View Full Version : Conventions

05-28-07, 05:15 AM
So, it's summer time. There's going to be a lot of conventions for all sorts of things, like sci fi stuff and comics and anime and games ect ect. So what conventions are you guys going to, or are you going? Or which would you like to go to if you could. Who knows, maybe some other Althanians will be going to the same one you are!

As for myself, Anime Expo in Long Beach. This will be my second time there. It's estimated to be like 50,000 people or some huge number like that @__@. I'm going as Amane Misa from Death Note. So if you're going, and you see me, wave or something!

05-28-07, 05:52 AM
I so envy you.

No rest for the weary soul, Nya~ My University classes start in one week. So~ No convention for me. I even missed the last one in my hometown. :(

Get me photos of the Con, though. :D Please~?

05-28-07, 03:10 PM
stupid school >_<!! I'm sorry you've got classes, but I will definately get some pictures. Any cosplayers in particular you wanna see?

Skie and Avery
05-28-07, 03:17 PM
I hold conventions in dark rooms for people who like to play Twister naked.

05-28-07, 08:34 PM
Skip Anime Expo, go to Comic-Con in San Diego ;)

05-28-07, 08:59 PM
Thanks for asking, Momo! :D

Uru... I'd like to see if anyone's cosplaying as Yuffie Kisaragi or not - Heck, maybe an Advent Children version of Tifa would be great, too. :p

Asides from that~

Fate/Stay Night. And Tsukihime.

Gotta love the costumes. ;)

Thanks! I know it's a lot, but please do this for someone who's life revolves only around computers and libraries, Nya?

05-29-07, 01:44 PM
Oh, I mentioned this on another thread without spotting this one.

I am going to comic-con in San Diego probably. Last year was my first one, and I actually went to make my boyfriend happy, but now I think it would be fun to go back with him. Plus I live super close, so it works out nicely.

San Diego is a great town too, so I think everyone should visit it!

05-29-07, 09:50 PM
They don't have anything (that I'm aware of) up here in NY... Otherwise I'd want to go to one...

Probably as Mugen from Champloo, or maybe L from Deathnote because that would take the least amount of effort... ;)

Max Dirks
05-30-07, 09:37 AM
We had an Althanas convention last year. It was me, Findelfin, Ashiakin, Dark Magus and a Salvadorian Conquistador. Rachel was also there.

05-30-07, 10:06 PM
I would really really REALLY like to go to E3 some time, but i never hear about it until its already passed -_-

06-01-07, 09:42 AM
Anime Next is just outside of NYC, July 6-8 - and it's honestly one of the better ones on the East Coast in my humble opinion (Otakon is just too big now). Anime Next (http://www.animenext.org/)

Not going this year myself since I'll be back home in Texas for the week...

Sighter Tnailog
06-01-07, 02:28 PM
Max is right, it was a great one.

I'm going to the Fund for Theological Education's Conference on Excellence in Ministry.