View Full Version : Lost in the woods

04-15-06, 12:34 AM
I look around, wondering where i could be. All I see are trees upon trees. I would like to torch them all. In my mind, I can hear them plotting, planning, hating. They should burn.

Leaves rustle. I turn towards the sound and begin to concentrate the torch spell. A coney jumps out at me. I relax and realize that the only one to be feared here is me.

I feel so lonely. I begin to walk to the East. At least, I think that is East. Oh! if only to torch these trees, these heralds of hatred, these bastions of darkness. But no, I lost my villiage during such an attempt to fully tap my power. The Nether world can be very difficult to control, especially by one such as myself. I may end up reducing all of Scara Brae to cinders if I have no control.

I realize that I am hungry. Thankfully, i have learned how to cook rabbit stew. But I have no water or vegetables. Nor do I have a knife to clean the rabbit with.

But wait! Do mine eyes decieve me?!? A bush of blueberries! They have ripened as of yet. I must save some, but they are so delicious!

No! I must focus. I must control myself. I put the berries into a sack I have to save for later. I pay careful attention to not close the sack to tightly as to avoid squeezing the juice out of these delectable treats.

I continue my voyage to the East. These trees are so annoying! Why must they crowd in like this? Why must they exist? And who gave them this existance? Oh! for the humanoid curiosity! It is a severe weakness. The want for knowledge, the wish to have all knowing, to be perfect.

04-21-06, 01:58 PM
"IS ANYBODY OUT THERE?" she called out to the forest."SOMEBODY PLEASE ANSWER ME!"

"WHO GOES THERE?" said a man's voice.


04-21-06, 03:16 PM
Faith could here the loud, what she assumed was a human, through the empty wood. She put on her cloak and hat and turned to the wolf beside her.


Smells funny. Not like a human really. Sort of like you. She's afraid. The wolf's nose was in the air

"She must be half-elf." Faith said aloud. She tucked her pointed ears into her hat and pulled it low to cover her feminine eyes. "Come on, Maya. We should help her."

She bent down, grabbing her bow from where it lay on the ground, and sprinted away, long legs carrying her easily through the forest. She covered ground easily, maneuvering through trees and bushes, her silver wolf by her side. She breathed in the bright wooded air, feeling freedom and vitality flow through her. She loved being in the woods, the openness and the quiet. The bustle of cities made her crazy... but the quiet serenity of the forest was her sanctuary.

She saw the girl before letting her presence be known. She deepened her voice, pretending to be a man.

"Who goes there?!" She asked in as gruff a voice as she could manage.

The lost woman responded with her name.

Faith stepped through the woods, appearing out of the shadows suddenly, the silver wolf standing beside her. Faith's hand rested on the sleek wolf's back. "My name is Aran." She said, giving a false male name to try and protect her idenitity.

"Are you lost?"

04-26-06, 01:59 PM
"Yes. I am Shenjara Flashflame of the villiage Tarnak, my lord Aran. Un-fortunately I have lost my way."

Shenjara noticed the wolf. She shrieked in terror and conjured Torch.

"Look out for that wolf!"

04-27-06, 05:08 AM
"Easy there traveler. She won't hurt you. Her name is Maya." She looked down at the wolf who looked up at her, a skepticle expression playing on her face.



She looked at Shenjara. "Are you going anywhere in particular that I could assist you with? I know these woods well, my lady. Plus any half-elf is a friend of mine." A crooked smile played on her face, the only part of her face that you could see since the brim of her hat was pulled so low.

The wolf walked cautiously up to Shenjara and nudged her softly, a way of greeting. Maya didn't bare her teeth or anything that might be considered violent. She simply showed Shenjara that she wouldn't hurt her (Unless provoked of course).

04-28-06, 02:54 PM
Shenjara banished the fireball and said,"I want to practice my magery skills, but I've only been taught basic fire spells. If there is an academy around here, would you be kind enough to take me there so i could hone my fire skills and learn to master the other elements? I would be grateful" She patted the Maya on the head to show she was sorry for her reaction.

(By the way, to banish something is to dispell a conjured spell effect or summoned creature. I.e. making the fireball non-existant.)

05-11-06, 04:08 PM
The wolf then licked her hand. Shenjara then inquired," So, from where do you hail?"

In her question, she hoped to find if this person was truly a friend or just pulling her leg. She knew the wolf could have probably ripped her to shreds by now if he wasn't. (remember that Shenjara thinks "Faith" is a male.) She just wanted to make sure...

07-22-06, 01:57 PM
Due to inactivity this thread has been closed. If you wish for it to be opened again PM the moderator who closed it and ask them to reopen it. However, do so only if you are going to actively roleplay in it again.
