to lose them soon after, Amaril decided to move to Salvar, a place more suitable for living in his opinion. Here he would live in solitude in the area known as Sulgoran’s Axe.

Equipment: Amaril carries two steel daggers, sheathed at both sides of him.

His prevalida long sword is six feet in length, but his large physical form has made it a fairly easy weapon to maneuver. He has developed a small admiration for the blue sword and keeps this sheathed on his back, in between his wings, where it would be extremely difficult for anyone else to reach. (bought from the bazaar at level 1)

Embedded in the center of his chest is powerful scale. He still doesn’t know enough about this magical item, retrieved from the corpse of the young red dragon, but it has given him some control over a few elements. (Awarded after hitting level 1, during a quest with Kamikaze Zero)

Abilities: Immunity to the cold- Amaril was born with an immunity to cold weather because of his dragon father’s immunity. This immunity is against natural elements such as snow and ice. A freezing spell would still freeze him in place if that was its intent (he just wouldn’t feel cold). This could hurt him in a battle if he tries to leap at an opponent, not knowing he has been frozen in place.

Weakness to Fire- If Amaril comes in contact with the smallest of fires, he literally begins to melt from the inside. A campfire, for example would kill him if he sat next to it (with the same distance as a normal camper would) for ten minutes. If being burned, he begins to lose metal control, possibly forgetting that he needs to get away from the fire.

Flight- Level 0- Amaril is capable of flying for extended periods of time in good weather, and limited flight during poor weather conditions, such as rainstorms with small gusts of wind. During a blizzard, hurricane, or something of that magnitude however, he is in even more danger than a normal person because the wind will catch under his wings and fling him in any way nature desires.

Level 1- Amaril has the same capabilities of flight, but can now carry one person for up to a mile before needing to rest, the distance going down during poor weather conditions previously described. He might be able to carry a second person if absolutely necessary, but for a significantly short distance, and it would drain almost all his energy.

Level 2- Amaril’s wings have continued to grow in strength, allowing him to carry one person up to two miles, and two people for slightly greater distances with enough energy to fight an opponent a level lower than himself.

Ice spit- Level 0- Amaril can spit three ice darts per day, each six inches in length. They are essentially the same as his daggers, with the advantage of unpredictability and the disadvantage of melting. They take about a minute to make, so he needs to plan ahead a bit if he wants to use them

Level 1- Amaril can spit two ice darts at once in the same direction two times a day, along with his three-a-day limit. They can be made in half a minute now, as his glands have grown used to creating them.

Level 2- Amaril can now spit four ice darts per day, and two at a time twice per day.

Weapon Proficiency- Level 1- Amaril has become rather accurate with his daggers. Its difficult for an opponent of average agility to avoid his daggers if they are within ten yards of him.

Level 2- Amaril continues to use his daggers as effectively, and his distance while remaining accurate has grown to 15 yards. He is getting used to his long sword and is as capable as a lower ranked guard or soldier or level 1 characters with some experience with this type of weapon.

The Elemental Scale- Amaril is slowly gaining control of elements.

Level 2 elemental abilities/ hindrances
-Ice- Amaril was already half-ice dragon, giving him an innate immunity to the natural cold, along with some control over the element. The scale has made his ice darts slightly harder and he now gets a slight tingle if frozen in place.
-Wind- Amaril can blow things 30 lbs or lighter away for a distance of 20 feet. He is also slightly more capable of flight because of this.
-Fire- Amaril is now capable of thought while being burned, but his weakness remains the same.

05-24-07, 11:59 AM
I have to say that your name rings a bell, but not much else. Sadly, I don't remember much about your character so I'll have to take your word on all of this stuff.

One thing that I found a bit... strange. You said that you bought a six foot prevalida sword prior to hitting level one. I find that somewhat hard to believe because a prevalida blade of that size would take some serious cash. Now, I'm not saying that you didn't buy it. I'd just like to know how did you get enough cash to buy it. Just a clarification, that's all.

Amaril Torrun
05-24-07, 05:07 PM
Yeah, you're probably right about the sword. I changed it to him getting it after level 1 and downed his proficiency with the weapon accordingly.

Also, since I don't know exactly how much experience I had, I understand that it wouldn't be fair to just guess. So could it be set as if I had just leveled up to 2?

05-24-07, 06:46 PM
I guess that will have to do.

You are approved with 6,000 EXP and some 500 GP, because while it wouldn't be fair to guess, it wouldn't be fair to take away hard earned EXP/GP either. Welcome back to Althanas.

EDIT: Temporarily reopened for edits.

Amaril Torrun
05-26-07, 08:16 AM
Thank you Letho. The edit has been made.

05-26-07, 09:56 AM
And you are approved... again.