View Full Version : Curing my Summertime Blues

05-25-07, 05:34 PM
I'm very saddened at the fact that no one around my home area likes to play Dungeons and Dragons. Before today, I pretty much resigned to not playing a damn bit til Fall Semester started and I was back in my college's area, where all the players I know are. This is a depressing idea, but then something came to mind.......

Why can't I hold a compaign online?

The idea's a bit weird, and it would call for a lot of work on my part, but I've been doing some research on it, and I have A) access to Player's Handbooks and other DnD books online (and for free), and B) a program, called OpenRPG, which would fit the ideas I have very nicely.

I'm still planning on what the campaign would involve, and how I would set it up with OpenRPG (By the way, the prog's found HERE (http://www.openrpg.com)), but I'd like to see if anyone here was at all interested. What do you all think?

EDIT: List of Players as of June 8th, 2007, 5:13 PM EST:

Reiko - Rogue
Artifex Felix - Sorceror
Effrose - Monk
Karuka Tida - Cleric
Hamnat - Fighter

And that's a wrap, folks. There's our beautiful team.

Skie and Avery
05-25-07, 06:22 PM
Aw, I'm for it, but I'd never be able to guarantee that I could be on at a set time. =(

Moonlit Raven
05-25-07, 07:41 PM
I've been wanting to play since Manda first tried her hand at D&D. If you get it up I'll play with ya. :D

05-25-07, 08:00 PM
I might, don't know if I can commit but I enjoy DnD and have some 3.0 books stashed away^^ I'm definately interested.

05-25-07, 08:26 PM
Totally Totally Totally!

Zomg, <3

05-25-07, 10:04 PM
Ain't nuttin' like the blues to cure the blues, that's for sure...

05-25-07, 11:09 PM
I might, donno. Usually whenever I itch for some good ol' DND I'll go find my old copy of Neverwinter Nights. Really good DND based game, although it does cost money.

Any idea what dates and times you'll be hostin' it?

05-26-07, 02:13 AM
Awesome! Glad some people have their eye on the idea. For all of you who are seriously interested, the first thing you ought to do is download OpenRPG HERE (http://www.openrpg.com/index.php?page=install). Make sure you download all of the components and install them, just follow the instructions on the site and you'll be fine. Then, you might want to open it up and poke around for a little while, just to see how it all works. If it seems complicated, don't let it intimidate you; I have a good grasp on it, and I think I can put it into practice and also explain it to a newbie.

Oh, and if you're new to DnD, that's fine too, I don't mind helping out new people with the game (I'm not exactly a pro either.). I'll be using 3.5 Rules, so your books may be a little outdated Reiko :(. However, I've thumbed through both 3.0 and 3.5 core rulebooks before and there are some differences, but when it comes to character creation, I think they mostly kept it the same, so don't be afraid to use them. For all of you who do not have DnD books, I've got the perfect answer for you here:

FREE DnD BOOKS ONLINE ZOMG. (http://www.campus-nerds.com/?p=downloads&path=files/v35/)

(Yeah, apparently there's a law stating that the actual rules for Dungeons and Dragons ((and most table-top games for that matter like Vampire: the Masquerade and others)) are free property, so you're allowed to download scripts like these online legally. When you buy the books, you're mostly buying the stories, the descriptions, and the illustrations.)

Anyway, from the link above, you can download the "Basic Rules" zip file and that'll be an entire folder of all the basic things you need to make a character. They're not very newbie-friendly though, so, if you have any questions, by all means contact me on my aim GoldenGodDeo or my MSN deothegoldengod@msn.com. I'll be glad to help ya. The campaign I'll be making will be a Level One campaign, to make it simple for you guys (and for me, I've never DM'ed before >.>)

So, just to recap:

1. Download OpenRPG, install it, mess around with it!

2. Make a Level One character using DnD 3.5 Core Rulebook rules! Find me if there's any questions.

3. (I'm adding this in) Get an AIM or MSN account to better get in touch with me! It'll make my life easier, and I can answer any questions you have.

And that's all I will bother you with for right now. It's a lot to think about so yeah......

PS: For all you guys who have played alot of DnD, I want to keep it simple. Only the classes and races from the Player's Handbook I....because I'm not dealin' with crap I've never even heard of. Thanks! :D

05-28-07, 08:31 PM
Here's a tidbit for everyone - Althanas was, at one time, an Online D&D homebrew campaign.

It hurts thinking about that now.

Shangrilasha Y'turashk
05-29-07, 04:45 PM
Hey, I'm all for it. But I would, however, advise against using OpenRPG. I've used it before to try and hold campaigns, and it's stability is kinda shifty (meaning it crashes alot), doesn't have the greatest set of tools, and a number of other things which I forget but remember as being a real pain in the butt before.

My friends and I typically just hold campaigns in AIM chats or the like and it works much better.

05-29-07, 04:52 PM
I really wanted to get into it, but I didn't have anyone to play with. So I'm all for it. (^_^) I've actually been complimented for my D&D spell-style. I came in with 3.5, though, so I might see and play things a little differently than the older people here. :P

I actually have 8 Level 1 characters already made on Paper, so I can use them, ya know?

06-02-07, 02:09 PM
Another tool: Javascript DND 3.5 Character Generator (http://www.pathguy.com/cg35.htm)

With that, you'll be able to make a character and put it into a .doc format, because I'll be needing copies of your character sheets to approve them. That page looks really confusing, I know, but as long as you ignore everythign but the 3.5 rules (none of the extra stuff like Unearthed Arcana blah blah). Once you get past some confusing parts at the beginning, it'll start to make sense. When you get to the rolling part, use "5d6, best 3" from the dropdown box. Again, questions, my aim.

Ok, as for times, I dont know everyone else's time schedule....so far, I'm open just about any day, however I will be getting a job at some point. I plan on this game being at least weekly, one day a week, every week. But when that day is and what time it'll be, is up to our combined schedules.

Shangrilasha, I appreciate the concerns, but at least for one session I want to try OpenRPG. If it crashes like you say it does, we can think of other alternatives. IF anyone has any other alternatives, please let me know, always good to have a plan B.

Plot is in the works, so get in touch with me guys, and get me your character sheets.

Edit: One more thing. Since I am new to the DM'ing, I have to limit the game's number of players. I'll keep it to a simple number of 5 players in all. This means that the first 5 character sheets that get to me and are approved are the players that will be taking part in the game. I'll be waiting. :)

06-02-07, 10:05 PM
Sorry for the double post but I wanted to do two things. First, I wanted to make a correction about the races and classes you can be. It can be anything from the 3.5 Core rulebook or monster manual. Ok, to be honest, I think I will accept most anything, as long as it's a humanoid race and the class you are I have information on. But you HAVE to send me a copy of your character so I can approve it. Contact me on AIM or MSN (check previous posts for said messenger names).

The second reason I wanted to post again is to put a list of who I have playing so far. I'm gonna take it onto the first post of this thread, so take a look and make sure your name gets on there! :O

Artifex Felicis
06-02-07, 10:23 PM
As much as as I would love to join this, I don't think I can. But still, I would like to follow along a little, so if I could find a way do that that would be great.

Also, that site rocks. I think I might just play around with it for a while.

06-07-07, 02:12 PM
The list of players has been updated. Also, I put up what classes the players are playing, because I'd like to encourage a well-rounded party. Two spots are still open. Those of you who have talked to me about it, still need your character sheets. Remember, first sheets, first......play?

I hope to run it sometime next week. Again, questions? Ask me.

06-07-07, 09:36 PM
Drat...I was gonna shoot in a application for a sorceress...Can I still be a wizard? If not, then I'll take a fighter.

06-07-07, 10:47 PM
Well, if someone honestly wants to be a specific class, I won't say no, they can't. However, it would be nice to have a fighter, considering we don't have one yet.........we don't have a healer, either.

Anyway, whenever you get your sheet done, you can send it to me by PM, or by email deothegoldengod@msn.com

06-08-07, 01:14 AM
You have yourself a healer.

06-08-07, 03:14 PM
I made a fighter. Sent you a bunch of stuff via IM, but as you noticed, or will notice, it's difficult to make out. I'm gonna try and put it in a .jpeg format. That way you can still print it, or whatever it is you're planning to do.

06-08-07, 04:18 PM
Alright, everyone's approved! I extend apologies for anyone else who wanted to join, but couldn't get their characters in. If you already made a sheet, hold onto it: You never know if we might have some circumstances involving a player drop out. You'll be the first to know.

As for those of ya I have approved, good party! The only thing left to be done is to establish good meeting times. Right now, my schedule is mostly free, but in my experience Thursdays are usually a good time to try and make a game happen. Please post any ideas or concerns you have with times you could schedule to play, guys.

06-08-07, 04:55 PM
At the moment, I'm good for any time.

06-09-07, 09:04 PM
Anytime after noon, central-American time, that is, and not on Friday evenings, or Saturdays.

06-09-07, 10:21 PM
Alright, I've decided on a specific time to meet every week. Our game time's gonna be Thursday, from 8:00 PM EST until whenever. Whenever being when a) I run out of stuff to continue with, b) Something just SCREAMS at me to be a stopping point, like finishing a long journey or c) You guys go "wah wah, I gotta work tomorrow, I have a LIFE to live, boo hoo."

And this is the server and room we'll be playing in, along with the password that will be used for every game (unless we're having problems....) :

Server: OpenRPG Veav I
Room: Althanas
PW: noj

Also, keep in mind that even though we have a set day to play, we don't have to play that day every week. Heck, if everyone's down,we can set up two meetings a week. It's all up to the majority discretion of the group.

I'm looking forward to our first game!

EDIT: Day is now in. I so stupid, LOLLERSKATEZ

06-09-07, 10:31 PM
Quel jour, monsieur le maitre des dongeouns?

06-09-07, 10:47 PM
......I can't believe I didn't put the day down.




06-14-07, 11:51 AM
There might be a chance I won't make it tonight, or I'll be late. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but my parents set up some events without seeing if I would be busy. It starts at 6:00, central time, and who knows how long I'll be unavailable. Sorry again, Shen.

06-18-07, 09:59 PM
Shoulda posted this last Thursday....well, anyway:

Good session everyone! Everything went really well, and it's good that I have to stop and check the book ocassionally when you guys do something I don't expect. Very nice.

To Recap: For your own reasons, you all came to the port town of Barros. Undertaking different jobs, you end up meeting one another at a halfing's house (Though at sword and/or bow-point). Some men attack soon after you discover each other, and you fend them off fairly easily. Once the tensions settle, you all agree to work for Porto (the halfling) and guard him during his transport to Valnasia. He shows you a map, and on it you see two different paths to Valnasia....one set through a mountain range, and another pushing through a dense forest. Which way to go? ~ End of Recap.

Also, we have an issue: Artifex has reported that he won't be able to make it on Thursday, so to try to keep him in, I'm going to shoot for Saturday. Would Saturday, around 2 or 3 PM EST, be doable for everyone?

06-18-07, 10:01 PM
yeah I can do Saturday at that time but I'll probably need to be reminded of it.

06-18-07, 10:02 PM
I'm up for it.

06-19-07, 09:39 PM
Nevermind about the last post, we're doing it on Thursday again, same time (8:00 PM EST). Artifex, you'll be missed :'(

06-19-07, 10:08 PM
So how am I going to join in with the group? Or am I gonna be left hanging off the edge of a cliff? :(

And I'll be there this time!

06-21-07, 11:26 PM
Session Recap: Karuka gets Blessed. Reiko catches a crab with his tail. Hamnat punches a drunk.

Ok, there is more.

Despite warnings, you decide to head to the forest path, travelling through the Sea of Midnight, the huge forest near Valnasia. You get there uneventfully, but you do run into a gruff elf with a sort of bad attitude for those who worship Pelor. He warns you of the bandits, proving his ranger skills by checking the tracks on the ground, before walking into the dense wood and disappearing.

Those who showed up got 300 Roleplaying experience. Good job!

As for next session.....

I want to plan it earlier than Thursday, because I wanted the story to get by faster than it did. So, I'm hoping for Monday, but I dont know how this will work with you all. If you have a different idea, or agree with Monday same time, please post it. Thanks!

06-22-07, 12:39 PM
Monday works well for me.(^_^) 7:00 EST this time though..(that's 6:00 for me.)

Ha..my grandma wants to watch us next time we meet. I told her she's fine as long as she doesn't ask too many questions. I also figured out how to work the auto-roll system. No more manual rolling! (^_^)

Artifex Felicis
06-24-07, 12:05 PM
Monday is fine by me. Hopefully I'll be there.

And I want my exp ;_;

06-24-07, 07:04 PM
monday can work, I just can't do anything until 6:00PM on worknight's though.

06-24-07, 07:08 PM
6 p.m EST or Pacific, Reiko?

~ Karu

06-24-07, 07:23 PM
oh sorry, Pacific, so it'd be 9:00 EST

06-25-07, 04:50 PM
Alright. We'll get started around 8 or 8:30 EST today, so hopefully the most you'll miss is everyone getting situated and what not. We'll be waiting for ya, Reiko.

06-25-07, 11:31 PM
Session 3 Is over. And a well done job to you!

Recap: As night began approaching, you find camp near a bridge, and end up encountering goblins and a bugbear. You manage the situation well, and they're easily dealt with. You question the goblin, but he doesnt tell you much other than he has 3 other goblins you did not kill. He does, however, tellyou that he and his group had found some gold and a gem on the bridge, and had decided to guard it ever since to get more gold.

You all head to sleep, and on the last watch with Allume and Tyria, they see a "blood"-stained Herod ( the elf from earlier) approaching them, staggering. He mumbles that goblins attacked him. But as Allume gets closer, she notices that this red substance doesn't look like blood after all, and he has no wounds.

And, instead of giving experience.....I just leveled you up. Everyone is level 2 now! Hurray! I had decided to give everyone Max HP for leveling, so enjoy. Next game is Thursday, 8:00 PM EST. Hope to see you there!

07-07-07, 01:48 AM
This is a very late post, but it's needed.

I'm not up for a recap right now, but I'll put one up soon. Anyway, for Session 4 (Thursday, June 28), you all recieved 700 Experience.

Also, for last session, exp was only rewarded to Karuka Tida and Reiko, for they were the only ones to show up. However, everyone did get 900 gold each for your work with Porto. Also, you're in Valnasia, and the city's stocked full of anything you might need, so if you plan on buying equipment, think about what you would like to get and confirm it with me on next game, Thursday the 12th. The only restrictions on what you can buy are alchemical stuff and things that rogues would need (such as thieve's tools).....those must be gotten through certain events.

Please IM me if you have any questions.

07-09-07, 01:56 PM
Alright, time for the recap!

Session 4

Continuing from the last recap, it turns out that Herod was actually the leader for the REAL bandits, who had surrounded the mostly unprepared and sleepy party. It became clear that they had no intentions to kill the party, but the prospect of being robbed blind because the bandits thought they were evil wasn't much better, so a battle ensues. One sorceress being knocked out later, soon spiders began to descend on both the party AND the bandits. All make a quick pact in the good sense of saving their own lives, and the spiders are dealt with accordingly.

The party soon learns why Herod was so brash to act and why he has such a disgust for the priest(esse)s of Pelor. As an orphan, he had lived in an orphanage ran by the church of Pelor, and had almost been kidnapped and/or killed by them. Since then, he has been unable to return to the city, for fear of his life from assassins. He has been robbing the priests since then, hoping to get some sort of revenge for his orphanage and his childhood friends. Before everyone leaves, Herod gives Allume a +1 Heavy Mace of Lesser Mercy for saving Allastor from bleeding to death, and for good luck.

Session 5 (July 5th)

After a very well-earned bed rest, Allume and Tyria first take some time to learn the nature of Valnasia. It is indeed a church city, and each of its city's religions all specialize in providing services that tie in to their talents. Satisfied, they both first head towards the Precinct of Heironeous, where Allume's brother was thought to be. On their way there, they figure out that the paladins of Heironeous seem very distrustworthy of clerics of Pelor, though the paladin they encountered was short on words. Once at the Precinct, they are told to move along, since the common populace is not allowed into the Precinct, though the paladins did say they knew of Allume's brother.

So, instead, the rogue and cleric head together to the Ward of Pelor. They encounter a little skirmish going on between an incredibly strong cleric and two rogues, and assist the cleric as much as they can. The cleric introduces himself as Jorin Lightbringer afterwards, once the paladins come to arrest the men after they knocked them out, and Allume quickly recognizes this guy as a very well known cleric among the disciples of Pelor. Very friendly, he escorts the two into the Ward and line them up for an audience with the High Priest, Korus Lightbringer. The High Priest tells Allume why she was called from so far away....to assist with the gathering of the remains of a certain cleric so he can be resurrected from the grave. Allume agrees, though distrusting the old man, who was very inquisitive about the bandits and seemed preoccupied when the old orphanage burning was brought up.

07-12-07, 01:20 AM
And a quick reminder that Thursday, July 12th, at 8:00 pm EST, is when Session 6 begins. Hope to see you all there!

Yes, that is later today. :P

07-13-07, 12:25 PM
Sorry...looks like I missed it, AGAIN....my sisters are here and they've been a real distraction. But, thank goodness, they'll be gone next week. So ya'll will see me next week...I hope...

07-16-07, 06:56 PM
At Skylar's suggestion (and because I REALLY don't feel like writing with my other characters right now), I present to you: The Allume Chronicles.

I'm gonna start with the side quest I'm doing right now, if I feel like writing from before that, I'll add it in later.

Inferno in the Sea of Midnight

As we were about to embark on the mission I was assigned to rescue Brother Horace's remains that Brother Jorin may resurrect him, a fire broke out in the Sea of Midnight -- where Brother Jorin had been sent to capture Herod and bring him to Valnasia.

Fearing for the safety of Jorin, Herod and the others, I raced toward the Sea of Midnight amidst some protests from my party members.

When I arrived at the forest, the entrance was already ablaze, and I could see that within, nothing was better. Praying to Pelor for protection from the heat, I made my way into the forest and headed toward the sound of combat. What I saw when I got to the site of the battle was awful and terrifying.

Brother Jorin was locked in battle with a sorcerer who looked to be almost evenly matched with him, and a trio of small fire elementals surrounded Herod's body, and I didn't know if he was dead or alive. There was no one else.

Brother Jorin yelled to me to save Herod, and I complied. If that sorcerer could stand his ground against Jorin Lightbringer, surely Allume Gredara would be little more than a bug before his power.

Rushing over toward Herod and the elementals that were burning the forest around him, I cast a water spell at the nearest, and he came to attack me.

The details of the battle are burned into my memory. It was as though Pelor's hand itself guided my mace, striking down my enemies that they might not prevail. When the elementals had been destroyed, I did what I could for Herod and then looked to Brother Jorin and his battle.

They fought on, and Herod remained unconscious. I didn't see any of the others, and had to presume they'd either fled or been slain.

A chance glance revealed a curiosity about the Sorcerer's structure, and I cried out to Jorin to look at his left arm. When Brother Lightbringer dispelled the illusion surrounding the seemingly human mage, a Lich stood before us, a disgusting and powerful undead creature.

Jorin tried to order me to take Herod and go, but without him, how would Brother Horace be brought back to us? How would Herod and I find the answer to the Heresy in the Church of Pelor? ... and how could there be forgiveness for leaving Lightbringer alone with a Lich? He's done many great things, but he was never alone to do them. I had left to me three spells -- to heal a little bit of damage or create water, but I was ready to use them to aid Brother Lightbringer. And if necessary, I was ready to die in his place.

Before any of that could happen, though, a wall of fire rose between us. He was left to the Lich, and I with a rapidly burning forest and an unconscious ranger. Praying for Brother Jorin's safety, I picked up Herod and carried him as fast as I could away from the flames.

I ran and ran until a tree fell on me. I pressed on, though, even though I could barely see, barely stand. But the smoke was thick, and I fell, Herod tumbling from my grasp as blackness threatened to overcome me. I thought I saw feet approaching through the fire and smoke, maybe taking me to the world beyond, and my last thought as darkness took me was "I tried."

I awoke later in a cold pitch blackness, feeling every bit of pain from the battle and running earlier. I wondered if this was my punishment for not saving Lightbringer and Herod from the Lich, if I'd been sent to the Abyss...but I could feel that I had a body, and heard water.

Sitting up, and then standing, I stumbled around in the dark until I found the wall, and followed it to a small stream, which was gloriously cold and tasted wonderful. I took it as proof that Pelor was watching over me, although I had yet to hear of my companions. Lighting a torch, I looked around and thought I heard voices, but as I could not tell what language, I crept closer until I could recognize the crude Goblin tongue.

Had I been brought from the fire only to wind up a goblin's meal? Commanding them to show themselves, I was rewarded by the sight of three goblins -- and one of them was familiar. It had been Gangi and his brothers that rescued me.

Pelor does indeed work in mysterious ways. I saved Gangi from another member of my party before. Had I not, I would have perished and Herod with me.

Gangi took me to see Herod, who had awakened before me. I learned that none of his companions had survived the conflagration, and could see the pain in his eyes. I felt awful...there was nothing...nothing I could do or could have done, but somehow I felt that, in some small part, I was responsible. I hadn't told Jorin how to find Herod, true, I'd merely tried to intercede on his behalf. But if there had been something I could have done... was there anything?

Gangi took us to look for Jorin, and Herod asked me why he'd had a Lich traveling with him. I'd been told that he'd be accompanied by Paladins, not a Sorcerer. And Brother Jorin -- is amazing, but not suspicious enough to think of others' deceptions. I fear that his father may have been the one to send the Lich.

At the site of the battle, Druids were putting out the last of the fires, but they hadn't found Brother Jorin, though they'd looked.

It was Herod that found a trace of him -- his golden helmet, and nothing more. I couldn't give up hope -- there was no burnt skeleton, no trace of bones -- and none of his other armor. He has to be alive. I won't give up hope.

I said the Death Prayers for Herod's friends, and right now I am preparing myself for the journey ahead. If Jorin has been captured by the Lich, there are a few possibilities, and I pray it to be the first.

The first is that he's being held within a circle of protection against good or some other form of binding. If so, if I can get to him, I'll be able to break the line of silver and free him. Otherwise...the Lich may have killed him...and if Pelor did not prevent it, he may have Turned him.

Either way, I have to find Jorin, alone, if I must. I have to free him...one way or another.

May Pelor's hand guide me each step of the way.

07-23-07, 08:29 PM
So...how about that post?? :(

08-03-07, 12:40 AM
Wow. I'm sorry for all who were at the game today. My internet completely cut out on me. I couldn't get back on for an entire hour.

Anyway, here's the low down: Bastet, Tyria, Vahalkul, and Alton recieve 1300 EXP for the session. Allume, higher in level, recieves 1000 EXP. It was a good session, all in all. And to recap:

You've finally arrived in Philandria after a grueling, yet somewhat short journey. During your first night's sleep, you are woken up by strange sounds in the night. A zombie is tossed through the pub window. A battle is heard.

As you all rush out, you encounter some undead fiends, ranging from incorporeal shadows to Ghouls who could use magic. You defeated them, one way or another, and encountered the being who was at the head of this particular skirmish: A cleric from the priesthood of Nerull, the god of Death. With some blows from the rest of the party and a particularly deft blow from Tyria, you were able to take down the cleric. You acquired some items from him, which I have a list of, along with Tyria more than likely.

After the battle, Allume attempted to heal the bartender of the town, only to be received with a hostile reaction to her use of magic. A woman, an illusionist by the name of Mina, was able to erase his mind, and told the party that the town was not accepting of magic. They had even burned people at the stake for using it. She is willing to tell you all where to find the ashes of Brother Horace, if you are willing to take out the cult of Nerull who is close by. She is also willing to identify the items you obtained from the cleric, if you decide to help her and Philandria.

That's the gist of what's happened. The next move is up to you all.....

08-09-07, 04:16 PM
Just to clarify, there IS a game tonight at 8:00 Pm, EST. Like last Thursday. And every Thursday before that. Hope to see you all there.

08-10-07, 02:31 AM
I am tired as all bugger. You all received 1900 EXP. Good game. Oh, and she's dead. Yay!

*will go into more detail later.*

08-14-07, 12:22 AM
Recap of Thursday, August 9th's game:

Bravely (or foolishly), you all agreed to help the old illusionist out and attack the Nerull cult stationed in a run-down cathedral a ways from Philandria called the Solmn Santuary, in the swamps. You avoided quicksand and the bulk of the undead forces there as Mina was able to lure out the army with a clever illusion of hers. You approached a back entrance which was covered in heavy rocks, which you quickly moved out of the way. From there, you soon encountered Two zombie bugbears, two apprentice clerics, and the lead cleric herself, Lashura. It become apparent that Lashura, who seemed at first human, was in fact a Necropolitan, an undead being who had once been of human flesh and blood but no longer. Many of you took great wounds from Lashura's impressive spells and her powerful scythe, even felling the rogue Tyria with two attacks, but with combined efforts you were able to slay this cleric of Nerull. Unfortunately, the undead armies had returned before you could escape, but a wizard appeared, teleporting your wounded, drained bodies to safety. Not much else happened, because the rest of you collapsed from fatigue (and negative levels :O )

As I said in the previous post, you've gained 1900 exp from this encounter! Congratulations.

I am sad to say that Tyria, the rogue, will not be returning to the next game. A better life waits for her elsewhere, with perhaps safer opportunities. But she will never forget her travels with you. Maybe you will meet again....

And also, the ranger, Vahalkul, did not come back from the swamp. After leaving the party to scout, he did not return. Unknown are his whereabouts or his wellbeing.

And that's all. I have already told some of you this, but I will be returning to college this week. Which is awesome. However, I do not know what this entails when it comes to this campaign. The problem with the campus I'll be living on is that their network firewall has a habit of blocking most every online program. I will explore my options after getting myself settled in (and partaken in much well-waited-for debauchery). There will be no game for this week, Thursday, August 16. Take this time for yourselves.

Also, I have said to some of you that I will be holding a special one or two session campaign involving referenced characters from this current timeline as a kind of prequel. It will involve 8th level characters, premade with stories and stats, but the rest will be up to you. I'll have more information on this as it come available, and for these campaigns I may be inviting people outside of this campaign to come play. Stay tuned.

Oh and have a great week, guys.

The Grey Wizard
08-14-07, 01:02 AM
I'm very saddened at the fact that no one around my home area likes to play Dungeons and Dragons. [/b]

Man am I totally with you on that one I would so love to join in but seems that you have a full group. But anyhow I now how you feel because only time I can play is with my cousin and brother but we sometime get lucky and get an occasional friend that plays.

08-14-07, 01:45 PM
"An' t' think the last thing I said to the lass was how she don't know when nah to speak...if only SOMEONE had healed her before we left that hellish place."

08-22-07, 11:14 PM
No game this Thursday. Still getting settled in and jobbed. Must focus on not dying. Yes. I will expand on my situation in a later date.